Beberapa Aspek Pengelolaan Cagar Alam Rawa Danau sebagai Sumber Air baku

JudulBeberapa Aspek Pengelolaan Cagar Alam Rawa Danau sebagai Sumber Air baku
AbstrakEconomically, Rawa Danau is important fresh water source for cities of Cilegon and Serang and industrial estates in the area. Ecologically, Rawa Danau is the last and the only mountainous freshwater swamp still exists in Java island. In the last decade there are several studies that recommend increasing the capacity of Rawa Danau as water storage. Recently, the Master Plan of Rawa Danau has been published by the Province of Banten Planning Agency. It is concluded that increasing the water level in Rawa Danau by 2 meters would satisfies the 2010 projected water demand in Serang and Cilegon. We belief that the action could endanger the existence of both the swamp forest and the rice field in the vicinity. In this paper we describe an alternative action that could increase the water storage capacity of Rawa Danau whilst the ecological function of the swamp could be preserved as well.
KatakunciRawa Danau, mountainous freshwater water source
MediamasaJurnal Teknologi Lingkungan, Vol. 7 No. 3, September 2006
PenulisBudhi Priyanto dan Titiresmi