Rekapitulasi Jumlah Koleksi dalam Database
No Kategori Jumlah
1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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Menampilkan 81-100 dari 814 item.
81Karakteristik Lingkungan Perairan Kepulauan SeribuAn identification of the environment characteristics of the Seribu Islands was conducted by using the physical and chemical data obtained from various sources. The characteristics of the water quality at the Seribu Island was identified as a moderate level in the middle part and better in the northern part. While in the southern part was poor due to the effect of the degraded water quality at Jakarta Bay as indicated by low transparency and high heavy metal concentration of the Cd and Pb.Karakteristik lingkungan perairan, Kepulauan SeribuSuhendar I Sachoemar
82Pengaruh Alat"Asap Filter" Terhadap Kadar Kepekatan Asap Kendaraan Bermesin Diesel.An investigation of influence of smoke reduction in diesel engenis was carried out. Asmoke filter "ASAP" has been installed between carboretors and injection pump of the tested vehicles, namely: Isuzu Panther, Minibus Toyota, and Truck Mitsubisih Fe 199. The testing procedures follow the santdard of STALDAD 2.03-90 issued by the enginess were accelerated from low to maximum speed by changing the gear from neutral to highest gear transmission. The result of the shows that there was reducation in percentage of smoke in the vechiles, I.e. decrease of 35.73 % for neutral tranmission, and reducation of smoke for the Diesel engines on neutral trnsmiission is more significant than in gear tranmission.Alat Sistem Anti Polusi, Kepekatan kadar Asap, Kendaraan bermesin Diesel.Ramly Usman
83Perbandingan Sistem Digester Anaerob Termofilik Satu dan Dua FaseAnaerobic digestion of organic waste has some advantages, namely the recovery of biogas as alternative energy source and the conversion of waste products to soil fertilizer. Compared to mesophilic digestion, thermophilic digestion offers advantages regarding the process performance and the hygienic aspect. Unfortunately, the process has generally not enjoyed a good reputation because of its poor record with respect to process stability. Two-stage anaerobic reactor system consisting of a hydrolysis reactor and a methane reactor is often used to overcome such instability problems. In this study, the two-stage anaerobic reactor system is compared to the one-stage anaerobic reactor system. This study shows that the two-stage anaerobic reactor system has more process stability, can be operated at much more higher organic loading rate, and need much shorter recovery time after a process failure.digester, anaerob, termophilic, one and two-stageMuhammad Abdul Kholiq
84Pengaruh Beban Organik Terhadap Efisiensi Anaerobic Fixed Bed ReactorAnaerobic fixed bed reactor is a fermentation anaerobic reactor used microorganism attached growth system, where degradation of organic material done by microorganism that growth in support material as fixed film. This system mostly used for organic wastewater treatment now. The assessment is carried out for the Slaughterhouse wastewater treatment where the support material for microorganism growth is a fabricated media. Plant is a demonstration scale by digester volume of 600 m3. Wastewater is feeding to the digester by up flow system. The wastewater pumped from the bottom of the digester, flow through the support material, contact with the microorganism fixed on the media. Degradation of the organic waste process is take place along wastewater contact with the fixed film. Observation is on the performance of the reactor by the influence of organic loading to the pollution degradation of slaughterhouse wastewater called reactor efficiency. Fixed Bed Reactor performance still reached until 3 days hydraulic retention on organic loading rate about 3.05 kg COD/m3 hr, and efficiency 75 %.Kinerja Upflow anaerobic fixed bed digester limbah Rumah Potong HewanDjoko Padmono
85Pengaruh Garam Nacl Terhadap Kinerja Proses Biologis AnaerobikAnaerobic treatment of synthetic wastewater with a high NaCl content was investigated for its effect on the process. The synthetic wastewater, including NaCl up to 40 g/l, was treated anaerobically by draw-and-fill method at a treatment temperature of 37? and volumetric loading of rate TOC of 1 g/l/d. TOC removal efficiency and rate of gas evolution rate gradually decreased as salt content increased, although stable operation was maintained. TOC removal efficiency remained high at concentration of NaCl up to 20 g/l, although it fell to 82 % at 30 g NaCl/l. The gas yield at 10, 20 and 30 g NaCl/l were 1.35; 1.10 and 1.00 l/g-TOC loaded, which corresponded to 96; 83 and 78% of that without NaCl, respectively. The content of methane in the evolved gas was 50 to 55% throughout the experiment. Stable operation could not be maintained at 40 g NaCl/l since the TOC removal efficiency gradually decreased with the rapid increased in levels of volatile fatty acidsfermentasi metana, garam NaCl, konduktifitas, asam-asam organik, biogasIkbal
