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1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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1Aplikasi Sistem Feul Cell sebagai Energi Ramah Lingkungan di Sektor Transportasi dan PembangkitFuel cell is a device which is purposed to convert chemical energy into electric energy and produce water as side result. Fuel cell technology doesn?t produce emission and doesn?t make noises and also has a high efficiency until 45% in fuel conversion to electricity, and it can be higher until 60% ? 80% if it is co-generation. A fuel processing system converts hydrocarbon or other organic fuels to hydrogen of composition and purity suitable for fuel cell operation. The fuels include petroleum derived liquids, such as naphtha and gasoline, petroleum derived gases, such as methane and propane, and other fuel such as methanol and ethanol. The electrolyte in the center allows only the protons to pass through the membrane to the cathode side of the fuel cell. The electrons cannot pass through this membrane and flow through an external circuit in the form of electric current. As oxygen flows into the fuel cell cathode, another catalyst helps the oxygen, protons, and electrons combine to produce pure water and heat.Fuel cell, hydrogen, conversion, emission, generator Achmad Hasan
2Pengolahan Limbah Cair Industri Percetakan Uang Kertas (Utas) Menggunakan Proses Biologis AnaerobA research of wastewater treatment technology come from money producing industry was conducted in laboratory scale using 10 lt of Anaerobic Fixed Bed Reactor. The money producing wastewater was treated by mixing with domestic wastewater with various compositions. The wastewater was fed into the bioreactor by draw and fill daily.The results show that the optimum of COD removal is 52,5%, optimum loading is 0, 95 g-COD/l/day and optimum flowrate is 0,5 l/day. The optimum compossition of money producing wastewater towards domestic wastewater is 30%. These optimum conditions can be used as a designed criteria for full scale of anaerobic bioreactor in the money producing industry.Wastewater, Anaerobic, Fixed Bed Reactor Rudi Nugroho*, Ikbal *dan Nurtya Sulasmi**
3Respon Penambahan Effectife Microorganism-4 (Em-4) Terhadap Kualitas Nutrisi Fermentasi ?The objective of this research was to obtain the best dosage of using EM-4 in sugar cane waste. This research was done in two processes. First process was fermentation of sugar cane waste within 9 days in ?Nutrisi dan Makanan Ternak? Laboratory at Sriwijaya University. Second process was analyzed the nutritive value of sugar cane waste, in Laboratory of ruminant and chemical feed at Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Padjajaran University, Bandung. A Complete Randomized Design with four treatments and three replications was carried out. The experimental diets were : E0 (control), E1 (waste of sugar cane + 7,5ml EM-4), E2 (waste of sugar cane + 15ml EM-4), E3 (waste of sugar cane + 22,5ml EM-4). Each treatment was added with rice straw 20% of dried weight sugar cane waste. The parameters measured were dry matter, crude fiber, crude protein, NFE and crude fat. The results of this research showed that the treatment improved significantly to dry matter, crude fiber, crude protein, NFE and crude fat. The conclusi-on of the research was treatment by addition EM-4 15ml give the best result in all treatments.Effective Organism-4, nutrition quality, fermentation, sugar cane wasteA. Fariani dan Sindu Akhadiarto
4Modelling Of Temperature In Full-Scale Systems: A Review Of The Biological?Komposting terbuka, keseimbangan panas, panas biologis, model pengkomposanTeknologi
5Kebutuhan Energi untuk Memproses Kristal Silikon dan Waktu Pengembalian
This paper is to review existing knowledge on energy requirements for manufacturing photovoltaic (PV) module and system. Estimate energy (primary energy) requirements for manufacturing PV module for scenario: Low* and High
1. For multi crystalline silicon (mc-Si)
a. Low is 4200 MJ/ m2 (mc-Si) or 35 MJ/Wp = 3,395 kwh/Wp
b. High is 11600 MJ/ m2 (mc-Si) or 96 MJ/Wp = 9.312 kwh/Wp
2. For a single ?crystalline (sc-S)
a. Low is 6000 MJ/ m2 or 47 MJ/Wp = 4,559 kwh/Wp.
b. High is 13900 MJ/ m2 or 109 MJ/Wp = 10.573 kwh/Wp
Estimate energy production (final yield) for application SHS (50 Wp) multi ?crystalline (mc-S) is 65 kwh/Wp/year (1 Wp produce 1,3 kwh/year.
