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1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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141Transparansi Dan Akuntabilitas Pelayanan Publik Kasus Teknologi Pengelolaan Air Bersih ?Bureaucracy reform of public service delivery requires a fast prime, precisely, accurate, and affordable. Some of the important elements of public service delivery, among others, providing guidance services, service standards, service standards at least, one of the doors and a roof, transparency, and accountability. Information on water technology and water management, and need to be provided through public services and the prime quality, transparent and accountable, in order to support efforts to reform the bureaucracy to uphold the principles of good governance.Transparency and accountability, public services, water and waste water ?Komarudin dan Satmoko Yudo
142Pemantauan Kualitas Air Sumur Menggunakan Multiprobe Sensor DigitalBursts of mud in Sidoarjo has caused changes in environmental quality around the bursts area. Observation in that area indicate there have been changes in air quality and odor caused by mud spurt. In addition, changes in the geological structure of land in the area around the mud spurt, has resulted some water spurt phenomenon that came from the well pump belong to some residensts in that area. This water spurt phenomenon is followed by the change of water quality which was to be used for the needs of daily living, now in some villages in the area around the mud bursts can no longer be used. To find out some parameters of water quality that arises from the some well pumps that produce big water spurt, we need to performed water quality monitoring using multiprobe digital sensors that are able to measure several parameters at once.This paper presents the measurement data of water quality in some well pumps that produce big water spurts with the YSI600R digital sensor.Perubahan kualitas lingkungan, semburan lumpur SidoarjoHeru Dwi Wahjono
143Konservasi Lengas Tanah Melalui Rekayasa Lingkungan Pd Lahan Pasir Beririgasi TeknisBy more decreasing supply of the fertility agriculture land, hence to optimize the usage of marginal land like coastal land is a good way out to improve the farmer income, although demanded to various technological innovation as the environmental engineering form that able to support repairmen of the farming.One step is making conservation of land maoisture and efficiency of the water usage.The result or the technological innovations was treatment with planting system under the shade and combined with mulls, sprinkler irrigation. Now the sprinkler irrigation in the best way on increasing the land moisture rate and then followed by treatment of the shde usage, mulls and drip irrigation, while the worst treatment is without the shade usage both using mulls and drips irrigationConservation and innovation technologicalSudaryono
144Evaluasi Kesesuaian Lahan Tanaman Kayu Putih Kabupaten Buru, Provinsi Malukucapability, suitability, land, cajuput oilTeknologi
145Pengolahan Air Minum Sederhana Serbaguna.Cara mengolah air minum sederhana, mudah dan murah perlu dimasyarakatkan dengan tujuan untuk membantu meningkatkan mutu air sehingga layak diminum. Makalah ini membahas masalah cara pengolahan air sederhana untuk mengolah air gambut atau air rawa yang berwarna coklat, air sungai yang keruh, dan air yang mengandung banyak zat besi. Prinsip pengolahannya yakni netralisasi, aerasi, koagulasi-flokulasi, pengendapan dan penyaringan. Alat yang digunakan terdiri dari Tong (tangki), pengaduk, pompa tangan, slang aerator dari plastik dan saringan pasir. Cara ini sangat mudah dengan hasil yang baik.Air Rawa, Air Coklat, Netraliasi, Koagulasi, AerasiIr. Nusa Idaman Said, M.Sc.
