Konsentrasi Senyawa Dimetilsulfida di Pantura Jabar dan Kemungkinan Dampaknya pada Produksi Udang

JudulKonsentrasi Senyawa Dimetilsulfida di Pantura Jabar dan Kemungkinan Dampaknya pada Produksi Udang
AbstrakShrimp culture has became one of the most important Indonesian export commodity since 1985 up to the beginning of 1990`s. Due to the increasing intensification, the pressure on the shrimp ponds environment has became a serious problem. The problem was indicated by the decrease in shrimp production since 1992. Dimethylsulfide (DMS) is known as a major contributor to total sulfur emission from land and coastal marine and also known to inhibit nitrification .In this respect, we are studying the influence of DMS on nitrification process in saline water. This paper describes the DMS concentration observed in several places in the Western Coast of North Java. The minimum and maximum concentrations observed were 790.32 ?M and 6483.87 ?M respectively. These figures are higher than concentration detected in any other coastal area where shrimp productions are concerned. We speculate that DMS has given some contributions in the depletion of shrimp production.
KatakunciDimethylsulfide (DMS), nitrification, shrimp culture
MediamasaJurnal Teknologi Lingkungan, Vol. 7 No. 3, September 2006
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