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1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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Menampilkan 161-180 dari 814 item.
161Daya Dukung Sumberdaya Air Sebagai Pertimbangan Penataan RuangThe concept of carrying capacity of water resource is applied as a management tool for the operationalization of sustainable regional planning. Carrying capacity of a region, comprising its supportive and assimilative capacities, is defined as the ability to produce desired outputs from a resource base to achieve a higher and more equitable quality of life, while maintaining desired environmental quality. The proposed conceptual model for the carrying capacity-based planning process considers problems, constraining and supporting factors, and interrelated systems within a dynamic ecosystem to arrive at the water resource-based sustainable regional planningdayadukung lingkungan, sumberdaya air, pengelolaan DAS, penataan ruang, Jawa BaratChay Asdak dan Hilmi Salim
162Mekanisme Fisiologis Tumbuhan Hiperakumulator Logam Berathiperakumulator, phytoextraction, fitoremediasi, logam beratTeknologi
163Pemanfaatan Kotoran Ternak Sebagai Sumber Energi Alternatif Dan Peningkatan Sanitasi LingkunganThe effort to discover alternative source of energy in the world is still continued because the dependency from the fossil fuel should be aleviated. Since the energy crisis in 1973, the problem of energy become world hudge intention. In every energy crisis, the price of oil increase sharply and cause lack of stock. Therefore, several countries are trying to diversificate their source of energy. One of the alternative energy is biogas. The biogas can be produced from livestock waste. Through the fermentation processing of livestock waste, it can be produced biogas and the other side product and effect from this processing are: organic fertilizer, animals feeding, and prevent pollution. With the several benefits can be taken from the fermentation of livestock waste, the usage of livestock waste become biogas is necessary to be disseminated in Indonesia, where most of people are living in rural area and depending their livelihood on agriculture.Biogas, Sanitasi, LingkunganDaru Mulyono
164Pencemaran Senyawa Persistent Organic Pollutant (POPs) di Beberapa Sungai di IndonesiaSurvei pemantauan kualitas lingkungan akibat pencemaran residu senyawa yang termasuk dala kelompok Persistent Organic Pollutant (POPs) telah dilakukan pada bulan Juni-Agustus 2001 di lima lokasi di Indonesia. Lokasi pengambilan sampling ditentukan di sungai yang terletak di Bali, Jakarta-Bogor, Padang, Medan dan Lampung. Jenis sampel yang diambil berupa air dan sedimen serta tanah di sekitar lokasi sungai atau tanah pertanian. Senyawa POPs yang terdapat pada sampel tersebut diekstraksi dengan pelarut organik kemudian dianalisi dengan GCMS setelah dilakukan permurnian ...Persistent Organic Pollutants, POPs, Pencemaran residu senyawa, Dewi Ratnaningsih, Netty Widayati, Heni P dan Yusnefi S
165Titanium Dioxide Suspension Photocicatal In a Tubular Photoreactor And Titanium Dioxide ReuseWe studied flow rate, electrolytes effects, titanium dioxide separation and reuse and sunlight application on photocatalysis in a tubular photoreactor integrated with the titanium dioxide separation/reuse. The circulative flow treatment was preferred over the single pass treatment. Phenol and TOC removals in tap and deionized waters were a maximum at the circulative flow rate of 600 ml min-1 and the transmittance of 0.26%. At low flow rate, titanium dioxide particles were sedimented in tap water, but those were perfectly suspended in deionized water. The titanium dioxide slurry was sedimented spontaneously by standing and was repeatedly reused without decreasing the degradation efficiencyPhotocatalytic, Optimum flow, Electrolytes, Separation, SolraDhanus Suryaman
