Ivetigasi Pengaruh Pemanfaatan Tandan buah kosong sebagai bahan bakar boiler terhadap pembentukan?

JudulIvetigasi Pengaruh Pemanfaatan Tandan buah kosong sebagai bahan bakar boiler terhadap pembentukan?
AbstrakThe gas prudced in soliud waste disposal sites, practiculry CH4 can be a local enviromenteal hazard if precaution are not take to prevent uncontrolled emissions or migration into surrounding land. Gas can migrate from solid waste disposal sites either odors at low concertration, while at cocentration of 5 - 15 per cent in air, the gas may be form expolsive mixture. Recently, a forest fire on the Indonesia islands of Sumatra and Kalimatan left not only In Indonesia but neihboaring countries as well covered under a thick cluod of haze. Semo palm plantations and palm oil refineries once disposed of palm palm oil wste (Empty Fruit Bruinches)by drying them in ovens and then burning them in field. This paper discusses some result of the experimental and theoretical investigations which conducted to exasmie effects of the utilization of palm oil wastes partcularly Empty Fruit Brunches as the fuel of boiler on greenhouse gas emission.
KatakunciKelapa Sawit, TBK(Tanda Buah Kosong), batu baram, CFB Boiler (CirculaTING Fluized Bed Boiler)
MediamasaJurnal Teknologi Lingkungan, Vol. 1 No. 2, Mei 2000
PenulisAmiral Aziz