Rekapitulasi Jumlah Koleksi dalam Database
No Kategori Jumlah
1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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61Aplikasi Teknologi Pengadaan Air Bersih Di Empat Desa Tertinggal Di Bengkulu SelatanIn County South Bengkulu there are 4 villages classified into poor villages. Those villages do not have some principal facilities yet, such as clean water supply system and electricity. To fulfill clean water need, the people use shallow groundwater which has very bad quality. The groundwater contains Fe (1.7 ppm) and Mn (0.7 ppm). The contents are much more than the standard quality allowed by WHO. The groundwater colour is also a little bit brown. To deal with those problems, BPPT (Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology) has tried to apply a water treatment system which is supported by a solar cell system producing the electricity. The electric energy is used for pumping the groundwater. The water treatment has a mainly important process which is accommodated in a multy media filter. The media include coarse coral, find coral, sand silica, manganese zeolite and activated carbon. The media filter can reduce the contaminants (Fe & Mn) and remove the odour effectively. The complete water treatment system has been applied successfully in the 4 villages (one for each village).Clean Water Supply TechnologyP. Nugro Rahardjo
62Aplikasi Teknologi Pengolahan Air Asin...
Desa Tarupa Kecamatan Taka Bonerate Kabupaten Selayar
Takabonerate is one of the 23 regencies in South Sulawesi where it is locates at the southern parth of South Sulawesi Province and it is surrounded by flores sea. As maritime regency, its mainland is 1,188.28 km2 (5.23%) and the sea is approximately 21,138.41 km2 (94.68%). It has 126 islands wich consist of small and big islands. Tarupa village?s a subdistrict located in a tidy and peat area. The community living in tarupa use surface water of river as the main clean water resource. The surface water is influenced by the tide of sea water. The surface water taste is very salty (TDS>12000ppm). The use of rain water as the second alternative is very limited, i.e it is only in rainy season. To deal with the chronic problem, such as the lack of clean water supply, it needs an appropriate water treatment technology. The suitable water treatment system is a combination of conventional and advanced technology. Desalination, such as Reverse Osmosis must be involved to reduce salinity of the raw water. A complete process includes the pretreatment and advance treatment. The pretreatment are oxidation and some common filtrations. The advance treatment is a molecular filtration using a membran which the principal is reverse osmosis pressure. If the pilot water treatment plant is avalaible in Tarupa in Takabonerate, the clean water supply will not be a serious problem. Generally, it can also play an important role to increase the social level of community in South Sulawesi..Teknologi, pengolahan, air asin, reverse osmosis, air minum.Wahyu Widayat
63Aplikasi Teknologi Pengolahan Air Sederhana Untuk Masyarakat PedesaanThe level of water services by PDAM (Local Water Service Company) is still 19,4% of Indonesian population. Most of them still rely on groundwater, spring, river and rain. In the big and medium cities the level of water services higher between 40 ? 50 and 20 - 30% respectively, but in rural still very low. Recently many source of water is contaminated by domestic, industry, and agricultur waste due to lack of attention of water users to environment. Beside, some dense populated areas with low sanitation fasility make many shalow well contaminated by E.coli. For improving rural water services, It needs government policy that encourage bigger role of rural comunity to develop their ability and organization that maintain and protect source, process, production and distribution of water. Information of Simple Water Treatment Technology is an important that must be distributed to people who live in village or remote areas, in order to improve their knowledge. BPPT has been along time to develop many kind of water treatment technologies for treating river water, groundwater, peatwater, calcareous water,poluted water, brachist water or even sea water to make clean water or potable water. Many of those technologies have already applied in many areas in Indonesia, and up to now BPPT still develop many kind of water treatment technologies for the futureair bersih, pengolahan air, masyarakat pedesaanArie Herlambang dan Nusa Idaman Said
