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1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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Menampilkan 241-260 dari 814 item.
241Mikroalgae Sebagai Sumber Energi Terbarukan Yang Ramah LingkunganMicroalgae as biomass are a potential source of renewable energy and they can be converted into energy such as biofuel oil and gas. This paper presents a brief review on the main conversion process of microalgae becoming energy. Since microalgae have high water content, then not all biomass energy conversion processes can be applied. By using thermochemical process it can be produced oil and gas, and by using biochemical process it can be produced ethanol and biodiesel. The properties of microalgae product is almost similar to offish and vegetables oil and therefore it can be considered as a substitute of fossil oil.Biofuel; Oil production; Microalgae; Thermoche-mical; BiochemicalSarmidi Amin
242Optimalisasi Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Air TanahDissolved oxygen (DO), advection, dispersion, air permukaan, air tanah, keseimbangan airTeknologi
243Tata Cara Pemilihan Lokasi Iplt Dan Ipal Dengan Menggunakan Sistem SkorInstalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL), Instalasi Pengolahan Lumpur Tinja (IPLT), sistem skorTeknologi
244Pemanfaatan Air Tanah JakartaThe Jakarta groundwater is one of the water resources in which people rely on it in great deal. With the limitation of the Water Supply Company to serve its user, groundwater becomes very valuable and dependable resource. The magnitude of extraction reaches out above it?s save yield. In the year of 2002 about 1230 to 1590 millions cubic meters water were accumulated from precipitation. Approximately of 1027 million cubic meters each year about to be consumed by the people of Jakarta. The groundwater consumption tend to increase while the land capability to absorb groundwater decreasing as the land development expanding. Hidrologically the hydraulic conductivity of the Jakarta groundwater aquifer system is very low, so that the groundwater flowrate from the south region of Jakarta basin is also low. With the magnitude of extraction?s very havily, the cone of depression incident has been occurring in the north Jakarta region. Along with this incident, a land subsidence was also occurring in the neighboring area. To overcome these problems, the assessment of the artificial recharge to the Jakarta aquifer particularly at the critical locations has been done. Schemes of the artificial recharges were simulated. Locations and magnitudes of these schemes were recommended to prevent further depression and saltwater intrusions.groundwater, aquifer, basin Jakarta, simulation, artificial recharge.Samsuhadi
245Upaya Mitigasi Pencemaran Laut dengan Artificial wetlandsIndonesia is an archipelago country which has coastline up to 81 000 km with rich and bountiful wetlands, especially coastal wetlands. Wetland areas estimated is more than 40.5 millions hectare, including mangrove forest around 6.3 millions hectare. As world environmental condition is degraded, Indonesia marine and coastal environments have been experienced degradation, especially mass fish killed incident quite often occurred in water environments due to eutrophiocation. This incidence has lead to productive coastal and marine environments to become hypoxia, means that this is a process of declining oxygen content in the water column due to organic matter or organic chemicals in water environment were accumulated in coastal and merine environments. Most scientist precited that this conditions was occurred because of mangrove forest was degraded and already convert to other uses, especially for shrimp pond produvtion and industrial development. World scientist has praised that mangrove forest is the place to be traditional shrimp pond location in years. Scientifically this traditional shrimp pond has praticed and applied ecotechnological approach for increasing stable shrimp production in Indonesia. However, this method has been changed lately for booming Indonesian shrimp export due to Indonesia economic development. Therefore, this paper proposed and elaborated the important and function of wetlands for not only economic development but also conserve and mitigate artificial wetlands ecosystem as a whole ecosystem for social, environmental and economic development in the future. This paper is also clarify the important of artificial wetlands in coastal and marine landscape.coastal wetlands, conserve and mitigate, Artificial-wetlandsSabaruddin Wagiman Tjokrokusumo
