Rekapitulasi Jumlah Koleksi dalam Database
No Kategori Jumlah
1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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Menampilkan 141-160 dari 814 item.
141Pengaruh Externalitas Pada Net Energy Ratio Produksi Biodiesel Mikroalgarasio energi, analisa siklus hidup, komoditas lingkungan, mikroalga, biodieselTeknologi
142Pengaruh Externalitas Pada Stuktur Biaya Produksi Biodiesel Mikroalga?mikroalga, biodiesel, komoditas lingkungan, biaya produksi, LCATeknologi
143Vegetasi Dan Distribusi Pohon Di Hutan Dataran Rendah, Desa Munse, Pulau Wawonii, Sulawesi TenggaraKeanekaragaman hayati, Pulau Wawonii, Index Morishita, Faktor LingkunganTeknologi
144Biomassa Dan Karbon Di Hutan Dataran Rendah Desa Wungkolo, Pulau Wawonii?persamaan allometrik, biomassa, stok Karbon, Wungkolo-Pulau WawoniiTeknologi
145Kajian Struktur Tegakan Vegetasi Dan Komposisi Jenis Tumbuhan Pada Habitat Jenis Burung?Vegeasi, komosisi, habitat, burung, burung Alor. NTTTeknologi
146Struktur Dan Komposisi Tumbuhan Pada Hutan Rasamala (Altingia Excelsa Noronha) Di Bodogol?Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango. Anak pohon, Hutan rasamala Strukture pohonTeknologi
147Pengurangan Chrom (Cr) Dalam Limbah Cair Industri Kulit Pada Proses Tannery Menggunakan ?One of the industries that use hazardous and toxic (B3) on the production process is leather tannery industry, with a compound chromium (Cr). Chromium in the compound, including heavy metals that have a known toxicity of high power. Alkali compound is Ca(OH)2, NaOH,and NaHCO3 the chemicals that can be used for processing liquid waste leather tannery industry that contains chromium, which works to raise the pH and precipitate chromium solution so produced chrome hidroksida in the form of chromium (Cr(OH)3). Results of research it was found that the pH optimum for alkali compound at each pH condition 8, the separation efficiency of 99.28% chromium compound using alkali Ca (OH) 2 and NaOH, while the use of 98.50% NaHCO3. Alkali compound which most effective review of technical aspects to a decrease in the concentration of chromium in leather tannery wastewater is NaOH, because with a small dose is able to separate the chromium in the wastewater with a high efficiency (99.28%), while the most economical and is recommended for applications is in the Ca(OH)2.Ca(OH)2, Cr2O3, separation efficiency, hidroksida chromium (Cr(OH)3), NaHCO3 ?Asmadi*, Endro.S**, dan W. Oktiawan**
148Perkembangan Iptek Dalam Pengelolaan Lingkungan.Eko-teknologi merupakan strategi baru yang inovatif dalam menunjang pembangunan yang berkelanjutan. Hal ini merupakan prespektif pendekatan yang menjelaskan interdependensi sistem teknologi pengelolaan lingkungan dengan sistem biogeofisik. Pendekatan ini difokuskan pada peran teknologi lingkungan dalam meminimisasikan limbah dan memaksimalkan daur ulang bahan dan enerji. Sejauh mungkin sistem produksi mendekati sistem pencegahan kehilangan bahan yang bermanfaat maupun energi. Bersifat sistemaik, berorientasi ke masa depan, serta efisiensi sik1us melalui pemanfaatan sumber daya alam, energi dan limbah yang dibuang menjadi basis model pengintegrasian sistem biogeofisik kedalam sistem eko-teknologi atau sebaliknya Tuntutan akan kepedulian kerjasama warga masyarakat dan pengambil keputusan menegaskan bahwa eko- eknologi bukan sekedar suatu pendekatannn berpikir atau suatu alat analisis, namun harus ditumbuhkan sebagai etika bagi masyarakat industri, masyarakat luas dan pelaku dalam pengambilan keputusan untuk kelangsungan kehidupan masa depan. Perubahan pradigma dimana lingkungan alam sebagai penyedia sumber bahan baku serta tempat pembuangan yang tidak terbatas menjadi keterpaduan antara sistem teknologi dan sistem ekologi dalam keberlajutan masa depan.Eko-Teknologi, Antropogenik, Biogeofisik, Minimisasi, GlobalisasiAzis Djajadiningrat
