Evaluasi Hasil Pembangunan Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah Domestik tipe Komunikasi di Jakarta Pusat

JudulEvaluasi Hasil Pembangunan Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah Domestik tipe Komunikasi di Jakarta Pusat
AbstrakTo overcome the problem of the high pollution caused by domestic wastewater in the region of Center Jakarta, the Local Government, DKI Jakarta, has acted as a pioneer in the program of water and wastewater sanitation for villages with applying 37 units of wastewater treatment installation. The location of them are spread out in several Kelurahan, in Kotamadya Center Jakarta. These installations were built in 2000, but not all of those might not be operated properly.
Furthermore some of them are not seriously managed and the conditions are so bad that can not be operated well. Because of that, it is time to evaluate them totally. The evaluation is not only for the technical problem, but also for the feasibility factor in a certain social community. All of these have to be done in order to get the alternatives for solving this problem, especially in developing and constructing the communally domestical wastewater treatment.
Katakuncidomestic wastewater treatment, evaluation of developing and system technology
MediamasaJurnal Teknologi Lingkungan Edisi Khusus 2 "Hari Lingkungan Hidup 2006"
PenulisSatmoko Yudo dan R. Haryoto Indriatmoko