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1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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141Studi Banding Teknologi Pengolahan Limbah Cair Pabrik Kelapa SawitIn the last ten years Indonesia has already developed more than 15 Crude Palm Oil Factories (CPOF). Unfortunately the major of them do not have proper wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) yet. General speaking that in Indonesia the palm area has been increasing rapidly. Because of the very large palm area, almost all CPOF use a large area for the WWTP and the main processes of WWTP are anaerobic and aerobic system using large ponds as lagoons. The most environmental problems appear such as the bad quality of the effluent from WWTP and in maintaining units of the WWTP. The aim of this assessment is to compare the WWTP belong to 3 CPOF (PT. Kertajaya, PTP Nusantara IV Bah Jambi and PT. Smart Tbk) and RANUT as a research product from Palm Research Center located in Medan. Wastewater (produced by CPOF) used for Land application is also discussed and it is well known in using the wastewater to fertilize the palm plantation. A recommendation for the wastewater treatment system has been proposed. The system has eight processes including oil separation or first sedimentation, neutralization, equalization, anaerobic degradation, aerobic degradation, final sedimentation and sludge drying.comparison wastewater treatment plant, crude palm oil factoryPertus Nugro Rahardjo
142Dinamika Perubahan temperatur dan Reduksi Volume Limbah dalam Proses PengomposanThe goal of this research is to study the dynamics changing of temperature, weight and volume of wastes during composting process in Cakung Slaughterhouse. The composting process was done using windrow system for 65 days. Windrow was turned mechanically using compost turning machine once a week. Composition of input wastes was calculated based on its volume and specific weight. Regularly, windrows were measured of their volume, weight and temperature. The composting shows that weight and volume reduction was exponentially done in the two of the first weeks. The temperature also exponentially increased in that time. Those indicated that the increasing of metabolisms and development of microbiology during composting process. Weight and volume reduction reached about 80 percent, and their temperature reached above 55oC during first weeks. The dynamics changing of the temperature and volume/weight reduction was the key parameter for evaluating composting processComposting, windrow, temperature, volume, weightSri Wahyono, dan Firman L. Sahwan
143Kajian Atas Hasil-Hasil Penelitian Kawasan Konservasi Daerah Resapan Air Di Cekungan BandungDevelopment of city and population in Bandung Basin cause the need of clean water is increasing too. The increasement of groundwater abstraction and the decreasement of recharge area will disturb the natural water balance in the Bandung Basin. Therefore, recharge area of the Bandung Basin must be protected and conserved. The efforts to protected this area is done with make some regulation and policy to protect and conserved the recharge area and mapping (delineation) recharge area. Generally the regulation is good enough, but this isn?t detail; and monitoring and inforcement in field is still very weak. From the results of the research that were done, the recharge area in Bandung basin is in the northen and southern part of Bandung Basin with elevation more than 750 m. Detil mapping and delineation of recharge area with scale 1 : 100.000 or 1 : 5.000 must be done as soon as possible.consenservation area, water basin delineationMardi Wibowo
144Konservasi Lengas Tanah Melalui Rekayasa Lingkungan Pd Lahan Pasir Beririgasi TeknisBy more decreasing supply of the fertility agriculture land, hence to optimize the usage of marginal land like coastal land is a good way out to improve the farmer income, although demanded to various technological innovation as the environmental engineering form that able to support repairmen of the farming.One step is making conservation of land maoisture and efficiency of the water usage.The result or the technological innovations was treatment with planting system under the shade and combined with mulls, sprinkler irrigation. Now the sprinkler irrigation in the best way on increasing the land moisture rate and then followed by treatment of the shde usage, mulls and drip irrigation, while the worst treatment is without the shade usage both using mulls and drips irrigationConservation and innovation technologicalSudaryono
145Pelestarian Cendana Melalui Pola
Sandalwood (Santalum album L) is one of tropical plant in Indonesia that possess high economic value. Natural distribution of sandalwood centered in arid area of Nusa Tenggara Timur province and now a days this plant was groupped as rare plant. Many activities of in situ conservation for sandalwood have been carried out at some locations but did not give satisfaction in result yet. Ex situ conservation with utilize conservation on farm system is new model of plant conservation that involved local people. System of conservation on farm for sandalwood plant be defined as cultivation of sandalwood in the field/garden and home garden with involved farmers or local people. This system is known 2 models are ABC model (Model Agroforestri Berbasis Cendana) and Home garden as model of conservation area. Both models that mention had been applied in Belu regency, Nusa Tenggara Timur province.
