Perawatan Sistem Intercooler Untuk Penghematan Energi Pada Industri Pupuk

JudulPerawatan Sistem Intercooler Untuk Penghematan Energi Pada Industri Pupuk
AbstrakThe option of cleaner production of energy efficiency in the good maintenance on energy saving one of them was in the system of the water cooler from the intercooler system..The process unit of ammonia, urea production and the power house in the fertilizer industry needed 600 m3/jam cooling water approximately 60 % the requirement for cooling water from all over the requirement for the factory (reached 900 m3/jam).Several critical heat exchangers that use cooling water for process cooling, abnormally high process-out temperatures were noted. For example, the intercoolers (124CA & 124CB) of the Syn Gas Compressor (103J) are operating with Syn Gas outlet temperatures of 63?C and 51?C respectively, versus a target of 38.6?C. This excessive temperature will affect the performance of the downstream Chiller Plant and cause abnormally high-energy consumption. The improvement of system and equipment was carried out against intercooler 124CA in the fertilizer industry as well as was done by the replacement and maintenance that produced the decline temperature from 63 o C to 52 o C. This decline could be done by saving of energy of cooling water reached 2.62 MMBTU/hour so as to be able to reduce the disposal of greenhouse gases through to 422.293,733 tonne CO2/the year.
KatakunciFertilizer industry, Cooling water system
MediamasaJurnal Teknologi Lingkungan Edisi Khusus 1 "Hari Lingkungan Hidup 2006"
PenulisDjoko Padmono