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1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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141Emisi Gas Buang Kendaraan Bermotor Berbahan Bakar Gas Cair (Lgv) Dan Pertamax?LGV, exhaust gas emission, cold start, hot start.Teknologi
142Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca (Grk) Sektor Sampah Dan Limbah Cair Perkotaan Di IndonesiaLandfills are very important issue on the solid waste management (SWM), because recently, there is no landfill site in Indonesia that is managed properly. The landfill site which is unmanaged will become a source of the GHGs emission, mainly the methane emission. According to this study, Indonesia?s landfill site receives nearly 49 million tons of waste/year. Based on the Indonesian population, using FOD IPCC Tier-2 method, CH4 generated from MSW sector (landfill only) in 2000 is 574.65 Gg CH4 and increase up to 584 Gg in 2005, and 586 Gg in 2008. The increase number of this CH4 emission is caused by the increase of population number that will increase the waste production and also increase the volume waste that is collected in the disposal area. The quantity of the domestic wastewater will increase corresponding to the increase of population. The GHGs emission potential from domestic wastewater sector in Indonesia can be estimated from the amount of population and BOD weight per capita per day. For calculating the amount of CH4 generation from domestic wastewater, the population increasing number used as assumption is 1.3% per year and a BOD weight number is 40 g/cap/day with the methane generation potential is 0.6 kg CH4 per kg of BOD wastewater For the domestic wastewater, using the year 2000 data, the calculated methane emission is 470.12 Gg/ year. With business as usual (BAU) and the population rate of 1.3% per year, the methane emission in 2004 is 499.27 Gg and increase to 520.52 Gg in 2007.Municipal Solid Waste, Domestic Wastewater, GHGs emissionWahyu Purwanta, dan Joko Prayitno Susanto
143Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca Pada Industri Semen, Baja, Pulp, Kertas Dan Tekstil Di IndonesiaGreenhouse Gas (GHG) emission is contributing to global warming. One of the significant greenhouse gas emissions is industry sector, especially from energy intensive industries. This sector produce greenhouse gas emission from fuel consumption, electricity consumption, energy consumption as raw material and emission come from the production processes. This study has the objective to calculate the CO2 emission balance in industry sector and the potency to reduce emission.CO2 emission, Pulp and paper, cement, Iron and steel, TextileWidiatmini Sih Winanti, Prasetiyadi, Wiharja, Teguh Prayudi, Indriyati, dan Joko Prayitno Susanto
144Emisi Karbon Lahan Basah, Pertanian, Dan Kehutanan Di IndonesiaBased on the field sampling and laboratory analysis, there were some varied results of the CH4 emission from the wetland (peatland, fresh water swamp, mangrove area) and paddy field. In the peatland area, the flooded plants of Stenochlaena palustris showed higher CH4 emission than no flooded plants. In the fresh water swamp, the highest CH4 emission was 12,184 mg/m2/hour for Cyperus elatus, then 10,957 mg/m2/hour for paddy (Oryza sativa), and 7,976 mg/m2/hour for Panicum maximum. In the mangrove areas, the plant of Avicenia marina located in the fish pond showed higher CH4 emission (0,356 mg/m2/hour) than Rhizophora mucronata (0,008 mg/m2/hour) located in the drain channel. The paddy field identified highly varied CH4 emission of 1,16 ? 11 mg/ m2/hour, of which the highest emission in the flooded area of 11 cm ? 14 cm that was possibly the optimum emission for paddy field. In the forested area, the carbon stock assessment located in the former logging estate found 113,5 ? 132,6 ton/ha (average of 120 ton/ha). Based on the reference that carbon stock of primary forest is 250 ton/ ha, so there was a carbon loss of app. 130 ton/ha (CO2 emission 764 ton/ha) when the primary forest converted to secondary forest after logging.emisi karbon, kandungan karbon, lahan basah, hutan, padiSeno Adi, Fadliah Salim, Tuti Suryati, Titin Handayani, Hartini, Nana Sudiana, Mubekti, ?
