Rekapitulasi Jumlah Koleksi dalam Database
No Kategori Jumlah
1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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Menampilkan 241-260 dari 814 item.
241Karakteristik Air Asam Karakteristik Air Asam Tambang di Lingkungan Tambang Pit 1 Bangko Baratin Coal Mine Pit 1, Bangko Barat, Tanjung Enim, South Sumatera mine activity lowered the water pH in the effluent water of the mine. So the Mine Environmet Managemet of PTBA try to raise the pH to meet Kep Men Neg LH No 113 Tahun 2003. This study attempt to characterize the performance of the water treatment, which managed by acid-mine dranage management of the PTBA. Some water samles was taken in the study area, such as the passive treatment in Pit 1 Bangko Barat, rainwater pond near by, lake, mine sump, settling pond, the water treatment of acid mine drainage in the coal stockpile in Bangko Barat, the mine sump of Air Laya Mine and Air Laya Channel. The result of the study showed that in the coal stockpile the pH is around 5, closed to the pH di rainwater pond and Air Laya putih Channel (around 6), output of water treatment in Tambang Air Laya. Meanwhile the pH in the passive treatment, settling pond, mine sump Banko Barat and in Air laya Mine drainage system is 2 - 3. The source of Acid Mine Rocks is coal seam rock interval and overburden of the coal. Meanwhile the performance of water treatment in the lake, Air Laya Putih channel and coal stockpile better than in the passive treatment, settling pond, mine sump of Air Laya MIne and pit 1 Banko barat. So PTBA Environment division should improve the process capacity of water treatment in the pit of Bangko Baratacid mine drainage, passive treatment, pHHidir Tresnadi
242Karakteristik dan keragaman Mikroba Unit Pengolah Limbah Cair TekstilOne of major pollutants in textile wastewaters is organic substance that could be degraded and utilized by microbe as nutrient and energy source in activated sludge compartment at textile waste water treatment unit. Therefore, microbe is the concern in this observation. Based on the characterization result, such as colony type, Gram stain and microbial shape, there are 13 type of microbe grow in activated sludge. From 13 microbial type, 5 isolates is possibly as Bacillus spp., 4 isolates is to be Flavobacterium spp. and the rest as Pseudomonadaceaemicrobes, activated sludge, textile wastewaterWage Komarawidjaja
243Karakteristik Dan Pertumbuhan Konsorsium Mikroba Lokal Dalam Media ?Laboratory microcosm observation were conducted to study the effect of media culture containing oil spill in microbial growth ability . Laboratory microcosms was inoculated with oil microbial consortia isolated from oil spill sample in Cepu oil field. Based on the colony characteristic differentiation, 5 microbial types identified from the sample. At the end of enrichment period and acclimatization on the BH media containing 5% Cepu crude oil, all isolates as microbial consortia put into growth experiment media. The experiment proved that microbes could be able utilizing oil as carbon source for their cell multiplication. The results showed the more the turbidity concentration increase, the more the microbial population rise. These studies indicates that reducing oil spill utilizing in situ bioremediation technologies can be realized.spill oil, oil pollution, bioremediationWage Komarawidjaja
244Karakteristik Dukungan Industri Terhadap Upaya Implementasi Produksi BersihSolusi pengolahan akhir pipa (end-of-pipe) disadari belum mampu memberikan jawaban yang memuaskan terhadap penanganan masalah pencemaran lingkungan. Saat ini sejumlah besar perusahaan di dunia sedang mengupayakan keuntungan melalui suatu pendekatan pencegahan lingkungan yang dikenal sebagai eko-efisiensi dan produksi bersih. Walaupun penerapan Produksi Bersih dapat dilakukan melalui cara-cara yang amat sederhana, namun pada kondisi tertentu kadang-kadang memerlukan perubahan yang radikal dan perlu keterlibatan manajemen perusahaan yang proaktif. Penelitian ini mencoba mengidentifikasi karakteristik dukungan organisasi terhadap upaya penerapan Produksi Bersih perusahaan pada kasus Perusahaan BUMN Pulp dan Kertas. Hal lain yang coba diungkap adalah prasyarat keberhasilan implementasi Produksi Bersih berdasarkan persepsi anggota organisasi. Hasil analisis menunjukkan Tingkat Penerimaan Konsep Produksi Bersih secara positif dipengaruhi oleh pemahaman manfaat ekonomi, kebijakan strategis, dan gaya kepemimpinan; sedang mekanisma evaluasi dan sistem insentif perusahaan masih menjadi faktor penghambat dalam penerimaan konsep Produksi Bersih saat ini. Secara umum, kalangan anggota perusahaan menempatkan faktor dukungan finansial sebagai faktor paling esensial bagi keberhasilan implementasi Produksi Bersih. Namun kenyataan dari analisis regresi menunjukkan bahwa sistem insentif perusahaan justru menjadi faktor penghambat penerimaan konsep Produksi Bersih. Faktor lain yang juga dianggap esensial berturut-turut adalah keterlibatan pekerja, komitmen manajemen, kemampuan karyawan, dan kebijakan strategis. Walaupun kebijakan strategis perusahaan telah mengakomodasikan kepentingan lingkungan, namun hal ini tidak didukung hingga pada tahap pelaksanaan. Hasil analisis memperlihatkan kebijakan strategis perusahaan masih menjadi faktor penghambat dalam pelaksanaan Produksi Bersih. Fenomena lain yang menarik adalah ternyata saat ini belum terbentuk budaya produksi bersih pada tatanan perusahaan, tim pengelola lingkungan yang profesional juga belum memberikan peran yang signifikan bagi penerimaan dan penerapan Produksi Bersih di perusahaan.Produksi Bersih, Industri, Pulp, KertasIr. Sawarni Hasibuan, M.T.
