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1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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41Analisis Viabilitas Probiotik Lactobacillus Terenkapsulasi Dalam Penyalut Dekstrin?Lactobacillus, enkapsulasi, dekstrin, gairah jus buahTeknologi
42Ancaman Terhadap Kualitas Air di Bumi.Air tawar adalah kubutuhan pokok manusia dan keberadaanya di bumi kita ini adalah terbatas. Dalam perjalanan siklusnya, air khususnya air tawar mengalami proses penurunan kualitas akibat dari proses kegiatan manusia misalnya industri, kegiatan sehari-hari, pertanian dan kegiatan lainnya, ataupun oleh proses alami. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut hal yang terpenting yakni pengelolaan air harus mengarah kepada efisiensi penggunaan air, melakukan daur ulang, dan pencegahan polusi serta perbaikan badan air adalah lebih penting dari pada mengembangkan teknologi pengolahan air, karena biaya pengolahan akan sangat besar sejalan dengan meningkatnya polusi tersebut, dan pada akhirnya yang paling penting adalah kesadaran kita manusia ini untuk menjaga dan melestarikan air di bumi ini, karena tanpa kesadaran ini maka perusakan lingkungan dan pencemaran air akan terus berlangsung.Air Tawar, Kualitas Air, Filter, Karbon AktifIr. Nusa Idaman Said, M.Sc.
43Aplikasi Bio-Ball Untuk Media Biofilter Studi Kasus Pengolahan Air Limbah Pencucian JeanThe textile industry is one of the most popular industries in Indonesia. Although it?s giving a positive value towards economic value, it also contributes a bed effect towards environmental quality. One of those industries is small-scale laundry industry located in Kelurahan Sukabumi Selatan, West of Jakarta. The lack of land and money, most of the jeans laundry industry throws away their wastewater straight to the river system without any process. The present study describes the application plastic media called bio-ball as a biofilter supporting media for treating of jeans laundry industry wastewater using combined anaerobic and aerobic process. The type of reactor that is used in this research is a continuous flow biological reactor which has total volume 195 litter and divided into 5 zones, i.e. presedimentation , 2 anoxic zone, aerobic zone and post sedimentation zone. Reactor effluent is recirculated into presedimentation zone with hydraulic recycle ratio (HRR) 1:1. Seeding is done in a natural way by directly flowing the domestic wastewater into reactor with retention time 72 hours, until a biofilm layer is formed on the surface of bio-ball media. Acclimatization is done gradually by replacing domestic with laundry jeans wastewater in 72 hours retention time, until domestic wastewater was 100 % replaced, The main research were conducting by continuous operation under condition 72 hours, 48 hours and 24 hours retention time. The result of experiment shows that within the combined anaerobic and aerobic process using bio-ball plastic media under conditions 1 - 3 days retention time, the removal efficiency of COD 78 ? 91 %, BOD 85 ? 92 %, Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 80 ? 93 %, and Colour 48 ? 57 % respectively. The longer retention time has resulted in higher removal efficiency.Bio-ball, biofilter, pencucian jean, anaerob-aerob.Nusa Idaman Said
44Aplikasi Biofilter Untuk Pengolahan Air Limbah Industri Kecil TekstilPengolahan Air Limbah, Biofilter, Industri TekstilTeknologi Pengolahan Air
45Aplikasi Ga3 Dalam Memecahkan Dormansi Biji Picrasma Javanica Setelah Penyimpanan Pada Berbagai?GA3, dormancy, temperature, long of storage, seed , P. javanicaTeknologi
46Aplikasi Metoda Res-2d Untuk Eksplorasi Air Bawah Tanah Di Daerah KarsPeople have long been interested in kars, the typically topograhy in limestone area. There are many spectacular ornament in the caves caused by carbonates presipitates. Among the most common shapes which is be chief attraction for cave visitors is stalactites, stalagmites and columns. Beside of the excitements, kars also have hard problem for people who lived in that area. It is how to find out water for their living. Karst formation, both the surface (dolina, hill, etc) and underground forms (caverns, groundwater conduits, underground streams), appears as conductive zones relative to adjacent undisturbed limestone. Therefore resistivity methode will produce good results if applied to identify dolina, conduits , caverns and structure of geology in kars. The methode describes in this paper is Res-2D with configuration of pole-dipole with area for research are kars in Pacitan and Tulungagung region. Four principal layers can typically be differentiated in a vertical section : near surface (clayey) loam and soil in dolina, dry karstified limestone, conduit & cave and solid unkarstified limestone. They have contrast of resistivity. Conduits have resistivity value range from 10 to 20 ohmm, whereas resistivty of cave is > 1000 ohmm. Karstified limestone have resistivity value from 20 to 250 ohmm, whereas massive limestone have resistivity > 250 ohmm. This paper shows that Res-2D methode can give good contribution in exploration of groundwater in kars area.Kars, Res-2D, ConduitsAgus Kuswanto
47Aplikasi Metode Curve Number Untuk Mempresentasikan Hubungan Curah Hujan?Run off observasi, run off model, curve numberTeknologi
48Aplikasi Metode Pengendapan Pada Analis Fitoplankton dan Tingkat Kesuburan Waduk SagulingAt this moment, Saguling reservoir in Citarum river is not only polluted by waste waterfrom municipal, Industry,agriculture and become eutrophicated. This research was carried out in attempt to know how bad is the eutrophication and effecting phytoplankton in sanguling river.this research reveal based on the measured physical, chemistry and biological parameters , Sanguling resrvoir could be classified into eutrophic with low transparency (< 70 cm), high concentration of nitrogen (>1,100mg NoI-1), phosphor(>0,216mgPol-1) ande dominated by Mycrocytis and Ascilatoria. This result also approvode the previuos analysis that overflow of sampilinfplanktonnet alwaays resulting " undrestiination" vaslue. Therefore using row metter without filitering and settling methode in phytoplankton is suggested.Eutrofik, pengendapan, kelimpahan,. Struktur fitoplanktonYudhi Soetrisno Garno, PhD.