64Aplikasi Teknologi RO Untuk Memenuhi Kebutuhan Air Minum Di Kawasan Pesisir / Pulau TerpencilTeknologi pengolah air asin menjadi air tawar ada bermacam-macam jenisnya. Saat ini untuk mengolah air asin dikenal dengan cara destilasi, pertukaran ion, elektrodialisis, dan osmosa balik. Masing-masing teknologi mempunyai keunggulan dan kelemahan. Pemanfaatan teknologi pengolahan air asin harus disesuaikan dengan konsidi air baku, biaya yang tersedia, kapasitas dan kualitas yang diinginkan oleh pemakai air. Di antara berbagai macam teknologi tersebut yang banyak dipakai adalah teknologi destilasi dan osmosa balik. Teknologi destilasi umumnya banyak dipakai ditempat yang mempunyai energi terbuang (pembakaran gas minyak pada kilang minyak), sehingga dapat menghemat biaya operasi dan skala produksinya besar (>500 m3/hari). Sedangkan teknologi osmosa balik banyak dipakai dalam skala yang lebih kecil. Keunggulan teknologi membran osmosa balik adalah kecepatannya dalam memproduksi air, karena menggunakan tenaga pompa. Kelemahannya adalah penyumbatan pada selaput membran oleh bakteri dan kerak kapur atau fosfat yang umum terdapat dalam air asin atau laut. Untuk mengatasi kelemahannya pada unit pengolah air osmosa balik selalu dilengkapi dengan unit anti pengerakkan dan anti penyumbatan oleh bakteri. Sistem membran reverse yang dipakai dapat berupa membran dan mampu menurunkan kadar garam hingga 95-98%. Air hasil olahan sudah bebas dari bakteri dan dapat langsung diminum.Teknologi reverse osmosis, air minum, kawasan pesisirNusa Idaman Said
65Aplikasi Teknologi Sarpalam 100uf Untuk Penyediaan Air Bersih Di Dusun Dantar, Padang Cermin,LampungDantar Village can be reached from Bandar Lampung in one hour. There are 250 families or around 1250 people dwell there. In Dantar, groundwater is difficult to tap, especially during dry seasons, and the water is usually turbid and salty due to hydrothermal activities at several places. Sarpalam 100 UF is the accronym of Saringan Pasir Lambat (Slow Sand Filter), which has capacity of 100 m3/day with an up flow system. Standard design for the first filtration is 6 m3/m2/day, and 4 m3/m2/day for second one, with media 1 m thickness. Sarpalam 100 UF utilizes double system is intended to keep the running even though the whole unit is being cleaned. The unit is also equippped with top and bottom flushing systems to ease maintenance. The water processed comes from Way Sanggi Rivers situated 300 m from the location of the equipment, with an elevation difference of 4,5 m. Its water catchment uses branching porous pipe, submerged in the ground, so a constant water supply can be maintained although a flood is coming. The Sarpalam 100UF has operated for 2 months and its distribution network development is underway.Water Treatment, Slow Sand Filter, Sarpalam 100 Uf, Lampung,Arie Herlambang
66Aplikasi Undang-Undang Tentang Informasi Dan Pelayanan Publik Dalam Kasus Sistem Informasi ?The Law of Information and Electronics Transaction, the Law of Public Information Transparency, the Law of Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia, and the Law of Public Services is a part of the legal system related to information and public services. These four laws should be scrutinized in terms of technology application. To create prime services in the management of clean water and waste water, it has been developed the technology information system of clean water and waste water processing (SITPABLC). SITPABLC is the information system to provide information and technology services due to supporting the implementation of these four laws.informasi, transaksi elektronik, informasi publik, keterbukaan informasi publik, pelayanan ?Komarudin dan Satmoko Yudo
