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1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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21Potret Kondisi Perairan Di Pulau Karang Congkak
Kepulauan Seribu, Dki Jakarta
Pulau Panggang in Kepulauan Seribu district have many small corall island sand, many reef flat the island. Approximately have four island reefs and there are relatively wide, that are a P. Karang Semak Daun, P. Karang Beras, P. Karang Congkak and P. Karang Bongkok. Karang Congkak Island has reef flat and its area is more than 169,36 Ha, while land area is just only 0,6 Ha and 0,5 ? 2 meter depth. Water quality include temperature distribution about 29,8 ? 30,4 oC, dissolved oxygen 6,001 ? 7,110 mg/L, salinity 32,891 ? 33,214 PSU, turbidity 0,518 ? 1,944 FTU,chlorophyll 0,204 ? 0,563 ug/L and pH about 8,505 -8,592 and its quality relative normal. Current velocity about 0,102 ? 0,407 m/s at the reef flat, this conditions is relative height all along monsoon until corall reff many a massive type, at the some location have good corall conditon. Karang Congkak Island has potency for tourism maritime. Determining of sea protection at Karang Congkak island is very useful to preserve remainder corall reef existence.reef flat, waters quality, preserve areaAgung Riyadi
22Informasi Deteksi Sumberdaya Air Tanah Antara Sungai Progo-SerangThe demand for groundwater in developing countries is continuously increasing. It is used as industrial processes, drinking, agriculture, fishpond and irrigation. The reasons for this growth include agriculture, industrial processes, expanding cities, food production needed irrigation areas that urgently need groundwater supply. Actually now, in south Kulon Progo coast area, many people development agriculture with water supply from groundwater. From the measurement in the field concerning groundwater resources potential in the south Kulon Progo coast area, can be predicted that the fresh water resources be found as far as coast from Serang River until Progo River, with average wide 1.6 km and thick between 20 ? 43 meter and with depth average 25 meterair, sungai, agrikulturAgung Riyadi
23Karaktersistik Air Tanah di Kecamatan Tamansari, Kota TasikmalayaPumping test are carried out to determine how much groundwater taken from a well and what effects pumping will have on the aquifer. Theis recovery method aims to find out the aquifer characteristics such as transmisibility and permeability values. This method in principle observes the recovery of ground water surface until stable. This research location at Tamansari distric Tasikmalaya West Java. The value of transmisibilitas and permeabilitas in Tamansari district indicated the groundwater potency is not good for industry ot comercial water. Higher value at Sukahurip and lowest value at Bantarhuni with a permeability coeficient only 1.32 m2/day. Ground water flow (m3/day) between 410 ? 4868 m3/day at Mugarsari. Ground water resources is limited potency, especially at dry season, local goverment need to conserv with a build pond or fishpond for reserve water.Groundwater, pumping test and potencyAgung Riyadi dan Kusno Wibowo
24Identifikasi Potensi Air Tanah Di Kecamatan Mangkubumi Tasikmalaya Dengan Metode Uji PompaPumping tests are carried out to determine how much groundwater taken from a well and what effects pumping will have on the aquifer. Theis recovery method aims to find out the aquifer characteristics such as transmisibility and permeability values. This method in principle observes the recovery of ground water surface.This reasearch location at Mangkubumi distric Tasiklamaya West Java. The value of transmisibilitas and permeabilitas in Mangkubumi district indicated the groundwater potential is good. Ground water flow (m3/day) between 684,02 at Cipawitra until 4.617,19 at Cipari Tasikmalaya. Hidrolik Conductivity between 0.39 ? 2.63 (m2/day).groundwater, pumping test, permeabilityAgung Riyadi, Kusno Wibowo, Mardi Wibowo, Sabaruddin WTj