166Pengkajian Kapasitas Daya Dukung Tanah Gambut Didaerah Pengembangan Irigasi Di Kalimantan TengahPiles and pile foundations have been in use since prehistoric time. The commonest function of piles is to transfer a load that cannot be adequately supported at shallow depths to a depth where adequate support becomes available. When a pile passes through poor material and its tip penetrates a small distance into a stratum of good bearing capacity it is called a bearing pile. When piles are installed in a deep stratum of limited supporting ability and these piles developed their carrying capacity by friction on the sides of the pile, they are called friction piles. Many times the load carrying of piles results from a combination of point resistance and skin friction. The load taken by a single pile can be determined by static load test. The allowable load is obtained by applying a factor of safety to the failure load. Although it is expensive, a static load test is the only reliable means of determining allowable load on a friction pile. In this case,?Cerucuk? are widely used in foundation engineering to increase bearing capacity of the foundation andreduce the settlement.Pile foundation, bearing capacity, skin frictionDiah Affandi
167Penerapan Teknologi Silase Hijauan Makanan Ternak (HMT) Di Jombang Jawa TimurTeknologi silase adalah teknologi fermentasi yang biasa di gunakan untuk mengawetkan hijauan makanan ternak. Sebagai usaha memperkenalkan teknologi silase ini dengan tujuan utama memasyarakatkan teknologi pengawetan hijauan makanan ternak berupa pengawetan basah dengan teknologi silase. Hasil yang dirasakan ternyata menunjukan betapa sulitnya teknologi yang sudah "proven" diterapkan tanpa kejelasan akan pasar dari produk hasil terapan teknologi tersebut. Selain itu para peneliti juga perlu berkerjasam dengasn pemasar produk telnologi, agar biaya R & D dapat dikembalikan lagi ke masyarakat dan penerapan teknologi tidak berhenti sebatas berhentinya program.Teknologi silase, Pelatihan, PenerapanDiah Asri Erowati A,S.
168Keanekaragaman Jenis-Jenis Anggrek Kepulauan KarimunjawaKarimunjawa is a group of small islands which is situated at 0 up to 506 above sea levels, and covered of total forests area of about 1,300 ha. The area is located within Jepara Regency, Central Java. Studies on forest ecology and fl oristic of the island has been conducted in 2003 to 2006. The present study is apart of the fl oristic studies with special attention to orchids. Based on fi eld study combined with specimen herbarium stored in the Herbarium Bogoriense, there are at list 13 species of orchid collected from Karimunjawa Island, and one of them is recognized as endemic species in Jawa. In addition there is one unidentifi ed species which is belonging to genus Eria.Orchids, Karimunjawa Island, Herbarium BogorienseDiah Sulistiarini dan Tutie Djarwaningsih
169Model Perubahan Tutupan Lahan Dan Faktor-Faktor Yang MempengaruhinyaUrban and regional development needs space and land which then replaces the existence of natural space. The loss of natural space does not give negative impacts as long as it does not exceed ecological carrying capacity. Unfortunately, urban and regional development in Indonesia is dominated by economy motivation than ecology consideration. As a result, several natural disasters occurred such as flood, ground water depletion, land slides etc. Our research objective is to analyze land cover change from natural space to human activity space and several factors which cause it at 4 different regions: Malang Municipal, Batam Municipal, Pemalang Regency and Muaro Jambi Regency. Research result could be used as basic information for local government to arrange planning, use and control spatial change in each area. This research was conducted by using two different time data images with interval 10 years to get land cover change on each region and social economy data from National Statistic Bureau. The model was formulated by using forward stepwise multiple regressions and the result showed that each region has different factors which increase land cover change of natural space such as: (1) Malang Municipal was dominantly influenced by urban sprawl phenomenon, (2) Batam Municipal was dominantly influenced by government policy to develop industry, (3) Pemalang Regency was dominantly influenced by appearance of several new growth poles, and (4) Muaro Jambi Regency was dominantly influenced by land necessity for agriculture activitiesubahan tutupan lahan, faktor pendorong, model regresi bergandaDidit Okta Pribadi, Diar Shiddiq, Mia Ermyanila
