Fitososiologi Hutan Di Sebagian Kawasan Suaka Margasatwa Buton Utara, Sul-Teng

JudulFitososiologi Hutan Di Sebagian Kawasan Suaka Margasatwa Buton Utara, Sul-Teng
AbstrakThe degradation rate of forest in the recent 5 years increases rapidly, particulartly in Sulawesi. The biggest damaged comes from the human impact, which spreads to the conservation area. As a result, the areais decreased, whereas its function and its potency have not been explored. The ecological research has been conducted in Soloi forest, Suaka Margasatwa Buton Utara in May 2003. The objectives of this work are to study the condition, which belong to. 75 general and 35 families with density of trees are 277 individual (stem diameter > 10 cm ), and 1140 sampling ( 2-9,9 cm stem diameter ). The forest type is low land primary forest, which dominated by Casearia rugulosa, Diospyros pilosanthere, Cleistanthus myriantus, Canarium hirsutum, and Drypetes longifolia. In the forest structure, trees with 10-20 cm stem diameter is in the first rankwith the total number 57,02%, then followed by the trees with 20-30 cm diameter (20,22%). In general, the forest condition in research site is good, although a few areas are damaged due to illegal loging.
KatakunciSuaka Margasatwa Buton Utara, struktur, komposisi, vegetasi hutan.
MediamasaJurnal Teknologi Lingkungan, Vol. 4 No. 3, September 2003
PenulisMuhammad Mansur