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1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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Menampilkan 181-200 dari 814 item.
181Perbandingan Sistem Digester Anaerob Termofilik Satu dan Dua FaseAnaerobic digestion of organic waste has some advantages, namely the recovery of biogas as alternative energy source and the conversion of waste products to soil fertilizer. Compared to mesophilic digestion, thermophilic digestion offers advantages regarding the process performance and the hygienic aspect. Unfortunately, the process has generally not enjoyed a good reputation because of its poor record with respect to process stability. Two-stage anaerobic reactor system consisting of a hydrolysis reactor and a methane reactor is often used to overcome such instability problems. In this study, the two-stage anaerobic reactor system is compared to the one-stage anaerobic reactor system. This study shows that the two-stage anaerobic reactor system has more process stability, can be operated at much more higher organic loading rate, and need much shorter recovery time after a process failure.digester, anaerob, termophilic, one and two-stageMuhammad Abdul Kholiq
182Pemantauan Hidrografi Dan Kualitas Air Di Teluk Hurun Lampung Dan Teluk JakartaThe present study, which was performed in Hurun Bay Lampung and Jakarta Bay, Indonesia, aimed to present the similar method using digital device Chlorotec, type AAQ1183, Alec Electronics for describing the characteristics of tropical coastal hydrography and water quality. The reason of selecting these two locations was to obtain a representation of different dissolved oxygen, temperature and turbidity levels. Jakarta Bay receives large amounts of nutrient-enriched waters, Hurun bay Lampung has moderate or small level of nutrient inputs of organic-polluted waters. The advantage of this method is the observation of field study able to hold with simply and device, dissolved oxygen, temperature, turbidityArif Dwi Santoso
183Konsentrasi Senyawa Dimetilsulfida di Pantura Jabar dan Kemungkinan Dampaknya pada Produksi UdangShrimp culture has became one of the most important Indonesian export commodity since 1985 up to the beginning of 1990`s. Due to the increasing intensification, the pressure on the shrimp ponds environment has became a serious problem. The problem was indicated by the decrease in shrimp production since 1992. Dimethylsulfide (DMS) is known as a major contributor to total sulfur emission from land and coastal marine and also known to inhibit nitrification .In this respect, we are studying the influence of DMS on nitrification process in saline water. This paper describes the DMS concentration observed in several places in the Western Coast of North Java. The minimum and maximum concentrations observed were 790.32 ?M and 6483.87 ?M respectively. These figures are higher than concentration detected in any other coastal area where shrimp productions are concerned. We speculate that DMS has given some contributions in the depletion of shrimp production.Dimethylsulfide (DMS), nitrification, shrimp cultureWage Komarawidjaja
184Perubahan Watak Hidrologi Sungai-Sungai Bagian Hulu Di JawaThe hydrological character of the rivers in Java has changed. The trend flow of upstream rivers in Java declined. Significance level of the trend decline in the upstream was large enough. This indicates that the basic flow (base flow) from these rivers has been reduced. The cause of the trend decline in river flow is strongly influenced by a combination of the effects of global climate change and the influence of anthropogenic. The influence of climate change is marked by decreasing annual rainfall. While anthropogenic influences include changes in land use, reduced water catchment area, increasing population pressures and settlements. To identify which factors are most influential between the two factors are very difficult to do because of limited data on land use change.discharge, trend, climate change, landuse, anthropogenicSutopo Purwo Nugroho
