Rekapitulasi Jumlah Koleksi dalam Database
No Kategori Jumlah
1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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110 Paket Teknologi Tentang Pengelolaan Air Bersih dan Pengolahan Limbah CairPengolahan Air Bersih dan Pengolahan Air LimbahTeknologi,
2Agenda 21, GEF dan Alih Teknologi.Agenda 21 adalah program aksi dunia untuk pembangunan berkelanjutan yang disepakati oleh 178 Negara, termasuk Indonesia. Agenda 21 ini terdiri dari empat bagian, bagian pertama tentang program yang berkaitan dengan dimensi sosial ekonomi, bagian kedua tentang pengelolaan sumberdaya dan pencemaran, bagian ketiga tentang program untuk penguatan kelompok utama dan keempat program pengembangan sarana implementasi. Pada bagian keempat ini antara lain dicantumkan komitmen negara maju untuk memberikan 0,7% GNP nya bagi negara berkembang untuk pengelolaan lingkungan. Untuk mengimplementasikan komitmen negara maju itu antara lain dibangun organisasi Global Environmental Facilities (GEF), untuk melaksanakan pemikiran yang dikenal dengan semboyan berfikir global dan bertindak lokal ( think globally act locally). Ada tiga badan dunia yang melaksanakan GEF ini yaitu UNDP, UNEP dan Bank Dunia. UNDP menyelanggarakan kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan pengembangan manusia dan kelembagaan agar pemerintah dan non pemerintah mampu melindungi lingkungan global. UNEP menyelenggarakan kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan bantuan serta prakarsa global dan pada Science and Technology Advisory Panel (STAP) yaitu kelompok yang memberikan masukan bagi kebijakan GEF dan membahas berbagai proyek yang didanai melalui GEF. Sedangkan Bank Dunia meneyelenggarakan kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan investasi. Dalam kaitannya dengan alih teknologi, Agenda 21 lebih menekankan pada pengembangan sarana untuk terjadinya alih teknologi, tetapi tidak secara eksplisit memprogramkan alih teknologi itu sendiri. Untuk itu negara-negara berkembang termasuk Indonesia harus menyusun siasatnya sendiri yaitu dengan merubah faktor-faktor kontekstual yang dapat diubah, seperti misalnya kepranataannya, mempengaruhi pihak pasokan atau mempengaruhi pihak permintaan. Jelas bahwa alih teknologi tidak akan dengan sendirinya terjadi, juga tidak dapat dilakukan hanya dengan mendatangkan artifak saja.Agenda 21, Global Environmental Facilities, Alih TeknologiTjuk Kuswartojo
3Agroforestry as A From Of Land Use With Emphasis to Complex Agroforest in IndonesiaAgroforestry as land use management systems have been practised by local communities in Indonesia for centuries. Agroforestry systems in Indonesia can be found as densely vegetated pieces of land. This multispecies and multilayer vegetation structures is an ingenious answer of local communities combining management of small pieces of land for multiple products in an efficient manner. Agroforestry systems harbour a rich collection of plant and animals, despite the commercial orientation of the management.agroforest, damar, homegardenTitiresmi
4Aktivitas Aktinomisetes Dari Bangka-BelitungKoleksi Bidang Mikrobiologi, Puslit Biologi- Lipi Dalam?chitinase, clear zone, spectrophotometerTeknologi
5Aktivitas Enzim Pelarut Fosfat Dan Efektivitas Mikroba Asal Wamena Untuk Menunjang Pertanian?Alkaline and acid PMEase, Phosphate solubilizing bacteria,BiofertolizerTeknologi,
6Akuisisi Data Sumberdaya Air Tanah Di Daerah Sukodono Kabupaten PacitanThe need of water for human life is very high, especially to meet a demand of water supply, such as for drinking water, washing, taking a bath, and etc. Unfortunately, the availability of surface water at an area is sometimes not enough to comply with a request of pure water, as happened in the Sukodono area. Hence, to avoid the problem, we focus at the ground water sources as alternative water supply. In this paper will be discussed exploration of ground water that is accomplished with imaging resistivity technology to find out characteristic and condition of ground water in Sukodono, Pacitan district, East Java Province. Based on the result of survey in field and interpretation, the existence of aquifer in Sukodono area is occupied between 5 ? 40 meter depth.ground water, imaging resistivity, desa SukodonoTeguh Prayogo

Teguh Prayogo

Teguh Prayogo
7Akunting Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan Kabupaten SolokThe natural resources and environmental accounting is an important tool to account the stock and the sustainable flow of natural resources as well as the depletion occured in the utilization of natural resources. The natural resources stock and flow accounting is important for supporting the policy of natural resources utilization for development. The natural resource depletion accounting is to record the depreciation of natural resource capital. For Kabupaten solok it is recorded that in the year of 2005, its natural resources has the total economic rent of Rp. 765.530.561.000,-. With the natural resource depreciation of Rp.141.479.680.000,- and correcting its economic growth by 0,6 % of its GRDP in 2005.Natural resources and environmental accounting, valuationRony M. Bishry
