Prediksi Fluks Karbon Organik Terlarut Dari Sungai-Sungai Utama Di Jawa Ke Laut

JudulPrediksi Fluks Karbon Organik Terlarut Dari Sungai-Sungai Utama Di Jawa Ke Laut
AbstrakStream plays an important role on carbon cycle due to its role to deliver carbon from land to sea. Smaller creeks in the mountaineous area are main sources of DOC. In total, Indonesian streams contribute around 10% of global DOC intake to the ocean. Based on reasearch, DOC concentration in Java streams is higher that those in the world, that is around 929 uMol/l. DOC flux is reflected by stream debit that relates on precipitation where rainy season is higher than in dry season. DOC flux of 8 streams in Java is about 0.000923 GtC/year. Extrapolation of all streams in Java show that DOC flux in the island is about 0,00256 GtC/year (12,19%) of all streams in Indonesia or about 1.02-1.51% of all rivers in the world, that is 170-250 Tg C/year or 0,64-1,02% of all rivers in the world based on global DOC export that is 0,25-0,4 GtC/year. Of the total DOC flux, 27% flows into Java Sea, 61% into Madura Strait and 13% into Hindian Ocean. The higher yield of DOC in Java relates to high population. In the end, above facts highlight expert hypothesis that smaller creeks in mountaineous area is major source of organic carbon into the ocean, significantly higher that predicted before.
KatakunciDOC, organic carbon, river, Jawa, flux.
MediamasaJurnal Teknologi Lingkungan, Edisi Khusus, Juni 2009
PenulisSutopo Purwo Nugroho, Hidayat Pawitan, Etty Riany, Edvin Aldrian