121 | Penyediaan Air Bersih Berbasis Kelembagaan Dan Masyarakat | Pangkep Island consist of 117 Island, situated in Southwest Makasar City, South Sulawesi. These islands supply fish and other marine commodity to the people who lives in nearby town. Unfortunately, they always lack of water, especially at the long dry season. Usually at rainy season, they collect water from the roof tile to storage tank. But at the long dry season the reserve water in not enough to fulfill daily needs. So it is necessary to applied some technology to create fresh water in some island. One of Island that has chosen as a pilot project is Pandangan Island. Pandangan Island can be achieved from Pangkep City only five hours using tradisional ship. The population around 1200 people and most of them are fisherman. At the long dry season they always lack of fresh water. The reverse osmosis system, capacity 10 m3/day, has been chosen as technology to overcome water problem in Pandangan Island. For remote area, it is assume only 5 liter/day/capita is enough, so the system could fulfill up to 2000 people. The equipment installed in the central Island, using shallow well as a intake water. The efficiency salt reduction is 95 ? 98% and recovery ratio 15 ? 35%. The establishment of committee is important to manage operasional of reverse osmosis system. Committee usually consist of 2 technical person and 1 management person, and they come from local people and well train, beside they also should have ability to sell the product water to surrounding island with competitive price. It?s need big effort to build sea water treatment in each island, so the priority should be determined, especially for crowded, populated and remote island such as Pandangan. | Air bersih, kelembagaan, pengolahan air laut | Arie Herlambang | |
122 | Modifikasi Dan Peningkatan Kinerja Unit Sarpalam Kapasitas 5 L/Det, Kec. Sendana, Kab. Majene | Slow Sand Filter Technology is very common water technology that is used in many villages in Indonesia, because very simple, low operating and low investment cost. Sarpalam is the acronym of Saringan Pasir Lambat (Slow Sand Filter). For optimal process, the system should meet with the standard design for Slow Sand filter. Somba is one village that is situated in Northern Part of South Sulawesi. In that village there is a Slow Sand Filter with 5 l/s capacity to serve around 5.000 people. The problem is the quality of water is very low, turbid and smell. The source of water come from the hill, in the eastern part (around 3 km up hill). After investigation founded that, the system is not meet with standard Slow Sand filter and need modification for increasing the quality of product water. There are some constrain in the modification of the system, namely : existing construction, lack of space in the hill, stability of land, and quality of product water. | Saringan pasir lambat, slow sand filter, teknologi pengolahan air | Arie Herlambang | |
123 | Teknologi Pengolahan Sampah Dan Air Limbah | Solid waste has become a problem for large and small cities, as they relate to environmental sanitation and health, as well as aesthetic issues. High intensity of rainfall influence in a high solubility results of decomposition of waste in both TPS and TPA, brought the flow of water and water soak to soil or water flow to the public drainage. Law Number 8 Year 2007 on waste management require sanitary landfill technology. Currently most of the TPA are still not meet the full construction of sanitary landfill and need to be supported by the application of the 3R (Reduced, Reused, Recycle) program in solidwaste. Processing waste liquid derived from the leachate (seepage water) waste requiring special treatment. There are many type of waste water technology processing, the most important, It can be applied and product water quality meet the standard quality. | Sampah, 3 R, Tempat Pembuagan Akhir (TPA), Leachate Treatment. | Arie Herlambang dan Djoko Heru Martono | |