49Aplikasi Proses Biofiltrasi Dan Ultrafiltrasi Untuk Pengolahan Air MinumTo reduce the organic substance and ammonia in raw water hence raw water from river have to be processed by pretreatment prior to main processing unit. One of the alternatives is biological treatment using submerged biofilter which filled with honeycomb plastic supporting media. Research conducted by operating continuous flow biofilter reactor wich filled with honeycomb plastic supporting media. The size of biofilter reactor is 59 cm x 30 cm x 210 cm, with total volume 371.7 litres. The research was conducting by continuous operation under condition 4 hours, 3 hours, 2 hours and 1 hour retention time. The result of experiment shows that within the biofilter process under conditions 4 hours, 3 hours, 2 hours and one hour retention time, the removal efficiency of organic substance were 67.27 %, 53,89 5,45.70 % and 30.92 % respectively. And the removal efficiency of ammonia under conditions 3 hours, 2 hours and one hour retention time were 73.59 %, 67.98 %, and 48.74 % respectively. The longer retention time has resulted in higher removal efficiency. By combining biofiltration process with ultra fltration (UF) membrane technology, hence will be got technological alternative of drinking water process which able to degrade an organic matter and ammonia without chemicals instead of convensional process.biofiltasi, membran, ultra filtrasi, air minumNusa Idaman Said
50Aplikasi Proses Biologi Anaerobik Pada Pengolahan Air Limbah Organik Berkonsentrasi Garam TinggiAnaerobic treatment of wastewater with high organic and salt content but low pH (TOC, 14 g/l; salt, 150 g/l; pH,2.7) generated during an ?ume boshi? manufacturing process was investigated. Five-fold-diluted ?ume boshi? effluent was treated by a draw-and-fill method at a volumetric TOC (total organic carbon) loading rate of 3.0 g/l/d with a TOC removal efficiency of 75%. Five-fold-diluted ?ome boshi? effluent was also treated in an anaerobic fluidized-bed reactor (AFBR) at a maximum volumetric TOC loading rate of 3.0 g/l/d, which gave almost the same results as the draw-and-fill method. However, ten-fold-diluted ?ome boshi? effluent could be treated in the AFBR at a maximum volumetric TOC loading rate of 11 g/l/d with a TOC removal efficiency of 85%. The methane content in the evolved gas was high, being 70%. The red pigment in the ?ome boshi? effluent was completely decolorized by the anaerobic treatmentAnaerobic fluidized-bed reactor, ?Ume boshi?Co2+ and Ni2+ ions, decolorizationIkbal
51Aplikasi Reaktor High Rate Performance Pada Pengolahan Limbah Cair Industri Kecil Tahubiogas, reaktor high-rate-performance, reaktor fixed bed, industri tahuTeknologi Pengolahan Air
52Aplikasi SIG Untuk Memahami Fenomena Tutupan Lahan dengan Citra SatelitSeasonal characteristics of vegetation, such as growing season are closely related to characteristics of the lower atmosphere, and are therefore important variables in global models and vegetation monitoring. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data derived from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration?s (NOAA) Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) satellite sensor offer a means of efficiently and objectively evaluating vegetation response over large geographic areas. Those vegetation responses were computed based on time-series NDVI data collected from May 1997 to April 1998 over South East Asia. Measure of growing season was computed and analyzed for land cover type. It is difficult if not impossible to objectively define an absolute the time of the growing season from satellite observations. The purpose of this paper is to determine the threshold of the growing season by using Geographic Information System (GIS).GIS, Satellite Data, Growing Season,ThresholdTeguh Prayogo
53Aplikasi Sig Untuk Penetapan Kesesuaian Wilayah Penerapan Mekanisasi Pertanian Tanaman PanganThe study is the preliminary research aiming to apply the usefulness of the GIS system for classifying suitability of region to the agricultural mechanization. Simple basic theory of GIS and classification of agricultural mechanization were presented. Nine physical and non-physical parameters as limiting factors were defined and a weight of each parameter was calculated in order to know how far its effect to the agricultural mechanization practice. Data coming from several types, ie: numeric, vector and remote sensing (raster) were prepared to support the process. Two ordoes consisting of five classes were employed to extract suitability classification of each District in Jawa Barat dan Banten Province. The results show that ten districts are classified into suitable for applying agricultural mechanization, and the rest ten districts are classified into not suitable. Depending on the dynamic character of limiting factor, suitability class would possibly change along the time. Saveral conclusions and advices for improving research are givenGIS, Kesesuaian Mekanisasi PertanianMubekti
