Modifikasi Putaran Fan Untuk Meningakatan Efesiensi Pemakaian Energi

JudulModifikasi Putaran Fan Untuk Meningakatan Efesiensi Pemakaian Energi
AbstrakApplication of Environment technology through Cleaner Production execution can be done by a simple method and sometimes don't require big investment expense. Improvement of efficiency energy consumption at fan/blower usage is not only give financial profit but also give benefit to environment.
At applying Cleaner Production improvement of efficiency fan at cement plant done by rotation modification fan. This effort succeed to improve the usage of efficiency energy at fan equal to 6.652 kW or reduce 30 % from 22,097 Watt become 15,445 Watt, if it is calculated the energy efficiency then the electrics efficiency was 39.912 kWh/Year or equivalent with reduction of emission of 28.9 ton CO2/year and financially also got the cost-saving energy ( electrics price assumption of 1 kWh = Rp 512,-)of amount Rp 20.4 Million, while the investment expense spent was equal to Rp 250.000,-
Katakuncienvironmental energy efficiency
MediamasaJurnal Teknologi Lingkungan Edisi Khusus 1 "Hari Lingkungan Hidup 2006"