124 | Rancangbangun Pompa Hidram Untuk Masyarakat Pedesaan | Environmental contamination and global climate change cause degradation of fresh water in the whole world. Increasing of oil price also insist the water treatment operational cost rise, especially for pumping and water lifting from the low land areas to up land. One of alternatif solution to reduce operational cost is using Hydraulic ram pumps (hydram pump). Hydram pump are water-lifting devices that are powered by filling water. Such pumps work by using the energy of water falling a small height to lift a small part of that amount of water to a much greater height. In this way, water from a spring or stream in a valley can be pumped to a village or irrigation scheme on the hillside. The main and unique advantage of hydram pumps is that with a continuous flow of water, a hydram pump operates automatically and continuously with no other external energy source - be it electricity or hydrocarbon fuel. It uses a renewable energy source (stream of water) mid hence ensures low running cost. Minimum up lifting vertical power of pump is twice than vertical distance of water down and maximum up lifting vertical power is twenty times than vertical distance of water down. If there are air captured in distribution pipe, it will need release valve. In this paper, different aspect of designing a hydraulic-rain pump system is discussed. Application and limitation of hydram pump is presented. It imparts absolutely no harm to the environment Hydraulic ram pumps are simple, reliable and require minimal maintenance. All these advantages make hydram pumps suitable to rural community water supply and mud backyard irrigation in developing countries. | Air bersih pedesaan, pompa hidram, pengelolaan air bersih | Arie Herlambang dan Heru Dwi Wahjono | |
125 | Aplikasi Teknologi Pengolahan Air Sederhana Untuk Masyarakat Pedesaan | The level of water services by PDAM (Local Water Service Company) is still 19,4% of Indonesian population. Most of them still rely on groundwater, spring, river and rain. In the big and medium cities the level of water services higher between 40 ? 50 and 20 - 30% respectively, but in rural still very low. Recently many source of water is contaminated by domestic, industry, and agricultur waste due to lack of attention of water users to environment. Beside, some dense populated areas with low sanitation fasility make many shalow well contaminated by E.coli. For improving rural water services, It needs government policy that encourage bigger role of rural comunity to develop their ability and organization that maintain and protect source, process, production and distribution of water. Information of Simple Water Treatment Technology is an important that must be distributed to people who live in village or remote areas, in order to improve their knowledge. BPPT has been along time to develop many kind of water treatment technologies for treating river water, groundwater, peatwater, calcareous water,poluted water, brachist water or even sea water to make clean water or potable water. Many of those technologies have already applied in many areas in Indonesia, and up to now BPPT still develop many kind of water treatment technologies for the future | air bersih, pengolahan air, masyarakat pedesaan | Arie Herlambang dan Nusa Idaman Said | |
126 | Pengelolaan Air Tanah Dan Intrusi Air Laut | Coastal Aquifer System of Jakarta consist of unconfined aquifer layers, confined aquifer I and confined aquifer II. Resources of groundwater is very important for Jakarta City, for drinking water, industry, hotel, government offices and various other facility. Important considering of groundwater resources of Jakarta hence needed an effort to preserve the groundwater and awake its continuity by conducting a system management of groundwater. Model used for the management of groundwater system of aquifer coastal referred as Groundwater Model Simulation and Optimization of Quasi Three Dimension ( OPT-Q3D). Model simulation and optimization represent computer model of quasi-three dimensions with method of finite difference used for the operation of infiltration of sea water. This model can conduct current simulation of groundwater flow, head of fresh water and brine, and describe the movement of interface fresh water and sea water. The model can also make optimization of system aquifer with single or multi layers. Jakarta Groundwater Basin assumed consist three layers of aquifer separated by impermeable layer. Applying of groundwater simulation model in Jakarta can give information regarding balance of groundwater, head of freshwater, head of brine, interface brine and freshwater, map of brine distribution and bargain in each; every aquifer. Herein after model optimization will yield various information able to wear upon which consideration to manage the amount of pumping of optimal ground water every area in each layer of aquifer, amount of optimal pumping, optimal freshwater head, head of optimal brine and map of infiltration | Air Tanah, Pengelolaan, Intrusi Air Laut, Modeling | Arie Herlambang dan R. Haryoto Indriatmoko | |