67Application of US-EPA Menthod 29:Samping of Metals Emission from Stationary SourceThis report summaries the results of sampling (and analyses) of stack flue gas of P.T. Semen Cibinong?s Kiln, located at Jl. Raya Narogong, Desa Nambo, Cileungsi, Bogor. The test was aimed to determine concentrations of emitted metals (As, Cd, Cr, Pb, Hg and Tl) concentrations. The conditions of the kiln tested were maintained at its normal operation. The metals were sampled from the flue gas at 3 (three) replicates. The metals concentrations in all three tests were well below the standard as stipulated in Kep-06/BAPEDAL/02/1999. This stack sampling work was carried out with the strict procedures specified by United States Environmental Protection Agency (US-EPA), Method No. 29. The laboratory analysis of metals were conducted by Analitika Sejahtera Lingkungan (ASL) laboratory, Bogor. The procedures of both stack sampling and laboratory analyses have followed a quality assurance/ quality control (QA/QC) program as an integral part of the overall technical effort.US-EPA Method 29, metals, traverse points, isokinetic sampling, linear velocityKardono
68Asas Kota Berkelanjutan Dan Penerapannya Di IndonesiaCities percieved having strategic role for implementing global program on sustainable development as established through Earth Summit at Rio de Janeiro by 1992. It is realized that cities are fundamental for economic opportunities and social interaction, as well as cultural and spiritual enrichment. However, cities also damage the natural environment and exploit natural resources in an unsustainable manner, which can jeopardize long-term prosperity and social wellbeing. This is of global concern, as more than half of the world?s population lives in cities and trends indicate that this will increase. Based on this understanding by 1994 European cities declared Aalborg principles and by 2002 several cities of the world declared Melbourne principles on sustainable cities. The principles are intended to guide thinking and provide a strategic framework for action and allow cities to develop sustainable solutions that are relevant to their particular circumstances. Despite there were Indonesian cities participate in Melbourne conference, sustainable cities is still aliens for most of city governance. Therefor there was initiative to formulate sustainable cities principles that assumed more relevance and appropriate to Indonesian situation.berkelanjutan, kota, asas, kota berkelanjutanTjuk Kuswartojo
69Asosiasi Dan Karakterisasi Tegakan Pada Hutan Rawa Gambut Di Hampangen, Kalimantan Tengahkarakterisasi hutan, rawa-gambut, HampangenTeknologi
70Aspek Lingkungan Sebagai Faktor
Environment aspect as requirement growing of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus sp.), give priority like temperature, relative humidity, time, CO2 and light. The parameter have different influence to each stadium or stage, for example mycelia growing on substrate, formation of fruiting primordia, formation of fruiting body, harvest cycle and BER (Biological Efficiency Ratio) value. pH medium have to regulated (between 6-7), incubation phase (22 - 28 O C ), humidity 60-70% and fruiting body phase 16 - 22 O C. Growing mycelium without light, growing fruiting body is needed light stimulant, light intensity 60 - 70 %.temperature, pH, time, CO2, light, mycelium, fruiting bodyNetty Widyastuti dan Donowati Tjokrokusumo
