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1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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101Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah Rumah Sakit Dengan Sistem Biofilter Anaerob-AerobAir limbah rumah sakit merupakan salah satu sumber pencemaran lingkungan yang sangat potensial. Oleh karena itu air limbah tersebut perlu diolah terlebih dahulu sebelum dibuang ke saluran umum. Masalah yang sering muncul dalam hal pengelolaan limbah rumah sakit adalah terbatasnya dana yang ada untuk membangun fasilitas pengolahan limbah serta operasinya, khususnya untuk rumah sakit tipe kecil dan menengah. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut maka perlu dikembangkan teknologi pengolahan air limbah rumah sakit yang murah, mudah operasinya serta harganya terjangkau, khususnya untuk rumah sakit dengan kapasitas kecil sampai sedang. Selain itu perlu menyebar-luaskan informasi teknologi khususnya untuk pengolahan air limbah rumah sakit, sehingga dalam memilih teknologi pihak pengelola rumah sakit mendapatkan hasil yang optimal. Makalah ini membahas tentang beberapa teknologi pengolahan air limbah secara biologis yang sesuai untuk pengolahan air limbah rumah sakit. Di dalam pemilihan teknologi pengolahan air limbah tersebut beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan antara lain yakni jumlah air limbah yang akan diolah, kualitas air limbah dan kualitas air olahan yang diharapkan, kemudahan dalam hal pengelolaan dan perawatan, ketersediaan lahan dan sumber energi, serta ketersediaan dana yang ada. Salah satu cara pengolahan air limbah rumah sakit yang murah, sederhana dan hemat energi adalah proses pengolahan dengan sistem biofilter anaerob-aerob. Dengan sistem kombinasi biofilter ?Anaerob-Aerob? diperoleh hasil air olahan yang cukup baik, serta proses pengolahannya sangat stabil walaupun konsentrasi maupun debit air limbah berfluktuasi.Biofilter, Anaerob, Aerob, Rumah SakitIr. Nusa Idaman Said, MSc.
102Tinjauan Aspek Teknis Pemilihan Media Biofilter Untuk Pengolahan Air LimbahThere are literally dozens of different types of biofilters used for wastewater treatment applications. While many have common features, some are fundamentally different from the rest. The purpose of this article is to educate the reader about the types of packings used for fixed film biofilters.The types of biofilters under discussion are filters that employ a non-moving surface area to provide a substrate for various bacteria to attach and grow. The substrate remains in place while the water flows through the system. The heart of these biofilters is the packing or media used to provide the surface area. The type of packing used strongly influences both the capital and operating costs of the biofilter. It is important to emphasize however, that the packing merely provides surface area for bacteria to colonize. It is the bacteria that do the actual work of the biofilter. In order for the bacteria to do their job effectively, the biofilter and packing design must provide an even distribution of nutrients and oxygen while removing dissolved and suspended waste products. Most biofilters utilize aerobic bacteria but it is also possible to design and operate anaerobic systems for special purposes. Various types of packings exist for fixed film biological filters. Each different type has advantages and disadvantages but in terms of overall cost and suitability, the structured packings are the best choice for commercial biofilter designs.biofilter, media, pengolahan air limbahNusa Idaman Said dan Ruliasih Marsidi
103Mikroalgae Sebagai Sumber Energi Terbarukan Yang Ramah LingkunganMicroalgae as biomass are a potential source of renewable energy and they can be converted into energy such as biofuel oil and gas. This paper presents a brief review on the main conversion process of microalgae becoming energy. Since microalgae have high water content, then not all biomass energy conversion processes can be applied. By using thermochemical process it can be produced oil and gas, and by using biochemical process it can be produced ethanol and biodiesel. The properties of microalgae product is almost similar to offish and vegetables oil and therefore it can be considered as a substitute of fossil oil.Biofuel; Oil production; Microalgae; Thermoche-mical; BiochemicalSarmidi Amin