This research proposed to study the growth of sandalwood in ABC Model in the field/garden and in home garden as model of conservation area and to know the system of conservation on farm for sandalwood in Belu regency, Nusa Tenggara Timur province. ABC model was applied in 2 locations at Dirun Village (altitude at 1000 m above sea level) and Teun Village (altitude at 500 m above sea level), while home garden as model of conservation area was applied at Teun village only.
The Result shown that the rate of sandalwood growth in ABC model at Dirun village from first to third year between 60-70 cm in height per year, while sandalwood growth from third to fourth year has happened decreasing about 25 cm. The rate of sandalwood growth in ABC model at Teun Village from first to second year about 70-77 cm in height. The rate of sandalwood growth in home garden during 6 month after planting time about 4 -5 cm in height. Number of seedling still alife during 2 years after planting time in ABC model at Teun Village about 72%, during 4 yaers after planting time in ABC model at Dirun Village about 79%. While sandalwood seedling still alife during 6 months in home garden as model of conservation area about 75%. High persentation of seedling still alife with optimum rate of sandalwood growth have been found in this research because presence involvement of local people.
Conservation on farm, ABC Model, homegarden as conservation areaAlbertus Husein Wawo
146Konservasi Hutan Dan Lahan Melalui Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Sekitar HutanForest resources are really under pressure nowadays and leave only the conservation areas, although they are already standing on a risky zone of encroachments and illicit felling. The most important issues to be addressed in order to enable social forestry and work toward alleviating poverty security of land and resource tenure and access, and use planning, streamlined mechanisms for registering rights and resolving conflicts.conservation; risky zone; social forestryIkhwanuddin Mawardi dan Sudaryono
147Pengaruh Pupuk Kandang terhadap Penyerapa Logam Berat Chrom ( Cr ) Oleh Tanaman Jarak PagarProductivity of agricultural land contaminated with tannery wastes originated-chromium is decreased. Crop produced on the contaminated land is toxic for human and animal. An alternative to solve this problem is by using plants which are able to tolerate the contaminant, produce high yield, able to accumulate high concentration of the contaminant and non consumed. The aim of this research was to find out the effect of cattle manure and biofertilizer in supporting the giant castor bean grown on tannery wastes originated-chromium contaminated land and the ability of cattle manure and biofertilizer in influencing chromium absorption by the plant.
The result showed that giant castor bean can grow normally on chromium contaminated soil. There was no interaction between cow manure and biofertilizer for all observed variables. Cattle manure and biofertilizer have no effect to almost all of the observed variables, except that cattle manure affecting total leaf number and leaf area ratio. Giant castor bean grown on contaminated soils contain 5 ? 9 ppm chromium in the leaf. Therefore, giant castor bean could not be considered as higher accumulator plant.
