Teknologi Biofilter Untuk Pengolahan Limbah Ammonia

JudulTeknologi Biofilter Untuk Pengolahan Limbah Ammonia
AbstrakAmmonia compound is chemical compounds abundance in nature. Ammonia wastes discharge into water body will have a negative impact and cause ecological and healthy problems. High concentration of ammonium will give eutrofication problem in water body therefore dissolve oxygen demand will be decreased as well as self purification of water ecosystem. This negative impact will influenced for aquatic organism which died gradually. The efforts decrease of ammonia concentration is by biological waste water treatment utilizing microbes for changing ammonia to nitrite and nitrate. One of the technologies could be carried out is nitrification process technology using biofilter with 80% efficiency. For decreasing ammonia concentration can be used biological treatment by using microbe which can change it ti nitrite and nitrate
Katakunciammonia, biofilter technology, nitrification
MediamasaJurnal Teknologi Lingkungan, Vol. 7 No. 2, Mei 2006
PenulisTitiresmi dan Nida Sopiah