25Kajian Kualitas Perairan Laut Kota Semarang Dan Kelayakannya Untuk Budidaya LautMarine culture develoment at Semarang Central java coast is not increased. Based on water quality, a good water quality conditions at line 3, beside far for human activities, the dissolved oxygen and nturbidity level still suitable for marine culture activities. The dissolved oxygen value from 4.8 ? 5 mg/l. Comparing with the second station (line l and 2) dissolved oxygen (DO) is rather low and turbidity level is very hight, turbidity value until 4 FTU. The method using digital device Chlorotech type AAQ 1183, Alecs Electronics for describing the characteristicsof tropical coastal hydrography and water qualityQuality waters and fissh cultureAgung Riyadi, Lestario Widodo dan Kusno Wibowo
26Kualitas Lingkungan Perairan Dan Kondisi Oseanografi Di Kawasan Industri Sekupang Kota BatamAgung Riyadi dan Matih SantosTeknologi Pengolahan Air
27Aplikasi Metoda Res-2d Untuk Eksplorasi Air Bawah Tanah Di Daerah KarsPeople have long been interested in kars, the typically topograhy in limestone area. There are many spectacular ornament in the caves caused by carbonates presipitates. Among the most common shapes which is be chief attraction for cave visitors is stalactites, stalagmites and columns. Beside of the excitements, kars also have hard problem for people who lived in that area. It is how to find out water for their living. Karst formation, both the surface (dolina, hill, etc) and underground forms (caverns, groundwater conduits, underground streams), appears as conductive zones relative to adjacent undisturbed limestone. Therefore resistivity methode will produce good results if applied to identify dolina, conduits , caverns and structure of geology in kars. The methode describes in this paper is Res-2D with configuration of pole-dipole with area for research are kars in Pacitan and Tulungagung region. Four principal layers can typically be differentiated in a vertical section : near surface (clayey) loam and soil in dolina, dry karstified limestone, conduit & cave and solid unkarstified limestone. They have contrast of resistivity. Conduits have resistivity value range from 10 to 20 ohmm, whereas resistivty of cave is > 1000 ohmm. Karstified limestone have resistivity value from 20 to 250 ohmm, whereas massive limestone have resistivity > 250 ohmm. This paper shows that Res-2D methode can give good contribution in exploration of groundwater in kars area.Kars, Res-2D, ConduitsAgus Kuswanto
28Penerapan Metoda Resistivity Dan Persamaan Archie Untuk Kajian Potensi Akuifer Di Pulau NatunaNatuna Island will be developed as main center of LNG mining and refinery activities which will be located in South Cina Sea. As consequences, many industries will grow fast in this island, and water consumption will increase drastically. Therefore, it is important to identify aquifer potentiality. There is many metode of identificaton. This paper show the application of resistivity combine with Archie?s equation to identify vertical depth and horizontal profile of aquifer. From resistivity we got value of every rock formation whereas use Archie?s equation we interpreted resistivity value of good aquifer.Metode Resistivity, Persamaan Archie, Akuifer, NatunaAgus Kuswanto dan Teddy W Sudinda
29Kajian Pendahuluan Kelayakan Penerapan Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah Domestik Secara Komunal?A preliminary assessment of an application of sewerage system with Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) and Down flow Hanging Sponge (DHS) technology was conducted in North Bogor. The Problem which often emerge in management of domestic wastewater is the limited land area and fund to built and operate a wastewater treatment facility. To overcome such problem, it is needed to develop a cheap wastewater treatment technology with high efficiency, easy to operate and also should be compact. The combination technology of UASB and DHS is proposed as an economic wastewater treatment which easy to handling. Therefore, to make sure that the technology is feasible or not to be built in North Bogor, there is need the preliminary assessment. The assessment was conducted through a survey of technical and social economic aspect. The results show that sewerage system using UASB and DHS technology is feasibl