145Energi Terbarukan dalam Pembanguna BerkelanjutanRenewable energy is non fossil energy which can be renewed and managed properly. Therefore, the renewable energy resources would be sustainable. Those that can be classified as renewable energy are geothermal, hydro, solar, wind, biomass, ocean, fuel cell, and nuclearrenewable energy, sustainableAbubakar Lubis
146Enhanced Landfill Mining:Konsep Baru Pengelolaan Landfill Berkelanjutanlandfill mining,
147Estimasi Jejak Karbon Industri Minyak Kelapa SawitMinyak sawit, emisi karbon, penambatan karbon, jejak karbonTeknologi
148Ethnobotany Study Of Seaweed Diversity And Its Utilization In Warambadi ?This paper reports the ethnobotany study of seaweed diversity in Warambadi ? Panguhalodo areas of East Sumba District, the island of Sumba. The study recorded 19 genera of 54 species of seaweed, which were utilized as food or edible seaweed. The group consisted of 17 species of green algae, 17 species of red algae, and 20 species of brown algae. The study also reported that 18 genera of 38 species were traditionally utilized for medicinal purposes as herbal medicine. The herbal species consisted of 7 species of green algae, 13 species of red algae, and 18 species of brown algae. Seaweed is traditionally consumed as food in various forms: raw as salad and vegetable, as pickle with sauce of allspice or with vinegar, as relish or sweetened jellies and also cooked for vegetable soup. As herbal medicine seaweed is usually used for traditional cosmetics, as antipyretic and antiseptic, as vermifuges, and treatments for cough and asthma, hemorrhoid, nosebleed and boils, goiter and scrofula, stomach ailments and urinary diseases. Indigenous knowledge on seaweed still exist and are continually employed by people living in particular areas such as the Sumba and Sabu ethnic groups. Yet, the knowledge is gradually decreasing due to localities, socio-economic change and cultural development.ethnobotany, seaweed diversity, edible, herbal medicine, indigenous
knowledge ?
Jana Tjahjana Anggadiredja
149Etnobotani "Hoinu"Abelmoschus Esculentus (L) Moench Pemanfaatan,Prospek dan Pengembangan,di SulawesiAbelmoschus esculentus (L,) Moench. (Malvaceae) is non-indeginous species in Indonesia but people in Wawonii Island, Southeast Sulawesi, was long enough traditionally domesticated and used it. The utilization of this plant teds increase but effort on intensively cultivated was still limited. Because of its potency a study of Abelmoschus esculentus especially in relation with daily necessity of people in Wawonii is needed. The utilization and other information are very interesting to study in order to conserve the germ plasm..Ethonobotany.Abelmoushcus esculentus (L.) Moench, South SulawesiMulyati Ragayu dan Diah Sulistiarani
150Etnobotani Masyarakat Dayak Ngaju Di Daerah Timpah Kalimantan TengahThe Ngaju, a Dayak tribe of Central Kalimantan, depend extensively on surrounding natural resources for their food, medicines, cosmetics, construction materials, and other uses. A field study was conducted amongst the Ngaju using direct observation and interviewing key persons including community leaders, traditional healers and local families. Based on the data collected in the field, we recorded 107 plant species belonging to 51 families and 86 genera, used as food (56 species), medicine (46 species), cosmetics (4 species), building material (9 species), and other uses (9 species). Several species with potential economic value will be discussed in this paper, and local customs relating to traditions agriculture knowledge will be elaborated. The potency of the plants in connecting to the culture of the Dayak Ngaju will be also be discussed in this paper. Three of the species studied considered endangered species: Alyxia reinwardtii (Widjaja 1992), Eurycoma longifolia (Rifai 1992) and Cinnamomum sintoc (Widjaja 1992).Etnobotani, Suku Dayak Ngaju, Kabupaten KapuasFrancisca Murti Setyowati, Soedarsono Riswan dan Siti Susiarti
151Evaluasi Hasil Pembangunan Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah Domestik tipe Komunikasi di Jakarta PusatTo overcome the problem of the high pollution caused by domestic wastewater in the region of Center Jakarta, the Local Government, DKI Jakarta, has acted as a pioneer in the program of water and wastewater sanitation for villages with applying 37 units of wastewater treatment installation. The location of them are spread out in several Kelurahan, in Kotamadya Center Jakarta. These installations were built in 2000, but not all of those might not be operated properly.
