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1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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121Pemasyarakatan Unit Pengolahan Air Siap Minum Skala Industri KecilBerdasarkan data ststistik 1995, prosentasi banyaknya rumah tangga dan sumber air minum yang digunakan di berbagai daerah di Indonesia sangat bervariasi tergantung dari kondisi geografisnya. Secara nasional yakni sebagai berikut : Yang menggunakan air leding 16,08 %, air tanah dengan memakai pompa 11,61 %, air sumur (perigi) 49,92 %, mata air (air sumber) 13,92 %, air sungai 4,91 %, air hujan 2,62 % dan lainnya 0,80 %. Permasalahan yang timbul yakni sering dijumpai bahwa kulaitas air tanah maupun air sungai yang digunakan masyarakat kurang memenuhi syarat sebagai air minum yang sehat bahkan di beberapa tempat bahkan tidak layak untuk diminum. Air yang layak diminum, mempunyai standar persyaratan tertentu yakni persyaratan fisis, kimiawi dan bakteriologis, dan syarat tersebut merupakan satu kesatuan. Jadi jika ada satu saja parameter yang tidak memenuhi syarat maka air tesebut tidak layak untuk diminum. Untuk daerah kawasan pemukiman yang telah dibangun di daerah yang kualitas air tanahnya buruk, serta belum mendapatkan pelayanan air bersih dari PAM setempat maka masyarakat terpaksa memenuhi kebutuhan air minum mereka dengan cara membeli air minum kemasan dengan harga yang mahal. Untuk menanggulangi masalah tersebut, salah satu alternatif yakni dengan cara mengolah air tanah atau air sumur sehingga didapatkan air siap minum dengan kualitas yang memenuhi syarat kesehatan. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut di atas, yakni dengan cara mengembangkan dan memasyarakatkan paket teknologi untuk mengolah air sumur atau air PAM menjadi air yang dapat langsung diminum tanpa dimasak
terlebih dahulu. Unit alat tersebut terdiri dari antara lain : pompa air baku, filter bertekanan, filter mangan zeolit, filter karbon aktif, cartridge filter, sterilisator ultra violet dan ozon generator. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah memasyarakatkan teknologi pengolahan air siap minum yakni air yang dapat langsung diminum tanpa dimasak untuk skala industri kecil (kapasitas 10.000 - 20.000 liter per hari air siap minum) yang hasilnya dapat dijual kepada masyarakat dengan harga yang jauh lebih murah dibandingkan dengan apabila membeli air minum kemasan. Sasaran kegiatan ini adalah membagun satu percontohan unit pengolahan air siap minum di dalam suatu kawasan pemukimnan yang rawan air bersih yang dapat dikelola oleh koperasi atau unit usaha setempat dan hasilnya dapat dijual kepada masyarakat setempat dengan harga yang lebih murah. Diharapkan hasil penjualan dari air tersebut dapat memberikan peluang usaha dan dapat digulirkan ke tempat lain
Arsinum, Air Siap Minum, AkuaIr. Nusa Idaman Said, M.Eng. dan Ir. Wahyu Widayat
122Pengendalian Pencemaran Lingkungan dengan Penerapan Teknologi Proses Terbaik"Best Avaiable T?...Best Avaiable techniques (BAT) is developed especiall in the European Community, responding enviromental issue by desinging the process that the polluted chemicals released during the plant operation are still under the environmental tolerances. Besides environmentally friendly, the tecknology is also efficient and consumes less energy.Proses, Amoniak, pencemaran, Lingkungan.Djoko Wiwoho
123Pengaruh Inokulasi Bakteri Penambat Nitrogen Terhadap Pertumbuhan?biak Rhizobium, Azotobacter, Azospirillum, kedelai.Teknologi
124Kecenderungan Reklamasi Wilayah Pantai Dengan Pendekatan Model DinamikBig cities, especially those with have coastal area, in their development process will face the problem of limiting area, either for human setlemen or other purposes. One effort to solve the problem is by doing a coastal reclamation which still has problems until now due to the negative impacts resulted. A dynamic model had been developed to exemine the causality of a reclamation phenomenon. Which a simple dynamic model it is known already that investor interest in coastal reclamation is defined by result potential in future, which is reflected by a beneficial land conversion price and relatively small delay period.reklamasi, pantai, model dinamikLestario Widodo
125Isolasi, Identifikasi, Dan Skrining Jamur Endofit Penghasil Agen Biokontrol Dari Tanaman?biocontrol agent; endophytic fungi; percentage inhibition of growthTeknologi
