Rekapitulasi Jumlah Koleksi dalam Database
No Kategori Jumlah
1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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Menampilkan 1-20 dari 814 item.
1Pendayagunaan Dua Jenis Zingiberaceae [C. Mangga (Temu Mangga) Dan K. Angustifolia (Kunci Menir)]?Zingiberaceae, Curcuma mangga, Kaempferia rotunda, Zingiber cassumunar, immunomodulator,Teknologi
2Proses Menghilangkan Zat Besi dan Mangan Dalam Air.Zat besi dan mangan dalam air umumnya berada dalam bentuk senyawa ferro atau mangano yang larut dalam air ( Fe ++ atau Mn++). Apabila air tersebut berhubungan dengan oksigen atau udara, maka senyawa besi atau mangan tersebut akan teroksidasi menjadi senyawa ferri ( Fe+++) atau mangandioksida (Mn++++) yang tak larut dalam air. Senyawa-senyawa ini berwarna kuning coklat dan dapat menimbulkan bau dan rasa yang kurang sedap. Banyak cara untuk menghilanglan zat besi dan mangan dalam air tersebut. Salah satu cara yang sederhaha dan efektif yakni dengan cara kombinasi proses aerasi dan penyaringan dengan media pasir silika dan karbon aktif. Dengan cara ini, konsentrasi zat besi dan mangan dalam air dapat diturunkan sampai masing-masing 0.12 mg/l dan 0.08 mg/l.Zat Besi, Mangan Zeolit, Air Kuning Coklat, Senyawa Ferro, ManganoIr. Nusa Idaman Said, M.Sc.
3Pembuatan Filter Untuk Meningkatkan Zat Besi dan Mangan di Dalam AirZat besi atau mangan dalam air umumnya berada dalam bentuk ion Fe2+ atau Mn2 bentuk senyawa yang larut dan air dan tidak berwarna. Jika air tersebut berhubungan dengan udara maka ion Fe2+ atau ion Mn2+ secara perlahan akan teroksidasi menjadi betuk senyawa ferri (Fe3+) atau senyawa mangandioksida (Mn4+) yang tak larut dalam air. Senyawa-senyawa ini berwarna coklat dan dapat menimbulkan bau dan rasa yang kurang enak. Banyak cara untuk menghilangkan zat besi dan mangan dalam air. Salah satu cara yang sederhana yaitu dengan cara menggabungkan proses aerasi dan penyaringan dengan media filter pasir silika, mangan zeolit dan karbon aktif, atau dengan media mangan zeolit dan karbon aktif. Dengan menggunakan filter mangan zoelit dan filter karbon aktif yang dilengkapi dengan filter cartridge dan sterilisator Ultra Violet, dapat menghasilkan air olahan yang dapat langsung diminum.Mangan, Zat Besi, Filter, Karbon Aktif, Mangan Zeolit, Pengolahan Air TanahKelompok Pengkajian Sistem Pengolahan Air
4Sistem Informasi Terpadu dengan NISYellow Page atau Network Information Service (NIS) merupakan teknologi untuk mengatasi masalah setting pada jaringan yang terdistribusi menjadi tersentralisasi.. Dengan menerapkan NIS pada komputer workstation yang tersambung pada sebuah jaringan lokal intranet, pekerjaan-pekerjaan yang harus dilakukan oleh seorang administrator dalam mengatur jaringan, meregistrasi user, dan lain-lain dapat dikurangi.NFS, NIS, NOS, LAN, WAN, YP, Daemon, Server, Client, Slave, Network File System, Yellow PageHeru Dwi Wahjono, B.Eng.
5X Windows System - Satu-satunya Networking Windows System di InternetX Window System adalah sistem window yang dikembangkan dalam proyek Athena (Athena Project) oleh sekelompok mahasiswa pada Institut Teknologi Massacusett (MIT), yang saat ini proyek tersebut sudah selesai. Proyek Athena sendiri adalah sebuah proyek yang membangun sebuah sistem dimana beberapa komputer dan printer yang tersambung dalam sebuah jaringan komputer dapat saling berkomunikasi, berkiriman surat elektronik, membaca papan pengumuman elektronik serta dapat mencetak jarak jauh. Proyek ini dikerjakan oleh beberapa mahasiswa yang dibantu oleh beberapa dosen pada universitas Massacusett.Unix, X Windows, Internet, Jaringan, Window ManagerHeru Dwi Wahjono, B.Eng.