246Kelas Kesesuaian Lahan Sebagai Dasar Pengembangan Pertanian Ramah Lingkungan di DAS Citarum Hulu.Lahan tropika seperti halnya kebanyakan lahan di Indonesia harus dikelola secara bijaksana sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip konservasi tanah dan air agar swasembada pangan dapat lebih dimantapkan lagi. Klas Kemampuan Lahan merupakan pedoman yang sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip konservasi tanah dan air dan dapat diguankan sebagai pedoman untuk perencanaan pengembangan pertanian secara umum. Sedangkan pengembangan pertanian berskala usaha hendaknya harus berdasarkan pada kelas kesesuaian lahan suatu wilayah yang akan dikembangkan untuk suatu usaha pertanian agar tidak terjadi kerusakan lahan yang dapat m,enimbulkan kerugian jangka panjang baik secara ekonomi mauspun lingkungan. Pengetahuan tentang perencanaan pembangunan pertanian yang berasas pada Kelas Kemampuan Lahan dan Kelas Kesesuaian Lahan suatu wilayah dapat diterapkan pada Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) terutama wilayah DAS Citarum Bagian Hulu yang dalam kenyataannya telah mengalami kerusakan yang sangat berat dan akan berakibat pada kemampuan daya dukung wilayah dan menurunnya kualitas Danau multiguna seperti Saguling, Cirata dan Jatiluhur.Kelas Lahan, Konservasi, LingkunganSabaruddin Wagiman Tjokrokusumo
247Kekuatan Bioremediasi Jamur Dan Biokonversi Limbah Pertanian Menggunakan Teknologi Budidaya JamurBioconversion technology of agricultural waste or biowaste has been known by industries as one of the technology that could provide or increase quality og fod through industrial food processing. However, some of people in Indonesia have not been realized that uneconomic values and unnutritious of agro materials could be converted into high value of food and feed, and also usefull material for soil conditioner which is improved soil health. In addition, spent mushroom substrate as a waste of mushroom production can be used for a stater material to remediate contaminated soil as one of the strong capability material for bioremediation technology for polluted environment. Therefore, this review would like to create some hopes for pheasant to covert some agricultural waste materials into useful materials toward poverty alleviation and sustainable community development as mentioned by millennium development goals. Through this application of bioconversion and bioremediation technology of agricultural waste which is ubicuitous in tropical countries like Indonesia, we do much more for environmental care and social welfarebioconversion technology, agricultural waste, healthy food, soil conditionerSabaruddin Wagiman Tjokrokusumo
248Tanaman Potensial Penyerap Limbah Studi Kasus Di Pulau BatamIndustrial development has resulted in increasing population growth and their activities in Batam Island. Increasing growth of industrial activities and human population has a direct impact on increasing water demand and water pollution, especially on surface water resource degradation. However control on this type of problem has not been done properly due to lack of awareness and environmental knowledge. To protect and conserve water resources from pollution and degradation, some activities have to be done in the future to protect water quality and quantity. Aquatic plants have ability to improve water quality to assimilate and transform pollutants into plant tissue and sedimentation process. Based on flora and fauna biological survey, the recent study found that some aquatic plants were observed has a potential and ability to absorb and uptake nutrient and pollutants. Those important plants are Rynchospora sp., Scleria sp., Cyperus sp., Hypolythrum sp., and Fimbristylis sp.Sabaruddin W. Tjokrokusumo
Firman L. SahwanSabaruddin W. Tjokrokusumo
Firman L. Sahwan
249Masalah Polutan Mikro Di Dalam Air Minum Dan Cara PenanggulanganyaWater quality can affect human health in various ways such as through breeding of vectors, presence of pathogenic protozoa, helminths, bacteria and viruses, or through inorganic and organic chemicals. While traditional concern has been with pathogens and gastro-intestinal diseases, chemicals pollutants in drinking water supplies have in many instances reached proportion, which affect human health, especially in cases of chronic exposure. A number of common contaminants in drinking water, arising from industrial pollution or, from as by-products of chlorination such as Trihalomethanes, chlorophenols or others chlorinated compounds, have been shown to cause cancer. The various ways to controlling or reducing Trihalomethanes in drinking water are the following: removal of Trihalomethanes precursors prior to chlorination using activated carbon adsorption process, eliminating of Trihalomethanes by aeration process or activated carbon adsorption, use of alternative disinfectants that do not generate Trihalometanes such as ozone, chloramination, hydrogen proxide or UV irradiation, and eliminate substances which directly or indirectly can generate Trihalomethanes, for example organic compound (BOD, COD), ammonia etc, by conducting pre-treatment using biological treatment.Polutan mikro, kesehatan masyarakat, air minumRuliasih Marsidi dan Nusa Idaman Said
