Potensi Mikroba Penitrifikasi Kawasan Pertambakan Udang Tanjung Pasir, Tangerang

JudulPotensi Mikroba Penitrifikasi Kawasan Pertambakan Udang Tanjung Pasir, Tangerang
AbstrakHigh concentration of ammonia in shrimps pond sediment due to the accumulation of feed excessive will become negative impact to the shrimp culture. Therefore, Increasing the indigenous microbial abilities in minimizing toxicity effect of ammonia through biotransformation of ammonia into nitrite and nitrate is very important for shrimp growth and health. Isolation and identification of nitrifying microbes has been done. The number of microbes isolated form shrimps pond are six namely 2p, 2k, 3p, 1p, 3k, and 2. The number of isolated microbes in aquaculturing pond (T-bd) is five and in post harvest pond (T-pp) is three. In T-bd samples, autotroph nitrifying microbes are 2(k), 2(p) and 3(p), but 1(p) and 3(k) as heterotroph nitrifying microbes. And in T-pp samples, autotroph nitrifying microbe is 3(p), except 2 and 3(k) as heterotroph nitrifying microbes. The rank of effectivness In nitrifying activity is 2k, 3p and 2p respectively
KatakunciBioremediasi, Kualitas Air, Nitrifikasi, Tambak Udang
MediamasaJurnal Teknologi Lingkungan, Vol. 2 No. 3, September 2001
PenulisWage Komarawidjaja dan Hanies Ambarsari