Penghitungan Emisi Gas Metana (Ch4) Di Tempat Pembuangan Akhir Sampah Pada Tipologi?

JudulPenghitungan Emisi Gas Metana (Ch4) Di Tempat Pembuangan Akhir Sampah Pada Tipologi?
AbstrakSmall-Medium Landfills, Methane emission, IPCC Method
KatakunciTeknologi Lingkungan
AlamatlinkWahyu Purwanta
InstansiMeasurement of methane emission from every landfill will be different from one site to another, depends on the urban typology. Sometimes, it is still difficult to find emission factor or activity data for each city landfill in Indonesia. In general, measurement of solid waste sector emission is only based on generating all data that normally found from metropolitan or big cities. This paper will explain a measurement method for methane emission from Banyu Urip landfill in Magelang, as a model. Magelang is categorized as a medium (not more and not less) city with population of 120.849 people (in 2010). Recent data showed that waste generation rate from Magelang city is 0,68 kg/cap/day, while the total solid waste to be received by the landfill is 12,2 million kg per year. The result from composition survey showed that potency of organic solid waste to be converted to methane is 70%. Based on the measurement by the IPCC Guideline in 2006, it is informed that Banyu Urip landfill emits methane of 2,89 Gg per year with exponential growth curve pattern that declined by its landfill area limitation. Measurement result in Banyu Urip landfill showed that conversion of methane to energy in that area was not potential. Activities data and emission factor from Magelang city can be used as an illustration for measurement steps of methane emission in other cities from small until medium typology.