Furthermore some of them are not seriously managed and the conditions are so bad that can not be operated well. Because of that, it is time to evaluate them totally. The evaluation is not only for the technical problem, but also for the feasibility factor in a certain social community. All of these have to be done in order to get the alternatives for solving this problem, especially in developing and constructing the communally domestical wastewater treatment.
domestic wastewater treatment, evaluation of developing and system technologySatmoko Yudo dan R. Haryoto Indriatmoko
152Evaluasi Kandungan Klorida (Cl-) & Daya Hantar Listrik (Dhl) Air Tanah Pada Sistem AkuiferEvaluation of chloride (Cl-) content and electric conductivity (EC) of ground water in aquifer system is one method to identify salt water movement in aquifer system, which occurred as a result of changes in hydraulic equilibrium which cause by temporary variation of natural recharges and pumping of ground water at many layered aquifers.Salt water movement in Jakarta aquifer system is evaluated based on mapping of chloride content at 500 mg/L and EC at 1500 m mhos/cm in many bored well during period of 1990 ? 2000. In the beginning chloride content and EC is in value only and with the addition of attribute data, namely coordinate, it could be used as input data. By using software namely SURF, the above input data is simulate to have a contour map of chloride and EC. Overlapping of the contour map to Jakarta base map will result in thematic map of chloride and EC distribution which represent salt water movement at Jakarta aquifer system.Aquifers, Aquifer system, Chloride (Cl-) , Electric Conductivity (EC), Map, Hydraulic EquilibriumRobertus Haryoto Indriatmoko dan E. Myra. J
153Evaluasi Karakterisasi Dan Kesesuaian Lahan Untuk Komoditas Unggulan?Satuan lahan, kesesuaian lahan, GIS, Remote SensingTeknologi
154Evaluasi Kebijakan Efisiensi Energi Untuk Mengurangi Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca Nasionalpolicy evaluation, energy efficiency, office buildings, greenhouse gas emissions.Teknologi
155Evaluasi Kemampuan Alami Wilayah Dalam Konservasi Air Dan Pengendalian BanjirUrban green space plays several roles in balancing the urban ecosystem and maintaining the environment sustainability. Firstly, the urban green space plays a valuable role in prevention of flooding. Trees restrain the movement of sediment and run off. Secondly, the urban green space plays an important role in water conservation, since the tree?s roots absorb some excess water from the soil, making the soil drier, and are able to store more rainwaters. Therefore, the analysis of natural capability of a region in water conservation and flood prevention should become the basis to produce sustainable spatial planning. A study of the importance of green space in maintaining environmental balance in Batam, Malang and Muaro Jambi were conducted by P4W-IPB and P3TL-BPPT by applying the Kato model with some slightly modifications, to map and evaluate the natural capability of those areas on water conservation and flood prevention. The model is based on validated land evaluation models and ecological value, and mapping the differences between the land covered by green space and that by abandoned areas. Evaluation of the ecological functions of urban green space, in combination with other parameters, has been done under GIS and Remote Sensing. The spatial analysis of the ecological function within three areas showed different figures, in which the that 38.12 % of Muaro Jambi, 35.22 % of Malang and 13.36 % of Batam, were functioning properly for water conservation, while 57.71 % of Muaro Jambi, 37.01 % of Malang and 23.75 % of Batam were functioning properly for flooding preventionAnalisis spasial, pertimbangan ekologis, Sistem Informasi GeografisAlinda Medrial Zain, Mukaryanti, Diar Shiddig