54Aplikasi Sistem Feul Cell sebagai Energi Ramah Lingkungan di Sektor Transportasi dan PembangkitFuel cell is a device which is purposed to convert chemical energy into electric energy and produce water as side result. Fuel cell technology doesn?t produce emission and doesn?t make noises and also has a high efficiency until 45% in fuel conversion to electricity, and it can be higher until 60% ? 80% if it is co-generation. A fuel processing system converts hydrocarbon or other organic fuels to hydrogen of composition and purity suitable for fuel cell operation. The fuels include petroleum derived liquids, such as naphtha and gasoline, petroleum derived gases, such as methane and propane, and other fuel such as methanol and ethanol. The electrolyte in the center allows only the protons to pass through the membrane to the cathode side of the fuel cell. The electrons cannot pass through this membrane and flow through an external circuit in the form of electric current. As oxygen flows into the fuel cell cathode, another catalyst helps the oxygen, protons, and electrons combine to produce pure water and heat.Fuel cell, hydrogen, conversion, emission, generator Achmad Hasan
55Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Geografi (Sig) Untuk Penataan Kawasan PantaiKawasan pantai merupakan suatu kawasan yang spesifik, dinamik, unik dan sangat kaya akan habitat baik laut maupun darat. Kawasan ini banyak sekali manfaatnya baik bagi masyarakat, swasta maupun pemerintah dan semakin lama semakin banyak yang membutuhkan padahal luasnya sangat terbatas, sehingga di kawasan ini sering terjadi konflik kepntingan antar sector seperti yang terjadi di Pantai Parangtritis dan sekitarnya. Oleh karena itulah perlu adanya penataan ruang yang baik di kawasan Pantai Parangtritis dan sekitarnya. Suatu perencanaan, penataan dan pengembangan wilayah yang baik memerlukan data spasial dan jnon-spasial yang kompleks dan sanga banyak, sehingga perlu adanya alat yang dapat menghubungkan, mengelola, memanipulasi, menganalisis, dan menampilkan data serta informasi secara baik. Salah satu alat tersebut adalah Teknologi SIG yang saat ini telah berkembang dengan sangat pesat. Penataan kawasan Pantai Parangtritis dapat dilihat pada Gambar 4 dan Tabel 3. Berdasarkan hal diatas maka pemanfaatan lahan di Pantai Parang tritis dan sekitarnya adalah : untuk kawasan lindung hutan wisata (1,234 km2), kawasan lindung budaya (0,659 km2), hutan pantai (0,623 km2), kawasan lindung gumuk pasir (1,311 km2), sempadan pantai (1,533 km2), pertanian lahan basah (13,141 km2), pertanian lahan kering (7,563 km2), perikanan darat (1,272 km2), perikanan laut (0,652 km2) dan untuk pengembangan kawasan pemukiman (11,882 km2) serta pengembangan fasilitas wisata (1,006 km2).Pemodelan, Lingkungan Pantai, Sistem Informasi Geografi (Sig), Gumuk Pasir Barchan Laboratur..Mardi Wibowo
56Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Geografiuntuk Penghitungan Koefisien Aliran Daerah Aliran Sngai (Das)?According to Cook, drainage basin characteristics factor yielding high surface stream are 1. Relief 2. Infiltration 3. Landuse, and 4. Drainage density. These physical parameter is use to determine runoff coefficient of catchment area, with application of Geographical Information System (GIS) application on Ciliwung catcment area above Depok. Steps to analyse of runoff coefficient are scoring of each classification of relief, infiltration, landuse and drainage density, and then all of the four maps which have score are overlay to become a map of unit land. Runoff coefficient hereinafter is calculated and found out that runoff coefficient of Ciliwung catchment area is 0, 58.GIS, SIG, metode Cook, metode Bridge Branch, runoff coeffisient, Cathment area, DAS, CiliwungR. Haryoto Indriatmoko dan V. Ery Wibowo