86Aplikasi Proses Biologi Anaerobik Pada Pengolahan Air Limbah Organik Berkonsentrasi Garam TinggiAnaerobic treatment of wastewater with high organic and salt content but low pH (TOC, 14 g/l; salt, 150 g/l; pH,2.7) generated during an ?ume boshi? manufacturing process was investigated. Five-fold-diluted ?ume boshi? effluent was treated by a draw-and-fill method at a volumetric TOC (total organic carbon) loading rate of 3.0 g/l/d with a TOC removal efficiency of 75%. Five-fold-diluted ?ome boshi? effluent was also treated in an anaerobic fluidized-bed reactor (AFBR) at a maximum volumetric TOC loading rate of 3.0 g/l/d, which gave almost the same results as the draw-and-fill method. However, ten-fold-diluted ?ome boshi? effluent could be treated in the AFBR at a maximum volumetric TOC loading rate of 11 g/l/d with a TOC removal efficiency of 85%. The methane content in the evolved gas was high, being 70%. The red pigment in the ?ome boshi? effluent was completely decolorized by the anaerobic treatmentAnaerobic fluidized-bed reactor, ?Ume boshi?Co2+ and Ni2+ ions, decolorizationIkbal
87Penerapan Metode Passive Sampler Untuk Analisa No2 Udara Ambien Di Beberapa Lokasi di JakartaAnalisa polutan udara ambien seperti NO2, SO2, O3 dan lain-lain dengan menggunakan Metode Passive Sampler telah banyak digunakan di negara-negara maju seperti Jepang, Thailand, China, USA. Sedangkan di Indonesia, metode ini masih belum dikenal luas. Metode ini memiliki banyak kelebihan dibanding dengan metode lain, antara lain mudah dibawa dan mempunyai tingkat mobilitas yang tinggi, dapat digunakan untuk menganalisa udara pada kondisi cuaca yang berbeda dll. Dalam paper ini, penulis bekerja sama dengan Universitas Tokushima, Jepang telah mencoba menerapkan metode Passive Sampler yang dikembangkan oleh Yanagisawa (1) untuk menganalisa konsentrasi NO2 dalam udara ambien di beberapa lokasi di Jakarta dan sekitarnya dari bulan Januari 1997 sampai Agustus 1997 Hasil analisa menunjukkan bahwa kandungan NO2 udara ambien di wilayah Jakarta dan sekitarnya belum melebihi nilai ambang batas yang ditentukan.Passive Sampler, Analisa NO2 Udara AmbienJoko Prayitno Susanto dan Teguh Prayudi
88Perhitungan Besarnya Koefisien Aliran Menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografis (Kasus DAS Progo Hulu)Analisis data keruangan secara cepat untuk kepentingan pembangunan wilayah salah satunya dapat ditepuh dengan memanfaatkan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG). SIG sebagai alat mempunyai keunggulan dalam memadukan data keruangan baik yang berupa data grafis raster, grafis vektor maupun atribut untuk memperoleh suatu sistem informasi baru yang berbasis geografis.SIG, GIS, Koefisien Aliran, Sistem Informasi Geografis,Drs. Robertus Haryoto Indriatmoko
89Pemanfaatan Passive Sampler Untuk Monitoring Kualitas No2 Dalam Udara AmbienAnalysis methods by using passive sampler for the content of pollutant materials in the ambient air, such as the content of NO2, SO2, O3, etc, has been widely used and applied in several countries. The advantage of this method is easier to carry and more moveable, and taking samples among various locations with different weather, compares to others. In Indonesia this method is not much known yet.The writers through a collaboration of research with The University of Tokushima-Japan, is trying to apply one of passive sampler method in order to measure the concentration of NO2 in the air on several locations in Jakarta, Surabaya and Bandung. Hence, The result of analyze in Indonesian was comparing with the result in the others country by used the same methods.The conclusion of this research is the quality of the air on Indonesian city worse than the Asia city, so in the future Indonesian government can give more attention to handle the air pollutant.Passive sampler, Analisa NO2, Udara ambienJoko Prayitno Susanto
