Uji Toksisitas 2 Jenis Surfaktan dan Deterjen Komersial Menggunakan Metode Penghambatan Pertumbuhan

JudulUji Toksisitas 2 Jenis Surfaktan dan Deterjen Komersial Menggunakan Metode Penghambatan Pertumbuhan
AbstrakIn this experiment, Lemna sp. was exposed to surfactants LAS and ABS and a commercial detergent following method described by OECD. In the test, 10 fronds of Lemna sp. were grown in a modified MS medium containing the surfactants and detergent in the concentration of 0 ppm to 79 ppm and incubated for 7 days under continuous fluorescence lamps. The EC50 values of the detergent and surfactants vary depending on the compounds and the testing parameter. For LAS and ABS, the value of EC50 from number of fronds is higher than EC50 from the total chlorophyll content, i.e. 14.83 and 14.36 mg/l for LAS and 11.75 and 7.56 mg/l for ABS, respectively. However, the total chlorophyll content is not sensitive for commercial detergent ?A? and results in a higher EC50 value of 31.53 mg/l. LOEC values for LAS and ABS is 5 mg/l respectively, and is 25 mg/ for detergent ?A?.
KatakunciLemna, detergent, surfactants, EC50
MediamasaJurnal Teknologi Lingkungan, Vol. 7 No. 3, September 2006
PenulisBudhi Priyanto