Pengolahan Limbah Cair Pabrik Kelapa Sawit dengan bioreaktor Anaerobik Biakan Melekat

JudulPengolahan Limbah Cair Pabrik Kelapa Sawit dengan bioreaktor Anaerobik Biakan Melekat
AbstrakNowadays as CPO producer Indonesia has become the secondly biggest country in the world. Enormous CPO factories are spread out in Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan and Sulawesi, but the amount of the wastewater produced become a very difficult problem. In coping with this case, a research on anaerobic treatment process by using biofilter attached culture was done in laboratorium scale. Acidity of the process was maintained on pH 6.8 to 7.4. The detention time was varried from 4 to 6 days. The results show that BOD can be reduced until 83.5%, COD 86.83% and TSS 9.35% for 6 day-detention time. Many experiments have been done by the more institutions in Indonesia, but the conclusion says that the complete treatment system suitable for handling the wastewater produced by CPO factories should use a combination of anaerobic and aerobic process.
KatakunciAnaerobic wastewater treatment, Crude Palm Oil Factory
MediamasaJurnal Teknologi Lingkungan Edisi Khusus, Juli 2008
PenulisPetrus Nugro Raharjo