Pemodelan Vulnerabilitas Air Tanah Dangkal di Pantai Selatan Kabupaten Bantul ?Yogyakarta

JudulPemodelan Vulnerabilitas Air Tanah Dangkal di Pantai Selatan Kabupaten Bantul ?Yogyakarta
AbstrakGroundwater quality, espicially shallow groundwater is very vulnerable to pollution from residence, urban, agriculture, and industrial activity. All of the activity, to result waste and pollutant potentially, that can degrade groundwater quality, like as in southern coast of Bantul Resisence-Yogyakarta. So, it?s need modeling of vulnerability of shallow groundwater in unconfined aquifer. Based on natural condition of southern coast of Bantul Residence, parameters are used in development this model are depth of groundwater level, surface geological condition, soil condition, and aquifer media.Based on this model, vulnerability of southern coast in Bantul Residence, is: abaut 27,86 km2 (47,52%) is classified in vulnerable class, 16,23 km2 (27,69%) is very vulnerable, 5,49 km2 (9,37% is, poor vulnerable and 9,04 km2 (15,42%) is not vulnerable. Generally, groundwater vulnerability is degrade toward land.
KatakunciModelling vulnerability, shallow groundwater
MediamasaJurnal Teknologi Lingkungan, Vol. 7 No. 2, Mei 2006
PenulisMardi Wibowo