185Disinfeksi Untuk Proses Pengolahan Air MinumWater disinfection means the removal, deactivation or killing of pathogenic microorganisms. Microorganisms are destroyed or deactivated, resulting in termination of growth and reproduction. When microorganisms are not removed from drinking water, drinking water usage will cause people to fall ill. Chemical inactivation of microbiological contamination in natural or untreated water is usually one of the final steps to reduce pathogenic microorganisms in drinking water. Combinations of water purification steps (oxidation, coagulation, settling, disinfection, and filtration) cause (drinking) water to be safe after production. As an extra measure many countries apply a second disinfection step at the end of the water purification process, in order to protect the water from microbiological contamination in the water distribution system. Usually one uses a different kind of disinfectant from the one earlier in the process, during this disinfection process. The secondary disinfection makes sure that bacteria will not multiply in the water during distribution. This paper describes several technique of disinfection process for drinking water treatment. Disinfection can be attained by means of physical or chemical disinfectants. The agents also remove organic contaminants from water, which serve as nutrients or shelters for microorganisms. Disinfectants should not only kill microorganisms. Disinfectants must also have a residual effect, which means that they remain active in the water after disinfection. For chemical disinfection of water the following disinfectants can be used such as Chlorine (Cl2), Hypo chlorite (OCl-), Chloramines, Chlorine dioxide (ClO2), Ozone (O3), Hydrogen peroxide etch. For physical disinfection of water the following disinfectants can be used is Ultraviolet light (UV). Every technique has its specific advantages and and disadvantages its own application area sucs as environmentally friendly, disinfection byproducts, effectivity, investment, operational costs etc.Disinfeksi, bakteria, virus, air minum, khlor, hip khlorit, khloramine, khlor dioksida, ozon, UVNusa Idaman Said
186Retrofit Alat Penyulingan Akar Wangi Tradisional Menggunakan Boiler Berbahan Bakar Limbah Ramah LingTraditional distillation of akar wangi (Vetiveria zizanioides) using kerosene as a fuel has been used in small industries. The solid waste is burned in open air will emit strong odor which harmful to the environment. In fact, the waste has a caloric value of 3.800 kkal/kg, and by the proper handling, the waste can substitute part of the distillation process energy potentially and can reduce the environment impact caused by incomplete combustion or by the ingredient it self i.e. sulphur oxide and nitrogen oxide. To treat those waste, it is necessary to separate between distillation vessel with the steam generation systemDistillation, akar wangi, solid waste, pollution, proper handlingAhsonul Anam dan Heru Kuncoro
187Keanekaragaman Jenis Benalu Parasit Pada Tanaman Koleksi di Kebun Raya Purwodadi,Jawa TimurBenalu is one of the parasitic plant which have attacked many cultivation plants or wild plant species. There are approximately 124 species of benalu growing in Indonesia and they belong to 26 genera and 2 families (i.e. Loranthaceae and Viscaceae). The research on benalu diversity was done in Purwodadi Botanical Garden and 5 species of benalu could be succesfully collected, i.e. Dendrophthoe pentandra, Macrosolen tetragonus, Scurrula atropurpurea, Viscum articulatum and V. ovalifolium. Among these collected species, the highest population which grows in Purwodadi Botanical Garden is Dendrophthoe pentandra.diversity ? parasitic plant species - benalu ? Loranthaceae & Viscaceae ? PurwodadiSunaryo dan Erlin Rachman
188Keanekaragaman Jenis Tumbuhan di Cagar Alam Kakenauwe dan Suaka Marga Satwa Lambusango, Pulau ButonStudy on richness diversity plants in Kakenauwe Nature Reserve and Lambusango Game Reserve had been conducted. One hundred and seventy species of Spermatophyta, 12 species of Pteridophyta and 24 species of Bryophyta are collected from this area. One hundred and four species of Spermatophyta and 6 species of Pteridophyta are reported as potential species of plants. The largest group is timber (32 species) and other is ornamental plants (24 species), medicinal plants (17 species) and edible fruits (13 species). This study also reported that Orthorrhynchium phyllogonioides is recorded as ?new record? of Bryophyta collections in Sulawesi.diversity, potensial, plants, kakenauwe nature reserve and lambusango game reserve,Tahan Uji dan F. I. Windadri