170Pembentukan Tunas Lilium Sp. Secara Ex Vitro Dan In VitroBuds, planlets and bulblets formation from excised bulbscales was the preferred method for vegetative propagation of Lilium sp (Liliaceae). The ex vitro techniques with Gibberellic acid (GA3) pretreatment was induced buds formation on scales cutting which planted on sterilized sand media. Buds rised from basal scales 7 days after planted. However scales untreated GA3 obtained in 35-42 after planted. In vitro methods to promote buds initiated from bulbscales explants, was induced on media MS (Murashige and Skoog) supplemented with GA3 1 mg/l. Media for induced buds formation, MS contained Benzyl adenine (BA) 1 mg/l and 2 mg/l increased multiple shoots formation signifi cantly compared cultured on media without BA. Roots growth improved on media contained NAA, but the highest planlets achieved on cultured MS media without BA. Bulblets formation obtained on media contained higher concentration of BA (5 mg/l).bulbscale, bulblet, Lilium sp., ex vitro, in vitro, propagation.Djadja Siti Hazar Hoesen
171Alternatif Pengolahan Limbah Rumah Potong Hewan ? Cakung ( Suatu Studi Kasus )Public awareness on environmental protection is getting better now. This condition has also rise in a company own by Province Governmental of DKI Jakarta Raya in the field of slaughtering cattle. This company, namely Cakung Slaughterhouse stay in Jakarta Timur is more a public services instead of a private company. On the waste and wastewater handling as the by product of all activity in Cakung Slaughterhouse, an assessment and development of handling waste and wastewater was carried out cooperation with German agricultural research institute (Bundesforschunganstaltfuerlandwirschaft ? FAL) through on the job training, design and engineering of the waste and wastewater treatment plant that would be developed. The training was done by handling the waste of German slaughterhouse as a case study in Germany that has no experience in it on a Cooperation Project of Biological Waste and Wastewater treatment ? BTIG Project. Fortunately, beside the technology and system on waste and wastewater handling, also getting the high awareness in condition for a healthy circumference of life need. Make this project as basic of design on waste and wastewater treatment plant of a slaughterhouse, at least on the essentials organic waste treatment mode.waste, wastewater, slaughterhouse, anaerobic, compostDjoko Padmono
172Perawatan Sistem Intercooler Untuk Penghematan Energi Pada Industri PupukThe option of cleaner production of energy efficiency in the good maintenance on energy saving one of them was in the system of the water cooler from the intercooler system..The process unit of ammonia, urea production and the power house in the fertilizer industry needed 600 m3/jam cooling water approximately 60 % the requirement for cooling water from all over the requirement for the factory (reached 900 m3/jam).Several critical heat exchangers that use cooling water for process cooling, abnormally high process-out temperatures were noted. For example, the intercoolers (124CA & 124CB) of the Syn Gas Compressor (103J) are operating with Syn Gas outlet temperatures of 63?C and 51?C respectively, versus a target of 38.6?C. This excessive temperature will affect the performance of the downstream Chiller Plant and cause abnormally high-energy consumption. The improvement of system and equipment was carried out against intercooler 124CA in the fertilizer industry as well as was done by the replacement and maintenance that produced the decline temperature from 63 o C to 52 o C. This decline could be done by saving of energy of cooling water reached 2.62 MMBTU/hour so as to be able to reduce the disposal of greenhouse gases through to 422.293,733 tonne CO2/the year.Fertilizer industry, Cooling water systemDjoko Padmono
173Distribusi Substrat di dalam Fixed Bed Reactor ( FBR )Fixed Bed Reactor was the biological wastewater treatment reactor that was one of the Cakung Slaughterhouse (RPH Cakung) wastewater treatment. Biological wastewater treatment process in principle was process use of the microorganism to degrade the wastewater pollutant, where the wastewater will be changed into gas and the particle bio-solid that enabled to be sediment. The capability of the microorganism degrading this pollutant was influenced by various factor, some among them were the distribution of the substrate (microorganism group) in the reactor. The distribution of this substrate could be known by measuring the value of pH and organic content as Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) or Total Solid (TTS). Considering the importance of the parameter then must be keep so that both of them, did not exceed limits that were allowed in the FBR operation. This paper was discussed by the condition for the distribution of the substrate in various hydraulic retention time (HRT). Analysis was held for the operation with the up-flow system. Results of the research could be known that the value of the pH and TS in various HRT relatively constant, that is between 6.93 ? 7.15 (for the pH) and 0.32% - 0.56% (for TS). This value is still in limits that were allowed. This showed that the FBR reactor had the good performance was inspected from the condition for the distribution of the substrate inside.Fixed Bed Reactor, biological wastewaterDjoko Padmono