contaminated land, biofertilizer, giant castor bean (Jatropha curcas L.)Sudaryono, Ikhwanuddin Mawardi
148Uji Penyisihan Kadmium (Cd) dari Pasir TerkontaminThe experiment is trying to apply an alternatif method in remediation electrokinetic by inserting conductive solution between cathode and treated soil. This is purposed in keeping the pH in low condition and preventing the precipitation of heavy metals in the soil adjacent to the cathode that often happen in the previous electrokinetic methods. Concentration of Cd (C0), period (t), concentration of conductive solution were selected as parameters, with artificially contaminated sand. The experiment with sand/ soil C0 = 100 ppm gave lower efficiency at 15,98% when it compares with C0 = 400ppm in the same condition and 24 hours period at 44,18%. Concentration of KCl also influenced the performance of system which was shown by the increasing in removal efficiency as refer to the previous experiment. Teoritically as pH of soil decreases the mobility of Cd is increases. This is due to Cd desorption is higher in the low pH. The alternatif method here have to deep in search if would application in the natural soil.Contaminated soil, Cadmium (Cd), ElectromigrationWahyu Purwanta
149Valuasi Komoditas Lingkungan Berdasarkan Contingent Valuation MethodValuasi lingkungan merupakan bagian dari ekonomi lingkungan, yang bertujuan untuk melakukan valuasi terhadap sumberdaya alam dan lingkungan. Valuasi ini bertujuan untuk memberikan penilaian moneter terhadap sumberdaya lingkungan. Terdapat beberapa metode Valuasi komoditas lingkungan, misalnya Travel cost method, preference method, contingent valuation method, dll. Namun yang memiliki penerapan lebih luas adalah contingent valuation method. Metode valuasi lingkungan ini merupakan metode penelitian terhadap komoditas lingkungan yang akan memberikan masukan-masukan kepada pembuat kebijakan dalam mengelola lingkungan berdasarkan partisipasi masyarakat, berupa pajak yang mereka bayar, karena eksternalitas negatip yang mereka lakukan. Walaupun demikian ternyata metode ini dapat menimbulkan berbagai bias, dalam penelitiannya. Bias ini dapat timbul dari desain kuesioner, elisitasi yang dilakukan, proses penyampaian kuesioner, agregasi respon kuesioner, dan sebagainya. Artikel ini merupakan pengantar yang menjelaskan dasar-dasar dan berbagai kesalahan yang dapat timbul dalam metode valuasi lingkungan ini. Hal yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengurangi bias yang timbul dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan melakukan eksperimental desain terhadap sampel populasi yang akan diambil responnya.contingent valuation method, probit, logit, komoditas lingkungan, willingness to payHidir Tresnadi
150Analisa Cu(Ii) Pada Sampel Air Sungai Berdasarkan Pembentukan Senyawa Kompleks Cu-DdtcDalam penelitian ini, dikembangkan suatu metode analisa Cu dengan menggunakan peralatan pemekatan yang telah dikembangkan sebelumnya(1). Dengan ini dimungkinkan dapat dilakukan analisa Cu dengan konsentrasi yang sangat rendah. Ion Cu pada kadar rendah (trace concentration) dalam sampel cair direaksikan dengan Diethyldithio Carbamate (DDTC) untuk menghasilkan senyawa komplek Cu-DDTC. Larutan yang mengandung senyawa kompleks tersebut selanjutnya dipekatkan kedalam Micro Membrane Filter (MMF) menggunakan alat yang telah dikembangkan(1) dan MMF yang telah mengandung senyawa komplek tersebut kemudian secara langsung dimasukkan ke dalam Graphite Furnace Atomic Absortion Spectrophotometric (GF-AAS) untuk meanalisa konsentrasi Cu secara langsung. Dengan metode ini, sensitivitas (3 x s larutan blanko) Cu(II) adalah 0,03 ppb dan relative standard deviation (n=6) adalah 2,5 %. Metoda ini telah diterapkan untuk menganalisa kandungan ion Cu dalam sampel air sungai dengan hasil yang sangat memuaskan.Copper Determination, Micro-Membrane Filter, Direct Ashing Gf - aasJoko Prayitno Susanto