6Kualitas Udara Beberapa Kota Di Asia (Monitoring Kandungan So2 Udara Ambien Dengan Passive Sampler)Within this paper will be presented a result of passive sampler method to determine SO2 level of ambient air as the same method development to the previously determine NO2 level (1,2). The result of development had applied for analyzing and comparing the quality SO2 on ambient air at several cites in Asia such as Peking, Shanghai, Seoul, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, including several locations in surrounding Jakarta. This passive sampler method is simple and easy to be applied, therefore it make possible to monitor the air quality from urban till every border.The SO2 level result indicate air quality in Jakarta is still on the safety level as the others cites in Asia.Passive sampler, Analisa SO2, Udara ambienJoko Prayitno Susanto
7Teknologi Combined Heat And Power Di IndonesiaWith the complicated problems faced by The State Electricity Company (PLN) nowadays, the writer would support analyzing for solving problem with the Assessment for Combined Heat and Power (CHP) in Indonesia. CHP Technology/Cogeneration is a technology not produce carbon, so this technology will help Government Policy for reducing carbon emission and environment sustainability. This project has done together among BPP Teknologi (Directorate KKE and UPT LSDE) and Ciptakarya Hasta Paramita Cooperative with Grant budget from UNDP-GEF and supporting budgetDIP.powerIr. Muhamad Ramlan, MSc
8Perencanaan Pengembangan Kawasan Pesisir.Wilayah pantai/pesisir mempunyai karakter yang spesifik dibandingkan dengan kawasan yang lain.. Wilayah ini merupakan agregasi dari berbagai komponen ekologi dan fisik yang saling terkait dan saling berinteraksi. Pembangunan dengan memanfaatkan sumberdaya pantai tanpa memperhatikan prinsip-prinsip ekologis akan dapat merusak fungsi ekosistem pantai. Pengembangan wilayah pada kawasan pesisir sebagaimana pengembangan wilayah pada kawasan lainnya, mempunyai tujuan utama untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Kegiatan ini dilakukan melalui perencanaan pengembangan dalam suatu proses yang didalamnya terdapat berbagai pendekatan yang harus diperhatikan. Dewasa ini pembangunan pada kawasan pantai berkembang sangat pesat dan ditunjukkan dengan adanya multi kegiatan, misalnya usaha tambak, nelayan, pengusaha industri, hotel dan rekreasi wisata, dan usaha-usaha. Dengan semakin meningkat dan kompleksitas kegiatan didalamnya maka perlu dilakukan perencanaan pengembangan kawasan pantai/pesisir. Pengelolaan wilayah pantai secara terpadu (Intergrated Coastal Zone Management) merupakan kunci bagi pembangunan melalui pemecahan problem dan konflik di wilayah pantai yang sangat pelik dan kompleks.Pengeolaan Kawasan Pesisir TerpaduAchmad Djunaedi dan M. Natsir Basuki
9Pengaruh Konsep Sistem Dan Lingkungan Dalam Modifikasi Cuaca Terhadap Peningkatan Curah Hujan Dan ..Weather modification technology was applied in Citarum Watershed ? West Java on 12 March ? 10 April 2001 for increase water resources in Saguling, Cirata and Jatiluhur Dams. The application was based indication of Citarum River inflow decreased at the end of 2001 that so three cascade dams had water storage deficits. Weather modification technology by employing system and environment concept has been increase the rainfall and inflow of Citarum Watershed. The average inflow of Citarum River was 326,81 m3/sec and nett volume storage in the dams were 559,06 million m3.Modifikasi Cuaca, Hujan, DAS CitarumSutopo Purwo Nugroho
10Proses Pemurnian Magnesium Sebagai Unsur Pembuat FlareWeather modification in Indonesia was done by weather modification technical operating unit (UPT-HB) belong to BPPT, from the beginning for cloud seeding method they use salt powder (NaCl). The mechanism powder on the cloud act as Ultra Giant Nuclei (UGN) in collision coalescence process, rather than act as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN). The application of cloud seeding flare method since less than one decade in Indonesia had shown many advantages, the most significant feature for instance 1 kg of flare equal 1 ton of salt powder. This advantages had gave many impact for weather modification operation such more efficient, more economic, easier handling especially when stock in warehouse after flare were made. The aim of the research that had been funding by incentive research the ministry of research, was planed to support (UPT-HB) in term of making the supply material component needed for making flare from local sources. In the year 2007 UPT-HB has declared will change powder method to Cloud Seeding Flare method. The research activity had been planning for 3 years period of time , period 1(first year) activity is laboratory experiment for MgO extraction from dolomite - CaMg(CO3)2, period 2(second years) activity is laboratory experiment extraction Mg from MgO, and period 3 (third year) activity is up scaling the result of period 2 (home industry scale) to produce Mg and market study to fulfill local demand . Recently (in 2008) activity for period 1(first year) had been done, from laboratory experiment MgO with 97% purity had been separated from dolomite CaMg(CO3)2 . This research was application of technology process in order to get Mg metal from dolomite by decomposition treatment , hydrometallurgy process, carbonization reaction, settling the solution then MgO was got as hydromagnesite after the dryer via the green house.Dolomite, Magnesium Oxide, Magnesium , decomposition , Hydromagnesite,
