Rekapitulasi Jumlah Koleksi dalam Database
No Kategori Jumlah
1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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181Permodelan Pengolah Limbah Organik Jenis Intermediate Trikling Filter dengan Menggunakan Visual BasiThis software is used for counting the dimension of unit operation of waste water treatment. The waste water treatment in this paper is INTERMEDIATE rate trikling filter and the computer language that be used is visual basic6.
Waste water that is treatment must organic, biodegradable and bod input not more than 500 ppm. This software can also guess the BOD output from this system and flow diagram of this unit operation.
BOD, intermediate trikling filter, visual basic,dimensi.Heru Subagio
182Permasalahan Teknis Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah Pabrik Minyak Kelapa SawitCrude palm oil produced in Indonesia has already been known as the second largest in Asia. Unfortunately tens of palm oil factories (CPOF) spread out in Indonesia have not good wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) yet. PT. Kertajaya, as an example, which is located in Regency Pandeglang, still has BOD contained in its final effluent of the wastewater treatment plant more than 200 ppm. In fact the capacity and capability of WWTP in PT. Kertajaya are much more than enough for only 288 m3 per day. Because of improper operation and maintenance of the WWTP, the technical problems are accumulated, such as, increasing the sediment, decreasing the retention time and channelling of the wastewater being treated. The following affect is the treatment process is not going well and the quality of effluent is getting worse. To solve the technical problems, it is very important to remove the sediment periodically and give aeration in the aerobic pond. A recommendation for the wastewater treatment system has been proposed. The system has eight processes including oil separation or first sedimentation, neutralization, equalization, anaerobic degradation, aerobic degradation, final sedimentation and sludge drying.BOD, technical problem, wastewater, anaerobic. Aerobic processP. Nugro Raharjo
183Perkembangan Teknologi Batubara Bersih Berwawasan Lingkungancoal, pollutants, greenhouse gases, technologies,
184Perkembangan Iptek Dalam Pengelolaan Lingkungan.Eko-teknologi merupakan strategi baru yang inovatif dalam menunjang pembangunan yang berkelanjutan. Hal ini merupakan prespektif pendekatan yang menjelaskan interdependensi sistem teknologi pengelolaan lingkungan dengan sistem biogeofisik. Pendekatan ini difokuskan pada peran teknologi lingkungan dalam meminimisasikan limbah dan memaksimalkan daur ulang bahan dan enerji. Sejauh mungkin sistem produksi mendekati sistem pencegahan kehilangan bahan yang bermanfaat maupun energi. Bersifat sistemaik, berorientasi ke masa depan, serta efisiensi sik1us melalui pemanfaatan sumber daya alam, energi dan limbah yang dibuang menjadi basis model pengintegrasian sistem biogeofisik kedalam sistem eko-teknologi atau sebaliknya Tuntutan akan kepedulian kerjasama warga masyarakat dan pengambil keputusan menegaskan bahwa eko- eknologi bukan sekedar suatu pendekatannn berpikir atau suatu alat analisis, namun harus ditumbuhkan sebagai etika bagi masyarakat industri, masyarakat luas dan pelaku dalam pengambilan keputusan untuk kelangsungan kehidupan masa depan. Perubahan pradigma dimana lingkungan alam sebagai penyedia sumber bahan baku serta tempat pembuangan yang tidak terbatas menjadi keterpaduan antara sistem teknologi dan sistem ekologi dalam keberlajutan masa depan.Eko-Teknologi, Antropogenik, Biogeofisik, Minimisasi, GlobalisasiAzis Djajadiningrat
185Perhitungan Faktor Emisi Di Sistem Jaringan Ketenagalistrikan Jawa-Madura-Balifaktor emisi, emisi karbon, sistem JAMALI, pembangkit listrik, Clean Development Mechanism.Teknologi
186Perhitungan Efesiensi Boiler Pada Industri Tepung TeriguBoiler is an enclosed vessel that consume significant amount of fuel for heating water to become heated water or steam. The hot water or steam under pressure is then usable for transferring the heat to a process. Water is a useful and inexpensive medium for transferring heat to process. One of the methods for fuel consumption efficiency in boiler operation is maintain the steam production efficiency always in high performance, therefore can utilize the energy input as much as possible to produce steam. Boiler efficiency calculation can be calculated using direct method and indirect method. Each method has its advantage and disadvantage. The results of calculation can be used as guidance for industry to improve the boiler performance to become more efficient, that can reduce fuel consumption and production cost. The result of boiler efficiency calculation in flour industry is 69.6%. This result show that the boiler performance is under good efficiency standard for boiler 85%.Boiler, efficiency, direct methods, indirect methods.Widiatmini Sih Winanti dan Teguh Prayudi
