Evaluasi Populasi Mikroba Fungsional Pada Pupuk Organik Kompos (Pok) Murni?

JudulEvaluasi Populasi Mikroba Fungsional Pada Pupuk Organik Kompos (Pok) Murni?
Abstrakorganic fertilizer, compost organic fertilizer, granule organic fertilizer, bio fertilizer?
KatakunciTeknologi Lingkungan
AlamatlinkFirman L. Sahwan, Sri Wahyono dan Feddy Suryanto
InstansiOrganic fertilizer is a fertilizer that is expected to improve the physical, chemical, and biological properties of the agricultural land resources, which is undergoing fertility and productivity degradation. Compost is one of the organic fertilizers produced from the biological decomposition process by a consortium of microorganisms, including functional microorganisms. To make it easier for farmers and efficiency in the use of organic fertilizer, organic fertilizer will be further processed into granular form and is called Granules Organic Fertilizer (POG). In the manufacturing process, namely at the time of drying using a rotary dryer, was suspected of using high temperatures to kill microbes (including functional microbial) that naturally exist in the organic compost fertilizer (POK), which is the raw material for POG. To increase the presence of functional microbial populations, the POG which has produced before, then added with bio fertilizer that is rich in microbial functional. This research was conducted to determine and evaluate the total microbial population and functional microbial in pure POK, compared with the total microbial population and functional microbial in the POG are enriched with bio-fertilizer. The results showed: There is an indication to the higher number of total microbial population in the POK, who showed by total fungi population, compared with the POG. The number of functional microbial population, as shown by bacterial phosphate solvent and non-symbiotic bacteria that are fastening N in POK, very high and already meets the criteria to be called as a biological fertilizer. The amount is not significantly different compared to the POG that is already enriched with bio fertilizer that is rich in microbial functional. There is an indication of the influence of high heating using a rotary dryer, in the POG manufacturing process against the decreasing of the amount of microbial population that are resulting in the POG, including functional microbial.