Dampak Lingkungan Penambangan Silikon Proses Pemurnian, Pabrikasi Sel/Modul, Pembangkitan ?.

JudulDampak Lingkungan Penambangan Silikon Proses Pemurnian, Pabrikasi Sel/Modul, Pembangkitan ?.
AbstrakThe most important part is manufacturing since PV modules are produced under very height energy consumption characteristic. Photovoltaic energy production is suppose to be an environmentally friendly energy system with no emissions and no waste production, clean and noiseless but ins important to ensure that manufacturing is not going to be more harmful for the environment than operation advantages. Then it is very important to know if the product is going to be economically and environmentally viable for the overall life cycle. For the manufacturing processes environmental impact, three different studies have been carried out: Energy Analysis, Energy Related Emissions Analysis and Material flow analysis.Operation. Advocates of renewable solar system argue that during operation the environmental impact of this technology is minimal in comparison with other form of renewable energies. Decommissioning. At the end of the lifetime of the modules, they must be dispose in a sensitive way. At the moment there are no many option for recycle the silicon wafer. Aluminum frames can be recycled separately in the same way as this material normally is, glass could be recycle if technologies would exist to separates the glass from the adherent EVA and other module components.
Katakuncienvironmental impact, Photovoltaic energy Decommissioning
MediamasaJurnal Teknologi Lingkungan, Vol. 7 No. 2, Mei 2006
PenulisAbubakar Lubis