De-Coupling pertumbuhan Ekonomi dan Degradasi Lingkungan di Indonesia

JudulDe-Coupling pertumbuhan Ekonomi dan Degradasi Lingkungan di Indonesia
AbstrakIn the past, development acceleration to reach the short term economic growth in many countries, had proven to cause a lot of environmental damages, followed by degraded living quality of the marginal community ? especially the poor, water, air and soil pollution and degraded the natural resources quality which functioned as the sink. Indonesia, since 1999 enacted regulation concerning the Regional economic that was known as the decentralization. Its implementation also heightened the risk of high exploitation flow of the natural resources due to the orientation focus towards the increasing of the Original Regional Income. Of several existing data, the environmental quality in Indonesia tends to drop.

On the other hand, Indonesia, nationally, has the program of the environment management by the sustainable development paradigm. This program was implemented through among others several effort like increase the environmental awareness, the pollution prevention from its sources, conservation and recovery of the environmental damages. In this decentralization era the strengthening of the environment management agencies in the regions and the community empowerment to carry out the control function also has to become priority. Nevertheless in its implementation, the sustainable development faced many obstacles added by the trade globalization era at present. Since the Indonesian economic must keep on growing to provide job filed and welfare improvement, therefore the choice to carry out the sustainable development is a must.
Katakuncieconomic growth, environmental degradation, sustainability.
MediamasaJurnal Teknologi Lingkungan Edisi Khusus, Juli 2008
PenulisWahyu Purwanta