90Analisis Model Sebaran Bahan Pencemar Dl Perairan Selat Nguan, BatamAnalysis of the pollutant transport model was conducted to understand the magtitude, their pattern and spreading speed of the pollutant at Nguan narrow channel of Batam. The RMA2 (Resource Management Associates) analysis was employed to solve those phenomena. The target analysis of the pollutant is suspended particulate matter (sediment), a rnost dominant pollutant matter within this area. The result shows that the spreading pollutant was strongly associated with the monsoonal system, current speed, tidal system and the pollutant source. The southward direction of sediment transport was inluenced by the northwest monsoon and the tidal flood. While the northward direction was affected by the southeast monsoon and the ebb tide. The current speed was identified as main factor causing the flushing out magnitude of the water mass at the channel, in which the flushing out in the northwest monsoon was faster than that in the southeast monsoon. As consequence, the water resident time was to be short, the pollutant was easily to be cleaned out and as the result, the water quality within the channel was to be excellent.Spreading pollution model, Nguan BatamSuhendar I Sachoemar dan Andri Purwandani
91Unjuk Kerja Pengolahan Limbah Cair Tahu Secara Biologianarobic, Fixed Bed.Teknologi Pengolahan Air
92Penelitian Kualitas Air Danau Aneuk Laot di Pulau Weh Propinsi NangroeAneuk Laot Lake is situated inWeh island in the north of Nangroe Aceh Darussalam Province. It is an important source of water supply for the local people in Weh island. At the moment there is a problem faced by the local government concerning with this lake since the water level become decreasing significantly. Various anticipation emerge among others the existence of earthquake in big scale capable to enlarge breaking residing in lake base and also pumping of lake water by PDAM town of Sabang. A researching, therefore, to be conducted to know cause of decrease of lake water of Aneuk Laot. This research was carried out in August and September 2005danau, Pulau Weh ,penyediaan air , kualitasHerman Edyanto
93Pengolahan Raw Data Parameter Perairan Laut Menjadi Usable Data Dalam Upaya Diseminasi Data KelautanAntara tahun 1996 sampai dengan 2000, sistem Seawatch Indonesia telah berhasil mengukur berbagai parameter kelautan baik fisik oceanografi maupun kimia biologis khususnya dibeberapa perairan terpilih di Indonesia. Data-data ini terkumpul melalui perangkat pengukuran yang near real time dengan buoy dan sensor sebagai ujung tombak kolektor data. Keseluruhan data yang terkumpul harus diolah agar dapat dimanfaatkan untuk berbagai kepentingan baik sektor kelutan, lingkungan hidup maupun iptek kelautan itu sendiri. Tulisan ini memaparkan aspek latar belakang sistem Seawatch sekaligus langkah-langkah pengolahan data menjadi data yang siap didiseminasi dengan menggunakan MATLAB dan ORIGIN.Taw data, pengolahan, diseminasi dataWahyu Purwanta
94Modifikasi Putaran Fan Untuk Meningakatan Efesiensi Pemakaian EnergiApplication of Environment technology through Cleaner Production execution can be done by a simple method and sometimes don't require big investment expense. Improvement of efficiency energy consumption at fan/blower usage is not only give financial profit but also give benefit to environment.
At applying Cleaner Production improvement of efficiency fan at cement plant done by rotation modification fan. This effort succeed to improve the usage of efficiency energy at fan equal to 6.652 kW or reduce 30 % from 22,097 Watt become 15,445 Watt, if it is calculated the energy efficiency then the electrics efficiency was 39.912 kWh/Year or equivalent with reduction of emission of 28.9 ton CO2/year and financially also got the cost-saving energy ( electrics price assumption of 1 kWh = Rp 512,-)of amount Rp 20.4 Million, while the investment expense spent was equal to Rp 250.000,-
environmental energy efficiencyPrasetiyadi
95Spasial Satistik untuk Estimasi dan Permalan Produksi Pertanian Studi KasusApplied Study on Agricultural Production estimate and Forecast by using Area Frame Sampling in Indramayu and Subang Districts is based on the successfulness of ?Area Frame Design? development for the whole Java Island. A brief explanation of design is presented to refresh its basic idea. The methodology of the study is discussed and the mathematical formulation to estimate rice refers to direct expansion approach is presented. The main aim of the study is to prove that area frame sampling is reliable to implement for rice production estimate and forecast. For that purpose, sample segments were extracted and inside the segment crop cutting was conducted. Three times ground survey were conducted to map rice growing stage and crop cutting. The analysis of ground data for both yield and harvest area was done then production estimate was derived. Furthermore, harvest area forcast for next three months after survey-1 was also conducted. Regarding to the man power capability and the results in both districts, it is considered that area frame sampling is feasible to implement in district level.Estimasi, Peramalan, Produksi Padi, Kerangka Sampel ArealMubekti
