Persistent Toxic Substances in the Environment of Indonesia

JudulPersistent Toxic Substances in the Environment of Indonesia
AbstrakAlthough Indonesia has been using vast amounts of chemicals for
accelerating its economic development as well as for combating various
vector borne diseases, the state of knowledge on toxic pollutants
in the country is not much understood, due to lack of information,
limited ?nancial resources etc. Regional and nationwide monitoring
studies indicate that the levels of most studied compounds, including
classical organochlorines and butyltins in the environment of
Indonesia are generally low when compared to global contamination
levels and guideline standards. However, there is also a concern on
wildlife and human health due to elevated levels of DDTs (the major
contaminants) and tributyltin, particularly in the locations which are
close to human activities such as ports and harbors, urban centers and
areas of intensive agriculture. There is limited information on
temporal trends for most contaminants, however, it was found that
DDTs and PCBs exhibited declining levels in Indonesian environment
with time. New environmental challenges are also emerging in
Indonesia, such as contamination of coastal and terrestrial ecosystems
by brominated ?ame retardants (BFRs). Recent investigations
on BFRs revealed that PDBEs and HBCDs are widespread in the
environment and concentrations may increase in future. Overall,
this chapter provides an overview of the levels, occurrences and
distributions of PCBs, organochlorine pesticides, BFRs and organotins,
and their possible impacts on the environment of Indonesia.
KatakunciPersistent Organic Pollutans, POPs
MediamasaDevelopments in Environmental Science, Volume 7 - Chapter 13
PenulisAgus Sudaryanto, Shin Takahashi and Shinsuke Tanabe
InstansiBPP Teknologi