57Aplikasi Teknologi Bioengineering Jebakan Sedimen Di Sub Das Citanduy HuluCitanduy watershed has been classified as a critical watershed in West Java. Sedimentation load at Citanduy watershed reach 5 milion cubic meters/years. It is indicated that lagoon area ?Segara Anakan? was decreased about 823 hectars. Land use changes for cultivation area at Citanduy upland causes acceleration land degradation. Various efforts of the civil engineering and vegetative approach have been applied to control erosion and sedimentation. Alternative technology for controlling soil erosion and sedimentation is the application of sediment trap bioengineering. It is application on micro catchment area, environment-friendly, and easily adapted for the farmers community. The main for material of bioengineering sediment trap is made of Bamboo. Results of design that is applied in the critical area at Bukit Bitung up land (Citaduy upland) Kecamatan Tambaksari, Ciamis Region, measuring the width between 100 cm to 150 cm, whereas the height are between 80 cm to 100 cm. The application of this technology is effective sediment traps for micro catcment area of <5 hectars. Therefore for a broad cachment area more sediment traps are required. In a period of not more than 1.5 month, the sediment trap has been able to capture sediments up to 1 m3 per unit. The performance of sediment traps bioengineering also shown that bamboo as main components has grown up to not more than 30 days. The trapped sediments were restored back to the land for agricultural purposes after being add by agricultural waste. Sediments that have been processed at the same time also functions as soil amelioration or soil improvement.degradasi lahan, jebakan sedimen, bioengineering, sedimentasi, ameliorasiHasmana Soewandita dan Nana Sudiana
58Aplikasi Teknologi Eksplorasi Untuk Memahami Kondisi Air Tanah Di Daerah Padang ?Groundwater is water that comes from the ground. Groundwater comes from rain, snow, sleet, and hail that soaks into the ground. The water moves down into the ground because of gravity, passing between particles of soil, sand, gravel, or rock until it reaches a depth where the ground is filled, or saturated, with water. Groundwater is stored in the ground in materials like gravel or sand. Water can also move through rock formations like sandstone or through cracks in rocks. Groundwater is one of solution to overcome a problem of the need of drinking water in the Padang Luas Area, because the availability of surface water is not enough. The objective of research is finding out characteristic and condition of ground water in Padang Luas, Tanah Laut district. To meet the objective, it was applied method of geophysical technology, namely electrical resistivity method by injecting current into the ground through current electrodes that are grounded at the earth's surface and measuring the difference of the electrical potential between the potential electrodes. Based on data processing, modeling and interpretation, it was gained result concerning the existence of aquifer in Padang Luas area that is predicted to occupy between 30 ? 60 meter and 70 ? 120 meter depth.Groundwater, Electrical ResistivityTeguh Prayogo
59Aplikasi Teknologi Hijau Untuk Pemantauan Kualitas Lingkungan Berbasis Struktur Komunitas Mikrobateknologi hijau, ekstraksi fluida superkritis, respirasi kuinon, struktur komunitas mikrobaTeknologi
60Aplikasi Teknologi Informasi Di Bagian Pengelolaan Lingkungan Studi Kasus di JepangDiperkirakan jumlah industri akan bertambah pesat di wilayah Indonesia khususnya di daerah pulau Jawa dan ini mengakibatkan masalah pencemaran lingkunganpun akan terus meningkat. Untuk mengendalikan pencemaran lingkungan ini diperlukan penguasaan pengelolaan lingkungan agar kualitas lingkungan hidup dapat dipertahankan. Kendala yang ada saat ini adalah kurangnya koordinasi antar sektor, serta tidak meratanya kemampuan dalam mengendalikan pengelolaan lingkungan. Salah satu upaya dalam mengatasi kendala tersebut adalah dengan meningkatkan teknologi informasi yang berkualitas serta pemanfaatan informasi yang andal. Untuk mengetahui sejauh mana kondisi penggunaan teknologi informasi dalam pengelolaan lingkungan di lembaga pemerintah, telah dilakukan studi kasus tentang kondisi penggunaan teknologi informasi di kantor-kantor pemerintah pusat dan daerah yang menangani masalah lingkungan di negara Jepang. Hasil ini diharapkan sebagai perbandingan dalam upaya meningkatkan sistem informasi khususnya mengenai lingkungan di IndonesiaTeknologi Informasi, Jepang, Lingkungan, Aplikasi KomputerDrs. Satmoko Yudo, M.Eng.