250Proses Nitrifikasi Dengan Sistem Biofilter Untuk Pengolahan Air Limbah Yang Mengandung Amoniak ?Limbah cair yang mengandung amoniak pada masa industrialisasi saat ini semakin banyak jumlahnya, karena semakin berkembangnya pabrik-pabrik yang memproduksi produk yang mengandung unsur nitrogen. Berdasarkan hal ini telah dilakukan penelitian dalam upaya untuk memperoleh suatu sistem pengolahan yang cukup sederhana yang dapat diterapkan di industri-industri kecil. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan melakukan pengolahan limbah yang mengandung amoniak konsentrasi tinggi dengan menerapakan sistem nitrifikasi biologis yang menggunakan reaktor biofilter tercelup. Dari hasil Penelitian diharapkan dapat diperoleh karakteristik proses nitrifikasi yang selanjutnya dapat digunakan sebagai dasar pembuatan alat pengolahan limbah amoniak. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian awal, karena hanya melakukan proses nitrifikasi yaitu suatu proses penurunan/penghilangan zat amoniak, yang kemudian hasil dari proses ini masih menghasilkan zat polutan nitrit dan nitrat, karena proses nitrifikasi adalah proses perubahan zat amoniak menjadi nitrit dan nitrat. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini disebut tahap awal karena untuk menghasilkan hasil olahan yang memenuhi standar baku air limbah, perlu dilakukan proses selanjutnya untuk menghilangkan nitrit dan nitrat yaitu melalui proses denitrifikasi. Hasil percobaan proses nitrifikasi yang telah dilakukan menghasilkan penurunan rata-rata amoniak sebesar 97,98 %, dengan volume reaktor (15x20x150)cm atau 45 liter, kapasitas maximum 4,8 l /jam dan waktu tinggal 24 jam.Amoniak, Nitrit, Nitrat, Biofilter TercelupRuliasih Marsidi dan Arie Herlambang
251Zeolit Untuk Mengurangi Kesadahan AirDalam penggunaannya, air mempunyai persyaratan tertentu, baik untuk air rumah tangga maupun air industri. Salah satu syarat yang harus dipenuhi adalah angka kesadahan air, yaitu angka yang berhubungan dengan jumlah kandungan calsium dan magnesium. Kedua unsur ini khususnya pada air minum diperlukan, namun hanya sampai dengan batas tertentu, karena kelebihan unsur ini dapat berakibat pada kesehatan. Pada penggunaan air untuk cuci dan mandi kelebihan unsur calsium dan magnesium akan mengurangi efektifitas sabun/detergen, bahkan untuk air industri kandungan unsur-unsur tersebut sebaiknya nol, karena adanya kedua unsur ini dapat merusak peralatan pemanas pada industri. Untuk membantu masyarakat, terutama pelaku industri kecil dan industri rumah tangga, telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai cara penghilangan kandungan unsur calsium dan magnesium dari dalam air . Dalam tulisan ini diinformasikan beberapa cara penghilangan kesadahan air atau biasa disebut dengan pelunakan air, namun percobaan yang dilakukan hanya terbatas pada cara pelunakan air sadah dengan metoda penukar ion. Bahan penukar ion yang digunakan adalah zeolit alam, karena zeolit alam mudah diperoleh dan harganya relatif murah. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan adanya penurunan kadar kesadahan, namun zeolit alam ini cepat sekali mencapai jenuh, sehingga harus sering dilakukan proses regenerasi.Kesadahan, Zeolit, Alumino SilikatRuliasih Marsidi
252Pengkajian Kemampuan Teknologi Pengolahan Air Minum Skala KecilTo fulfill the people?s primary need, the government is duty bound to stock remote regions with a steady supply of fresh water. That duty necessitates assasing and applying of appropriate water treatment system in these remote regions or villages. In fact the number of people needing the service is few, and the education level of the people is generally low. Having a small scale and simple water treatment technology would fit this standard. There are many water treatment technology, but only a few should be applied for a minimal capacity production. The applied technology should benefit the local people and, in accordance with local?s conditions, long-lasting. This paper will discuss various water treatment technology suitable for a small-scale production. The technologies are selected based on its ability to purify the water and the cost of each system. The calculations were derived from other written sources along with field data gathered by BPPT. These technology include the coagulation-filtration technology, slow-sand filtration technology, ion-exchange technology, reverse-osmosis technology and the active-carbon technology.Teknologi pengolahan air minum, koagulasi, filtrasi, reverse osmosisRuliasih Marsidi
253Keanekaragaman Tumbuhan Dan Potensinya Di Cagar Alam Tangale, GorontaloPlant inventory has been carried out in Tangale Nature Reserves in Gorontalo Province, North Sulawesi (2002). This area covers about 113 ha. About 250 species have been listed from this area, and 72 species of them utilized by the local people who leave in its surrounding area as stuff food, fruit and vegetable sources, medicinal purpose, ornamental plant and for house building as well. From this activity, one new species of Oxalidaceae (Averrhoa leucopetala Rugayah & Sunarti) described, and two species of Euphorbiaceae (Mallotus griffi thianus and M. macrostachys) informed as a new record for SulawesiPlant inventory, Tangale Nature Reserves, GorontaloRugayah, Siti Sunarti dan Tutie Djarwaningsih
254Perbaikan Kualitas Air Baku Perusahaan Air Minum (Pam) Dengan BiofiltrasiBiofiltration, Raw Water Quality, Drinking WaterTeknologi Pengolahan Air
255Kajian Kelayakan Ekonomi Rencanapembangunan Instalasi Pengolahan Airlimbah?air limbah rumah tangga , anaerobik selimut lumpur, studi sosial ekonomTeknologi Pengolahan Air