189Prediksi Fluks Karbon Organik Terlarut Dari Sungai-Sungai Utama Di Jawa Ke LautStream plays an important role on carbon cycle due to its role to deliver carbon from land to sea. Smaller creeks in the mountaineous area are main sources of DOC. In total, Indonesian streams contribute around 10% of global DOC intake to the ocean. Based on reasearch, DOC concentration in Java streams is higher that those in the world, that is around 929 uMol/l. DOC flux is reflected by stream debit that relates on precipitation where rainy season is higher than in dry season. DOC flux of 8 streams in Java is about 0.000923 GtC/year. Extrapolation of all streams in Java show that DOC flux in the island is about 0,00256 GtC/year (12,19%) of all streams in Indonesia or about 1.02-1.51% of all rivers in the world, that is 170-250 Tg C/year or 0,64-1,02% of all rivers in the world based on global DOC export that is 0,25-0,4 GtC/year. Of the total DOC flux, 27% flows into Java Sea, 61% into Madura Strait and 13% into Hindian Ocean. The higher yield of DOC in Java relates to high population. In the end, above facts highlight expert hypothesis that smaller creeks in mountaineous area is major source of organic carbon into the ocean, significantly higher that predicted before.DOC, organic carbon, river, Jawa, flux.Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, Hidayat Pawitan, Etty Riany, Edvin Aldrian
190Proses Pemurnian Magnesium Sebagai Unsur Pembuat FlareWeather modification in Indonesia was done by weather modification technical operating unit (UPT-HB) belong to BPPT, from the beginning for cloud seeding method they use salt powder (NaCl). The mechanism powder on the cloud act as Ultra Giant Nuclei (UGN) in collision coalescence process, rather than act as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN). The application of cloud seeding flare method since less than one decade in Indonesia had shown many advantages, the most significant feature for instance 1 kg of flare equal 1 ton of salt powder. This advantages had gave many impact for weather modification operation such more efficient, more economic, easier handling especially when stock in warehouse after flare were made. The aim of the research that had been funding by incentive research the ministry of research, was planed to support (UPT-HB) in term of making the supply material component needed for making flare from local sources. In the year 2007 UPT-HB has declared will change powder method to Cloud Seeding Flare method. The research activity had been planning for 3 years period of time , period 1(first year) activity is laboratory experiment for MgO extraction from dolomite - CaMg(CO3)2, period 2(second years) activity is laboratory experiment extraction Mg from MgO, and period 3 (third year) activity is up scaling the result of period 2 (home industry scale) to produce Mg and market study to fulfill local demand . Recently (in 2008) activity for period 1(first year) had been done, from laboratory experiment MgO with 97% purity had been separated from dolomite CaMg(CO3)2 . This research was application of technology process in order to get Mg metal from dolomite by decomposition treatment , hydrometallurgy process, carbonization reaction, settling the solution then MgO was got as hydromagnesite after the dryer via the green house.Dolomite, Magnesium Oxide, Magnesium , decomposition , Hydromagnesite,
Pitoyo Sudibyo Sarwono dan Untung Haryanto
191Unit-unit Pemproses Pengolahan Limbah Cair Domestik Skala Rumah Tangga
In the last ten years water pollution problem in Jakarta has been becoming more serious. The highly increasing population causes the rising amount of domestic wastewater. Rivers in Jakarta have already been polluted by various wastewaters, such as from industries, domestic and many institutionals (offices, hospitals, markets/shop areas, etc.). It has been well known that the domestic wastewater contributes 70% in causing the river pollution, especially in Jakarta. Therefore it is very important to apply the proper domestic wastewater treatment system which is able to reduce the contaminants until an environmentally required standard. Some types of domestic wastewater treatment have already been used, but the results do not fulfil the environmental required standard. At least a unit of domestic wastewater treatment should have a control tank as the beginning filter, anaerobic part, aerobic part and a sedimentation tank as the final part of the whole system. An advanced technology using a biofilter media has been proposed and based on the experiment, the result has proven that it can reduce BOD from more than 1,000 ppm to less than 30 ppm. The retention time is about 3 days. The conclusion shows that this new wastewater treatment system is properly suitable alternative to be applied in domestic area, especially in a densely populated region. By applying the system we can also cope with the water pollution problem caused by domestic wastewater.