187Perhitungan Besarnya Koefisien Aliran Menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografis (Kasus DAS Progo Hulu)Analisis data keruangan secara cepat untuk kepentingan pembangunan wilayah salah satunya dapat ditepuh dengan memanfaatkan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG). SIG sebagai alat mempunyai keunggulan dalam memadukan data keruangan baik yang berupa data grafis raster, grafis vektor maupun atribut untuk memperoleh suatu sistem informasi baru yang berbasis geografis.SIG, GIS, Koefisien Aliran, Sistem Informasi Geografis,Drs. Robertus Haryoto Indriatmoko
188Pergeseran Kebijakan Dan Paradigma Baru Dalam Pengelolaan Daerah Aliran Sungai Di IndonesiaIntegrated watershed management, which aims at restoration of a sound hydrologic regime in the watershed considering water resources utilization, appropriate landuse, water quality control and environmental conservation, is becoming crucially important in Indonesia. Because, the land degradation of watershed in Indonesia more increases every time. There is a growing concern that many parts of the Indonesia watershed will continue to face problems of watershed degradation. The basic problem in most watershed area, especially in Java, is too many people being concentrated on too small land base. Besides that, the causes of watershed degradation are complex and interrelated, such as too much emphasis being placed on economic growth in the management of natural resources, and the continuing presence of poverty, population growth, infrastructural and industrial development. Thus, the exisiting environmental problems and their overall impacts are not only biophysical in nature, but also social. The integrated watershed approach stresses the interaction of all activities that take place throughout the watershed. The strategy of watershed management approach uses new paradigm with people of participation and using community development in operational, practices and bottom up approach.pengelolaan DAS, kebijakan, partisipatifSutopo Purwo Nugroho
189Peresapan Air Tanah BuatanAir merupakan kebutuhan pokok bagi kehidupan manusia. Kebutuhan air terus meningkat dari tahun ke tahun sejalan dengan pertumbuhan penduduk dan pembangunan. Pelayanan PAM DKI saat ini telah mencapai 50 % dari kebutuhan air bersih bagi penduduk, sedangkan sisinya masih menggunakan air tanah . Pada tahun 1987 jumlah pengambilan air tanah dalam untuk DKI telah mencapai 30,79 juta M3 per tahun, sedangkan jumlah pengambilan air tanah dangkal diperkirakan lebih banyak lagi yakni sekitar 250 juta M3 per tahun. Dibandingkan dengan kemampuan air tanah dalam Jakarta yang diperkirakan sekitar 0,882 juta M3 per tahun, maka terjadi kelebihan pemakaian sebesar 29,878 juta M3 per tahun. Pengambilan air tanah yang melebihi kemampuan akuifernya akan mengakibatkan terjadinya penurunan muka air tanah. Akibat lebih lanjut yakni terjadinya penyusupan air laut dan amblesan tanah (subsidence). Peresapan air tanah buatan merupakan salah satu alternatif untuk menjaga keseimbangan jumlah air tanah di dalam akuifer.Air Tanah, Akuifer, Subsidence, Amblesan TanahIr. Nusa Idaman Said, M.Sc.
190Perencanaan Sistem Pengolahan Air Minum dengan Karbon Aktif BubukKarbon aktif adalah bahan atau zat yang sering digunakan dalam pengolahan air minum untuk menghilangkan zat-zat polutan misalnya : bau, zat organik, deterjen, senyawa phenol, senyawa derivat methan dan zat-zat organik lainnya, yang tak dapat dihilangkan dengan cara pengolahan biasa seperti koagulasi, flokulasi, pengendapan dan penyaringan. Untuk pengolahan air minum dengan karbon aktif bubuk (powdered activated carbon), proses pengolahannya sangat dipengaruhi oleh laju air air baku, konsentrasi zat polutan yang akan dihilangkan, banyaknya karbon aktif yang ditambahkan, waktu kontak dan juga dipengaruhi oleh proses operasi yang digunakan misalnya: operasi satu tahap (single stage operation atau operasi tahap banyak (multi stage operation), baik secara aliran silang (cross current) atau dengan aliran berlawanan (counter current). Di samping itu juga dipengaruhi oleh sifat dari karbon aktifnya sendiri. Proses pengolahan air minum dengan karbon aktif bubuk sangat cocok dan ekonomis untuk pengolahandalam keadaan darurat, misalnya pada saat musim kemarau dimana kualitas air baku menjadi buruk.Karbon Aktif Bubuk, Powdered Activated Carbon, Polutan, Multi / Single Stage OperationIr. Nusa Idaman Said, M.Sc.
