Modifikasi Dan Peningkatan Kinerja Unit Sarpalam Kapasitas 5 L/Det, Kec. Sendana, Kab. Majene

JudulModifikasi Dan Peningkatan Kinerja Unit Sarpalam Kapasitas 5 L/Det, Kec. Sendana, Kab. Majene
AbstrakSlow Sand Filter Technology is very common water technology that is used in many villages in Indonesia, because very simple, low operating and low investment cost. Sarpalam is the acronym of Saringan Pasir Lambat (Slow Sand Filter). For optimal process, the system should meet with the standard design for Slow Sand filter. Somba is one village that is situated in Northern Part of South Sulawesi. In that village there is a Slow Sand Filter with 5 l/s capacity to serve around 5.000 people. The problem is the quality of water is very low, turbid and smell. The source of water come from the hill, in the eastern part (around 3 km up hill). After investigation founded that, the system is not meet with standard Slow Sand filter and need modification for increasing the quality of product water. There are some constrain in the modification of the system, namely : existing construction, lack of space in the hill, stability of land, and quality of product water.
KatakunciSaringan pasir lambat, slow sand filter, teknologi pengolahan air
MediamasaJurnal Teknologi Lingkungan, Vol. 4 No. 2, Mei 2003
PenulisArie Herlambang