Pemetaan Geohidrologi Daerah Donorojo Kabupaten Pacitan

JudulPemetaan Geohidrologi Daerah Donorojo Kabupaten Pacitan
AbstrakWater is a component in the earth that is very important for human life. The availability of water is always wanted to meet a demand of water supply, such as for drinking water, washing, taking a bath, and etc. Along with population growth, so the need of water will be still increasing, including Tanah Datar. In this paper will be described concerning to characteristics, and condition of water in Pacitan Area, East Java Province, especially Donorojo district. This location occupies geographically between the latitude of 00o17? and 00o39? south and the longitude of 100o19? and 100o51? east. Based on survey in field, condition of aquifer in Telaga Banta is located in 20 ? 60 meter depth, and the result of laboratory points to that the quality of water in this area meets the requirement for drinking water. The main uses of ground water include irrigation uses, drinking-water and other public uses, and for supplying domestic water to people who do not receive publicsupply water. The majority of water used for self-supplied domestic and livestock purposes came from ground-water sources.
Katakunciwater, characteristic, exploration
MediamasaJurnal Teknologi Lingkungan, Vol. 10 No. 1, Januari 2009
PenulisTeguh Prayogo