wastewater, upflow anaerobik sludge blanket, downflow hanging sponge, preliminary assessmentAgus Rifai dan Rudi Nugroho
30Penerapan Teknologi Fotobioreaktor Mikroalga Jenis Air-Lift Untuk Menyerap Emisi Gas Co2This study investigated the ability of microalgae to reduce the emission of CO2 from the atmosphere. Airlift photobioreactor used in this investigation in order to cultivate Chaetoceros gracilis in batch and close system. The experiments were conducted by two different initial cell numbers, 10,000 and 40,000 cells / mL respectively..Carbon dioxide with concentration of 12% and flow rate 0.5 mL/minute were injected into the reactor and monitored its reduction. It can be found that the trend of growth rate shown similar results with Wu and Merchuk(1), but its value was smaller than that obtained by Sutomo(2). As increasing of initial cell number from 10.000 and 40.000 cells / mL, carbon dioxide reduction increased slightly. Generally, both experiments shown that at the first day injection, the concentration of CO2 in the gas holder reduced significantly by 4% (from 12% to 8%), indicating that high gas holdup was occurred in the riser. This concentration decrease gradually by 50% after 5 days and 75% after 8-9 days due to utilization of CO2 in photosynthesis.microalgae, airlift photobioreactor, Chaetoceros gracilis, carbon dioxide,
Agus Setiawan, Rahmania A. Darmawan, Arif D. Santoso, Abdil H. Stani, dan Kardono
31Struktur Komunitas Makrozoobenthos Dan Kondisi Fisiko Kimiawi Sedimen Di Perairan Donan, CilacapStudi tentang struktur komunitas makrozoobenthos dan hubungannya dengan karakteristik fisik kimia sedimen sebagai dampak kegiatan industri dan domestik lainnya telah di lakukan di perairan Donan, Cilacap, Jawa Tengah. Struktur komunitas makrozoobenthos di perairan Donan telah mengalami perubahan dengan ditunjukkan oleh keragaman dan kelimpahan spesies yang rendah. Sementara itu parameter lingkungan, seperti C-organik menunjukkan konsentrasi yang tinggi dan beberapa logam berat di sedimen juga terdeteksi. Konsentrasi logam berat bervariasi, yaitu Hg, Pb, Cd, Cr dan Ni dengan rata-rata konsentrasi berturut-turut sebagai berikut : 0,03 ppm; 7,4 ppm; 1,2 ppm; 14 ppm; 5,4 ppm; dan 3,2 ppm. Secara umum rendahnya kelimpahan makrozoobenthos ditemukan pada stasiun dengan kandungan logam berat yang tinggi, khususnya pada daerah sekitar kegiatan industri. Konsentrasi logam berat pada saat pengamatan terlihat lebih tinggi dari pengamatan sebelumnya. Hal ini menunjukkan telah terjadi pemasukan logam berat ke perairan Donan dimana aktivitas industri di sekitar perairan kemungkinan merupakan sumber utama pencemaran ini.Makrozoobenthos, Pencemaran, Logam Berat, Bahan Organik, Sedimen, Perairan Donan, CilacapAgus Sudaryanto
32Pencemaran Laut Oleh Senyawa OrganotinOrganotin compounds have attracted to focusing study due to their bioaccumulative potential and deleterious effects to the aquatic organisms. These compounds are ubiquitous contaminants in the environment and have been used commercially for many years and in a variety of diverse applications as polyvinyl chloride (PVC) stabilizers, industrial catalysts, wood preservatives and biocides. Direct exposure to organotin into aquatic environments generally through the usage of TBT in antifouling paints applied for boat, marine infrastructures and aquaculture net. Due to its persistency and biological effects at various organisms, many developed countries have banned and restricted the TBT usage for boating and aquaculture purposes. In this paper the aquatic ecotoxicology of organotin based on a multidisciplinary approach is reviewed.Organotin, Tributyltin, Pencemaran, Biogeokimia, Daya Racun, PeraturanAgus Sudaryanto
