Uji Tosisitas Air Limbah Penyamakan kulit Menggunakan Metode Penghambatan Pertumbuhan Lemna sp

JudulUji Tosisitas Air Limbah Penyamakan kulit Menggunakan Metode Penghambatan Pertumbuhan Lemna sp
AbstrakVarious organisms, including Lemna sp., have been employed in the toxicity test of waste, soil, and water. In this experiment Lemna sp. were exposed to waste water collected from tanneries in Garut, West Java. The experiment system includes liquid medium (macro and micro salts of Murashige and Skoog), to which a series of concentrations of the pre-filter-sterilized tannery waste water were added aseptically. Aseptic grown Lemna sp. were placed on the medium in a density of 10 fronds per medium container. The system was then incubated for 7 days under continuous daylight fluorescent lamps and the number of fronds, fresh weight and chlorophyll content of the plants were determined. The results show that EC50 of the tannery waste water is 0.66% of waste water. The LOEC value is 0.1% and the NOEC value could not be determined but should below 0.1%. This experiment suggests that tannery waste water is dangerous to aquatic plants if it was discharged to public water body without appropriate pre-treatment.
KatakunciLemna, waste water, tannery, EC50
MediamasaJurnal Teknologi Lingkungan, Vol. 7 No. 2, Mei 2006
PenulisBudhi Priyanto