Domestic Wastewater technologyPetrus Nugro Rahardjo
192Evaluasi Hasil Pembangunan Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah Domestik tipe Komunikasi di Jakarta PusatTo overcome the problem of the high pollution caused by domestic wastewater in the region of Center Jakarta, the Local Government, DKI Jakarta, has acted as a pioneer in the program of water and wastewater sanitation for villages with applying 37 units of wastewater treatment installation. The location of them are spread out in several Kelurahan, in Kotamadya Center Jakarta. These installations were built in 2000, but not all of those might not be operated properly.
Furthermore some of them are not seriously managed and the conditions are so bad that can not be operated well. Because of that, it is time to evaluate them totally. The evaluation is not only for the technical problem, but also for the feasibility factor in a certain social community. All of these have to be done in order to get the alternatives for solving this problem, especially in developing and constructing the communally domestical wastewater treatment.
domestic wastewater treatment, evaluation of developing and system technologySatmoko Yudo dan R. Haryoto Indriatmoko
193Biopotensi Kelenjar Hipofisis Ikan Patin Setelah Penyimpanan Kering Selama 0,1,2,3 dan 4 BulanTest were conducted to find the biopotency of pituitary glands that have been dry-preserved for 0, 1, 2 3 and 4 months. Pituitary glands, obtained from the waste of fillet production plant of Pangasius pangasius, were dried gradually in acetone. The treatments were dry-preservation time span in dessicator: 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 months. This hormone biopotency testing used extract of late-stage of gonad maturation from female and from induced-spawning. No significant differences were found in the percentage of late-stage gonad maturation and ovulation, relative fecundity, fertility and hatchability from every treatment. The number of females reaching late-stage of gonad maturation were 100% (for all months of preservation), while the mean percentages of : relative fecundity was 18.05% (for 3 months of preservation), fertility was 95.73% (for 1 month of preservation), 24-hour hatchability was 31.63% (for 0 month of preservation). No significant differences were found for all preservation time span.drying preservation, biopotency of hormone, pituitary glandErma Najmiyati, Esi Lisyastuti dan Yanuarso Eddy Hedianto
194Mesin Pengering Produk Pertanian Bertenaga Panas BumiIndonesia as the biggest geothermal potential country in the world. There are 252 geothermal locations have been identifi ed that distributed along a volcanic belt extending from Sumatera, Java, Nusa Tenggara, Sulawesi, Maluku until Papua. Utilization of this energy be side for electrical power generation, it is used for non electrical (direct uses) as well. In the agriculture area with high rainfall, drying process can decrease quality of crop products. The tools doesn?t produce emission and doesn?t make noises and also as clean energy. By optimization the utilization of geothermal energy that available surrounding the agriculture area could increase the local people economic.Drying, conduction, covection, heat exchanger, direct use, cacao.Achmad Hasan
195Pengaruh Pencemaran Limbah Industri dan Domestik terhadap Kualitas Air Waduk DuriangkangDuriangkang resevoir (62.000.000 m3) physically located in Duriangkang Catchement Area of Batam island. The main function of Duriangkang resevoir is the water resources to support 78 % of drinking water supply needs of Batam Island with the processing capacity amounting to 3000 liter/second. The main problem of Duriangkang Reservoir are : (1) industrial waste water from Batamindo Industrial Zone has been extremely polluted with COD conten (134,61 mg/liter) exceeding the Waste Water Quality Standard Group II (80 mg/liter), (2) domestically waste water from domestic activity in Duriangkang Catchment Area has also been extremely polluted with BOD5 conten (58,22 mg/liter) exceeding the Waste Water Quality Standard Group II (50 mg/liter). This research to study influent of industrial waste water and domestically waste water to carrying capacity of Duriangkang Reservoir.Duriangkang resevoir; drinking water supply; pollutedRosyid Hariyadi