156Evaluasi Kerusakan Lingkungan Kawasan Penambangan Batu Pasir Tufaan di Kecamatan PrambananSleman regency is located at southern part of Merapi Volcano. This regency has big potential in mining sector, espicially sand, pebble-boulder stone, tuffaceous sandstone (white stone), clay material (for roof), andesit (for building material, etc. Along with increase of population and residence area, the necessity building material is increasing too. In one other side, mining activity has positive impact (like as develop economic matter of community and income local government); in other hand has negative impact (like as environment quality degradation). Base on state environment degradation model, generally environmental condition atundulating area in Prambanan district is classified medium damage (7 location) and classified damage (3 location). In order to mining activity isn?t degrade quality environment, we must more pay attention in soil management and land reclamation.environment degradation, tuffaceous sandstoneMardi Wibowo
157Evaluasi Keseimbangan Air Di Provinsi Jawa TengahWater supply for the domestics use of Central Java Province has been experiencing problems and challenging. With population of 35 million or 16% of Indonesia, it place the province as the third in national population. It have consequently, water need in the province is as such for use of domestics, irrigation/agriculture, industry, etc. Several counties within the province has experiencing water shortage. Particularly during dry season, defisits is inclining that results water use conflicts. Furthermore, conflicts occur not only in counties with water shortage but also in county with sufficient water supply. Conflict is generally triggered by weak management and allocation. This is a result of unlimited territorial sovereighnity of water resources and uncertainty of water rights. Unlimited territorial sovereighnity of water resource contain exclusive right to utilize tap water within the territorial right, in way that the territory hold the sole right to exploit the resource without compensation to neighbouring territory. Hence, water balance should be investigated better and comprehensively.keseimbangan air, konflik, sumber daya air, Jawa TengahSutopo Purwo Nugroho
158Evaluasi Kesesuaian Lahan Tanaman Kayu Putih Kabupaten Buru, Provinsi Malukucapability, suitability, land, cajuput oilTeknologi
159Evaluasi Kinerja Incineraktor skala Kecil Studi Kasus Incineraktor DKI JakartaSmall incinerator is one of means of municipal solid waste treatment which is used by local government of DKI Jakarta. To know the performance of the small incinerator, researchers conducted study on four incinerators in Ciracas, Srengseng, Sunter and Untung Java Island. Results of study shows that performances of the mentioned incinerators were quite low, i.e. particulate was greater than threshold limit, low burning capacity, producing waste water and poison gas was greater than treshold limit, the equipment wasn?t taken care according to standard, and the supporting facilities were not fulfilled the requirement.ambang batas, efisiensi pembakaran, emisi cerobong, limbah cair
ambang batas dan efisensi
Rizqon Fajar, Hendro Wicaksono, Firman LS
160Evaluasi Kondisi Lingkungan Perairan Estuaria Teluk Klabat, Bangka Pada Musim TimurThe environmental situation of the estuarial ecosystem Teluk Klabat that is located at the northwestern coastal area of Bangka was evaluated on the basis of the physical, chemical and biological data derived from direct in-situ field survey during the southeast monsoon (dry season). The objective of this study is to understand the environmental characteristics and water quality status of the Teluk Klabat to support fisheries development within this area. The result shows that the sedimentation process at theTeluk Klabat has been ocurred excessively and it caused decreasing of the bathymetry reached only 1 m that is found almost in a whole of the coast line area at the inner side of the Teluk Klabat and it extended up to more than 2.5 km from that coast line. More over, the terrestrial environment seem to have strong effect on the degradation of the water quality at the Teluk Klabat that is shown by high concentration of the nutrient (nitrate, phosphate, silicate) and heavy metal such as Pb and Cd. While chlorophyll-a concentration was also high. It indicates that the Teluk Klabat tend to be eutrophycation.The environmental status, estuarial ecosystem,Teluk KlabatSuhendar I Sachoemar dan Agus Kristijono