Kenaikan Muka Laut Akibat Pemanasan Global Dan Aspek Penataan Ruang Wilayah Kota Makassar

JudulKenaikan Muka Laut Akibat Pemanasan Global Dan Aspek Penataan Ruang Wilayah Kota Makassar
AbstrakClimate and regional temperature changes due to anthropogenic activities have the impact on physical and biological aspects in the coastal zone. The increase of sea level changes is one important impact that adversing the coastal ecosystem. In 40 years (1961 ? 2003) sea level has increase in the average rate of 1,8 mm/year with the total increase of 17 cm in the early 20th century. Makassar city, the largest city in the eastern part of Indonesia is vulnerable to the increase of sea level. In this city, several coastal tipology in terms of land use can be observed. Human settlement, city tourism, sea port, fish pond as well as area with no human activities can be found. Large potential of economic loss can be occured if is not anticipated. Coastal zone spatial planning need to include coastal hazard of sea level changes due to global warming.
Katakunciglobal warming, increase of sea level changes, coastal tipology
MediamasaJurnal Teknologi Lingkungan, Edisi Khusus, Juni 2009
PenulisIwan G. Tejakusuma dan Hermawan P