Estimate Energy Pay-back Time ,? take energy to save energy?. for Solar Home System Application for over 20 year system life (under 1900 kwh/ m2/year irradiation) are 3-4 years for low scenario and 8 years for high.
A single ?crystalline silicon (sc-S), multi crystalline silicon (mc-Si) manufacturing PV module,Abubakar Lubis
6Dampak Lingkungan Penambangan Silikon Proses Pemurnian, Pabrikasi Sel/Modul, Pembangkitan ?.The most important part is manufacturing since PV modules are produced under very height energy consumption characteristic. Photovoltaic energy production is suppose to be an environmentally friendly energy system with no emissions and no waste production, clean and noiseless but ins important to ensure that manufacturing is not going to be more harmful for the environment than operation advantages. Then it is very important to know if the product is going to be economically and environmentally viable for the overall life cycle. For the manufacturing processes environmental impact, three different studies have been carried out: Energy Analysis, Energy Related Emissions Analysis and Material flow analysis.Operation. Advocates of renewable solar system argue that during operation the environmental impact of this technology is minimal in comparison with other form of renewable energies. Decommissioning. At the end of the lifetime of the modules, they must be dispose in a sensitive way. At the moment there are no many option for recycle the silicon wafer. Aluminum frames can be recycled separately in the same way as this material normally is, glass could be recycle if technologies would exist to separates the glass from the adherent EVA and other module components.environmental impact, Photovoltaic energy DecommissioningAbubakar Lubis
7Energi Terbarukan dalam Pembanguna BerkelanjutanRenewable energy is non fossil energy which can be renewed and managed properly. Therefore, the renewable energy resources would be sustainable. Those that can be classified as renewable energy are geothermal, hydro, solar, wind, biomass, ocean, fuel cell, and nuclearrenewable energy, sustainableAbubakar Lubis
8Partisipasi Perempuan Dalam Pemanfaatan Energi Terbaharukan Di PedesaanThe renewable energy generally can support or trigger the economic growth in household utilization, and give rise to the opportunity for people (men or women) in rural areas to run small scale home industry. The introduction of renewable energy in rural areas will significantly transform the social, cultural and economic structure from traditional style to modern (western) one.
The structural transformation will force all people to be drawn in. Many benefits can be gained if women participate in the transformation. This paper describes the impacts which will take place during the structural transformation in rural areas, in general, and women participation in particular. This will greatly determine the accomplishment in the policy and implementation of technology adaptation in renewable energy field.