149Pengaruh Usaha Pengolahan Sagu Skala Kecil Terhadap Baku Mutu Air Anak SungaiThe objective of this research is to study the influence of small-scale sago processing industry to standard quality of Ciheuleut river water in Cibuluh Sub-district, District of Bogor Utara, and City of Bogor. The method used is to analyse the water in laboratory and subsequently the result is compared to standard quality of tapioca industry. Response of community in the area regarding this sago processing industry is gathered by performing interview in the form of questionnaire (number of community response is 35). Water samples used for water analysis are from 4 locations. They are water before flowing into the processing unit (A), water after filtration (B), process disposal water collected 1 m apart from filter (C) and discarded water that flows into river (D). Water analysis applied utilizes chemical analysis that includes pH, COD, BOD, DO, turbidity, cyanide and TSS (Total Soluble Solid) parameters. Laboratory analysis shows that location B has turbidity level that exceeds the standard quality required. Result of hypothesis test shows that hypothesis zero (H0) acceptable and alternative hypothesis rejected. It means water disposal waste of sago processing industry does not alter the quality of water disposal. Community feel disturbed (46%) on the existence of sago processing industry. The disturbance consists of liquid waste (20%), unpleasant odour due to solid waste (51.1%), and noise (22.9%). Unpleasant odour due to solid waste occurs during rainny season. 60% of responses say that water disposal of sago processing industry leads to river turbidity; whereas 40% thinks that it does not make any difference. River turbidity brings about itchiness (28.6%) while 68.6% says it does not make any difference. 71.4% of responses show that the existence of sago processing industry is beneficial to the community.water disposal, sago processing, standard qualityBambang Haryanto dan Enni Siswari
150Manfaat Tanaman Sagu (Metroxylon Sp)Dalam Penyediaan Pangan?sago,noodle , food, utliization, sustainableTeknologi
151Asosiasi Dan Karakterisasi Tegakan Pada Hutan Rawa Gambut Di Hampangen, Kalimantan Tengahkarakterisasi hutan, rawa-gambut, HampangenTeknologi
152Konsorsia Bakteri Pengurai Sianida Yang Di Isolasi Dari Buangan Industri Pengolahan Emaspotassium cyanide, nitrogen source, bacterial consortium LP3, degradationTeknologi
153Uji Tosisitas Air Limbah Penyamakan kulit Menggunakan Metode Penghambatan Pertumbuhan Lemna spVarious organisms, including Lemna sp., have been employed in the toxicity test of waste, soil, and water. In this experiment Lemna sp. were exposed to waste water collected from tanneries in Garut, West Java. The experiment system includes liquid medium (macro and micro salts of Murashige and Skoog), to which a series of concentrations of the pre-filter-sterilized tannery waste water were added aseptically. Aseptic grown Lemna sp. were placed on the medium in a density of 10 fronds per medium container. The system was then incubated for 7 days under continuous daylight fluorescent lamps and the number of fronds, fresh weight and chlorophyll content of the plants were determined. The results show that EC50 of the tannery waste water is 0.66% of waste water. The LOEC value is 0.1% and the NOEC value could not be determined but should below 0.1%. This experiment suggests that tannery waste water is dangerous to aquatic plants if it was discharged to public water body without appropriate pre-treatment.Lemna, waste water, tannery, EC50Budhi Priyanto
154Uji Toksisitas 2 Jenis Surfaktan dan Deterjen Komersial Menggunakan Metode Penghambatan PertumbuhanIn this experiment, Lemna sp. was exposed to surfactants LAS and ABS and a commercial detergent following method described by OECD. In the test, 10 fronds of Lemna sp. were grown in a modified MS medium containing the surfactants and detergent in the concentration of 0 ppm to 79 ppm and incubated for 7 days under continuous fluorescence lamps. The EC50 values of the detergent and surfactants vary depending on the compounds and the testing parameter. For LAS and ABS, the value of EC50 from number of fronds is higher than EC50 from the total chlorophyll content, i.e. 14.83 and 14.36 mg/l for LAS and 11.75 and 7.56 mg/l for ABS, respectively. However, the total chlorophyll content is not sensitive for commercial detergent ?A? and results in a higher EC50 value of 31.53 mg/l. LOEC values for LAS and ABS is 5 mg/l respectively, and is 25 mg/ for detergent ?A?.Lemna, detergent, surfactants, EC50Budhi Priyanto