33Level Kontaminasi Senyawa Organotin Di Produk Seafood Dari Indonesia.Contamination level of TBT and DBT in seafood products such as fish and mussels collected from several locations in Indonesia were compared with Indonesian Tolerable Average Residue Levels (TARL). TARL were calculated based on the Tolerable Daily Intake (TDI) of TBT and the seafood consumption of the average consumer in Indonesia. TARL for TBT in seafood from Indonesia is 360 ng/g per day for a person with an average body weight of 60 kg. Level concentration of TBT and TBT+DBT in fish and mussels from Indonesia still below the TARL for Indonesia. However these concentration levels have been increased to those from 1995 and indicating field ecotoxicological impact of TBT has been observed as occurring gastropod imposex in Eastern Indonesia. Therefore continuing research and significant study planning with cover more areas and variety of species of seafood products are needed.Organotin, TBT, DBT, Tolerable Daily Intake, Tolerable Average Residue Level, Ikan, KerangAgus Sudaryanto
34kontaminasi Organoklorin Persisten Dalam Kerang Hijau (Perna Viridis) Di Perairan IndonesiaSenyawa organoklorin (OCs), seperti PCB (polychlorinated biphenyls) dan pestisida organoklorin (DDT= dichloro diphenyl trichloroethane, CHL= chlordane, HCH= hexachlorocyclohexanes, HCB= hexachlorobenzene) ditentukan dalam kerang hijau (Perna viridis) dari berbagai perairan pantai Indonesia untuk mengetahui distribusi dan status kontaminasinya serta kemungkinan sumber pencemarannya. OCs terdeteksi di kerang hijau dari semua lokasi pengambilan sampel, menunjukkan penyebaran penggunaan dan kontaminasinya sepanjang pantai Indonesia. Secara umum, pola akumulasi OCs di kerang menurut urut-urutan sebagai berikut DDT>PCB>CHL>HCH>HCB. Perbandingan secara global, level kontaminasi OCs di perairan pantai Indonesia relatif rendah seperti halnya dikebanyakan negara Asia berkembang lainnya, dimana relatif tidak memperlihatan perhatian yang serius dibanding dengan level yang sama di negara maju. Perkiraan intake harian PCB dan DDT pada orang di Indonesia juga masih jauh lebih rendah dari intake harian yang masih diperbolehkan (ADI). Akan tetapi, perhatian perlu ditujukan pada daerah yang padat kegiatan industri dan populasi penduduknya, seperti Jakarta dan Surabaya pada kemungkinan peningkatan masukan PCB dari aktivitas manusia di kemudian hari. Selanjutnya, kontaminasi pestisida organoklorin, seperti DDT dan HCH ditemukan di lingkungan dan telah mengkontaminasi perairan pantai Indonesia. Karena itu kesinambungan monitoring sangat diperlukan untuk mengetahui kecenderungan peningkatan kandungannya, bersama-sama dengan program untuk mengeliminasi persisten organik polutan ke lingkungan. Kontaminasi, Organoklorin, Persisten, Kerang HijauAgus Sudaryanto, Muswerry Muchtar, Shinsuke Tanabe, Hamidah Razak
35Persistent Toxic Substances in the Environment of IndonesiaAlthough Indonesia has been using vast amounts of chemicals for
accelerating its economic development as well as for combating various
vector borne diseases, the state of knowledge on toxic pollutants
in the country is not much understood, due to lack of information,
limited ?nancial resources etc. Regional and nationwide monitoring
studies indicate that the levels of most studied compounds, including
classical organochlorines and butyltins in the environment of
Indonesia are generally low when compared to global contamination
levels and guideline standards. However, there is also a concern on
wildlife and human health due to elevated levels of DDTs (the major
contaminants) and tributyltin, particularly in the locations which are
close to human activities such as ports and harbors, urban centers and
areas of intensive agriculture. There is limited information on
temporal trends for most contaminants, however, it was found that
DDTs and PCBs exhibited declining levels in Indonesian environment
with time. New environmental challenges are also emerging in
Indonesia, such as contamination of coastal and terrestrial ecosystems
by brominated ?ame retardants (BFRs). Recent investigations
on BFRs revealed that PDBEs and HBCDs are widespread in the
environment and concentrations may increase in future. Overall,
this chapter provides an overview of the levels, occurrences and
distributions of PCBs, organochlorine pesticides, BFRs and organotins,
and their possible impacts on the environment of Indonesia.