104Biogas Sebagai Energi Alternatif Antara Mitos dan Fakta IlmiahIn the year of seventienth where the energy crisis struck the world, the competing person looked for the alternative to energy change the source of conventional energy (petroleum). One of the topics that it was hoped became alternative was BIOGAS from the process of the anaerobic fermentation of organic matter either agricultural or food industrial waste. Several parameters were studied to prove that anaerobic fermentation of the solid organic matter could become the BIOGAS as alternative energy replaced petroleum. Currently these all ideas were remains at the myth completely. The reality from investigation of the technology degradation process /digestion of the organic matter by making use of this anaerobic fermentation system was only could be used as one of the waste treatment as the solving problem of pollution of the environment, with results of taking the form of BIOGAS that could be made use of as substitution energy for the waste treatment it self. In other words anaerobic fermentation technology of the solid waste was one of the solid waste treatments with minimal energy. Energy that was needed for waste treatment process will be produced from himself to substitute energy that was used from the network of the public (PLN). So as to be hoped energy that usually is taken from the national net (PLN) for the processing of waste could be reduced, and was subtituted with energy biogas that was produced by him.biogas, energy alternativeDjoko Padmono
105Pemanfaatan Kotoran Ternak Sebagai Sumber Energi Alternatif Dan Peningkatan Sanitasi LingkunganThe effort to discover alternative source of energy in the world is still continued because the dependency from the fossil fuel should be aleviated. Since the energy crisis in 1973, the problem of energy become world hudge intention. In every energy crisis, the price of oil increase sharply and cause lack of stock. Therefore, several countries are trying to diversificate their source of energy. One of the alternative energy is biogas. The biogas can be produced from livestock waste. Through the fermentation processing of livestock waste, it can be produced biogas and the other side product and effect from this processing are: organic fertilizer, animals feeding, and prevent pollution. With the several benefits can be taken from the fermentation of livestock waste, the usage of livestock waste become biogas is necessary to be disseminated in Indonesia, where most of people are living in rural area and depending their livelihood on agriculture.Biogas, Sanitasi, LingkunganDaru Mulyono
106Teknik Biomonitoring Sebagai Alternatif Tool Pemantauan Kualitas Lingkungna PerairanIn order to improve environmental quality and to prevent environmental sustainability, It is necessary to establish the measurement tools of relevant environmental parameter to distinguish the anticipated change. Because the establishment and maintenance of monitoring system is expensive, to select organisms on their ecosystem (flora and fauna) as a tool for monitoring should be our concern.Biomonitoring, POPsWage Komarawidjaja dan Titiresmi
107Teknik Biomonitoring Sebagai Alternatif "Tool" Pemantauan Kualitas Lingkungna PerairanIn order to improve environmental quality and to prevent environmental sustainability, It is necessary to establish the measurement tools of relevant environmental parameter to distinguish the anticipated change. Because the establishment and maintenance of monitoring system is expensive, to select organisms on their ecosystem (flora and fauna) as a tool for monitoring should be our concern.Biomonitoring, POPsWage Komarawidjaja dan Titiresmi