191Perencanaan Pengembangan Lembaga Pendidikan Berbasis Pengembangan Sektor Unggualan di NTTIn supporting governmental policy in Human Resource Development (SDM) in Indonesia East Area (KTI), hence require to be seen until how far the availability institute education in yielding labour to handle pre-eminent sector, which have yielded big PDRB to pertinent provinsi area. This planning release worthwhile recommendation to development of existing labour and education. Expected, by recommendation yielded can be made as input by local government of Nusa Tenggara Timur in development of education which is attributed to a pre-eminent sector of the area.SDM, Prasarana Pendidikan, Unggulan DaerahHendra Tjahjono
192Perencanaan Pengembangan Kawasan Pesisir.Wilayah pantai/pesisir mempunyai karakter yang spesifik dibandingkan dengan kawasan yang lain.. Wilayah ini merupakan agregasi dari berbagai komponen ekologi dan fisik yang saling terkait dan saling berinteraksi. Pembangunan dengan memanfaatkan sumberdaya pantai tanpa memperhatikan prinsip-prinsip ekologis akan dapat merusak fungsi ekosistem pantai. Pengembangan wilayah pada kawasan pesisir sebagaimana pengembangan wilayah pada kawasan lainnya, mempunyai tujuan utama untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Kegiatan ini dilakukan melalui perencanaan pengembangan dalam suatu proses yang didalamnya terdapat berbagai pendekatan yang harus diperhatikan. Dewasa ini pembangunan pada kawasan pantai berkembang sangat pesat dan ditunjukkan dengan adanya multi kegiatan, misalnya usaha tambak, nelayan, pengusaha industri, hotel dan rekreasi wisata, dan usaha-usaha. Dengan semakin meningkat dan kompleksitas kegiatan didalamnya maka perlu dilakukan perencanaan pengembangan kawasan pantai/pesisir. Pengelolaan wilayah pantai secara terpadu (Intergrated Coastal Zone Management) merupakan kunci bagi pembangunan melalui pemecahan problem dan konflik di wilayah pantai yang sangat pelik dan kompleks.Pengeolaan Kawasan Pesisir TerpaduAchmad Djunaedi dan M. Natsir Basuki
193Perencanaan Pembanguna Wilayah Berdasarkan Konsep Produktifitas UnggulanProductivity is a ratio between an output and another input, such as: labor, and land. To solve the problem of resource limitation, it is necessary to develop some approaches, such as priority commodity approach and priority territory development approach. Some factors influencing the problem of non optimal development are very low development of Iceal priority commodity and undevelopment of priority area. Several policies and strategies that are needed in order to increase an area productivity is through priority sector / commodity development which is adjusted with carrying capacity of adjacent area, labor mobilization and human resource development. In order to support the direction of those policy and strategy, some programs that are developed are: reorientation program of local economic development that based on priority commodity, development program of strategic area and human resources development, quantitycally and qualitycally. In order to get a huge output to increase the people welfare, it is necessary to choose a right local priority commodity, thus others priority sectors will also be developed.develovment, Productivity and CommodityIkhwanuddin Mawardi
194Perencanaan Instalasi Pengolahan Limbah Domestik di Rumah Susun Karang anyar JakartaKarang Anyar Flat was built about 30 years ago to provide public cheap and proper housings located in the center of the town. But rightnow condition of the flat is not comfortable anymore, especially the problem on domstic waste treatment instalation. It doesn?t running well; it brings bad smell and most of the pipes broke down. It need a plan to repair the domestic waste treatment instalation and improvement in pipes network systemRumah Susun, pencermaran lingkungan, IPAL domesticSatmoko Yudo dan Setiyono