Renewable energy, electricity, women participation, rural areasAbubakar Lubis
9Perencanaan Pengembangan Kawasan Pesisir.Wilayah pantai/pesisir mempunyai karakter yang spesifik dibandingkan dengan kawasan yang lain.. Wilayah ini merupakan agregasi dari berbagai komponen ekologi dan fisik yang saling terkait dan saling berinteraksi. Pembangunan dengan memanfaatkan sumberdaya pantai tanpa memperhatikan prinsip-prinsip ekologis akan dapat merusak fungsi ekosistem pantai. Pengembangan wilayah pada kawasan pesisir sebagaimana pengembangan wilayah pada kawasan lainnya, mempunyai tujuan utama untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Kegiatan ini dilakukan melalui perencanaan pengembangan dalam suatu proses yang didalamnya terdapat berbagai pendekatan yang harus diperhatikan. Dewasa ini pembangunan pada kawasan pantai berkembang sangat pesat dan ditunjukkan dengan adanya multi kegiatan, misalnya usaha tambak, nelayan, pengusaha industri, hotel dan rekreasi wisata, dan usaha-usaha. Dengan semakin meningkat dan kompleksitas kegiatan didalamnya maka perlu dilakukan perencanaan pengembangan kawasan pantai/pesisir. Pengelolaan wilayah pantai secara terpadu (Intergrated Coastal Zone Management) merupakan kunci bagi pembangunan melalui pemecahan problem dan konflik di wilayah pantai yang sangat pelik dan kompleks.Pengeolaan Kawasan Pesisir TerpaduAchmad Djunaedi dan M. Natsir Basuki
10Dampak Penggunaan KlorinChlorine is a chemical substance, which has been used in many industries for a long time, especially in the pulp and paper industry and drinking water treatment. Chlorine has been used in making dye, medicine, plastic, solvent and dry clean. In the sector of energy and electricity, chlorine is used in the cooling water system. Due to the lack of condition of chlorine?s storage, it will lead to the leakage of chlorine gas, which will endanger environment and health. Waste from industrial activity containing chlorine has a potential to damage environment. Chlorine also can easily react with many compounds because of its character as a strong oxidator. If chlorine and organic compounds are bound to each other, they will cause carcinogenic effect. Based on the consideration of the danger of chlorine on environment and health, many countries in the world strive to reduce its use in industries. Many alternatives and technologies have been developed to alternate the function of the chlorineChlorine, Chemical, Environment, Solvent, Oxidator, Industry, Cooling, FoulingAchmad Hasan
11Mesin Pengering Produk Pertanian Bertenaga Panas BumiIndonesia as the biggest geothermal potential country in the world. There are 252 geothermal locations have been identifi ed that distributed along a volcanic belt extending from Sumatera, Java, Nusa Tenggara, Sulawesi, Maluku until Papua. Utilization of this energy be side for electrical power generation, it is used for non electrical (direct uses) as well. In the agriculture area with high rainfall, drying process can decrease quality of crop products. The tools doesn?t produce emission and doesn?t make noises and also as clean energy. By optimization the utilization of geothermal energy that available surrounding the agriculture area could increase the local people economic.Drying, conduction, covection, heat exchanger, direct use, cacao.Achmad Hasan
12Natrium Silikat Sebagai Bahan Penghambat Api Aman LingkunganThis research aims at investigating the effectiveness of fire retardant siliceous based materials which is made of natrium silicate (Na2SiO3.2H2O). Factors related to selection of mixed composition with respect to fire such as the easiness in processing or coating as well as the optimum weight of coating per m2 are investigated. Experimental method is used in this research with equipment used in this experiment include Fire Propagation Test Apparatus (based on JIS A 1321, 1994, # 605). Experiment is done on Borneo and Red Meranti Wood and comparison is done on the result of test undertaken on these types of wood which are treated with siliceous based fire retardant materials. Investigation also reveals that the more natrium silicate absorbed by the wood will increase the temperature rise (td ?) and smoke developed index. Experiment on mixture composition of 1 : 1 on both woods has proven it. The best mixture of siliceous based fire retardant against fire while ensuring ease workmanship is under the ratio 7 : 1 up to 10 : 1, with the layer optimum weight per m2 is approximately 0.7 kg. Using this type of fire retardant has proven the increase in the quality of Borneo wood and Red Meranti wood from quality class 4 (Semi fire retardant) to become quality class 2 (Semi non combustible).fire reterdant materials, natrium silicate, borneo wood, red meranti wood, temperature rise,Achmad Hidajat Effendi