108Potensi Mikroba Penitrifikasi Kawasan Pertambakan Udang Tanjung Pasir, TangerangHigh concentration of ammonia in shrimps pond sediment due to the accumulation of feed excessive will become negative impact to the shrimp culture. Therefore, Increasing the indigenous microbial abilities in minimizing toxicity effect of ammonia through biotransformation of ammonia into nitrite and nitrate is very important for shrimp growth and health. Isolation and identification of nitrifying microbes has been done. The number of microbes isolated form shrimps pond are six namely 2p, 2k, 3p, 1p, 3k, and 2. The number of isolated microbes in aquaculturing pond (T-bd) is five and in post harvest pond (T-pp) is three. In T-bd samples, autotroph nitrifying microbes are 2(k), 2(p) and 3(p), but 1(p) and 3(k) as heterotroph nitrifying microbes. And in T-pp samples, autotroph nitrifying microbe is 3(p), except 2 and 3(k) as heterotroph nitrifying microbes. The rank of effectivness In nitrifying activity is 2k, 3p and 2p respectivelyBioremediasi, Kualitas Air, Nitrifikasi, Tambak UdangWage Komarawidjaja dan Hanies Ambarsari
109Pengaruh Aplikasi Konsorsium Mikroba Penitrifikasi Terhadap Konsentrasi NH3 Pada Air TambakAn experiment on the utilization of nitrifying bacteria in shrimps pond ecosystem was conducted in the village of Grinting, Brebes Regency. This experiment has two treatment ponds. Pond A was put nitrifying bacteria on as a treatment and pond B was without its treatment. The impact of the treatment was indicated by ammonia concentration measured, in which pond A was lower than pond B. In other words proved that nitrification process in pond A ecosystem was accelerated by the addition of nitrifying bacteria.Bioremediasi, kualitas air, nitrifikasi, tambak udangWage Komarawidjaja
110Uji BOD, Indikator Kekuatan Limbah yang Masih BermasalahKebutuhan Oksigen Biokimiawi (BOD) adalah salah satu parameter kualitas limbah yang banyak digunakan untuk memprakirakan kekuatan suatu limbah mencemari calon badan air penerimanya, bahkan sering digunakan untuk memprakirakan status pencemaran suatu badan air. Dengan demikian BOD mempunyai peranan yang sangat penting dalam usaha untuk mempertahankan daya guna suatu ba:dan air. Benarkah parameter BOD sehebat itu atau pantaskah uji BOD diperankan sebesar itu. Paper ini berusaha menguraikan dan mengkaji tentang kelebihan dan kelemahan uji BOD, dan hasilnya mengisaratkan bahwa sebagai parameter kualitas limbah, BOD tidak banyak memiliki kelebihan dari parameter lainnya kecuali kepraktisan yang bisa menyesatkan. Oleh karena itu maka sebenarnya uji BOD belum dapat digunakan sebagai alat meneliti, namun justru masih harus dijadikan bahan penelitian; atau harus diteliti. Akhirnya untuk menentukan kekuatan limbah dilapangan penggunaan COD (kebutuhan oksigen kimiawi) lebih disarankan.BOD, COD, Kekuatan limbah, PencemaranYudhi Soetrisno Garno
111Degrasi Bod dan Cod pada Sistem Lumpur Aktif Pengolahan Limbah Cair TekstilObservation of waste parameter in textile wastewater treatment was done. This experimental investigation consist of three mayor textile parameter including total suspended solid (TSS), biological oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD). The parameters were collected and analyzed. The TSS, BOD and COD consentration in effluent of textile wastewater treatment is not exceeded the standard, but the efficiency of TSS, BOD and COD reduction is not statistically significant.BOD, COD, textile wastewater.Wage Komarawidjaja
112Permodelan Pengolah Limbah Organik Jenis Intermediate Trikling Filter dengan Menggunakan Visual BasiThis software is used for counting the dimension of unit operation of waste water treatment. The waste water treatment in this paper is INTERMEDIATE rate trikling filter and the computer language that be used is visual basic6.
Waste water that is treatment must organic, biodegradable and bod input not more than 500 ppm. This software can also guess the BOD output from this system and flow diagram of this unit operation.
