Analisis Kebutuhan Air Tanaman Padi Dan Palawija Di Desa Batu Betumpang,Kabupaten Bangka Selatan

JudulAnalisis Kebutuhan Air Tanaman Padi Dan Palawija Di Desa Batu Betumpang,Kabupaten Bangka Selatan
AbstrakWater is natural resources required absolutely by living creature, role of water for the plant is bringing nutrient element from inside the ground to leaf for photosynthesis process and distributing the photosynthesis outcome to all body tissue. Determination of the amount of crop water requirement can be observed with measuring empirical equation. From calculation outcome of water requirement for rice and second crop (planted after race) and an available water overdraught, the paddy planting patten (rain season) and being by second crop (beginning dry season) is preferable planting pattern.At planting period of rainy season can be planted rice as wide as 2.797 hectar and in the second planting season (tuming) was planted second crop as wide as 1.762 hectare.
Katakunciwater requirement, rice, scond crop
MediamasaJurnal Teknologi Lingkungan Edisi Khusus 1 "Hari Lingkungan Hidup 2006"
PenulisSudaryono dan Ikhwanuddin Mawardi