127 | Proses Denitrifikasi Dengan Sistem Biofilter Untuk Pengolahan Air Limbah Yang Mengandung Nitrat | Industri yang mengeluarkan limbah amoniak merupakan jenis industri yang cukup banyak keberadaannya di Indonesia, oleh sebab itu suatu penelitian dan pengkajian pengolahan limbah amoniak akan bermanfaat untuk memberi masukan pada pihak pemerintah maupun pihak industri dalam menjaga kelestarian liangkungan perairan. Penelitian dan pengkajian pengolahan limbah amoniak konsentrasi tinggi telah dilakukan dengan cara biologis menggunakan reaktor biofilter tercelup. Pemilihan sistem ini karena telah diketahui cara biologis adalah cara yang paling ekonomis dan reaktor biofilter tercelup merupakan sistem yang mudah dioperasikan dengan hasil yang cukup optimal. Pengolahan limbah amoniak dilaksanakan melalui dua proses yaitu proses nitrifikasi dan proses denitrifikasi. Pada percobaan terdahulu telah dilakukan percobaan penurunan amonia dengan proses nitrifikasi dan berhasil baik, dan percobaan kali ini prosesnya adalah denitrifikasi. Proses denitrifikasi bertujuan untuk menghilangkan senyawa nitrit dan nitrat, sehingga pada akhirnya hasil olahan air limbah yang keluar telah bebas dari senyawa nitrat dan selanjutnya dapat dibuang ke perairan umum. Hasil percobaan proses denitrifikasi menghasilkan penurunan rata-rata nitrit 100% dan nitrat 99%, dengan volume reaktor 45 liter, kapasitas maximum 4,8 liter/jam dan waktu tinggal 72 jam. Kemampuan optimal biofilter dalam menurunkan nitrat adalah 5351 mg/liter/m3 media biofilter, dengan waktu tinggal optimal 3 hari. | Denitrifikasi, nitrat, biofilter | Arie Herlambang dan Ruliasih Marsidi | |
128 | Prediksi Parameter -Parameter Biofisik Tanaman Padi Dari Data Gro Undspectro Meter? | Hyperspectral, NDSI , spectral indices, PLSR, ground-based spectroradiometer | Teknologi Lingkungan | ariefd@webmail.bppt.go.id | |
129 | Produksi Gas Metana Dari Pengolahan Sampah Perkotaan Dengan Sistem Sel | Solidwaste, Metana, Cell System | Teknologi Lingkungan | arieherlambang@yahoo.com | |
130 | Pemantauan Hidrografi Dan Kualitas Air Di Teluk Hurun Lampung Dan Teluk Jakarta | The present study, which was performed in Hurun Bay Lampung and Jakarta Bay, Indonesia, aimed to present the similar method using digital device Chlorotec, type AAQ1183, Alec Electronics for describing the characteristics of tropical coastal hydrography and water quality. The reason of selecting these two locations was to obtain a representation of different dissolved oxygen, temperature and turbidity levels. Jakarta Bay receives large amounts of nutrient-enriched waters, Hurun bay Lampung has moderate or small level of nutrient inputs of organic-polluted waters. The advantage of this method is the observation of field study able to hold with simply and accurately. | digital device, dissolved oxygen, temperature, turbidity | Arif Dwi Santoso | |
131 | Teknologi Konservasi dan Rehabilitasi Terumbu Karang
TERUMBU KARANG | Indonesia's rich supplies of corals and reef fish are endangered by destructive fishing practices. Cyanide and blast fishing are widespread throughout the archipelago even in protected areas. Indonesian reefs are also subject to various pressures from inland activities. Forestation and other land-use changes have increased sediment discharge onto reefs, and pollution from industrial effluents, sewage, and fertilizer compounds the problem. Cumulatively, these pressures appear to have significantly degraded Indonesia's reefs over time. Unfortunately, Indonesia has only limited monitoring. Few reefs are regularly studied, making the assessment of condition and change for the country quite difficult. Currently, most monitoring indicates clearly that reef condition is declining. This article showed the status, biology, and monitoring-rehabilitation method of coral | corral reef , rehabilitation, nutrient | Arif Dwi Santoso | |
132 | Kualitas Nutrien Perairan Teluk Hurun, Lampung | Some rivers that flow into Hurun Bay waters, agriculture, fishery and human settlement and floating cage and oysters faming could be negative impact to waters organisms. Waters fertility is one of some factors that support the action of determining waters quality. Some nutrient chemistry parameters (anmonia, nitrite, nitrate and phosphate) were analyzed base on specific methods for the parameters. The nutrient concentrations were variated, for the parameters respectively, ammonia between 4.38 ? 23.91 ?g/L, nitrite 0.24 ? 6.34 ?g/L, nitrate between 1.11 ? 7.81 ?g/L, and phosphate between 2.17 ? 5.75 ?g/L. At that moment, the nutrients concentrations were still good for marine waters category. The environment condition at waters surrounding (river flow, agriculture, human settlement and fishery industry) did not influenced to nutrient concentrations. | nutrient, eutrofication, organic matter | Arif Dwi Santoso | |