126Kekuatan Bioremediasi Jamur Dan Biokonversi Limbah Pertanian Menggunakan Teknologi Budidaya JamurBioconversion technology of agricultural waste or biowaste has been known by industries as one of the technology that could provide or increase quality og fod through industrial food processing. However, some of people in Indonesia have not been realized that uneconomic values and unnutritious of agro materials could be converted into high value of food and feed, and also usefull material for soil conditioner which is improved soil health. In addition, spent mushroom substrate as a waste of mushroom production can be used for a stater material to remediate contaminated soil as one of the strong capability material for bioremediation technology for polluted environment. Therefore, this review would like to create some hopes for pheasant to covert some agricultural waste materials into useful materials toward poverty alleviation and sustainable community development as mentioned by millennium development goals. Through this application of bioconversion and bioremediation technology of agricultural waste which is ubicuitous in tropical countries like Indonesia, we do much more for environmental care and social welfarebioconversion technology, agricultural waste, healthy food, soil conditionerSabaruddin Wagiman Tjokrokusumo
127Biodegradasi Limbah Oli Bekas Oleh Lycinibacillus Sphaericus Tcp C 2.1biodegradation, used engine oil, Lycinibacillus sphaericus TCP C 2.1.Teknologi Pengolahan Air
128Studi Efek Penggunaan Biodisel Terhadap Emisi ada Sektor Transportasi di JakartaBiodiesel has been proven by world wide numerous studies as an environmental friendly alternative diesel fuel. Biodiesel is essentially sulfur free. Engines fueled by biodiesel emit significantly fewer particulates, hydrocarbons and less carbon monoxide than that operating conventional diesel fuel. The maximum utilization of biodiesel in Indonesia could improve the air quality level in major cities especially in Jakarta. The objective of this study is to assess the effect of biodiesel utilization in transportation sector to the air pollution level in Jakarta. The targeted emission in the study are carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), hydrocarbons (HC), sulfur oxides (SOx) and particulate matter (PM) from vehicle sources. The scenarios used in this study are the utilization of B10 in 2010 and increased to B20 in 2015, B30 in 2020 and B50 in 2025 as an automotive diesel fuel substitution in Jakarta. The result showed that the utilization of biodiesel could improve the air quality level in Jakarta, especially on SO2 and PM emission. By using B10 in 2010, the emission of SO2 and PM will decrease 7,95% (2.070 ton) and 15,62% (1.680 ton) respectively compared to utilizing of pure fossil automotive diesel oil. The highest emission improvement was shown on B50 in 2025 scenario. The reduction of SO2 and PM was reached 35,69% (16.660 ton) and 23,21% (4.360 ton) respectively.biodiesel, emission, air qualitySoni S. Wirawan1, Armansyah H. Tambunan2, Martin Djamin3, Hiroshi Nabetani4, Arief Sabdo Yuwono5
129Penghilangan Bau Secara Biologi Dengan Biofilter SintetikBiofilter as one of method processing of waste have been introduced since early 20, but in its application have time to be left by effect of newer technological appearance like trickling filter, rotating biological contactor, activated sludge, and fluidized bed reactor. Biofilter very effective in deodorizing, especially dangerous aromas of organic volatile compound, and poisonous air from industry with efficiency 90 - 99,9%. Biofiltrasion become more economic compared to carbon adsorption or oxidation when its organic content under 3000 ppm. Most biofilter operate on organic concentration around 1000 ppm or lower. There are some matter to influence market of biofilter, for example : 1). the increasing of regulation about oxide nitrogen emission coming from hot process. Biofilter do not yield nitrogen oxide addition, 2). The increasing of sigh of society about contamination of aroma of facility processing of waste, processing of solid waste and others, 3). preventive methodologies implementation of pollution using condensation and air emission concentration, 4). Pressure to industry to use processes with discard as small as possible, 5). The increasing of attention to emission of hit and organic air materials, and also low cost water treatment technologyBau, Odour, Biofilter, Biofilm, Limbah tahu dan tempe, wastewater treatmentArie Herlambang
130Perbaikan Kualitas Air Baku Perusahaan Air Minum (Pam) Dengan BiofiltrasiBiofiltration, Raw Water Quality, Drinking WaterTeknologi Pengolahan Air
131Aplikasi Reaktor High Rate Performance Pada Pengolahan Limbah Cair Industri Kecil Tahubiogas, reaktor high-rate-performance, reaktor fixed bed, industri tahuTeknologi Pengolahan Air
132Peningkatan Produktivitas Lahan Melalui Pemanfaatan Biomas Tanaman Flemengia Congesta Untuk?biomass, fence crop, cornTeknologi
133Formulasi Konsorsium Mikroba Asal Pertambangan Minyak Siak Riau Yang Efektif?bioremediasi minyak, biodegradasi, konsorsium mikrobaTeknologi
134Uji Coba Kinerja Bakteri Karbonoklastik Pada Tanah Tercemar Minyak Bumi Dengan Teknik Landfarmingbioremediasi, minyak bumi, rekalsitran, bakteri hidrokarbonoklastik, biosurfaktanTeknologi