151Biokonversi Karbondioksida Untuk Bahan Baku IndustriFrom the stand point of carbon dioxide cycle on global warming, the conversion of CO2 into various useful carbonic material compound is one solution. Using natural energy sources such as LNG and cole may contribute to CO2 removal in the atmosphere. As one of feasible measure though CO2 is final oxidized product of carbon containing reaction have been proposed and investigate. Biological proces have to developed, CO2 was efectivly converted to methan, acetat, and raw material for plastic degradable.corabondoixide, biokonversion, indusrtial raw materialUntung Suwahyono
152Teknologi Konservasi dan Rehabilitasi Terumbu Karang
Indonesia's rich supplies of corals and reef fish are endangered by destructive fishing practices. Cyanide and blast fishing are widespread throughout the archipelago even in protected areas. Indonesian reefs are also subject to various pressures from inland activities. Forestation and other land-use changes have increased sediment discharge onto reefs, and pollution from industrial effluents, sewage, and fertilizer compounds the problem. Cumulatively, these pressures appear to have significantly degraded Indonesia's reefs over time. Unfortunately, Indonesia has only limited monitoring. Few reefs are regularly studied, making the assessment of condition and change for the country quite difficult. Currently, most monitoring indicates clearly that reef condition is declining. This article showed the status, biology, and monitoring-rehabilitation method of coralcorral reef , rehabilitation, nutrientArif Dwi Santoso
153Teknologi Pengelolaan Limbah Industri Kelapa Sawit.Dalam kegiatan operasional di Pabrik Kelapa Sawit, disamping akan dihasilkan produk utama (Main Product) berupa CPO dan PKO, juga akan dihasilkan produk sampingan (By-Product), baik berupa limbah padat maupun limbah cair dan juga polutan ke udara bebas. Berdasarkan jenis dan komposisi limbah di atas diketahui bahwa limbah cair memiliki kontribusi yang besar, yaitu antara 55% sampai 67% dari total TBS yang diolah. Limbah Pabrik Kelapa Sawit memiliki potensi nutrisi yang tinggi sebagai sumber nutrisi bagi pertumbuhan tanaman. Aplikasi Limbah Cair Pabrik Kelapa Sawit (LC PKS), Janjang Kosong, Kompos dan Abu Janjang mampu berperan sebagai pengganti pupuk konvensional (pupuk anorganik) yang murah dan dengan kandungan unsur hara (nutrisi) yang cuku memadai untuk menggantikan sumber nutrisi yang dibutuhkan tanaman. Pemilihan bentuk dan metode aplikasi limbah harus dengan memperhatikan tyopografi, jenis tanah, jarak areal aplikasi dari PKS, biaya serta faktor lingkungan.CPO, PKO, Kelapa SawitHenry Loekito
154Penerapan SIG untuk Penyusunan dan Analisis Lahan Kritis Pada Satuan Wilayah Pengelolaan Das AgamThe increment of critical land extent is still undergoing because of change of land use without accompanied with conservation of land and water proportionally. Hence, it is need to carry out rehabilitation of land and forest by considering critical land map which is purposed to define priority scale, both its spatial and time. By applying technology of Geographic Information System (GIS), it can be mapped critical land according to standard of critical land criteria. In addition, the constraint of manual map can be reduced, particularly in information processing and map reproduction. In Agam Kuantan Watershed, critical land of forest has extent of 778.704,2 ha, and outside there area is about 496.486,7 ha.Critical Land, Watershed, GISSutopo Purwo Nugroho dan Teguh Prayogo
Sutopo Purwo Nugroho dan Teguh Prayogo