174Biogas Sebagai Energi Alternatif Antara Mitos dan Fakta IlmiahIn the year of seventienth where the energy crisis struck the world, the competing person looked for the alternative to energy change the source of conventional energy (petroleum). One of the topics that it was hoped became alternative was BIOGAS from the process of the anaerobic fermentation of organic matter either agricultural or food industrial waste. Several parameters were studied to prove that anaerobic fermentation of the solid organic matter could become the BIOGAS as alternative energy replaced petroleum. Currently these all ideas were remains at the myth completely. The reality from investigation of the technology degradation process /digestion of the organic matter by making use of this anaerobic fermentation system was only could be used as one of the waste treatment as the solving problem of pollution of the environment, with results of taking the form of BIOGAS that could be made use of as substitution energy for the waste treatment it self. In other words anaerobic fermentation technology of the solid waste was one of the solid waste treatments with minimal energy. Energy that was needed for waste treatment process will be produced from himself to substitute energy that was used from the network of the public (PLN). So as to be hoped energy that usually is taken from the national net (PLN) for the processing of waste could be reduced, and was subtituted with energy biogas that was produced by him.biogas, energy alternativeDjoko Padmono
175Pengaruh Beban Organik Terhadap Efisiensi Anaerobic Fixed Bed ReactorAnaerobic fixed bed reactor is a fermentation anaerobic reactor used microorganism attached growth system, where degradation of organic material done by microorganism that growth in support material as fixed film. This system mostly used for organic wastewater treatment now. The assessment is carried out for the Slaughterhouse wastewater treatment where the support material for microorganism growth is a fabricated media. Plant is a demonstration scale by digester volume of 600 m3. Wastewater is feeding to the digester by up flow system. The wastewater pumped from the bottom of the digester, flow through the support material, contact with the microorganism fixed on the media. Degradation of the organic waste process is take place along wastewater contact with the fixed film. Observation is on the performance of the reactor by the influence of organic loading to the pollution degradation of slaughterhouse wastewater called reactor efficiency. Fixed Bed Reactor performance still reached until 3 days hydraulic retention on organic loading rate about 3.05 kg COD/m3 hr, and efficiency 75 %.Kinerja Upflow anaerobic fixed bed digester limbah Rumah Potong HewanDjoko Padmono
176Kemampuan Alkalinitas Kapasitas Penyanggan (Butter Capacity) dalam Sistem Anaerobik Fixed BEDIn the process of decomposition of the organic matter with the anaerobic system was learnt that the methane forming bacteria of was very sensitive to the level of the acidity in other words very sensitive with the low pH. There are by two big groups the bacteria that was active in this system. These two bacteria group had the duplication capacity that was very different that is 3 hours during the acid forming bacteria of and 3 days for the methane forming bacteria. The alkalinity in the reactor with the certain concentration between 1000 ? 5000 mg/l could support the pH continue to in the neutral condition when the decline in the pH happened so as the balance of the process could on the whole stay proceeding normally.
It was observed that achieving the pH 3 in the feeding, the concentration of the alkalinity descended through to 500 mg/l this was the lowered condition and the process of decomposition of the organic matter was disrupted. When being left alone then the system will stop completely because of the methane forming bacteria was inhibited.
