Dampak Pencemaran Lingkungan Akibat Limbah Industri Pengolahan Ikan Di Muncar

JudulDampak Pencemaran Lingkungan Akibat Limbah Industri Pengolahan Ikan Di Muncar
AbstrakMuncar area is a regional fish producer. There, we can find big and small scale fish processing industries and even home industries. Those industry produce on the average 1,300 ton/day processed fish. Production activities caused environmental pollution, especially air, water and soil pollution. Source of this pollution are from transportation movement and developmnet of raw material, quality control activities to employee?s activities (domestic waste). Right now the process of waste management is so little and people?s understanding about wastewater treatment (IPAL) and waste management system is so limited. Almost all waste from this area is flowed away to the public canal. Flowing away waste directly without any process could increase environmental pollution around industrial location. This paper explains how big the potential waste water pollution, kind and charactestic of pollution from fish processing industries and doing waste management evaluation in fish processing indutries in Muncar. Italso shows sort of pollution effect as a result of disposing fish processing industry waste in Muncar.
KatakunciIndustri Pengolahan Ikan, Dampak Pencemaran Limbah Industri
MediamasaJurnal Air Indonesia, Vol. 4 No.1, Maret 2008
PenulisSetiyono dan Satmoko Yudo