8Akunting Sumberdaya Alam Lahan Dan Lingkungan: Kabupaten Kutai TimurNatural Resources Accounting, Natural resources management, Environmental costTeknologi
9Alat Pengolah Air Limbah Rumah Tangga Semi Komunal "Kombinasi Biofilter Anaerob dan Aerob"Masalah pencemaran air di kota besar khususnya di DKI Jakarta telah menunjukkan gejala yang cukup serius. Salah satu penyebab yang sangat potensial adalah air limbah rumah tangga, yakni air yang berasal dari buangan dapur, kamar mandi, air bekas cucian ataupun kotoran manusia (tinja). Sehubungan dengan minimnya fasilitas pengolahan air limbah kota, ditambah lagi dengan buruknya sistem sanitasi yang ada, maka proses pencemaran air khususnys air sungai dan air tanah dangkal menjadi lebih cepat. Oleh karena perkembangan pembangunan sistem pengolahan air limbah rumah tangga /kota secara terpusat sangat lambat, maka salah satu cara untuk menanggulangi masalah tersebut yakni dengan cara melakukan pengolahan air limbah rumah tangga secara individual (On Site Treatment). Makalah ini membahas tentang studi pengolahan air limbah rumah tangga dengan sistem kombinasi biofilter anaerob dan aerob secara kontinyu. Dari hasil percobaan pengolahan air limbah rumah tangga dengan proses biofilter ?Anaerob-Aerob? untuk skala rumah tangga (kapasitas 3 M3/hari dengan waktu tinggal antara 1 - 3 hari secara fisik air hasil olahannya sudah jernih, dan dari hasil analisa kimia, didapatkan hasil efisiensi penghilangan yang cukup baik yakni masing-masing efisiensi penghilangan BOD 84,7 - 91 %; COD 79,6 - 95,3 %; dan SS 94,1 - 95%., NH4-N 89,3- 89,8 %, deterjen (MBAS) 83 - 87 %, dan PO4 44,4 - 47,3 %. Proses pengolahan air limbah rumah tangga dengan proses ?Biofilter Anaerob-Aerob? cukup stabil walaupun konsentrasi air limbah berfluktuasi.Biofileter, Aerob, Anaerob, KomunalKelompok Pengkajian Sistem Pengolahan Air
10Alternatif Pengolahan Limbah Rumah Potong Hewan ? Cakung ( Suatu Studi Kasus )Public awareness on environmental protection is getting better now. This condition has also rise in a company own by Province Governmental of DKI Jakarta Raya in the field of slaughtering cattle. This company, namely Cakung Slaughterhouse stay in Jakarta Timur is more a public services instead of a private company. On the waste and wastewater handling as the by product of all activity in Cakung Slaughterhouse, an assessment and development of handling waste and wastewater was carried out cooperation with German agricultural research institute (Bundesforschunganstaltfuerlandwirschaft ? FAL) through on the job training, design and engineering of the waste and wastewater treatment plant that would be developed. The training was done by handling the waste of German slaughterhouse as a case study in Germany that has no experience in it on a Cooperation Project of Biological Waste and Wastewater treatment ? BTIG Project. Fortunately, beside the technology and system on waste and wastewater handling, also getting the high awareness in condition for a healthy circumference of life need. Make this project as basic of design on waste and wastewater treatment plant of a slaughterhouse, at least on the essentials organic waste treatment mode.waste, wastewater, slaughterhouse, anaerobic, compostDjoko Padmono
11Alternatif Teknologi Pengolahan Air Untuk Memenuhi Kebutuhan Air Bersih Di Daerah Pemukiman NelayanPrimary water source of people in fisherman area in Kabupaten Pasir, Kalimantan Timur for daily water need generally is from surface water or deep well. Surface water is affected by water tide of sea water, so that almost all the time in a year the water quality is salty or brakish. Beside high salt concentration, deep well quality is also worst. This is caused by poor environmental sanitation of fisherman community. Rainy water use as water source alternative in problem solving for limited water drinking only provide in rainy season. Other alternative, people must find from other area where is far from their house or buy water with expensive price. To solve this critical problem is required the application of suitable water treatment technology. This water treatment technology must produce drinking water that meet technical standard and? the technology is applicable, easy and cheap in operation and maintenance because it is hoped that community in that area can manage, operate and maintenance.Penduduk nelayan, penyediaan air bersih, teknologi pengolahan air bersih.Taty Hernaningsih dan Satmoko Yudo