Pitoyo Sudibyo Sarwono dan Untung Haryanto
11Titanium Dioxide Suspension Photocicatal In a Tubular Photoreactor And Titanium Dioxide ReuseWe studied flow rate, electrolytes effects, titanium dioxide separation and reuse and sunlight application on photocatalysis in a tubular photoreactor integrated with the titanium dioxide separation/reuse. The circulative flow treatment was preferred over the single pass treatment. Phenol and TOC removals in tap and deionized waters were a maximum at the circulative flow rate of 600 ml min-1 and the transmittance of 0.26%. At low flow rate, titanium dioxide particles were sedimented in tap water, but those were perfectly suspended in deionized water. The titanium dioxide slurry was sedimented spontaneously by standing and was repeatedly reused without decreasing the degradation efficiencyPhotocatalytic, Optimum flow, Electrolytes, Separation, SolraDhanus Suryaman
12Pengetahuan Lokal Tentang Lingkungan: Studi Kasus Etnis Wawonii ?Wawonii ethnic represent the majority groups and ethnic origin dwelling Wawonii island, Southeast Sulawesi. In their traditional life, this ethnic has own manners and customs for managing natural resources. Local knowledge research?s about environment ecosystem of owned Wawonii ethnic have been carried out since 2003 to 2006. Several countryside of Wawolaa, Lansilowo, Lampeapi, Bobolio and Dompo-dompo Jaya have been visited during this study. At least 6 kinds environment sets have been identifi ed, manely ?kura eya? primary forest, ?lali bata? secondary forest, ?anantalu? brushes, ?laro wita? fi eld, ?laro le? grassland and ?kapo? village. Although there local knowledge have a lot of change, however it still remain their wisdom and become the guidance in their daily activities.Local knowledge, Wawonii ethnic, Southeast Sulawesi.Mulyati Rahayu, Mohammad Fathi Royyani dan Rugayah
13Evaluasi Keseimbangan Air Di Provinsi Jawa TengahWater supply for the domestics use of Central Java Province has been experiencing problems and challenging. With population of 35 million or 16% of Indonesia, it place the province as the third in national population. It have consequently, water need in the province is as such for use of domestics, irrigation/agriculture, industry, etc. Several counties within the province has experiencing water shortage. Particularly during dry season, defisits is inclining that results water use conflicts. Furthermore, conflicts occur not only in counties with water shortage but also in county with sufficient water supply. Conflict is generally triggered by weak management and allocation. This is a result of unlimited territorial sovereighnity of water resources and uncertainty of water rights. Unlimited territorial sovereighnity of water resource contain exclusive right to utilize tap water within the territorial right, in way that the territory hold the sole right to exploit the resource without compensation to neighbouring territory. Hence, water balance should be investigated better and comprehensively.keseimbangan air, konflik, sumber daya air, Jawa TengahSutopo Purwo Nugroho
14Dampak Budidaya Pertanian Intensif Terhadap Kualitas Air Permukaan Desa Kanigoro?water quality, heavy metals, pesticides, microbes.Teknologi Pengolahan Air
15Pengaruh Ukuran Sel Terhadap Hasil Prediksi Model Agnps ?Water quality monitoring effort increased with concern about protection of the water quality from waterbody. AGNPS model, which was developed to objectively evaluate alternative land management strategies on non point source pollution from agricultural watersheds, offers a method of predicting the quality of water from the watershed. The model has the ability to output water quality characteristics at intermediate points throughout the watershed network. The size cell was very influence the result of output model. More large of the size cell so the sediment and nutrient yield output was large too. Scale of map for indentify the input model was influnce the result of output model.Ukuran Sel, Model AGNPS, Kualitas Air, Sedimen, Hara, DASSutopo Purwo Nugroho
16Masalah Polutan Mikro Di Dalam Air Minum Dan Cara PenanggulanganyaWater quality can affect human health in various ways such as through breeding of vectors, presence of pathogenic protozoa, helminths, bacteria and viruses, or through inorganic and organic chemicals. While traditional concern has been with pathogens and gastro-intestinal diseases, chemicals pollutants in drinking water supplies have in many instances reached proportion, which affect human health, especially in cases of chronic exposure. A number of common contaminants in drinking water, arising from industrial pollution or, from as by-products of chlorination such as Trihalomethanes, chlorophenols or others chlorinated compounds, have been shown to cause cancer. The various ways to controlling or reducing Trihalomethanes in drinking water are the following: removal of Trihalomethanes precursors prior to chlorination using activated carbon adsorption process, eliminating of Trihalomethanes by aeration process or activated carbon adsorption, use of alternative disinfectants that do not generate Trihalometanes such as ozone, chloramination, hydrogen proxide or UV irradiation, and eliminate substances which directly or indirectly can generate Trihalomethanes, for example organic compound (BOD, COD), ammonia etc, by conducting pre-treatment using biological treatment.Polutan mikro, kesehatan masyarakat, air minumRuliasih Marsidi dan Nusa Idaman Said