146Perubahan Tipe Batu Tahan Api Pada Klin Semen untuk Menambah Efesiensi ProduksiCement is produced in kiln reactor which has been installed with refractory, in order to protect the kiln shell of high temperature during the process, of chemicals and mechanical abrasion. Fire bricks are the most material for refractory, hence it is necessary to carefully select and properly installed. In this way it will contribute to save heat. Various types of fire bricks will have its characteristic to deal with. Appropriate placement of fire brick is aimed at avoiding unfastened and increasing its life time. Referring to the observations in one of cement factory, it showed us that kiln shut down occurred for 3-4 times in a year due to refractory problem. This shut down will reduce energy efficiency, rising operational cost as of starting up kiln using IDO, loosing production time including additional hours for maintenance staff to fix it.Kiln, refractory, fire brick, cleaner production, cementWiharja
147Transformasi Kimia Senyawa Belerang, Dampak Dan PenanganannyaChemical transformation in the atmosfeer occurs because of antropogenic and antropogenic activity. It can be existing in difference forms and follows biogeochemical complex cycles. If this chemical transformation of sulfur is over the environmental support ability, there will be serious impacts in many sectors of life, such as environmental pollution, decreasing of healt level, and affecting the agricultural productivity.The effort of preventive and recovery of environment must be done for repairing the polluted environmental to become the conditions which are more friendly with the environment.Chemical transformation, antropogenic, nonantropogenic; sulfurNida Sopiah
148Diversitas Anak Pohon Di Hutan Taman Nasional Gunung Merbabu, Jawa TengahChisocheton pentandrum, Acacia decurrens,Dodonaea viscosa; Pinus merkusiiTeknologi
149Aktivitas Aktinomisetes Dari Bangka-BelitungKoleksi Bidang Mikrobiologi, Puslit Biologi- Lipi Dalam?chitinase, clear zone, spectrophotometerTeknologi
150Kajian Pertumbuhan Chlorella Sp. Pada Limbah Cair Industri SusuChlorella sp, industri, limbah cair, fotosintesisTeknologi
151Pengaruh Kelimpahan Sel Mikroalgae Air Tawar (Chlorella Sp.) Terhadap Penambatan KarbondioksidaChlorella sp., karbondioksida, penambatan, kelimpahan mikroalgaTeknologi
152Dampak Penggunaan KlorinChlorine is a chemical substance, which has been used in many industries for a long time, especially in the pulp and paper industry and drinking water treatment. Chlorine has been used in making dye, medicine, plastic, solvent and dry clean. In the sector of energy and electricity, chlorine is used in the cooling water system. Due to the lack of condition of chlorine?s storage, it will lead to the leakage of chlorine gas, which will endanger environment and health. Waste from industrial activity containing chlorine has a potential to damage environment. Chlorine also can easily react with many compounds because of its character as a strong oxidator. If chlorine and organic compounds are bound to each other, they will cause carcinogenic effect. Based on the consideration of the danger of chlorine on environment and health, many countries in the world strive to reduce its use in industries. Many alternatives and technologies have been developed to alternate the function of the chlorineChlorine, Chemical, Environment, Solvent, Oxidator, Industry, Cooling, FoulingAchmad Hasan
153Penurunan Kadar Krom (Cr) Dengan Menggunakan Biomasa Ampas Tebu Secara Bio-AdsorbsiChrome is a substance belong to high toxicity heavy metal group which can cause both acute and chronic poisoning. One of the methods that can be used to reduce its concentration is biosorbtion with bagasse biomass. The objectives of the study were to understand the chrome concentration before and after absorbed, as well as to understand the amount of the most effective biomass. The study was an experimental with three treatments of which consisted of eight repetitions. The sample was synthetic liquid waste and the treatment absorbent was bagasse biomass which was processed as activated carbon of 10, 15, and 20 grams weight. The chrome concentration were measured by using AAS method. The results showed that the chrome concentration before treated was 10,196 mg/l, and the average of the reduction from the three absorbents weight were: 0.174 mg/l, 0,099 mg/l, and 0,011 mg/l respectively. It can be concluded that there were reduction differences amongst the three treatments, and 20 gr absorbent was the most effective one (99.88 % reduction). It is advised for further study to apply the bagasse for processing liquid waste from industrial activities.Bagasse biomass, ChromeYasril, Heru Subaris Kasjono, dan Sri Puji Ganefati
154Contribution of the Organic Waste from Fish Culture on the Degdardation of Water Quality of CirataCirata is one of three reservoirs lay in Citarum River, where the water body is used to fish culture in floating net. Lately, one or two times in a year, fish in the floating net die massly because of the water quality of reservoirs have worsen, which resulted from the entering of organic pollutant from human being activities in and outside of the Reservoir. This paper is written to reveal contribution of organic waste from fish culture in floating net represented human being activities inside of the Reservoir on the worsening of water quality Cirata. The result revealed that the Reservoir Cirata continually has been polluted by organic waste, which gradually resulted in the worsening of water quality indicated by increasing chemical oxygen demand (COD) and concentration of chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), and decreasing secchi disk. This study indicated that on 1997, fish culture using floating net (internal loading) in Reservoir Cirata contribute the nutrient three times than domestic and agriculture (external loading). This situation is guessed still going on hitherto, therefore the reservoir become very hypertrophic, as giant cesspools, and resulted in death of fish masslyCirata, organic waste, fish culture, water qualityYudhi Soetrisno Garno