256Pengolahan Air Limbah Berwarna Industri Tekstil Dengan Proses AopsAn experiment of advanced oxydation processes (AOPs) was applicated in textile wastewater treatment for color removal. The experiment was conducted in laboratory scale using ozon and hydrogen peroxide as oxidizing agents. The textile wastewater contains any organic and inorganic dyes that could not be effective treated by coagullation and and sedimentation as well as by conventional aerobic treatments. Result of the experiments concluded that the AOPs technologies could be applied effectively for removal of color. Addition of hydrogen peroxide with volume of 0.25 ml for 1 liter of wastewater exhibits the reaction. The reaction of AOPs for color removal was optimum at temperatur of 70oC. As higher as pH, the reaction become faster and the efficiency of color removal become higheradvanced oxidation processes, color removal, hydrogen peroxide, ozonRudi Nugroho dan Ikbal
257Kinetika Proses Aops Untuk Penghilangan Warna Air Limbah Produksi BatikAn experiment of Advanced Oxydation Processes (AOPs) was conducted in semi-pilot scale using ozon and hydrogen peroxide. The reaction of ozon and hydrogen peroxide produce an active hydroxil which can crack a long-chain organic compounds such as azo dyes. A wastewater contains colour substances coming from batik industries in Jababeka was treated by AOPs. The reaction rate was affected by ozon concentration supplied to the wastewater. The more ozon concentration, the colour removal became faster.The colour removal using AOPs could be illustrated by first-order chemical reaction equation.The constant of reaction was calculated from experiment as high as 0,38 per hour.The cost for treating the wastewater using AOPs was Rp.3.656,- for one cubic meter of wastewater.AOPs, Colour Removal, Hydrogen Peroxide, OzonRudi Nugroho dan Ikbal
258Denitrifikasi Limbah Nitrat Pada Berbagai Tingkat Keasaman Dengan Memanfaatkan Mikroba AutotrophA biological denitrification using autotrophic bacteria in batch suspension runs was investigated to clarify the effect of pH on denitrification rate. Elemental sulfur was employed as an electron donor. The culture of autotrophic bacteria was obtained from activated sludge by acclimatization. The effect of pH on denitrification rate could be expressed by bell-shape equation with optimum pH of 7,07. However at a pH range of 5,5 to 8,0, the denitrification rate significantly fastl. Therefore, the application of the denitrification of wastewater using autotrophic bacteria is suggested running well although without controlling pH.Denitrification, nitrate, autotrophic bacteria, elemental sulfur, pHRudi Nugroho
259Effect Of Nitrite On Denitrification Of Wastewater By Autotrophic BacteriaEffect of nitrite on denitrification of synthetic wastewater using autotrophic bacteria was evaluated in both batch suspension and continuous packed column runs. Emphasis was placed to clarify the minimum concentrations of nitrite and nitrous acid that inhibit the denitrification rates. Batch suspension runs were conducted by mixing acclimatized denitrification sludge and synthetic wastewater in an Erlenmeyer flask. In continuous runs, denitrification sludge was loaded to a column packed with sulfur and limestone. The nitrite inhibition could be explained satisfactorily by substrate non-competitive inhibition model. The minimum concentration of nitrite which inhibits the nitrate and nitrite removal rate lowered with decreasing pH. In suspension runs, the minimum concentration of nitrous acid which inhibited the nitrite removal rate was 0.043 g-N/m3, while the nitrate removal rates was inhibited below 0.012 g-N/m3. Both in suspension and continuous packed column runs, nitrate removal was more sensitive against nitrite increase compared with nitrite removal. The minimum concentration of nitrite which inhibited nitrate removal rate in continuous packed column runs was lower than that in suspension runsAutotrophic bacteria, denitrification, inhibition, nitrite, sulfurRudi Nugroho
260Development Of Autotrophic Denitrification For Nitrate-Contaminated Industrial WastewaterAn autotrophic denitrification system was developed for treatment wastewater from steel industry. The aim was to evaluate the kinetics and capability of the system in reducing nitrate content in such industrial wastewater. The experiments were conducted in batch suspension and continuous runs. The denitrification kinetics in suspension runs obeys first order reaction with the rate constant k1 and k2 were determined to be 0.014 and 0.004 g-N/m3.d, respectively. The continuous runs used a column packed with mixture of granular sulfur and limestone. The microbes of Thiobacillus denitrificans were attached on the surface of granular sulfur in the form of biofilm. The biofilm thickness was investigated to be approximately 40 ?m. The denitrification kinetics in the packed column obeys half-order reaction with the rate constant k of 0.172 g-N1/2.m1/2/(kg-S.d). The lower denitrification extent of industrial wastewater compared with the synthetic wastewater might be due to the lack of alkalinity.denitrification, sulfur, packed column, thiobacillus denitrificans.Rudi Nugroho