133 | Phenomena Intrusi Dasar Di Teluk Hurun Lampung | Research aimed to learn and know the bottom intrusion mechanism in Hurun Bay Lampung. Three kinds surveys were conducted consist of mooring survey, synoptic oceanographic survey and 25 hour survey. The monitoring data of water temperature indicated that at Hurun Bay occurred bottom intrusion from middle February until early July. The mass water was colder, more saline and contained less DO than the overlaying water. These phenomena may be caused by eastern monsoon from Java Sea to Lampung Bay and Hurun Bay. Vertical profile distribution showed that there are significant different in temperature, salinity and DO between surface and bottom layer. Along bottom deeper than 22m were identified as a termocline layer which was colder and more saline and contained less DO. Result of 25 hour survey resumed that the lowest DO in this water mass appeared in early July and it propagated from offshore to the coast with velocity 0.07 m/s. This condition will be a treatment for marine cultivation stakeholder in this area | Bottom Intrusion, Hypoxia | Arif Dwi Santoso | |
134 | Kandungan Zat Hara Fosfat Pada Musim Barat dan Musim Timur di Teluk Harun, Lampung | The result of phosphate analysis in Hurun Bay Lampung described that concentration phosphate in the West season was greater than in the East season. In the February 2003, phosphate concentration was 9.51?1.54 ?g/L while in July 2003 around 6.32?3.8 ?g/L. The phosphate dissociation and phosphate run-off from land through river may increase phosphate concentration in West season. The other result shows that phosphate concentration in the surface was higher than in the bottom layer in the all season. | phosphate, nutrient, eutrofication | Arif Dwi Santoso | |
135 | Identifikasi Hypoxia Di Teluk Hurun Lampung | This study was carried out to describe the characteristics of hypoxia in the tropical coastal sea. The general oceanographic surveys were conducted two times in Hurun Bay, 5-7 February and 17-19 February, 2003. And also, a day-night survey (25 hours survey) and the continuous monitoring of water temperature, current and meteorology were carried out. The monitoring data of water temperature indicated that the seasonal variation and the spatial in temperature in Hurun Bay were small. The difference in temperature between the surface and bottom water was less than 1.3 oC. The water temperature increased from February and the highest in April. It gradually decreased to late June and a sudden decrease occurred in the early July. The lowest temperature was observed in September and then it increased again. The seasonal variation in the thermal stratification was not happened. Instead of the weak thermal stratification, a sharp picnocline was formed around 20m in the dry season. The water below the picnoline was colder and more saline and contained less DO than the overlaying water. The cold water mass which has high salinity and lower DO was situated along bottom deeper than 20m on 17-19 July. The lowest DO in this water mass was 0.4 mg/l. Such a cold water mass appeared in early July and it propagated from offshore to the coast. The oxygen consumption rate of the water column was about 0.1 mgO2/L/hour in Hurun Bay. Comparing these oxygen consumption rates and the DO of water, if the oxygen supply was restricted, the water in Hurun Bay could become hypoxic easily. | Water temperature, Hypoxia, Dissolved oxygen | Arif Dwi Santoso, M.Eng dan Yuichi Hayami, PhD | |
136 | Kestabilan Oksigen Terlarut Di Waduk Cirata | waduk cirata, kestabilan oksigen terlarut, fitoplankton | Teknologi Lingkungan | arif.dwi@bppt.go.id | |
137 | Mikroalga Untuk Penyerapan Emisi CO2 Dan Pengolahan Limbah Cair Di Lokasi Industri | Fotobioreaktor, Chlorella sp., Emisi gas CO2, air limbah | Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah | arif.dwi@bppt.go.id | |
138 | Kreteria Desain Fotobioreaktor Sistem Airlift Reactor | global warming, creteria and design, greenhouse gas, air lift photobioreactor | Teknologi Lingkungan | arif.dwi@bppt.go.id | |
139 | Metode Perhitungan Massa Gas CO2 Yang Diserap Foto Bioreaktor Dengan Persamaan Gas Ideal | Massa gas CO2, dry weight, ideal gas formula | Teknologi Lingkungan | arif.dwi@bppt.go.id | |
140 | Pengaruh Laju Alir Injeksi Gas Emisi Pada Fotobioreaktor Terhadap Penyerapan? | photobioreactor, Chlorella sp., CO2 flowrate, reactor capability | Teknologi Lingkungan | arif.dwi@bppt.go.id | |