155Beberapa Aspek Pengelolaan Cagar Alam Rawa Danau sebagai Sumber Air bakuEconomically, Rawa Danau is important fresh water source for cities of Cilegon and Serang and industrial estates in the area. Ecologically, Rawa Danau is the last and the only mountainous freshwater swamp still exists in Java island. In the last decade there are several studies that recommend increasing the capacity of Rawa Danau as water storage. Recently, the Master Plan of Rawa Danau has been published by the Province of Banten Planning Agency. It is concluded that increasing the water level in Rawa Danau by 2 meters would satisfies the 2010 projected water demand in Serang and Cilegon. We belief that the action could endanger the existence of both the swamp forest and the rice field in the vicinity. In this paper we describe an alternative action that could increase the water storage capacity of Rawa Danau whilst the ecological function of the swamp could be preserved as well.Rawa Danau, mountainous freshwater water sourceBudhi Priyanto dan Titiresmi
156Pengelolaan Air Limbah Yang Berwawasan Lingkungan Suatu Strategi Dan Langkah PenanganannyaMasalah utama yang dihadapi permukiman adalah pencemaran lingkungan oleh air limbah. Masalah tersebut dikarenakan tingkat pelayanan air limbah yang sangat rendah. Air limbah rumah tangga merupakan sumber utama pencemar lingkungan. Sedangkan pencemaran limbah industri diperkirakan memberi kontribusi rata-rata 25-50%. Sampai saat sekarang tingkat pelayanan air limbah tidak sebanding dengan pertumbuhan penduduk, sehingga masih banyak air limbah yang dibuang ke sungai atau badan air dengan proses yang kurang sempurna. Suatu strategi dan langkah dalam pengelolaan air limbah yang efektif dan efisiensi.Pengelolaan, air limbah, pencemaran, tingkat, pelayanan, minimasi, peran masyarakat, dan saranaBudi Supriyatno
157Penelitian Sumber Air Bersih Bawah Tanah di Pulau Flores

One of the most important of human life is water. Water may provide easily in certain areas , however, some parts in the world are still being suffered from the lack of fresh water. In eastern part of Indonesia for example people found the source of water several kilometers from their home and meet their basic need for their life. This research was executed in Flores Island to identify and explore the underground water which might be trapped under the town of Ende.
fresh water, research, underground water.CB Herman Edyanto
158Aktivitas Aktinomisetes Dari Bangka-BelitungKoleksi Bidang Mikrobiologi, Puslit Biologi- Lipi Dalam?chitinase, clear zone, spectrophotometerTeknologi
159Keseimbangan Lingkungan Antara Kebutuhan & Penyediaan Air Melalui Teknologi
Modifikasi Cuaca
The process of weather modification to increase rainfall amount can be done continuously when the weather condition is favorable and can be used to maintain DAM water level especially during the dry season. By maintaining the DAM water level with the weather modification technology the environmental balance between supply and demand will be sustained. To reduce the rainfall intensity in order to lessen the impact of flood with the weather modification technology by early precipitation, which eventually lessen the intensity and the accumulated rainfall amount. The application of the weather modification technology to clear the atmosphere due to the forest fire and land clearing activities can be used to area where fires is still ongoing. The use of that technology not only clears the atmosphere but also allows convection processes to happen because the cloud development was hindered by thick smoke from fires.penyemaian, bahan parameterCh. Nasution
160Analisis Spasial Indeks Kekeringan Daerah Pantai Utara (Pantura) Jawa BaratSpatial analysis for water deficit in Pantura was done for 16 rainfall stations average 13 year observations. Water balance computation was calculated with Thornthwaite-Matter method. Spatial analisys was done by Geographys Information System (GIS) with ArcInfo 3.5 and displayed by ArcView 3.3. Water balance analysis shown that water deficit was on June for most of all stations and reached maximum deficit on August. Water deficit was concentred around of Batujaya (bekasi District), Peundeuy (Karawang district), and around of Leuweungsemut (Indramayu district). These result of the analysis recommended to plan the optimum water management for maximize purpose of Jatiluhur LakeAnalisis spasial, Thornthwaite-Matter neraca air, indeks kekeringanCh. Nasution dan Djazim Syaifullah