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1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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121Pemasangan Variable Speed Drivers (VDS) Pada Fan Untuk Menurunkan Penggunaan Listrik Di IndustriThere are over 90 fans used throughout Plant assessment for a variety of tasks within the cement making process. Many of the fans used on site are controlled and monitored from the Central Control Room (CCR). Whilst looking at the controls for some of these fans the CP-EE team observed that many of them have inlet guide vane (IGV) or damper controls that were closed to some extent and are not operating at best efficiencies. Mosr of all the fans in Plant assessment has the best potential for energy savings. The CP-EE option to optimize fan use is by Installing VSD to control fan with fluctuation load. The original investment for this project is Rp 1,250,000,000.00 or approximately US$136,000,00 (1US$ = Rp 9,200). Where the feasibility study shows that the electricity saving can achieve 5.530.120 kWH per year, Annual Cash Inflow per Year: Rp 2,942,023,799.30, or approximately US$ 320,000 Payback Period 5 month, GHG Emission 4,608.4 MWH x 0.724 = 3,336.41 TCO2/y. New installation will just be accomplished at the end of March for 6 (six) inverters in grate 2 and 3 while the other 6 (six) in grate 1 is planed to be accomplished at the beginning of December. VSD Panel will be placed in MCC location.cement, Fan, Variable Speed Drive (VSD), optimize.Teguh Prayudi
122Membangun Sendiri Web Server Dengan Cern Httpd 3.0aPada jaringan komputer global internet, semua transaksi layanan informasi secara electronik dilakukan oleh program-program client dan program-program server. Program-program client ini akan berinteraksi memberikan signal request kepada program server, yang kemudian ditanggapi dengan memberikan informasi yang diperlukan oleh client program tersebut. Pada layanan informasi WWW (World Wide Web) yang sangat berperan dalam melakukan interaksi terhadap internet browser seperti Netscape, Microsoft Internet Explorer dan lain-lain adalah program Web server atau web daemon. Semua signal request yang dikeluarkan oleh internet web browser akan selalu melalui web daemon ini untuk dapat memperoleh informasi yang diperlukan.Cern Httpd, Internet, Web Server, Daemon, Server, WWWHeru Dwi Wahjono, B.Eng.
123Transformasi Kimia Senyawa Belerang, Dampak Dan PenanganannyaChemical transformation in the atmosfeer occurs because of antropogenic and antropogenic activity. It can be existing in difference forms and follows biogeochemical complex cycles. If this chemical transformation of sulfur is over the environmental support ability, there will be serious impacts in many sectors of life, such as environmental pollution, decreasing of healt level, and affecting the agricultural productivity.The effort of preventive and recovery of environment must be done for repairing the polluted environmental to become the conditions which are more friendly with the environment.Chemical transformation, antropogenic, nonantropogenic; sulfurNida Sopiah
124Uji Aktivitas Proteolitik Mikroba Dari Iimbah Cangkang Udang Pada Proses Pembuatan Chitin.Dalam penelitian ini telah dilakukan uji aktivitas proteolitik mikroba pada proses pembuatan chitin yang menggunakan bahan baku limbah cangkang rajungan. Bakteri proteolitik yang digunakan berasal dari hasil isolasi bakteri yang terdapat pada pembusukan limbah cangkang udang. Dari hasil analisa yang dilakukan terhadap kultur cair hasil fermentasi yang mengandung serbuk cangkang rajungan diketahui bahwa koloni bakteri berasal dari limbah cangkang udang mempunyai aktivitas enzim sebesar 0,006 U (Unit/ml/menit), dengan kemampuan menurunkan kadar protein (deproteinasi) sebesar 31,90%. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat dijadikan dasar proses pembuatan chitin dari limbah cangkang rajungan secara biologis, yang dipandang sebagai proses yang lebih ramah lingkungan dibandingkan dengan proses secara kimiawi.Chitin, Cangkang Udang, Cangkang, Rajungan, Aktivitas Proteolitik BakteriNida Sopiah dan Teguh Prayudi
125Dampak Penggunaan KlorinChlorine is a chemical substance, which has been used in many industries for a long time, especially in the pulp and paper industry and drinking water treatment. Chlorine has been used in making dye, medicine, plastic, solvent and dry clean. In the sector of energy and electricity, chlorine is used in the cooling water system. Due to the lack of condition of chlorine?s storage, it will lead to the leakage of chlorine gas, which will endanger environment and health. Waste from industrial activity containing chlorine has a potential to damage environment. Chlorine also can easily react with many compounds because of its character as a strong oxidator. If chlorine and organic compounds are bound to each other, they will cause carcinogenic effect. Based on the consideration of the danger of chlorine on environment and health, many countries in the world strive to reduce its use in industries. Many alternatives and technologies have been developed to alternate the function of the chlorineChlorine, Chemical, Environment, Solvent, Oxidator, Industry, Cooling, FoulingAchmad Hasan