71Aspek Pencemaran Lingkungan Dari Pabrik Pencairan BatubaraStudi kelayakan pembangunan pabrik pencairan batubara muda di Indonesia (1999-2001) merupakan jawaban terhadap pencarian kelangkaan energi untuk menghasilkan bahan bakar minyak sintetis. Pabrik tersebut yang rencananya akan dibangun di lokasi tambang batubara muda Banko, Tanjung Enim (Sumatera Selatan), akan memproduksi 130.000-140.000 bbl/d minyak batubara dari 30.000 t/d batubara (berat kering). Teknologi BCL Process yang didisain untuk mengkonversikan jenis batubara muda menjadi produk cair, menjadi teknologi alternatif dalam hal ini karena merupakan teknologi batubara bersih. Hal ini dicirikan dengan efisiensi thermal yang tinggi (mencapai 98%), lebih sedikit batubara yang dikonsumsi dan pengendalian yang ketat terhadap limbah dari proses. Dengan mengacu pada hasil-hasil yang diperoleh dari pengoperasian pilot plant 50 t/d di Australia, kajian awal aplikasi teknologi tersebut untuk batubara muda Banko menunjukkan tingkat pencemaran yang masih berada di bawah ambang batas. Dari hasil studi kelayakan tersebut nantinya diharapkan akan diperoleh gambaran secara detail tentang aspek pencemaran dari pabrik batubara cair di Indonesia. Pada akhirnya akan dapat dijadikan bahan masukan yang sangat berguna dalam menyusun berbagai kebijakan di bidang pencemaran lingkungan dalam kaitannya dengan proses konversi energi maupun upgrading batubara.Teknologi Pencairan. Batubara muda. Studi kelayakan. Bahan bakar sintetisYusnitati
72Assesment of Oil Palm Weste Treatment TechnologyOil palm tree is the primary producer of the world cooking oil. The total crude palm oil (CPO) production contributes around 26.5 per cent (25 Million Tons per year) of the total world market. It is predicted that palm oil will share about 27.6 per cent of total world cooking oil consumption between 2008 and 2012. In addition to oil as a main product, a palm oil plant also produces the wastes, both solid and liquid wastes. These are empty palm fruit bunches, shells, fibers, sludge, and solid wastes from the kernel processes. The composition of the palm fruit empty bunch (EB), shell, fiber and sludge decanter is about 4, 11, 6 and 1 per cent dry weight of the total fresh fruit, respectively. These wastes will pollute the environment if their treatment technologies are not suitably applied and chosen. The common current treatment technology for the solid waste of the palm oil industry in Indonesia is incineration and field disposal. These treatment technologies could danger the environment if they are not designed, constructed, and operated properly based on the principle of cleaner technology. Research and development on several treatment technologies of palm oil wastes have been done. This paper will introduce the variety of technologies that could be used to treat different types of wastes of the palm oil industry at environmentally safe, technically acceptable and economically feasible.oil industry, crude palm oil (CPO), solid waste, empty bunch (EB), shell, fiberHeru Dwi Wahjono
73Bakteri M2 Penghasil Phb (Polyhydroxybutirate) Yang Diisolasi Dari Pulau Laki, Kepulauan SeribuPHB accumulating bacteria, marine, salinity toleranceTeknologi
74Beban Pencemaran Limbah Domestik dan Pertanian di DAS Citarum Hulu.Daerah aliran sungai (DAS) Citarum yang merupakan DAS terbesar di Jawa Barat yang mengalami tekanan yang sangat kuat akibat pemanfaatan yang melebihi daya dukungnya, yang antara lain dari kegiatan pertanian, perkebunan, pemukiman dan industri. Kegiatan pemukiman dan pertanian merupakan dua komponen utama yang pada saat ini telah menyebabkan penurunan kualitas dan kuantitas air sehingga mempengaruhi nilai ekonomi terhadap output/keluaran pembangunan seperti rendahnya sistem sanitasi lingkungan yang menyebabkan timbulnya wabah penyakit yang vektornya berasal dari air (water borne disease), sedimentasi sungai dan waduk, berkembangannya makrofita dan mikrofita yang merugikan lingkungan, hilangnya jenis ikan di perairan sungai serta kematian ikan budidaya di Waduk Saguling dan Cirata serta laju korosi di instalasi di instalasi PLTA menjadi lebih cepat. Hal ini disebabkan karena limbah cair domestik dan pertanian serta industri yang meningkatkan masuknya unsur hara (nutrient) yang berlebihan seperti nitrogen dan fosfor serta bahan organik lainnya yang menyebabkan rendahnya nilai oksigen terlarut (DO) yang berguna bagi kehidupan ekosistem perairan dan tingginya kadar BOD, COD serta bakteri kolitinja. Oleh karena itu, untuk mencegah semakin tingginya tingkat degradasi perairan di wilayah tersebut perlu dilakukan pengelolaan DAS secara terpadu baik yang meliputi aspek teknis dan nonteknis (Peraturan dan kelembagaan), serta dapat mengakomodasi kepentingan stakeholder secara proporsional sehingga pembangunan yang ada di DAS Citarum Hulu dapat terlanjutkan.Pencemaran, Limbah Domestik, Citarum HuluHilmi Salim