13Peran Industri dan Produk Tekstil Pada Kelestarian Sumberdaya Lingkungan Perairan DAS Citarum.Telah diketahui bahwa sebagian besar industri yang beroperasi di DAS Citarum adalah industri tekstil, yang sebagian besar belum mengolah limbahnya dengan baik dan membuangnya ke DAS Citarum. Oleh karena itulah maka tidak mengherankan jika keberadaan industri- industri tekstil tersebut sering dinyatakan sebagai salah satu penyebab utama tercemarnya kualitas lingkungan perairan DAS Citarum. Untuk mengetahui dengan benar tentang peran industri tekstil di DAS Citarum maka paper ini disusun. Paper ini dengan lengkap mengemukakan peran positif industri tekstil pada sosial-perekonomian masyarakat di DAS Citarum; dan peran negatifnya pada lingkungan perairan DAS Citarum. Selanjutnya dengan jelas paper ini menguraikan tentang penyebab mengapa industri tekstil sampai saat ini masih tetap membuang limbahnya; dan sekaligus menawarkan jalan keluarnyaPerairan DAS Citarum, Industri Tekstil, Sumber PencemarAde Sudrajat
14pengaruh Ozonusasi Terhadap Dosis Koagulan Pada Perusahaan Air Minum di Redland, AustraliaThe experiments were conducted in the Evironmental Engineering laboratory, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australiaon sampels provided by Redland Shire Cauncil Waterworks.The resault showed that ozonation has positive effect towards alum dosages as a coagulant. Ozone dosages were 2.86 ppm, 6.25 ppm, and 11.22 ppm, while alum dosages were 5 ppm, 10 ppm, and 15 ppm. Ca(OH)2 was utilized as pH regulaator with the range of 4 ppm - 12 ppm. Effects of ozonation on coagulant dosages were measured by color level expressed in Pt- Co units. Maximum color removal was 87% and 89% determined spectrophotometrically with the wavelength of 360 nm and 400 nm respectively.Ozonisasi, Ozonator, koagulan , pH, derajat warna.Adi Mulyanto
15Penerapan Teknologi Penangkapan Karbon Dioksida Dari Udara Bebas Menggunakan ?Increasing of Green House Gases (GHG), especially carbon dioxide gas (CO2) as a result from human activities, has been urge several countries for doing an activity regarding the minimization of CO2 in the atmosphere. This activity includes capturing of CO2 from atmospheric air utilizing sodium hydroxide solution (NaOH) and it is called artificial tree. This experiment utilize technical grade NaOH with the purity of 98% produced in Indonesia. Capturing of CO2 is performed in a cyclonic spray reactor which is equipped with sprayers. This paper describes the performance of system to capture CO2 from atmospheric air in process laboratory, Institute for Environmental Technology (Balai Teknologi Lingkungan) BPPT. The concentration of CO2 in the laboratory was 445 ppm. To obtain the wide surface area, solution of NaOH is sprayed into the reactor, whereas, the air is blown into the reactor with a cyclonic flowing. In that way, reaction between NaOH solution and CO2 will be effective. By using a blower, atmospheric air enters the reactor. The blower has a capacity of 15 liter/second. The solution of NaOH to be pumped into the reactor has concentration of 1% and 2% respectively. In this experiment, the flow of atmospheric air into the reactor is constant. Whereas, solution of NaOH enter the reactor is vary.artificial tree, cyclonic spray, sodium hydroxide, carbon dioxide, atmospheric airAdi Mulyanto, Dwindrata B. Aviantara, Nida Sopiah, Budhi Priyanto, Hendra Tjahjono, Heru Subagio
16Keberadaan Ruang Terbuka Hijau dalam Pembangunan Kawasan IndustriSome functions that involves in Green Open Area ( the function of ecology, social, economic and architecture) and the estetic value of Green Open Area (object and environment) it is not only able to increase the ecological quality, but it is to be an indicator of the sustainability of ecological development. In getting Green Open Area with has function and esthetic, therefore minimal large, patern, structure and form and its distribution that must to be considered in build and develop the area. The ecological, condition, the wish of user, direction and the aim of development of area is to be a main part to fix the Green Open Area functional.Green Open AreaAdinda Arimbi Saraswati
17Konsep Pengelolaan Ekosistem Pesisir (Studi Kasus Kec. Ulujami, Kab. Pemalang, Jawa Tengah )As the coastal zone, Kabupaten Pemalang has an important strategic role for the fishery development at Java Island. Pemalang?s coastal zone is a bore of several rivers (estuary area) and this zone is a fertile maritime province so it?s potential to develop a dyke plantation. Meanwhile as Kabupaten Pemalang?s coastal zone have mangrove around, it?s require having conservation at this area and this situation may have a conflict of interest to developing a dyke plantation.