96Eliminasi Logam Berat Kadmium Dalam Air Limbah Menggunakan Tanaman AirAquatic plants (Eichornia crassipes, Pistia stratiotes and Salvinia cucullata) were grown in a nutrient solution in the presence of Cd ion (0,2 mg/L). Analysis were performed to established whether there was a removal of Cd in solution and there was accumulation of Cd in the roots and shoots of the plants. Analysis of Cd concentrations in water was performed everyday and at the end of the experiment the shoot and root of the plants was harvested. The results showed that Cd concentrations in all solutions declined until tenth day. Eichornia crassipes could remove Cd in solution completely by six days. While Pistia stratiotes and Salvinia cucullata of Cd removal rate were 93,5 % and 77,4 %, respectively. Root to shoot concentration ratio of Cd was 36 for Eichornia crassipes and 10 for Pistia stratiotes.Eichornia crassipes, Pistia stratiotes, Salvinia cucullata, logam berat, kadmium.Tuti Suryati dan Budhi Priyanto
97Hybrid Solar Lighting Sebagai Alternatif Teknologi Penerangan Alami Bangunan Untuk Efisiensi ?Artifi cial (electric) and direct lighting technologies available today have the potential to greatly reduce the growth rate of electricity consumed through lighting worldwide. While electric lighting has been ineffi cient throughout much of its history, direct (natural) lighting is nearly free and often plentifully supplied by the sun. However, electric lighting systems are necessary when solar lighting is not adequate and these technologies are being greatly improved. One relatively new method of lighting a building?s interior combines both artifi cial and direct lighting to maximize effi ciency is accomplished through the use of a paraboloidal, mirrored dish which actively tracks the sun to concentrate sunlight into an array of fi ber lighting, fiber opticsSuryo Anggoro
98Penyaring Air Paling EfisienArtikel ini menguraikan tentang proses pengolahan air tanah, khususnya untuk menghilangkan zat besi dan mangan dalam air dengan cara kombinasi proses aerasi dengan udara dan penyaringan dengan media pasir dan karbon aktif. Penyaring ini sangat efisien , materialnya murah, prosesnya mudah dan menghasilkan air bersih dengan kualitas yang baik.Air Tanah, Zat Besi, Aerasi, Karbon Aktif, PasirIr. Nusa Idaman Said, M.Sc. dan Ir. Satmoko Yudo, M.Sc.
99Pendekatan Ekonomi Dlm Pengembangan Suatu Metodologi Utk Perkebunan Energi Pd Lahan KritisAs a result of population pressure, deforestation in Java has increased considerably that causes an increase on critical land. The situation is worsened by increasing of kerosene and diesel prices that causes to an increase on fuelwood utilization that would lead to increase of illegal cutting. The increase of critical land could lead to increase of soil erosion, landslide, and flood as a result of a reduction in water absorption and soil retention. The Department of Forestry has initiated a reforestation program to ameliorate the situation. However, as the limited budget, the economics of the program needs to be examined further.
Based on benefit-cost ratios, economic contributions of the fuelwood component indicated that the reforestation program or energy plantation was economically unfeasible. However, by including benefits of soil erosion control the program was economically attractive on some sites. A methodology was developed to prioritize which critical land to reforest. This was applied by identifying market price of fuelwood at minimum yield that would justify an energy plantation investment. The method indicated that subject to budget availability, critical lands should be reforested in descending order of productive potential until the site of minimum yields is reached.
benefit-cost ratio, biomasa, perkebunan energi, lahan kritisEndang Suarna
100Pemantauan Kualitas Air Tanah Kawasan Pantai Glagah, Kabupaten Kulon Progo, Di. JogjakartaAs one of the state with the longest and widest coastal region in the wo, Indonesia can exploit various existing coastal resources. The agriculture term of coast outside of tide and ebb region was not many recognized, however at the last some years the coast agriculture cultivation have rapid developed not only the tide and ebb farming, but sea grass cultivation and horticulture crop and also another vegetable crop.Therefore the thing that need to get attention is possibility the presence of ground water contamination and sea water intrusion as effect of usage the manure and poisonous pesticide and ground water intake which exceeding the support power.From the result of environmental monitoring, it apparent the ground water quality in the Glagah?s coastal area was still good enough because under quality standard for drinking water, but the thing which need to get attention was the high collie bacterium content due to the usage of immature cage manure.pencemaran, air tanah, pantaiSudaryono