75Beban Pencemaran Limbah Industri dan Status Kualitas Air Sungai Citarum.Sungai Citarum beserta tiga waduk besar yaitu Saguling Cirata dan Juanda (Jatiluhur) memiliki fungsi ekonomi ekologi dan sosial yang sangat penting bagi masyarakat Jawa Barat dan DKI Jakarta. Potensi yang demikian pentingnya tersebut terancam oleh penurunan kualitas air sungai karena beban pencemaran yang terus meningkat telah melampaui daya tampung sumber air tersebut. Beban pencemaran terbesar berasal dari limbah penduduk dan industri sehingga memerlukan prioritas penanganan utama dalam upaya pengendalian pencemaran air. Meskipun PROKASIH telah berhasil menurunkan beban pencemaran limbah industri,namun kualitas air Sungai Citarum sejak PROKASIH tahun 1989 sampai saat ini belum menunjukkan perbaikan, bahkan cenderung memburuk. Status kualitas air Sungai Citarum sejak tahun 1989 sampai saat ini tidak pernah memenuhi Baku Mutu Air yang telah ditetapkan Pemerintah Daerah sepanjang tahun.Berdasarkan hasil simulasi model kualitas air pada sub. DPS Citarum Hulu, untuk memulihkan kualitas air sungai Citarum Hulu sampai mjemenuhi Baku Mutu Air yang ditetapkan sepanjang tahun, diperlukan pengurangan beban pencemaran organik (BOD) sebesar 85%. Oleh karena itu pengolahan limbah industri saja tidak cukup, sehingga pengolahan limbah domestik dari pemukiman harus dilakukan secara bersamaan. Selain itu diperlukan upaya peningkatan daya tampung sungai melalui upaya konservari daerah tangkapan air pada DPS Citarum. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian terdahulu, pembangunan sistem Pengumpulan dan Pengolahan Limbah Industri Terpusat (SPPLIT) pada sejumlah zona-zona (cluster) industri pada DPS Citarum merupakan kebijaksanaan strategis untuk menurunkan beban pencemaran limbah industri. Disamping itu upaya pemulihan kualitas air Sungai Citarum perlu ditunjang dengan upaya penegakan hukum yang konsekwen, serta komitmen semua pihak yang berkepentingan untuk melaksanakan upaya pengendalian pencemaran air yang telah direncanakan secara nyata dan konsisten.Beban Pencemaran, Pencemaran Air, Model Kualitas AirNana Terangna Bukit dan Iskandar A. Yusuf
76Beban Pencemaran Limbah Perikanan Budidaya dan Yutrofikasi di Perairan Waduk Pada DAS Citarum.Di waduk-waduk. yang ada di badan air sungai Citarum khususnya waduk Saguling, Cirata dan Juanda; perikanan budidaya dengan keramba jaring apung (KJA) berkembang sangat pesat; sehingga diduga telah melebihi daya dukung badan air waduk dan limbahnya telah mengancam keberlanjutan perikanan budidaya tersebut. Pada periode 5 tahun terakhir, setiap tahunnya KJA di waduk. Saguling diperkirakan menghasilkan limbah sebesar 29.868.750 kg organik yang mengandung 1.359.028 kg?N dan 214.059 kg?P; di Cirata sebesar 145.334.000 kg organik yang mengandung 6.611.787 kg?N dan 1.041.417 kg ?P, dan Saguling sebesar 14.492.250 kg organik yang mengandung 659.397 kg?N dan 103.861kg?P Dekomposisi limbah organik tersebut, selain secara langsung menurunkan konsentrasi oksigen terlarut dan menghasilkan gas-gas lain yang dapat membahayakan kehidupan organisme lain, termasuk ikan; juga meng-hasilkan nutrien yang dapat menyebabkan yutrofikasi dan mengakibatkan pertumbuhan fitoplankton secara berlebihan (blooming). Gejala tersebut telah nampak dimana dilaporkan bahwa kepadatan fitoplankton di waduk. Cirata adalah antara 44,80-62,28 x 106 sel?l-1; Saguling antara 19,03-25.39 x 106 sel?l-1 dan Juanda antara 20.04-50.42 x 106 sel?l-1 Jika "blooming" ini terus berlanjut karena sumber pencemar tidak mampu dihentikan maka badan air waduk akan didominasi oleh ?blue green algae? seperti microcystis sp dan dimasa datang satu demi satu ke tiga waduk. yang ada di DAS Citarum akan berubah menjadi ?comberan raksasa? yang di saat ada sinar matahari perairan menjadi hijau pekat berlendir menjijikan, dan disaat mulai gelap disana sini timbul gelembung-gelembung gas.Limbah Organik, Keramba Jaring Apung, YutrofikasiYudhi Soetrisno Garno