155Aplikasi Teknologi Bioengineering Jebakan Sedimen Di Sub Das Citanduy HuluCitanduy watershed has been classified as a critical watershed in West Java. Sedimentation load at Citanduy watershed reach 5 milion cubic meters/years. It is indicated that lagoon area ?Segara Anakan? was decreased about 823 hectars. Land use changes for cultivation area at Citanduy upland causes acceleration land degradation. Various efforts of the civil engineering and vegetative approach have been applied to control erosion and sedimentation. Alternative technology for controlling soil erosion and sedimentation is the application of sediment trap bioengineering. It is application on micro catchment area, environment-friendly, and easily adapted for the farmers community. The main for material of bioengineering sediment trap is made of Bamboo. Results of design that is applied in the critical area at Bukit Bitung up land (Citaduy upland) Kecamatan Tambaksari, Ciamis Region, measuring the width between 100 cm to 150 cm, whereas the height are between 80 cm to 100 cm. The application of this technology is effective sediment traps for micro catcment area of <5 hectars. Therefore for a broad cachment area more sediment traps are required. In a period of not more than 1.5 month, the sediment trap has been able to capture sediments up to 1 m3 per unit. The performance of sediment traps bioengineering also shown that bamboo as main components has grown up to not more than 30 days. The trapped sediments were restored back to the land for agricultural purposes after being add by agricultural waste. Sediments that have been processed at the same time also functions as soil amelioration or soil improvement.degradasi lahan, jebakan sedimen, bioengineering, sedimentasi, ameliorasiHasmana Soewandita dan Nana Sudiana
156Asas Kota Berkelanjutan Dan Penerapannya Di IndonesiaCities percieved having strategic role for implementing global program on sustainable development as established through Earth Summit at Rio de Janeiro by 1992. It is realized that cities are fundamental for economic opportunities and social interaction, as well as cultural and spiritual enrichment. However, cities also damage the natural environment and exploit natural resources in an unsustainable manner, which can jeopardize long-term prosperity and social wellbeing. This is of global concern, as more than half of the world?s population lives in cities and trends indicate that this will increase. Based on this understanding by 1994 European cities declared Aalborg principles and by 2002 several cities of the world declared Melbourne principles on sustainable cities. The principles are intended to guide thinking and provide a strategic framework for action and allow cities to develop sustainable solutions that are relevant to their particular circumstances. Despite there were Indonesian cities participate in Melbourne conference, sustainable cities is still aliens for most of city governance. Therefor there was initiative to formulate sustainable cities principles that assumed more relevance and appropriate to Indonesian situation.berkelanjutan, kota, asas, kota berkelanjutanTjuk Kuswartojo
157Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Teknologi Pengolahan Air (SITPA)Clean water needs and wastewater treatment will be a serious problem for industry especially for food industries. The packet information of applicable technology for water treatment and industrial waste handling that can support any development sector nowadays is needed by any kind of society especially for small and medium enterprise players. To face on globalisation, the computer and information technology will be used as an important tools for distributing the packet of technology from R&D community to any kind of society through global network. By using the existing network infrastructure in the country, the packet information of technology will be distributed electronically specially to help group of small and medium industry. As pilot project, this activity chooses the tahu/tempe industry located in Semanan, Jakarta Barat for the industrial centre. By surveying the need of technology, we try to help craftsman to resolve their problem on clean water supply and industrial waste, so they can increase their product quality.air bersih, limbah cair, sistem informasi, internet, hypertext, multimediaHeru Dwi Wahjono
158Peningkatan Sistem Teknologi pengolahan Air Melalui Pengembangan Sistem Informasi.Clean water needs waste water treament will be a serius problem for indrustry especially for food indrustries. The packet information of applicable technology for water treatment aand indrustrial waste handling that san support any development sector nowdays is needed by any kind of society especially for small and medium enterprise players. To face on globlisation, the computer and information technology will be used as an important tools for distributing thr packet of technology from R&D community to any kind of society through global network. By using the exisitng network infrastrycture in the country, the packet information of technology will be distributed electrically specially to help group oif small and medium industry. As pilot project, this activity chooses the tahu/tempe industry located in technology, we try to help craftsman to resolve their problem on clean water supply and waste, so they can increase their product quality.air bersih, air limbah cair,sistem informasi, internet, hypertext, multimediaHeru Dwi Wahjono
159Masalah Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Air Bersih Tiga Desa
Di Kabupaten Ende
Clean water supply is still a very difficult problem for small villages, especially in County Ende, NTT. Three villages, ie Detukeli, Ndetundora I and Ndetundora II, are the examples. The real problem is the settlement living in the area which do not have enough potential of water resources.There are some potential surface water resources, but they are located more than 3 km from the village settlement. One of the potential rivers is so separated by a big hill, that the people have to walk for a long distance to reach the clean water resource. To solve the problem, it is very important to develop a transmition piping, including the distribution net and a hidram water pumping system. To construct a complete water supply system needs a lot of investation. For only Village Detukeli as an example, it needs approximately almost 2 thousand million rupiahsClean water supply, limited potential of water resourcesP. Nugro Rahardjo
160Peluang Penerapan Produksi Bersih Pada Kawasan Industri Perikanan Muncar Kabupaten Banyuwangi?Cleaner production, fisherys industryTeknologi