Persistent Organic Pollutans, POPsAgus Sudaryanto, Shin Takahashi and Shinsuke Tanabe
36Prospek Penggunaan Teknologi Bersih Untuk Pembangkit Listrik Dengan Bahan Bakar Batubara Di IndonesiHubungan yang erat antara penggunaan teknologi dan kerusakan lingkungan telah menyadarkan masyarakat untuk melakukan modifikasi dan inovasi dari teknologi yang ada saat ini. Penggunaan bahan bakar fosil, seperti batubara untuk pembangkit listrik akan dapat meningkatkan emisi partikel, SO2, NOx, dan CO2. Adanya peraturan pemerintah tentang standar emisi untuk pembangkit listrik di Indonesia, mendorong upaya untuk selalu mengurangi emisi tersebut. Batubara diperkirakan paling dominan digunakan sebagai bahan bakar untuk pembangkit listrik di masa datang. Penggunaan batubara dalam jumlah yang besar akan meningkatkan emisi gas buang di udara. Salah satu cara untuk mengurangi emisi adalah dengan menggunakan teknologi bersih. Ada dua cara dalam menerapkan teknologi tersebut, yaitu pertama diterapkan pada tahapan setelah pembakaran dan kedua diterapkan sebelum pembakaran batubara. Pada tahap pertama dapat digunakan teknologi denitrifikasi, desulfurisasi dan penggunaan electrostatic precipitator. Pada tahap kedua menggunakan teknologi fluidized bed combustion, gasifikasi batubara, dan magneto hydrodynamic.pembangkit listrik, batubara, teknologi bersihAgus Sugiyono
37Pembentukan Gas H2 Dan Co Ramah Lingkungan Melalui Gasifikasi Batubara Untuk Mereduksi Bijih Besi.Ketergantungan pabrik baja terhadap gas alam untuk menghasilkan gas pereduksi bijih besi sangat besar, sehingga dihadapkan pada masalah yang besar oleh karena harga gas alam yang cenderung naik. Oleh karena itu, sumber gas pereduksi selain dari gas alam, teknologi yang mendukung, ekonomis serta ramah terhadap lingkungan, sangat diperlukan, sehingga daya saing di pasaran bisa ditingkatkan dan ketergantungan terhadap gas alam bisa diminimalisasi. Teknologi gasifikasi adalah teknologi yang sangat ramah lingkungan, membentuk polusi yang sangat minim walaupun untuk mengolah bahan-bahan yang sangat ?kotor? misalnya batubara dengan kandungan sulfur tinggi. Gasifikasi juga mampu mengurangi sejumlah besar volume padatan, dengan membentuk produk samping yang ramah lingkungan, sebagai contoh adalah pembentukan slag dari bahan-bahan anorganik yang terdapat dalam umpan. Dengan cadangan batubara Indonesia yang sangat melimpah, sekitar 36,5 milyar ton, serta dengan dukungan teknologi gasifikasi yang ramah terhadap lingkungan, bisa dihasilkan gas-gas pereduksi untuk menggantikan peranan gas alam.Gasifikasi Batubara, Bijih Besi, Direct Reduced IonAhsonul Anam
38Retrofit Alat Penyulingan Akar Wangi Tradisional Menggunakan Boiler Berbahan Bakar Limbah Ramah LingTraditional distillation of akar wangi (Vetiveria zizanioides) using kerosene as a fuel has been used in small industries. The solid waste is burned in open air will emit strong odor which harmful to the environment. In fact, the waste has a caloric value of 3.800 kkal/kg, and by the proper handling, the waste can substitute part of the distillation process energy potentially and can reduce the environment impact caused by incomplete combustion or by the ingredient it self i.e. sulphur oxide and nitrogen oxide. To treat those waste, it is necessary to separate between distillation vessel with the steam generation systemDistillation, akar wangi, solid waste, pollution, proper handlingAhsonul Anam dan Heru Kuncoro
39Observasi Awan Dengan Radar Mobil Di Lokasi Ground Based Generator Gunung Gede Pangrangoglobal warming, weather modification, cloud seeding,cloud life cycleTeknologi
40Karakteristik Hujan Di Sorowako, Sulawesi Selatan: Pengamatan Dengan Radar CuacaRadar, Storm, TitanTeknologi