17Pengelolaan Air Limbah Domestik Di Dki JakartaWater pollution problem caused by household waste water in the region of DKI Jakarta, and more made worse by affecting of expanding settlement area in buffer zone around Jakarta which without provided with waste water facilities, so that all waste water thrown to public channel and finally flowing into river bodies in region of DKI Jakarta. To overcome the mentioned above Government of Province DKI Jakarta have released Regulation of Governor Province Special District Capital of Jakarta Number 122 Year 2005 About Management Of Domestic Water Waste In Province Special District Capital Of Jakarta. According To Regulation Of Governor of DKI Jakarta Number 122 Year 2005 Section 7 express that house building and non house building is obliged to manage domestic waste water before discharge to public channel or drainage. Planning of domestic waste water treatment installation which represent environmental utilities or building represent conditions in course of publication of Permit Directing Of Usage Of Land;Ground (SIPPT), Plan Arrange Situation Building ( RTLB), Permission Found Building (IMB), and awaking up of domestic waste water treatment installation represent conditions in course of publication of Permit of Building Usage (IPB) and Elegibility Use Building (KMB), and also licensing of operational of institution in charge related to such operational.Air limbah domestik, air limbah rumah tangga, pengelolaanNusa Idaman Said
18Penggunaan Media Serat Plastik Pd Proses Biofilter Tercelup Utk Pengolahan Air Limbah Rumah TanggaWater pollution in the big cities in Indonesia, especially in DKI Jakarta has shown serious problems. One of the potential sources of water pollution is domestic wastewater that is wastewater from kitchens, laundry, bathing and toilets. These problems have become more serious since the spreads of sewerage systems are still low, so that domestic, institutional and commercial wastewater causes severe water pollution in many rivers or shallow ground water. Based on the fact that the progress of development of sewerage system is still low, it is important to develop low cost technology for individual house hold or semi communal wastewater treatment such as using anaerobic and aerobic submerged biofilter. This paper describes the pilot plan study of individual household wastewater treatment using anaerobic and aerobic submerged biofilter using plastic fiber media. The raw wastewater in this experiment was from household wastewater. Results of experiment shows that under operating condition 12-24 hours hydraulic retention time, the treated water was physically very clear, and according on chemical analysis the removal efficiency of BOD is 73.24 ? 94.92 %, COD 65.80 ? 90.76 %, total suspended solids (TSS) 95.60 ? 97.69 %, and detergent (MBAS) 56.80 ? 88.51 %, respectively. Compared to attempt by using charcoal media, the quality of treated water did not show difference significantlyLimbah domestik non toilet, biofilter anaerob-aerob, media serat palstikNusa Idaman Said
19Daur Ulang Air Limbah Domestik Kapasitas 0,9 M3 Per Jam Menggunakan Kombinasi Reaktor Biofilter ?Water pollution in the big cities in Indonesia, especially in DKI Jakarta has shown serious problems. One of the potential sources of water pollution is domestic wastewater that is wastewater from kitchens, laundry, bathing and toilets. These problems have become more serious since the spreads of sewerage systems are still low, so that domestic, institutional and commercial wastewater cause severe water pollution in many rivers or shallow ground water. There are a number of ways to converse water resources, one of them is to treat domestic waste water by communal system and then it is continued by advance process for recycling of wastewater. In this paper, it will be discussed recycling of domestic wastewater by communal system that combine the biological system using anaerobic-aerobic biofilter reactor for removing organic pollutant in wastewater and the advance process consisting of oxidation process, filtration by manganese zeolite filter, filtration by rapid sand filter, filtration by carbon filter and desinfection by ultraviolet sterilisator. The sterilisator is improve quality of tread wastewater being clear water as an alternative for water use save. Limbah, domestik, daur ulang, biofilter, pengolahan lanjutanWahyu Widayat
20Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah Dengan Proses Biofilm TercelupWater pollution in the big cities in Indonesia has shown serious problems. One of the potential sources of water pollution is domestic wastewater that is wastewater from kitchens, laundry, bathing and toilets. These problems have become more serious since the spreads of sewerage systems are still low, so that domestic, institutional and commercial wastewater cause severe water pollution in many rivers or water body. This paper describes alternative technology for treatment of wastewater or organic wastewater using submerged biofilter. Using anaerobic and aerobic submerged biofilter within total one day residence time can decrease BOD, COD and Suspended Solids (SS) concentration more than 90 %.Biofilm, biofilter, air limbah, anaerob, aerobIr. Nusa Idaman Said, M.Eng.