126Contribution of the Organic Waste from Fish Culture on the Degdardation of Water Quality of CirataCirata is one of three reservoirs lay in Citarum River, where the water body is used to fish culture in floating net. Lately, one or two times in a year, fish in the floating net die massly because of the water quality of reservoirs have worsen, which resulted from the entering of organic pollutant from human being activities in and outside of the Reservoir. This paper is written to reveal contribution of organic waste from fish culture in floating net represented human being activities inside of the Reservoir on the worsening of water quality Cirata. The result revealed that the Reservoir Cirata continually has been polluted by organic waste, which gradually resulted in the worsening of water quality indicated by increasing chemical oxygen demand (COD) and concentration of chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), and decreasing secchi disk. This study indicated that on 1997, fish culture using floating net (internal loading) in Reservoir Cirata contribute the nutrient three times than domestic and agriculture (external loading). This situation is guessed still going on hitherto, therefore the reservoir become very hypertrophic, as giant cesspools, and resulted in death of fish masslyCirata, organic waste, fish culture, water qualityYudhi Soetrisno Garno
127Status Dan Karakteristik Pencemaran Di Waduk Kaskade CitarumSungai Citarum yang memiliki 3 waduk dan berfungsi sangat multiguna; diindikasikan telah tercemar limbah organik dan logam berat. Mengingat pencemaran tersebut dapat mengakibatkan hilangnya fungsi air sungai/waduk sebagai bahan baku air bersih, wisata dan media budidaya ikan dengan KJA maka informasi mengenai status pencemaran yang dapat dipertanggung jawabkan kebenarannya sangat diperlukan. Untuk memberikan informasi yang benar dan ilmiah tentang status dan karakteristik pencemaran di waduk kaskade Citarum itulah paper ini disusun. Hasil analisis terhadap data yang ada mengungkapkan bahwa Waduk Saguling tercemar berat oleh limbah anorganik dan organik yang berturut-turut berasal dari limbah industri dan, pemukiman. Waduk Cirata tercemar berat oleh limbah organik, yang utamanya dari limbah perikanan KJA yang beroperasi didalamnya. Waduk Juanda tercemar limbah organik dari KJA yang beroperasi Cirata dan Juanda. Kesimpulan mengenai tingkat dan sumber pencemaran yang berbeda di ketiga waduk ini, selain akan berguna dalam perencanaan pengelolaan waduk-waduk tersebut, juga sangat menarik karena selama ini penyebab pencemaran organik di waduk dan sungai hanya dialamatkan pada limbah pemukiman dan industri, sedangkan limbah KJA diabaikan.Citarum, waduk, pencemaran, industri, pemukimn. KJAYudhi Soetrisno Garno, PhD
128Pengaruh Pemberian Lapisan Lempung Terhadap Peningkatan Lengas Tanah Pada Lahan Marginal BerpasirVarious methods for water or soil humidity conservation include the use of chemicals (synthetic matter) and plastic or asphalt layer at certain depth under soil profile to hold irrigation or rain water entering into the soil to prevent rapid disappearance from root zone. The present study observed the role of fine texture soil (clay fraction) in increasing water capacity, and releasing power of water for the need of plantation in marginal soil with sand easily pressed structure, and sensitive to water and wind erosion. The study was carried out in Glagah Coast, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta. The results conclude that the addition of 10 cm of clay layer at the depth of 20-30 cm may optimally increase the humidity of sandy soil.Clay fraction, water capacity, marginal soilSudaryono
129Aplikasi Teknologi Pengadaan Air Bersih Di Empat Desa Tertinggal Di Bengkulu SelatanIn County South Bengkulu there are 4 villages classified into poor villages. Those villages do not have some principal facilities yet, such as clean water supply system and electricity. To fulfill clean water need, the people use shallow groundwater which has very bad quality. The groundwater contains Fe (1.7 ppm) and Mn (0.7 ppm). The contents are much more than the standard quality allowed by WHO. The groundwater colour is also a little bit brown. To deal with those problems, BPPT (Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology) has tried to apply a water treatment system which is supported by a solar cell system producing the electricity. The electric energy is used for pumping the groundwater. The water treatment has a mainly important process which is accommodated in a multy media filter. The media include coarse coral, find coral, sand silica, manganese zeolite and activated carbon. The media filter can reduce the contaminants (Fe & Mn) and remove the odour effectively. The complete water treatment system has been applied successfully in the 4 villages (one for each village).Clean Water Supply TechnologyP. Nugro Rahardjo