BOD, intermediate trikling filter, visual basic,dimensi.Heru Subagio
113Permasalahan Teknis Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah Pabrik Minyak Kelapa SawitCrude palm oil produced in Indonesia has already been known as the second largest in Asia. Unfortunately tens of palm oil factories (CPOF) spread out in Indonesia have not good wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) yet. PT. Kertajaya, as an example, which is located in Regency Pandeglang, still has BOD contained in its final effluent of the wastewater treatment plant more than 200 ppm. In fact the capacity and capability of WWTP in PT. Kertajaya are much more than enough for only 288 m3 per day. Because of improper operation and maintenance of the WWTP, the technical problems are accumulated, such as, increasing the sediment, decreasing the retention time and channelling of the wastewater being treated. The following affect is the treatment process is not going well and the quality of effluent is getting worse. To solve the technical problems, it is very important to remove the sediment periodically and give aeration in the aerobic pond. A recommendation for the wastewater treatment system has been proposed. The system has eight processes including oil separation or first sedimentation, neutralization, equalization, anaerobic degradation, aerobic degradation, final sedimentation and sludge drying.BOD, technical problem, wastewater, anaerobic. Aerobic processP. Nugro Raharjo
114Perhitungan Efesiensi Boiler Pada Industri Tepung TeriguBoiler is an enclosed vessel that consume significant amount of fuel for heating water to become heated water or steam. The hot water or steam under pressure is then usable for transferring the heat to a process. Water is a useful and inexpensive medium for transferring heat to process. One of the methods for fuel consumption efficiency in boiler operation is maintain the steam production efficiency always in high performance, therefore can utilize the energy input as much as possible to produce steam. Boiler efficiency calculation can be calculated using direct method and indirect method. Each method has its advantage and disadvantage. The results of calculation can be used as guidance for industry to improve the boiler performance to become more efficient, that can reduce fuel consumption and production cost. The result of boiler efficiency calculation in flour industry is 69.6%. This result show that the boiler performance is under good efficiency standard for boiler 85%.Boiler, efficiency, direct methods, indirect methods.Widiatmini Sih Winanti dan Teguh Prayudi
115Phenomena Intrusi Dasar Di Teluk Hurun LampungResearch aimed to learn and know the bottom intrusion mechanism in Hurun Bay Lampung. Three kinds surveys were conducted consist of mooring survey, synoptic oceanographic survey and 25 hour survey. The monitoring data of water temperature indicated that at Hurun Bay occurred bottom intrusion from middle February until early July. The mass water was colder, more saline and contained less DO than the overlaying water. These phenomena may be caused by eastern monsoon from Java Sea to Lampung Bay and Hurun Bay. Vertical profile distribution showed that there are significant different in temperature, salinity and DO between surface and bottom layer. Along bottom deeper than 22m were identified as a termocline layer which was colder and more saline and contained less DO. Result of 25 hour survey resumed that the lowest DO in this water mass appeared in early July and it propagated from offshore to the coast with velocity 0.07 m/s. This condition will be a treatment for marine cultivation stakeholder in this areaBottom Intrusion, HypoxiaArif Dwi Santoso
116Pembentukan Tunas Lilium Sp. Secara Ex Vitro Dan In VitroBuds, planlets and bulblets formation from excised bulbscales was the preferred method for vegetative propagation of Lilium sp (Liliaceae). The ex vitro techniques with Gibberellic acid (GA3) pretreatment was induced buds formation on scales cutting which planted on sterilized sand media. Buds rised from basal scales 7 days after planted. However scales untreated GA3 obtained in 35-42 after planted. In vitro methods to promote buds initiated from bulbscales explants, was induced on media MS (Murashige and Skoog) supplemented with GA3 1 mg/l. Media for induced buds formation, MS contained Benzyl adenine (BA) 1 mg/l and 2 mg/l increased multiple shoots formation signifi cantly compared cultured on media without BA. Roots growth improved on media contained NAA, but the highest planlets achieved on cultured MS media without BA. Bulblets formation obtained on media contained higher concentration of BA (5 mg/l).bulbscale, bulblet, Lilium sp., ex vitro, in vitro, propagation.Djadja Siti Hazar Hoesen