Many of concept to deploy coastal zone to integrate on behalf of ecology and economic has been developed and implemented at Kabupaten Pemalang, so this coastal zone is become a useful zone and this area was developed with a good environmental.The difficulties of how to manage this area was how to deploy with variety multifunction and this situation constantly have a conflict of interest especially how to developed a dyke plantation for economic against conservation.
This chapter is to dwell on concepts which has been developed and implemented at Kabupaten Pemalang which cover the Mangrove Conservation, Silvofishery and Tumpangsari Programme.
pengelolaan, ekosistem pesisirAdinda Arimbi Saraswati
18Pertimbangan Hidrolik Untuk Liners Landfill Dan Karakteristik Campuran Tanah-Bentonithidrolika, lempung, liner, landfill, campuran tanah-bentoniteTeknologi
19Kuantitas Air Danau Aneuk Laot Kota Sabang dan Kelayakannya untuk Air MinumEvent of a earthquake and tsunami which have knocked over most regions coastal area of Province of Nanggraoe Acheh of Darussalam (NAD), Sabang island and some of North Sumatra provinces (Sumut) on 26 December 2004 cause of damage. In the last year have happened lowering water level at Aneuk Laot significantly, may be have been caused by enlargement of crack effect of earthquake and intake of water by PDAM. Measurement result the volume lake is about 6.062.211 m3. Maximum deepness of lake 29 meter. While intake by PDAM equal to 55.9 liter/second, leakage emiting a stream of as river through equal to 80 liter/second, so that totalize water loss is about 489,2 m3/hour. Mount influent or existence of spring more decrease, because the source of cover by sedimentation. The level of influent or discharge of spring became low, because the source of spring closed by sedimentation. Total rainfall in this year also little, so that progressively exitences of Aneuk Laot. Without calculate water influent in the lake, approximatelly .the Aneuk Laot lake will hold out until 517 day again or less than 2 year again the lake will dry. Needed for mitigation and replantation plant as soon, dredge for sediment and prohibit PDAM directly to take a water direction from the lake to use drinking water, is possibility take a water from the source of water pass the fault.lake, volume water, faultAgung Riyadi
20Kajian Status Waduk Tirta Shinta dan Kelayakannya untuk Industri Ethanol di Kotabumi Lampung UtaraPT. Medco Ethanol Lampung has been constructed factory for cassava and mollase processing in order to product Rectified-Ethanol at Talang Jali Village, Kotabumi North Lampung. The estimation of capacity production is around 190.000 liter per day. Maximum necessity of fresh water for factory operasional is about 8.507 m3/hari. For the measurement depth and water volume Tirta Shinta Reservoir get the volume is about 3.155.434 m3 with the avarage depth for 1 ? 6 meter, while the discharge of water at outflow for agricultural is about 138.270 m3 per day at rainy season. If the water from Tirta Shinta reservoir use for main factory, and the total capacity reservoir only used 4.3 %, if nothing flow from river because dry season, and now Tirta Shinta reservoir can be supply only 17.7 month during dry season. Based on the environmental aspect, if better, a fresh water supply for ethanol factory from river has a big rate of flow. This present, beside for farming activity and tourism, the most of surface water reservoir covered by water plant that make problem for factory operational, specially for water pumpvolume water, factory, water balanceAgung Riyadi