77Beberapa Aspek Pengelolaan Cagar Alam Rawa Danau sebagai Sumber Air bakuEconomically, Rawa Danau is important fresh water source for cities of Cilegon and Serang and industrial estates in the area. Ecologically, Rawa Danau is the last and the only mountainous freshwater swamp still exists in Java island. In the last decade there are several studies that recommend increasing the capacity of Rawa Danau as water storage. Recently, the Master Plan of Rawa Danau has been published by the Province of Banten Planning Agency. It is concluded that increasing the water level in Rawa Danau by 2 meters would satisfies the 2010 projected water demand in Serang and Cilegon. We belief that the action could endanger the existence of both the swamp forest and the rice field in the vicinity. In this paper we describe an alternative action that could increase the water storage capacity of Rawa Danau whilst the ecological function of the swamp could be preserved as well.Rawa Danau, mountainous freshwater water sourceBudhi Priyanto dan Titiresmi
78Bioakumulasi Logam Berat dalam Mangrove Rhizophora mucronata dan Avicennia marina di Muara AngkeMangrove area in Muara Angke was dominated by api-api (Avicennia marina) and bakau (Rhizophora mucronata). We asume that these species was able to acumulate heavy metals, since both of them have adapted in this environmental condition which content of high concentration heavy metals. The objective of this experiment was to analyze heavy metals content in the tissue of api-api (Avicennia marina) and bakau (Rhizophora mucronata) in Muara Angke Jakarta. The results showed that Cu was highest heavy metal content in root of bakau (24.431 ppm) . While 23.674 ppm of Cu was content in api-api roots. Cu content in sediment was 26,640 ppmMangrove, heavy metal. Muara AngkeTitin Handayani
79Biodegradasi Limbah Oli Bekas Oleh Lycinibacillus Sphaericus Tcp C 2.1biodegradation, used engine oil, Lycinibacillus sphaericus TCP C 2.1.Teknologi Pengolahan Air
80Biogas Sebagai Energi Alternatif Antara Mitos dan Fakta IlmiahIn the year of seventienth where the energy crisis struck the world, the competing person looked for the alternative to energy change the source of conventional energy (petroleum). One of the topics that it was hoped became alternative was BIOGAS from the process of the anaerobic fermentation of organic matter either agricultural or food industrial waste. Several parameters were studied to prove that anaerobic fermentation of the solid organic matter could become the BIOGAS as alternative energy replaced petroleum. Currently these all ideas were remains at the myth completely. The reality from investigation of the technology degradation process /digestion of the organic matter by making use of this anaerobic fermentation system was only could be used as one of the waste treatment as the solving problem of pollution of the environment, with results of taking the form of BIOGAS that could be made use of as substitution energy for the waste treatment it self. In other words anaerobic fermentation technology of the solid waste was one of the solid waste treatments with minimal energy. Energy that was needed for waste treatment process will be produced from himself to substitute energy that was used from the network of the public (PLN). So as to be hoped energy that usually is taken from the national net (PLN) for the processing of waste could be reduced, and was subtituted with energy biogas that was produced by him.biogas, energy alternativeDjoko Padmono