130Masalah Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Air Bersih Tiga Desa
Di Kabupaten Ende
Clean water supply is still a very difficult problem for small villages, especially in County Ende, NTT. Three villages, ie Detukeli, Ndetundora I and Ndetundora II, are the examples. The real problem is the settlement living in the area which do not have enough potential of water resources.There are some potential surface water resources, but they are located more than 3 km from the village settlement. One of the potential rivers is so separated by a big hill, that the people have to walk for a long distance to reach the clean water resource. To solve the problem, it is very important to develop a transmition piping, including the distribution net and a hidram water pumping system. To construct a complete water supply system needs a lot of investation. For only Village Detukeli as an example, it needs approximately almost 2 thousand million rupiahsClean water supply, limited potential of water resourcesP. Nugro Rahardjo
131Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Air Bersih Masyarakat Desa le Rhob dan Alue Mangki Kabupaten BirenAfter Disaster ?Tsunami? in Desember 2004, a lot of villages located at the beach and coastal area in Province Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam have been being in a very difficult condition. Many problems, especially the lack of clean and drinking water, have not been overcome yet. Ie Rhob and Alue Mangki are the 2 villages which have to be helped in order to get clean water supply for all of the residences living in the villages. Because of sea water intrusion, almost all of the shallow ground water can not be used as the good raw water for a simple water treatment installation. River Krueng Mane is the only one water resource which has a water quality suitable for the simple water treatment. The recommended water treatment processes are sedimentation, mixing, flocculation, coagulation, filtration and disinfection as the final process.clean water supply, raw water quality, water treatmentP. Nugro Rahardjo
132Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Air Bersih Masyarakat Kep. Seribu Melalui Optimasi Pemanfaatan Penampungan HujanThe very limited natural resources, especially in small islands such as in Thousand Island, north Jakarta, may cause a lot of environmental problems if the inhabitant is not wise in managing and exploiting its environmental power resources. One of the chronic problems in Thousand Island is the lack of clean water availability. That specific problem becomes worse and worse because of increasing of the population. In dry season the condition always gets worst. Many acts have been done to deal with the problem, but in fact until now it can not be solved properly. After doing a direct survey to all densely populated islands in Thousand island, it is found that one good alternative can possibly be done to solve the problem. It is to develop and maximize the using of rain water reservoir (PAH). Based on the calculation using two approaches, the fact that rain water reservoir in Untung Jawa and Lancang Besar island are already enough. For Tidung Besar, Panggang and Pramuka island, they need to enlarge the roof as a receiver of rain-water falling down. Another alternatif that should be carried out is to rehabilitate all the damage rain-water reservoirs. Kelapa island needs not only roof enlarging and rehabilitation of the rain-water reservoirs, but also developing some new rain-water reservoirs. Harapan island still needs developing some new rain-water reservoirs and roof enlarging to get more rain water.Clean water, maximize, rain-water reservoir (PAH)Petrus Nugro Rahardjo
133Mendapatkan Perangkat Lunak Gratis Dengan InternetDi dunia komputer yang paling banyak dihasilkan adalah karya-karya berupa software. Software jadi yang sudah siap untuk dipasarkan biasanya mempunyai harga yang mahal. Karena mahalnya harga sebuah software inilah yang membuat kencenderungan seseorang pengguna komputer untuk mencopy software yang diinginkannya. Padahal ia pun tahu bahwa hal ini dapat melanggar hak cipta dari software tersebut. Software-software bagus yang dibuat oleh perusahaan-perusahaan ternama biasanya dirancang untuk tidak mudah tercopy oleh pelanggar-pelanggar hak cipta. Jika kita ingin mengoleksi software komputer, maka tidak perlu dengan cara mencopy software tersebut. Dengan internet, kita dapat memperoleh software-software gratis yang diinginkan tanpa merasa takut dituduh menjadi pelanggar hak cipta.Client Server, Internet, FTP, Netscape, Server, Utiliti KompresiHeru Dwi Wahjono, B.Eng.
134Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca Pada Industri Semen, Baja, Pulp, Kertas Dan Tekstil Di IndonesiaGreenhouse Gas (GHG) emission is contributing to global warming. One of the significant greenhouse gas emissions is industry sector, especially from energy intensive industries. This sector produce greenhouse gas emission from fuel consumption, electricity consumption, energy consumption as raw material and emission come from the production processes. This study has the objective to calculate the CO2 emission balance in industry sector and the potency to reduce emission.CO2 emission, Pulp and paper, cement, Iron and steel, TextileWidiatmini Sih Winanti, Prasetiyadi, Wiharja, Teguh Prayudi, Indriyati, dan Joko Prayitno Susanto
135Flue Gas Desulfurization For 2 X 6 MW Coal Fired Power PlantA study on a mine mouth coal fired power plant has been done and showed that a 2x6 MW electricity output coal fired power plant is feasible to be installed when it uses rejected coal. The rejected coal mostly contains high sulfur (~3% dry basis), and has low calorific value (4700 Kcal/kg). From an environmental point of view, the SO2 emission from the combustion of high sulfur containing coal has to be controlled in order to comply with the government regulation. Besides, ash content of the coal which produces the particulates need to be captured by cyclones to have particle concentration below the standard. This paper calculates the particulate and SO2 emissions and estimates the the size and number of cyclones used as well as the amount of lime slurry utilized in the in Flue Gas Desulfurization using a spray-dry scrubber type. Utilizing a 4.7% ash content and a 3% sulfur content of coal as a fuel, the prediction of particulate and SO2 emission are about 570 mg/m3 and 2580 mg/m3, respectively. In order to meet the respective particulate and SO2 emission standards of 150 and 750 mg/m3, it could employ a 4-conventional type cyclones with a 0.5 m2 each of inlet area having around 80% efficiency, and a SO2 control device of spray-dry scrubber type with a capture efficiency of at least 75%. The scrubber has to utilize lime between 376 and 504 kg Ca(OH)2/ hour, with continuous addition between 23% and 30%, and re-cycled between 77% and 70% of it.coal, desulfurization, SO2 emissionKardono and Cahyadi
136Upaya Mitigasi Pencemaran Laut dengan Artificial wetlandsIndonesia is an archipelago country which has coastline up to 81 000 km with rich and bountiful wetlands, especially coastal wetlands. Wetland areas estimated is more than 40.5 millions hectare, including mangrove forest around 6.3 millions hectare. As world environmental condition is degraded, Indonesia marine and coastal environments have been experienced degradation, especially mass fish killed incident quite often occurred in water environments due to eutrophiocation. This incidence has lead to productive coastal and marine environments to become hypoxia, means that this is a process of declining oxygen content in the water column due to organic matter or organic chemicals in water environment were accumulated in coastal and merine environments. Most scientist precited that this conditions was occurred because of mangrove forest was degraded and already convert to other uses, especially for shrimp pond produvtion and industrial development. World scientist has praised that mangrove forest is the place to be traditional shrimp pond location in years. Scientifically this traditional shrimp pond has praticed and applied ecotechnological approach for increasing stable shrimp production in Indonesia. However, this method has been changed lately for booming Indonesian shrimp export due to Indonesia economic development. Therefore, this paper proposed and elaborated the important and function of wetlands for not only economic development but also conserve and mitigate artificial wetlands ecosystem as a whole ecosystem for social, environmental and economic development in the future. This paper is also clarify the important of artificial wetlands in coastal and marine landscape.coastal wetlands, conserve and mitigate, Artificial-wetlandsSabaruddin Wagiman Tjokrokusumo
