Kualitas Dan Produksi Pupuk Organik Granul (Pog) Sampah Kota Serta Manfaatnya Untuk Mengurangi?

JudulKualitas Dan Produksi Pupuk Organik Granul (Pog) Sampah Kota Serta Manfaatnya Untuk Mengurangi?
Abstrakmunicipal solid waste, organic materials, organic fertilizer, compost
KatakunciTeknologi Lingkungan
AlamatlinkFirman L. Sahwan, Sri Wahyono dan Feddy Suryanto
InstansiOrganic fertilizer is mostly needed to improve the quality of land resources that were damaged or have a low content of organic carbon, as often found on farmlands in Indonesia. Currently, organic fertilizer in the granules form (GOF) is highly produced due to the policy of organic fertilizer development by Agriculture Ministry. In producing a good GOF, we should use high quality of organic compost fertilizer as a raw material, that has been through a proper composting process. Recently, the raw material that mostly used to make the GOF is manure, which have a limited amount if we keep continue to use it as a main raw material. In producing GOF, we should be able to utilize all the existing potentials of organic materials including municipal solid waste. Municipal solid waste has a high potential number of resources and good characteristics to be used as compost and the GOF. The research results showed that the compost and GOF which are made from municipal solid waste has a very good quality, and meet the standard regulation of Agriculture Ministry No. 28 in Year of 2009 and SNI No.19-7030-2004. Other benefits from the utilization of municipal solid waste into the GOF are to alleviate the municipal waste management effort and to reduce the amount of green house gases which are considered to be the main effect of the increasing of earth temperature (global warming).