Granulasi Lumpur Biogas Anaerobik

JudulGranulasi Lumpur Biogas Anaerobik
AbstrakThis article contained several differences of the theory about anaerobic sludge granulation biogas in the UASB reactor. The level of the granulation formation of the beginning followed same principles as the formation bio-film from the bacteria to a surface field. There exist strong facts that the material inert played a positive role important and granulation. Most researchers took the conclusion that Methanosaeta concilii was the main key to the formation of granulation. Only Town Stamp hypotheses that assumed that the organism autotrophic hydrogenotrophic like for example Methanobacterium from strain AZ, could grow in the condition high H2-pressure, was the key to the formation organism of granulation. Several writers focus in the stage granulation early and only several contributions that discussed the following stage in granulation included maturation granulation and multiplication. Determining factors granular in the latter stage was dominated in the existence of the manipulation of the pressure election, through which particle of bigger sludge selectively was kept in the UASB reactor.
KatakunciUASB; Anaerobic treatment.
MediamasaJurnal Teknologi Lingkungan Vol. 8, No. 2, January 2007
PenulisDjoko Padmono