137Teknologi Penanggulangan dan Pengendalian Kerusakan Lingkungan Pesisir, Pantai dan Laut Untuk ?Erosion, sedimentation, sea level rise, tsunami, sea water pollution, coral reef and mangrove forest destruction are problems, that have to be considered during planning, development and management of the coastal, sea and marine tourism activity. Alternative technology such as natural and man made coastal and sea protections (revetment, bulkhead, sea wall, jetty, groin, breakwater, submerged artificial reef, oil boom, oil skimmer) and information technology can be used and applied for this purpose.Coastal Zone Management, Coastal and Sea TourismNawa Suwedi
138Studi Penyisihan Cod-Organik PadaTahap Nitrifikasi Dan Denitrifikasi Dalam Sbr Menggunakan AirAir limbah pabrik pembuatan makanan kecil coklat batangan yang berasal dari proses pencucian alat cetakan diketahui banyak mengandung gula, protein dan lemak atau minyak. Suatu permasalahan yang sering ditemui dalam proses lumpur aktif pada air limbah yang mengandung kadar organik dan senyawa nitrogen tinggi adalah terbentuknya nitrogen dalam bentuk nitrogen terokdidasi seperti nitrat dan nitrit. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh waktu aerobik dan anoksik dalam menurunkan kadar COD terlarut dan nitrat. Dari hasil percobaan didapatkan beberapa kesimpulan antara lain yakni makin besar periode aerasi dalam satu siklus waktu bioreaksi aerobik-anoksik sama maka makin besar pula penyisihan nitrat-N, dan makin besar produksi lumpur. COD terlarut akhir bioreaksi juga makin kecil bila periode aerasi lebih panjang walaupun total bioreaksi aerobik-anoksik sama. Waktu yang diperlukan untuk mencapai kondisi anoksik dari kondisi aerobik untuk masa aerasi 2-4 jam kurang dari 30 menit, sedangkan periode aerasi 5-6 jam butuh waktu < 40 menit. Penurunan nitrat-N dibawah baku mutu 10 mg/l, untuk periode arasi 2 ? 4 jam juga < 30 menit dan periode aerasi 5 ? 6jam butuh waktu < 40 menitCod-Organik, Nitrifikasi, Denitrifikasi, Lumpur Aktif, AnoksikMuhammad Lindu
139Pengelolaan Air Minum Berbasis MasyarakatStudi Kasus Pembangunan Air Minum Di Desa Nelayan IIAccording to the result of the World Bank study, from 121 drinking water management projects in rural area, only 20 (16,6%) are very effective projects. A lot of drinking water management in developing country, including Indonesia is not running well. One of the reasons of this problem is that community did not take part in developing and managing drinking water treatment plant. A right policy and strategy could overcome the problem and give an effective and sustainable of drinking water management.This paper generally explain principles and general policy in developing the drinking water treatment plant and how to apply the strategies, therefore that it is running well and the are will being of the community sustainable.There is also an example, a case study about small-scale drinking water treatment plant in a fisherman village, Sungai Liat, Province Bangka-Belitung where the community took part in every stage of building it.Community based of drinking water managementSatmoko Yudho
140Kapasitas Masyarakat Dalam Pengelolaan Sampah KotaPrincipally, solid waste management is all activities of solid waste handling, from the point sources until the final disposal. Up to know solid waste management in urban area is still a complex problem, either from social, management, and technology aspects. The other problem of solid waste management is due to the people behaviour, which is mostly still unaware. Social capacity is another word social capital means a social condition that a lot of citizens participate the process of decision making or policy making and cooperation with government. The role of community in this system is only in paying the monthly fee. So that people still fully gave the solid waste management system in to the government. There is no indication of solid waste sparation by the people them selves.Community capacity, solid waste managementLestario Widodo dan Joko Prayitno Susanto