196Pengaruh Sedimentasi terhadap Dayadukung Waduk Duriangkang di Pulau BatamDuriangkang Reservoir including the estuary resevoir is built by making resevoir at the estuary of Duriangkang River. The main function of Duriangkang Reservoir is the raw water resources to support 78 % of drinking wate supply needs on Batam Island. One of several problem of Duriangkang eservoir is erosion as a result of land clearing and building of land at Duriangkang Catchment area. Based on the research, sedimentation rate at Duriangkang Catchment area system is as the mayor sources that potentially influence the carrying capacity of Duriangkang Reservoir.In this study, an influence to carrying capacity of Duriangkang Reservoir is conducted toward sedimentation rate at Duriangkang Reservoir by measuring the water column depth of Duriangkang Reservoir.Duriangkang; land clearing, carrying capacityRosyid Hariyadi dan Ikhwanuddin Mawardi
197Pengolahan Bahan Organik Enceng Gondok menjadi Media Tumbuh Untuk Mendukung Pertanian Organik
Eceng gondok (Eichornia crassipes (Mart)(Solms) is a floating plants that creates problems on the maximum of waters utilization. On the other side, eceng gondok is a potential organic matter that can be used for a growing media. The utilization of the organic matter for growing media will support of organic farming and minimize the use of chemical materials.
Process of eceng gondok decomposition can produce a growing media with high nutrients contain for plants growth. The experiments of growing media from eceng gondok for sawi hibrid plants show positive respons in which the plant has freshly growth and free of diseases.
Eceng gondok, bahan organik, dekomposisi, pertanian organikEuthalia Hanggari Sittadewi
198Pengukuran Kawasan Industri Terhadap Konsep ECO Industri ParkScarcity of resources and environmental quality degradation stimulated government policy toward a new concept of Eco-Industial Park in managing and developing industrial estate in Indonesia. For applying the concept of EIP need conducted measurement of recent industrial estate status to EIP. This Article aim to develop a measurement instrument and to measure some selected industrial estates. Measurement using developed instrument indicate that most industrial estastes have low status. The low status is generally influenced by the lowering of value at enviromental management and product exchange indicators.Eco Industrial Park, Kawasan Industri.Hermawan Prasetya
199Eco-Disian dan Kontruksi Untuk Kawasan Eco-Industrial Park (Eip)Eco design and construction are a part of Eco industrial park and has Taylor made characteristic, it is made match with what is hended and specific site, it is matched with economic characteristic, environment and community culture and where as the industri estate will be developed. Application of eco design and construction in Eco industrial park is begun from planning step, erection until operational process of, sustainable architecture, sustainable landscape, sustainable designSuryo Anggoro
200Konsep Spasial Persampahan 1c-2ft.Rsl & Perkebunan Energi Jatropha Curcas, Mewujudkan Eco-CityThe Tropical Eco-City Concept brings ideas of the possibility to achieve 11 and 12 targets of the Millennium Development Goal in tropical humid climate such as Indonesia by continually overcome the challenges of fresh water supply and a waste free community environment. Maintaining quality and quantity of fresh water supply requires rehabilitation of critical land on both rural and urban riverbank area in waste dumping issue.The waste production continuous process need to be balance by continuous waste treatment system facilities. The term ?waste final dumping? for final dumping area has to be changed to the term ?waste final treatment? as a foundation of waste final treatment area which more beneficial, continually and environmentally friendly. Sanitary landfill technology concept is not a guarantee for continuous operation, whereas reusable sanitary landfill technology concept has to be applied and appropriately included in land use planning structure of Eco-CityEcocity, 1C-2FT.RSL, Reusable Sanitary Landfill, Lahan KritisHMHB Henky Sutanto