12Analisa Biaya Mekanisasi Produksi Kompos Sistem WindrowThe large scale composting activity needs mechanical equipments for operational efficiency like The Cakung Slaughterhouse has been done.Installation of mechanical equipments and buildings make it costly compare to manual composting activities. The cost of mechanical composting need to be counted such as investment, operation and maintenance cost in order to get the specific cost of compost production. This can be used for pricing compost product. According to the analysis, the best pricing for compost product is more than Rp. 807/kg, for example Rp. 1000/kg compost. It means that Cakung Slaughterhouse need increase gradually the existing compost price from Rp. 500/kg to Rp. 1000/kg compost. It need for guarantying for sustainable compost production.Teknologi LingkunganSri Wahyono dan Firman L. Sahwan
13Analisa Cu(Ii) Pada Sampel Air Sungai Berdasarkan Pembentukan Senyawa Kompleks Cu-DdtcDalam penelitian ini, dikembangkan suatu metode analisa Cu dengan menggunakan peralatan pemekatan yang telah dikembangkan sebelumnya(1). Dengan ini dimungkinkan dapat dilakukan analisa Cu dengan konsentrasi yang sangat rendah. Ion Cu pada kadar rendah (trace concentration) dalam sampel cair direaksikan dengan Diethyldithio Carbamate (DDTC) untuk menghasilkan senyawa komplek Cu-DDTC. Larutan yang mengandung senyawa kompleks tersebut selanjutnya dipekatkan kedalam Micro Membrane Filter (MMF) menggunakan alat yang telah dikembangkan(1) dan MMF yang telah mengandung senyawa komplek tersebut kemudian secara langsung dimasukkan ke dalam Graphite Furnace Atomic Absortion Spectrophotometric (GF-AAS) untuk meanalisa konsentrasi Cu secara langsung. Dengan metode ini, sensitivitas (3 x s larutan blanko) Cu(II) adalah 0,03 ppb dan relative standard deviation (n=6) adalah 2,5 %. Metoda ini telah diterapkan untuk menganalisa kandungan ion Cu dalam sampel air sungai dengan hasil yang sangat memuaskan.Copper Determination, Micro-Membrane Filter, Direct Ashing Gf - aasJoko Prayitno Susanto
14Analisa Kebijakan Penataan Ruang Untuk Kawasan Rawan Tsunami Di Wilayah Pesisirhutan mangrove, perencanaan tata ruang, mitigasi bencana, tsunamiTeknologi
15Analisis Curah Hujan Penyebab Banjir Besar Di Jakarta
Pada Awal Februari 2007
Flood that has occured in Jakarta in 27 January - 2 February 2002 was a result of heavy rain and impact of over discharge streams within its catchment area. Furthermore, occurence of low air pressure around northern Australia and Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) around Java Sea up to Banda Sea, has driven moists in the Asia into the area. Precipitation resulting flood is a return period about 1 to 1000. In Ciliwung watershed, mean rainfall of 142,5 mm/day and return period of about 100 years. This was bigger than mean rainfall during the period of 29 January 2002 about 110 mm/day that return period 200 years.: hujan, banjir, periode ulang.Sutopo Purwo Nugroho
16Analisis Dampak Penggembalaan Sapi Di Tpa (Studi Kasus Di TPA Piyungan ? Yogjakarta)landfill, waste, cow pasturingTeknologi
17Analisis Diskripsi Pencemaran Air Sumur Pada Daerah Industri Pengecoran LogamThe objective of the study is to explain the ground water impact of foundry industry activities in Ceper, Klaten Regency, Central Java Province. The result of this study shows that the tendency of some metal parameters (Fe, Mn and Pb) increases at water taken from some location artesian well or traditional well. Slags do not manage yet very well supposition ally causing the pollutant so that?s created opportunity to bring about the process leaching by the rain toward the inside metal components.Recommendation : In the future, the anticipate to expantion this industry is the slag manage very well through utilization exact and friendly environment technology.Slags pollutant friendly environment technologyJoko Prayitno Susanto
18Analisis Ekonomi Pemanfaatan Limbah Cair Di Kebun Sawit Sei Manding, RiauThe growth of the oil palm industry in Indonesia has been phenomenal. With only 106.000 ha planted in 1968, it has increased to more than 3,393 million ha in 2000. Fertilizer has played a major role in contributing to the advancement of sustainable oil palm yields. Currently with Asian economies experiencing an economic slow down and locally with the depreciation of rupiah, fertilizer costs have inevitably gone up causing the increase of production costs. Recently some plantations are trying to use waste water for fertilising purpose since it known that waste water contains some potential nutrient such as N, P, K and Mg. In Sei Manding this usage increases the production up to 27%.Limbah Cair, SawitMaryadi
19Analisis Emisi CO2 Sektor Energi Menurut WilayahProduction, Consumption, CO2 Im suhuTeknologi
20Analisis Emisi Co2 Sektor Energi Menurut WilayahProduction, Consumption, CO2 Im ?suhuTeknologi