alkalinity, buffer capacity, anaerobic, biogasDjoko Padmono
177Granulasi Lumpur Biogas AnaerobikThis article contained several differences of the theory about anaerobic sludge granulation biogas in the UASB reactor. The level of the granulation formation of the beginning followed same principles as the formation bio-film from the bacteria to a surface field. There exist strong facts that the material inert played a positive role important and granulation. Most researchers took the conclusion that Methanosaeta concilii was the main key to the formation of granulation. Only Town Stamp hypotheses that assumed that the organism autotrophic hydrogenotrophic like for example Methanobacterium from strain AZ, could grow in the condition high H2-pressure, was the key to the formation organism of granulation. Several writers focus in the stage granulation early and only several contributions that discussed the following stage in granulation included maturation granulation and multiplication. Determining factors granular in the latter stage was dominated in the existence of the manipulation of the pressure election, through which particle of bigger sludge selectively was kept in the UASB reactor.UASB; Anaerobic treatment.Djoko Padmono
178Pengendalian Pencemaran Lingkungan dengan Penerapan Teknologi Proses Terbaik"Best Avaiable T?...Best Avaiable techniques (BAT) is developed especiall in the European Community, responding enviromental issue by desinging the process that the polluted chemicals released during the plant operation are still under the environmental tolerances. Besides environmentally friendly, the tecknology is also efficient and consumes less energy.Proses, Amoniak, pencemaran, Lingkungan.Djoko Wiwoho
179Konservasi Plasma Nutfah Secara In VitroTehnik-tehnik in vitro mempunyai potensi yang sangat besar untuk koleksi, pertukaran, dan konservasi termasuk (1) sumberdaya genetis dari benih-benih yang mengandung ?recalcitrant? dan species yang di perbanyak secara vegetatif seperti halnya species yang sedang dalam bahaya kepunahan, (2) genotipe ?elite? yang dikembang-biakkan pada skala besar dalam laboratorium produksi, dan (3) kultur /pembibitan galur sel yang memproduksi bahan ?metabolite? dan bahan baku yang direkayasa secara genetis. Tehnik koleksi secara in vitro yang menggunakan embrio atau jaringan vegetatif telah diterapkan dilapangan untuk mengkoleksi plasma nutfah dari berbagai macam species yang bermasalah. Kultur in vitro secara rutin digunakan untuk pertukaran sumber genetis dari sejumlah species, karena keuntungannya dengan teknik ini dalam hal status phytosanitary dan biaya nya relatif kecil. Tehnik pertumbuhan lambat telah dikembangkan untuk konservasi jangka menengah pada sejumlah species tetapi penggunaan secara rutin masih terbatas pada sejumlah species tanaman tertentu. Penggunaan tehnik cryopreservasi secara rutin masih terbatas pada konservasi galur Sel dalam skala penelitian laboratorium. Namun demikian, petunjuk sederhana dan teknik pembekuan yang efisien telah dikembangkan baru-baru ini untuk ?apices? dan embrio, secara operasional untuk peningkatan jumlah species dapat dipertimbangkan. Dalam paper ini akan dibahas tentang (1) pengembangan tehnik koleksi in vitro, (2) demonstrasi dari fleksibilitas, kesederhanaan dan kepraktisan penyimpanan pada pertumbuhan lambat guna peningkatan kegunaannya, (3) percobaan tehnik cryopreservasi yang telah ada pada suatu skala besar dalam suatu konteks gene bank dan pengembangan dari protocol tehnik cryopreservasi.: konservasi sumberdaya genetis, pembibitan secara in vitro, pengkoleksian secara in vitroDonowati S. Tjokrokusumo
180Pemanfaatan Limbah Tanaman Pisang Untuk Memproduksi Gula Melalui Proses sakarifikasiBanana is a major cash crop of the tropical region generating vast agriculture waste after harvest. The agrowaste including dried leaves and pseudostem after harvest was used as substrate for the release of sugars. Saccharification of banana agrowaste by cellulases of Trichoderma lignorum was investigated. The steam treated agro-waste yielded 1,34 mg/ml of reducing sugars after 24 hours fermented. The size of substrate affected saccharification where the smaller size (< 120 micron) yield more sugars. Maximum sugars were released at pH 6,0 whereas 40 0C was the optimum temperature. Thus, under these conditions the agrowaste left behind for natural degradation can be utilized affectively to yield fermentable sugars which can be coverted into other substances like alcohol.Banana agrowaste, Trichoderma lignorum, cellulases, saccDonowati Tjokrokusumo