Analisis Kondisi Cuaca Pulau Jawa Pada Tanggal 8 Januari 2009 Berdasarkan Pemanfaatan Luaran Mm5

JudulAnalisis Kondisi Cuaca Pulau Jawa Pada Tanggal 8 Januari 2009 Berdasarkan Pemanfaatan Luaran Mm5
AbstrakFloods had occurred in many places in Indonesia in January 2009. According to news. 1) (2009), there was heavy rain for about 2 hours long in which caused in floods in Surabaya. Moreover, there were floods in East Java; especially in Jember District that caused in about 510 houses were flooded (2), 2009). In general, there were floods in several places in Java in early January 2009. Therefore, this paper is trying to analyze weather condition in Java especially on 8 January 2009. Weather condition is analyzed by MM5, Madden / Julian Oscillation (MJO) and satellite images of 8 January 2009. Results show that MM5 may be used to predict weather condition, in this case for one day in advance
KatakunciMM5, MJO, Cuaca, Banjir.
MediamasaJurnal Teknologi Lingkungan, Edisi Khusus, Juni 2009
PenulisMimin Karmini, Ridwan, Dan Dwipa Wirawan Soehoed