155Pengaruh Naungan Dan Pemberian Mulsa Terhadap Produksi Buah Melon (Cucumis Melo L.)During the present time, the coastal area is lack of interested by the farmer as the cultivation site of agriculture plant. It is caused by the problem constraint of land physical character and the climate (particularly, micro climate), so that most confined the kinds of plant may be cultivated. The more narrowed of agriculture area, then optimalizing the use of coastal area for developing agriculture is necessary to conduct, although must throungh various means with an environment reengineering, as climate modification, conservation efforts of land moisture, supplying irrigation water, and etc. So that in the research will be implemented the research on the melon plant cultivation with various treatment.But, these condition of micro climate can be manipulated or reengineered with using simple technology in shape of closed shade, so that can be created an ideal condition for cultivation requirements.The result show that melon plant cultivated under the shade with sprinkler irrigation and drip irrigation gives the highest result that is 325 kg/70 m2 or 4,65 kg/m2, the melon planted under the shade + sprinkler irrigation + mulse the result 272 kg/70 m2 or 3,89 kg/m2, while the lowest result is that planted without using the shade with sprinkler irrigation and drip irrigation : 200 kg/m2 or 2,86 kg/m2.Cultivation, agricultural ProductSudaryono
156Flower Biology Of Two Diospyros Species Neighborly Live at Csc AreaPenelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui struktur bunga, kesuburan dan laju pertumbuhan buluh serbuksari dua jenis Diospyros hidup bertetangga di kawasan Pusat Ilmu pengetahuan Cibinong (CSC), Diospyros blancoi A.DC and D. Celebica Bakh. Uji perkecambahan dan inkubasi buluh serbuksari dilakukan dalam medium Sarfatti dkk.,1974. Pengamatan dilakukan dengan mentransfer langsung digital image dari microskop, perbesaran objektif 10X, ke unit kontrol kamera DS-L1dan dianalisis computer. Hasil, meskipun struktur bunga kedua jenis tersebut sangat mirip, ukuran bunga dan bagian-bagian bunga D. blancoi jauh lebih besar. Kesuburan berdasarkan prosentase serbuksari berkecambah, D. blancoi jauh lebih tinggi, 41% vs 7%, laju pertumbuhan serbuksari jauh lebih tinggi, 1.66 vs 0.57 ?m per minute. Inkubasi sekitar 31/2 jam menunjukkan rata-rata panjang buluh serbuksari D. blancoi vs D. Celebica berbeda sangat nyata, yaitu 342,679 ? 37,067 vs 128,673 ? 49,215?m. Hampir semua pohon betina D. blancoi yang diamati, terlihat berbuah lebat sepanjang tahun, hampir semua D.celebica teramati berbuah sangat jarang, kadang tidak berbuah sama sekali, dikaitkan dengan perbedaan distribusi geografis kedua jenis tersebut. Kesuburan dan laju pertumbuhan buluh serbuksari dua jenis Diospyros bertetangga yang sangat berbeda dapat merupakan parameter menarik dikaji lebih lanjut, mengungkapkan kebutuhan lingkungan mikro untuk bioreproduksi dan propagasi jenis endemik D. CelebicaD. Blancoi, D. celebica, flower biology, pollen germination,Erlin Rachman
157Pengelolaan Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Terpadu, Konsep Pembangunan Berkelanjutan.Upaya pengelolaan DAS terpadu di Indonesia telah lama diterapkan dengan memperkenalkan berbagai kegiatan yang bercirikan lintas sektoral dan multidisipliner, sebagai contoh adalah pelaksanaan pengelolaan DAS secara terpadu di DAS Brantas, Jratunseluna, dan yang kemudian direncanakan untuk diimplementasikan pada DAS-DAS lain di seluruh Indonesia. Namun karena kompleksnya permasalahan yang harus dihadapi dan banyaknya DAS yang harus ditangani, serta menyangkut kendala teknis dan non-teknis lainnya yang harus disempurnakan, maka banyak DAS yang belum dapat tertanggani dengan baik, bahkan yang terjadi adalah kerusakan DAS semakin meluas dan semakin parah. Oleh karena itu dalam pengelolaan DAS secara terpadu harus berazaskan : (1) pemanfaatan sumberdaya alam (hutan, tanah dan air) dengan memperhatikan terhadap perlindungan lingkungan; (2) pengelolaan DAS bersifat multidisiplin dan lintas sekoral; (3) peningkatan kesejahteraan rakyat; (4) keterpaduan dimulai sejak dalam perencanaan pengelola DAS terpadu.Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS), Ekosistem, Pengelolaan DASSudaryono
