Analisis Model Sebaran Bahan Pencemar Dl Perairan Selat Nguan, Batam

JudulAnalisis Model Sebaran Bahan Pencemar Dl Perairan Selat Nguan, Batam
AbstrakAnalysis of the pollutant transport model was conducted to understand the magtitude, their pattern and spreading speed of the pollutant at Nguan narrow channel of Batam. The RMA2 (Resource Management Associates) analysis was employed to solve those phenomena. The target analysis of the pollutant is suspended particulate matter (sediment), a rnost dominant pollutant matter within this area. The result shows that the spreading pollutant was strongly associated with the monsoonal system, current speed, tidal system and the pollutant source. The southward direction of sediment transport was inluenced by the northwest monsoon and the tidal flood. While the northward direction was affected by the southeast monsoon and the ebb tide. The current speed was identified as main factor causing the flushing out magnitude of the water mass at the channel, in which the flushing out in the northwest monsoon was faster than that in the southeast monsoon. As consequence, the water resident time was to be short, the pollutant was easily to be cleaned out and as the result, the water quality within the channel was to be excellent.
KatakunciSpreading pollution model, Nguan Batam
MediamasaJurnal Teknologi Lingkungan, Vol. 10 No. 1, Januari 2009
PenulisSuhendar I Sachoemar dan Andri Purwandani