117Pemanfaatan Limbah Kulit Singkong, Kulit Pisang Dan Kulit Kentang Sebagai Bahan Pakan Ternak ?Indonesia as an agricultural country have many agriculture waste that usefull for feed ingredients, contained high energy but low protein. The constraints from the use of those feed ingredients are that they have low nutrient content, low economic value as feed, unavailable continously, hard to handle, need certain facility, need high transportation cost, low storage periode and high toxin contamination. Microbiology can handle those constraints by the use of microbes, which recently used in feed industry. This reseach have goal for improving protein contain of cassava peel, bananas peel and potatos peel which fermented by Aspergillus niger. The methodology done by solid fermentation as ORTSOM method and IRCHA method.Cassava peel, bananas peel and potatos peel sterilized by boiling and nitrogen analyzed by Kjeldahl method. The result show that protein contains of cassava peel, bananas peel and potatos peel increase significantly. (p<0.05.) and they can be as substrat for Aspergillus niger medium for product, cassava peel, bananas peel, potatos peel, Aspergillus
Sindu Akhadiarto
118By Product Exchange of Seaweed Solid Waste for Mushroom MediaA laboratory experiment on utilization of seaweed-containing solid wastes as media for growing mushrooms was conducted by researchers from the Institute for Environmental Technology. The solid wastes were obtained from PT. Agarindo Bogatama, a food industry which produces jelly powder processed from seaweed of Gracilaria. The company generates 60 tones of solid wastes of seaweed per-day that contained 70% of water content. The solid media was used to grow Auricularia polytricha, Pleurotus astreatus, and Ganoderma lucidum. Some mixed media were prepared with the percentage ratio of sawdust to solid waste as 0, 25, 50, 75, and 100. After sterilization the media were planted with mushrooms and then were kept in incubator. After 28-day the basidiomas of G. lucidum was developed while P. astreatus appeared after 36-day of incubation. Both were grown on 100% seaweed media (using 100% sawdust media as a control). This very early results indicated that solid waste of seaweeds have an additional value which can be used as media for mushrooms plantation. Implementation waste to product as a part of cleaner production approach should be disseminated to the industries, especially SMEs like PT. Agarindo Bogatama, who are concern to the environment.Byproduct exchange, seaweed solid waste, mushroomsTitiresmi
119Pengurangan Chrom (Cr) Dalam Limbah Cair Industri Kulit Pada Proses Tannery Menggunakan ?One of the industries that use hazardous and toxic (B3) on the production process is leather tannery industry, with a compound chromium (Cr). Chromium in the compound, including heavy metals that have a known toxicity of high power. Alkali compound is Ca(OH)2, NaOH,and NaHCO3 the chemicals that can be used for processing liquid waste leather tannery industry that contains chromium, which works to raise the pH and precipitate chromium solution so produced chrome hidroksida in the form of chromium (Cr(OH)3). Results of research it was found that the pH optimum for alkali compound at each pH condition 8, the separation efficiency of 99.28% chromium compound using alkali Ca (OH) 2 and NaOH, while the use of 98.50% NaHCO3. Alkali compound which most effective review of technical aspects to a decrease in the concentration of chromium in leather tannery wastewater is NaOH, because with a small dose is able to separate the chromium in the wastewater with a high efficiency (99.28%), while the most economical and is recommended for applications is in the Ca(OH)2.Ca(OH)2, Cr2O3, separation efficiency, hidroksida chromium (Cr(OH)3), NaHCO3 ?Asmadi*, Endro.S**, dan W. Oktiawan**
120Peningkatan Faktor Daya Dengan Pemasangan Bank Kapasitor Untuk Penghematan Listrik Di Industri Sementhat the installation of Capacitor bank at power factor in plant assessment can increase energy use up to 3 MVA, with this increasing automatically the energy can be used for other equipment. Therefore, the prediction of cost saving from electricity can raised more than 11 billion rupiahs. Even though, the installation of capacitor bank, cannot be implemented considering the high cost, but it is the main priority of the management.cement, Electrical, Capacitor bankTeguh Prayudi dan Wiharja