158Analisis Peraturan Perundangan Tentang Daerah Resapan Air di DAS Citarum Hulu.Pada skala nasional DAS Citarum tergolong DAS super prioritas. Khusus DAS Citarum Hulu mempunyai fungsi utama sebagai perlindungan tata air tetapi dalam perkembangannya mempunyai fungsi ekonomi yang sangat strategis. Perkembangan kota dan jumlah penduduk di dalam DAS Citarum Hulu menyebabkan kebutuhan akan air bersih meningkat sangat tajam. Sebagian besar kebutuhan tersebut diambil dari air tanah. Dengan semakin meningkatnya kebutuhan (pengambilan) air tanah dan di lain pihak kualitas ruang hidrologinya semakin menurun, akan mengakibatkan terjadinya ketidakseimbangan antara
pengambilan dengan pemasokan (imbuhan) air tanah. Akibat ketidakseimbangan tersebut antara lain adalah turunnya muka air tanah, turunnya produksi sumur bor, rekuensi banjir di musim hujan dan frekuensi kekeringan di musim kemarau semakin besar. Oleh karena itu diperlukan adanya konservasi daerah resapan air di DAS Citarum Hulu dari desakan perkembangan kawasan urban. Salah satu upaya untuk mendukung konservasi daerah resapan air tersebut adalah dengan dikeluarkannya berbagai peraturan perundangan baik tingkat nasional maupun
kabupaten. Beberapa hal penting berkaitan dengan perauran perundangan mengenai daerah resapan air di DAS Citarum Hulu adalah : a) Sebenarnya peraturan atau kebijaksanaan untuk mempertahankan fungsi ekologi daerah resapan air sudah memadai, tetapi sering informasi dan batasannya kurang jelas dan rinci; b) Kurang terkendalinya pembangunan pemukiman oleh perorangan karena umumnya peraturan diberlakukan untuk pembangunan pemukiman dalam skala besar oleh pengembang (developer) serta peraturan/ kebijaksanaan yang dibuat sering belum dilengkapi peta yang representatif dan applicable;
c)Kurangnya pranata (sistem) yang baik dan kuat, kuantitas dan kualitas sumberdaya manusia yang terbatas, serta biaya dan waktu yang terbatas pula sehingga dalam proses pelaksanaan dan pengawasannya sering terjadi enyimpangan.
Daerah Resapan Air, DAS Citarum HuluMardi Wibowo
159Penelitian Kualitas Air Danau Aneuk Laot di Pulau Weh Propinsi NangroeAneuk Laot Lake is situated inWeh island in the north of Nangroe Aceh Darussalam Province. It is an important source of water supply for the local people in Weh island. At the moment there is a problem faced by the local government concerning with this lake since the water level become decreasing significantly. Various anticipation emerge among others the existence of earthquake in big scale capable to enlarge breaking residing in lake base and also pumping of lake water by PDAM town of Sabang. A researching, therefore, to be conducted to know cause of decrease of lake water of Aneuk Laot. This research was carried out in August and September 2005danau, Pulau Weh ,penyediaan air , kualitasHerman Edyanto
160Pengembangan Teknologi Lingkungan Dalam Pengelolaan DAS Yang Berkelanjutan.DAS merupakan bagian dari suatu proses hidrologi ? yang dikenal sebagai siklus air ? berfungsi sebagai penampung air hujan, daerah penyimpanan air, penangkap hujan dan pengaliran air. Air merupakan sumberdaya alam yang sangat vital dan merupakan faktor pembatas dan menentukan kualitas hidup manusia serta mahkluk hidup lainnya. Dari berbagai literatur diketahui bahwa telah terjadi penurunan kualitas dan kuantitas air sebagai akibat dari pendekatan pembangunan di sepanjang DAS yang semata-mata mengejar pertumbuhan ekonomi tanpa memperhatikan keberlanjutan fungsi-fungsi lingkungan sejak kawasan hulu sampai dengan kawasan hilir. Belum lagi pendekatan pelaksanaan pembangunan yang terkotak-kotak dan dibatasi oleh wilayah administratif padahal suatu DAS biasanya melalui beberapa wilayah administratif sekaligus. Oleh karena itu, pendekatan baru pengelolaan DAS adalah pendekatan terpadu yang dikenal sebagai ?One River, One Plan, One Management?. Makalah ini mencoba mengetengahkan peran teknologi pengelolaan lingkungan sebagai salah satu cara pemecahan permasalahan lingkungan yang telah terjadi maupun pencegahannya, jenis-jenis teknologi apa saja yang perlu dikembangkan serta beberapa hasil kajian di bidang teknologi pengelolaan lingkungan yang telah siap terap maupun yang sedang dan akan dilakukan yang dapat dimanfaatkan dalam suatu pengelolaan DAS terpadu.DAS, Pengelolaan Lingkungan, Teknologi Pengelolaan DASTusy Augustine Adibroto