245Karakteristik Ekosistem Mangrove Pada Dua Cabang Delta MahakamThe change condition of Delta Mahakam marked by decreasing mangrove area caused by shrimp aquaculture development and high sedimentation caused by changing of land use in upstream. It will influence to mangrove ecosystem existing. Research of mangrove ecosystem characteristic has done in June 2003, on two branch of Delta Mahakam, at Muara Berau (northern area) and Muara Jawa (southern area), to recognize mangrove community succession and characteristic of sedimentation. Mangrove community determined by measuring the standing density of tree (? trunk > 10 cm), belt (? trunk between 2 ? 10 cm), and seeding (? trunk < 2 cm), sediment characteristic identified from content organic and component of fraction. Based on dominance of sand fraction (> 90%) on mangrove ecosystem show that sedimentation in Delta Mahakam was high, for other side the mangrove community show on succession level was marked by abundance of pioneer species, like Soneratia and Avicenia, and organic conten (5.4 ? 12.4 % dry weight) and C/N organik ratio was low (6 ? 7). Bruguiera sp., Ceriops sp., and Nyppa sp. was foud on rare number. Standing density of trunk of tree show on good community, although not too dense. Regeration level in Muara Berau seem better than Muara Jawa. The tree density influence to organic content in sediment. Delta, mangrove, sediment fraction, and sediment, organic.Lukman, G.Y. Pratama, & I. Ridwansyah
246Karakteristik Emisi Gas Buang Insinerator Medis Dirumah Sakit Jiwa Dadi Makassar Sulawesi SelatanThe disposal of hospital waste needs special treatment. To assist the hospital waste treatment of Makassar city, UPT-LSDE, BPPT has been designed and developed a medical incinerator with the capacity of 50 kg/jam at Rumah Sakit Jiwa Dadi Makassar in the year 2002. After one year operation, the system was provided by recuperator and tested to measure the emission characteristics into operation modes. The first mode, incinerator was run without operating recuperator and the second by operating recuperator. Characteristics of exhaust gas emissions were monitor continuously during test by using a poprtable gas analyzer, while particulate sampling was done as standard sampling Method 5 EPA. The test results show that pollution gas emissions, except CO, are under the regulation standard limits of Environmental Control Agency Head Decree No.Kep-03/BAPEDAL/09/1995. While particulate concentration in exhaust gas is under the standard limit of Environmental State Minister Decree No.13/1995 However, waste feeding and air combustion distributor of the tested incinerator need to be modified to achieve optimum combustion. This paper presents the exhaust gas characteristics of the tested unit that was performed on 19 September 2003Limbah rumah sakit, incinerator, karakteristik emisi gas buangRiyanto Marosin dan Ahsonul Anam
247Karakteristik Hujan Di Sorowako, Sulawesi Selatan: Pengamatan Dengan Radar CuacaRadar, Storm, TitanTeknologi
248Karakteristik Lingkungan Perairan Kepulauan SeribuAn identification of the environment characteristics of the Seribu Islands was conducted by using the physical and chemical data obtained from various sources. The characteristics of the water quality at the Seribu Island was identified as a moderate level in the middle part and better in the northern part. While in the southern part was poor due to the effect of the degraded water quality at Jakarta Bay as indicated by low transparency and high heavy metal concentration of the Cd and Pb.Karakteristik lingkungan perairan, Kepulauan SeribuSuhendar I Sachoemar
249Karaktersistik Air Tanah di Kecamatan Tamansari, Kota TasikmalayaPumping test are carried out to determine how much groundwater taken from a well and what effects pumping will have on the aquifer. Theis recovery method aims to find out the aquifer characteristics such as transmisibility and permeability values. This method in principle observes the recovery of ground water surface until stable. This research location at Tamansari distric Tasikmalaya West Java. The value of transmisibilitas and permeabilitas in Tamansari district indicated the groundwater potency is not good for industry ot comercial water. Higher value at Sukahurip and lowest value at Bantarhuni with a permeability coeficient only 1.32 m2/day. Ground water flow (m3/day) between 410 ? 4868 m3/day at Mugarsari. Ground water resources is limited potency, especially at dry season, local goverment need to conserv with a build pond or fishpond for reserve water.Groundwater, pumping test and potencyAgung Riyadi dan Kusno Wibowo
