Pengaruh Laju Alir Injeksi Gas Emisi Pada Fotobioreaktor Terhadap Penyerapan?

JudulPengaruh Laju Alir Injeksi Gas Emisi Pada Fotobioreaktor Terhadap Penyerapan?
Abstrakphotobioreactor, Chlorella sp., CO2 flowrate, reactor capability
KatakunciTeknologi Lingkungan
AlamatlinkArif Dwi Santoso, Rahmania A.Darmawan dan Joko Prayitno Susanto
InstansiCarbon dioxide (CO2 )gases that dominated by anthropogenic activities cause various negative impacts on the environment and surroundings due to increasing its concentrations in the atmosphere. There are some techniques to mitigate against the increase of CO2 which one is the utilization of phytoplankton cultured in a photo bioreactor (FBR) as an natural absorber. In this study, the influence of input gas CO2 flowrate on Chlorella sp at multiple tubular air lift photobioractor (FBR) was measured in milk factory field. The CO2 flowrate continuesly was controled by 2 l/min and 1.5 l/m during experiment. Result showed that Chlorella sp. have a good adapted ability of CO2 10-15% vol industrial emition. The experiment result stated that reactor capability at FBR-1 was lower than FBR-2. The reactor capability at FBR-1 and FBR 2 were 0,78 ? 0,25 and 0,92 ? 0,36 g/l. media/day