195Perencanaan Disain Sistem Scada Water Treatmennt Plant (Wtp) untuk Kebutuhan IndustriKawasan industri seperti Pulogadung, Cikarang, Jababeka dan MM2100 merupakan kawasan industri besar yang ada di Jawa Barat. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air bersih bagi industri, pengelola kawasan industri biasanya membangun beberapa instalasi pengolahan air dengan sumber air baku yang berasal dari sungai yang mengalir di kawasan tersebut. Meningkatnya jumlah kebutuhan air bersih di kawasan industri telah mendorong pihak manajemen untuk meningkatan jumlah produksi air bersih yang dapat dihasilkan oleh WTP yang ada. Selain itu untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan air bersih bagi industri yang ada di kawasan ini, maka dirasa perlu untuk membangun suatu sistem SCADA untuk mengelola proses yang ada di WTP industri. Sebagai langkah awal adalah melakukan identifikasi dan perencanaan disain sistem SCADA untuk WTP industri. Dari hasil perencanaan yang ada diharapkan dapat dilakukan pengembangan sistem SCADA secara bertahap sesuai dengan tahapan yang direncanakan. Tulisan ini menggunakan data dengan studi kasus di kawasan industri Jababeka Infrastuktur.Water Treatment Plant (WTP), Instalasi Pengolahan Air (IPA), Kawasan Industri JababekaHeru Dwi Wahjono
196Perbanyakan Vegetatif Secara Cangkok Piper Miniatum Bl.Piper miniatum, Air layering.Teknologi
197Perbandingan Sistem Digester Anaerob Termofilik Satu dan Dua FaseAnaerobic digestion of organic waste has some advantages, namely the recovery of biogas as alternative energy source and the conversion of waste products to soil fertilizer. Compared to mesophilic digestion, thermophilic digestion offers advantages regarding the process performance and the hygienic aspect. Unfortunately, the process has generally not enjoyed a good reputation because of its poor record with respect to process stability. Two-stage anaerobic reactor system consisting of a hydrolysis reactor and a methane reactor is often used to overcome such instability problems. In this study, the two-stage anaerobic reactor system is compared to the one-stage anaerobic reactor system. This study shows that the two-stage anaerobic reactor system has more process stability, can be operated at much more higher organic loading rate, and need much shorter recovery time after a process failure.digester, anaerob, termophilic, one and two-stageMuhammad Abdul Kholiq
Aquatic ecosystem of Jakarta Bay has already been contaminated by mercury on the average of 20 ppb due to the increasing number of industries in Jakarta and its surroundings which dispose their wastes to the rivers ended at Jakarta Bay. The average concen¬tration of mercury in sea water at the Jakarta Bay is significantlv different from the concentration of mercury in sea water at Pasauran Beach, Banten, West Java which is still undetectable. The increasing mercury in sea water caused also increasing mercury in Eucheuma spinosum, a kind of algae consumed by many people. Samples of E. spinosum taken from Pulau Pari in Jakarta Bay showed the average of 0,3184 ppm mercury which is significantly different from the samples taken, from Pasauran Beach with an average of 0,0796 ppm mercury.
Mercury; Eucheuma spinosumI. G. Seregeg, L. Barliana, Sri Soewasti
199Perbaikan Kualitas Air Baku Perusahaan Air Minum (Pam) Dengan BiofiltrasiBiofiltration, Raw Water Quality, Drinking WaterTeknologi Pengolahan Air
200Perbaikan Jalur distribusi Stem Untuk Penghematan Steam Pada Industri KertasSteam is water in vapor condition with certain temperature and pressure that produced in boiler. Steam is widely used as an energy transfer media in many industries because steam has several advantage such as flexible and easy to control and can be produced efficiently and economically. Another advantage of using steam as energy sources is cheap and easy to distribute to user point and the energy is easy to be transfer to the industrial process. To reach the user points, steam need to distribute through distribution lines that consist of pipeline, flanges, steam traps, valves, joins, etc., including insulation system. Poor maintenance in steam distribution is one of the source of significant energy loses. Repairing of steam distribution system in a paper industry with replacing/ repairing more than 160 steam traps, pipelines, condensate leaking and pipelines insulation can reduce the consumption of steam about 5% of total steam consumption or about 30,517 tons per year and can give financial saving about Rp. 3,295,280,000,-. The natural gas consumption reduces about 45,887.64 tons per year and reducing greenhouse gas emission about 311,163 tons CO2. This activity need an initial investment about Rp. 1,800,000,000 and the payback period is 0.55 year.steam, distribution system, steam traps, energy savingWidiatmini Sih Winanti