135Isolasi Dan Identifikasi Bakteri Pendegradasi Hidrokarbon Yang Berasal Dari TanahBioremediasi,, minyak bumi, bakteri hidrokarbonoklastik, biosurfaktanTeknologi
136Effects Of Substrate Types On Biosolvent Ratio Directly Produced By Clostridium?biosolven; bio-aseton; bio-butanol; bio-etanol; efek substrat; rasio ABETeknologi;
137Perhitungan Efesiensi Boiler Pada Industri Tepung TeriguBoiler is an enclosed vessel that consume significant amount of fuel for heating water to become heated water or steam. The hot water or steam under pressure is then usable for transferring the heat to a process. Water is a useful and inexpensive medium for transferring heat to process. One of the methods for fuel consumption efficiency in boiler operation is maintain the steam production efficiency always in high performance, therefore can utilize the energy input as much as possible to produce steam. Boiler efficiency calculation can be calculated using direct method and indirect method. Each method has its advantage and disadvantage. The results of calculation can be used as guidance for industry to improve the boiler performance to become more efficient, that can reduce fuel consumption and production cost. The result of boiler efficiency calculation in flour industry is 69.6%. This result show that the boiler performance is under good efficiency standard for boiler 85%.Boiler, efficiency, direct methods, indirect methods.Widiatmini Sih Winanti dan Teguh Prayudi
138Kajian Potensi Penggunaan Kompos Dari Residu Gas Bio Untuk Perencanaan SosialisasiBPPT has conducted Integrated Research on Biogas from night soil. This research has done thought pilot plant in Pondok Pesantren Tebu Ireng Jombang East Java. The product of the biogas pilot plant are compost and methane gas. The using of these products has been researched to the community. The community survey using descriptive methods, has a result that 79.5 % of the respondens said they intend to use composts for their plantation. There fore the application of biogas technology in waste water treatment should be socialized.Perencanaan sosialisasi, adopsi, pupuk alternatif, gas bioSri Pratiwi dan Ansorudin Sidik
139Kajian Konservasi Buah Merah Melalui Kultur Jaringan Tanaman; Ekstrasi,Fransinasi BuahBuah merah (Pandanus conoideus Lam.) Pandanaceae has several local name in Kelila, Wamena ? Papua based on its size, fruit colo, leaf color and taste. It has wide distribution and can be found low land to high land. Buah merah contains valuable nutrients and bioactive compounds in abundant/high concentration, such as: ?-caroten, tocopherol, fatty acids (oleic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid and decanoic acid). Its cultivation had been done ocal people but not extensively. The easiest way of buah merah propagation was by separating buah merah seedling and stem cutting or by planting its.The aim of the study were to compile the data that support plant identification of buah merah from Kelila, Wamena-Papua, to study is potency for antioxidant and antidiabetic properties and determine the best media in tissue culture for producing buah merah planlet. The result showed that shoot bud from stem explant cultured in media combination of MS + IBA (2 mg/l) + BA(5 mg/l) produce 10 plantlets, while callus came from leaf tip explant cultured in media combination of MS + BA (5mg/l) +TDZ (0.02 mg/l) The antioxidant test showed that ethyl acetate fraction had good antioxidant activity LC 50 (0.253) while petroleum ether fraction showed good antidiabetic properties with 0.5 % (0.560), 0.25 % (0.593) and control is 0.633( Conservation by plant tissue culture, phytochemistry and biological test )Sumarnie-H.Priyono
140Pembentukan Tunas Lilium Sp. Secara Ex Vitro Dan In VitroBuds, planlets and bulblets formation from excised bulbscales was the preferred method for vegetative propagation of Lilium sp (Liliaceae). The ex vitro techniques with Gibberellic acid (GA3) pretreatment was induced buds formation on scales cutting which planted on sterilized sand media. Buds rised from basal scales 7 days after planted. However scales untreated GA3 obtained in 35-42 after planted. In vitro methods to promote buds initiated from bulbscales explants, was induced on media MS (Murashige and Skoog) supplemented with GA3 1 mg/l. Media for induced buds formation, MS contained Benzyl adenine (BA) 1 mg/l and 2 mg/l increased multiple shoots formation signifi cantly compared cultured on media without BA. Roots growth improved on media contained NAA, but the highest planlets achieved on cultured MS media without BA. Bulblets formation obtained on media contained higher concentration of BA (5 mg/l).bulbscale, bulblet, Lilium sp., ex vitro, in vitro, propagation.Djadja Siti Hazar Hoesen