250Kawasaki Motor Indonesia Green Industry (Studi Kasus Wastewater Treatment Plant PT. KMI - Cibitung)Industri Otomotif, Pengolahan Air Limbah IndustriTeknologi Pengolahan Air
251Keanekaragaman Dan Komposisi Jenis Pohon Di Hutan Pameumpeuk ? Taman Nasional?komposisi, keanekaragaman, hutan, gunung Salak, jenis pohonTeknologi
252Keanekaragaman Dan Pemanfaatan Tumbuhan Di Pulau Nusakambangan - Cilacap, Jawa TengahAmong some natural reserves in Java Island and the vicinity only the Nusakambangan Natural Reserve, which might be characterized as the last lowland forest in this region. In fact however, there is only in eastern and western part of Nusakambangan Island, which remain covered with relatively undisturbed forest. Survey-explorative methods which including interview and direct field observation was applied in order to collect data of useful plant. There are 253 species of plant using by people in surrounding Cilacap for their daily necessitate such as foodstuff, charge coal, traditional remedy etc. Some plant species, which was categorized as in risk category, dominate, potential and have a good prospect, will be discussed in this paper.Pemanfaatan tumbuhan, Nusakambangan, Jawa TengahFrancisca Murti Setyowati dan Mulyati Rahayu
253Keanekaragaman Dan Potensi Flora Di Cagar Alam Pegunungan Cyclops, PapuaStudy on richness, diversity and potential species of plant in two location in the Pegunungan Cyclops Nature Reserve had been conducted. One hundred and fifty species of plant are collected from this area, and 75 species of them are reported as potential species. The largest group of potential species is medicinal plants (35 species) follows by timber (33 species), ornamental plants (22 species), vegetables (16 species), and fruits (10 species). The results of study recommended that buah merah (Pandanus conoideus), matoa (Pometia pinnata) , tongkeu (Aidia racemosa), oi nokom (Parastemon urophyllus), and kayu besi (Instia bijuga) were very important as potential species of plants; and also reported that kreipeh (Saccharum officinarum) is a potential genetic resources of the wild sugar plants in Cagar Alam Pegunungan Cyclops.PegununganCyclopsnature reserve,diversity, potential, floraTahan Uji
254Keanekaragaman Jenis Benalu Parasit Pada Tanaman Koleksi di Kebun Raya Purwodadi,Jawa TimurBenalu is one of the parasitic plant which have attacked many cultivation plants or wild plant species. There are approximately 124 species of benalu growing in Indonesia and they belong to 26 genera and 2 families (i.e. Loranthaceae and Viscaceae). The research on benalu diversity was done in Purwodadi Botanical Garden and 5 species of benalu could be succesfully collected, i.e. Dendrophthoe pentandra, Macrosolen tetragonus, Scurrula atropurpurea, Viscum articulatum and V. ovalifolium. Among these collected species, the highest population which grows in Purwodadi Botanical Garden is Dendrophthoe pentandra.diversity ? parasitic plant species - benalu ? Loranthaceae & Viscaceae ? PurwodadiSunaryo dan Erlin Rachman
255Keanekaragaman Jenis Benalu Pemarasit Pada Tanaman Di Kebun Raya Baturraden Dan Sekitarnyadiversity ? mistletoe ? Baturraden Botanic Garden and its vacinityTeknologi
256Keanekaragaman Jenis Tumbuhan Di Kawasan Hutan Krui, Taman Nasional Bukit BarisanScholaris, ficus deltoidea, and Plants diversity of Krui Dipterocarp forest area and National Park Bukit Barisan Selatan West Lampung have been conducted. Explorative survey methods which including interview and direct field observation was applied in order to collect data of plant usage. A-mong 145 plant species recorded belong to 54 families have been use to in many ways e.q. 63 species for medicinal plants, 32 species for food, 32 species building materials, 3 species for handycraf, and 15 species for others. Four species out of considered endangered species namely Eurycoma longifolia, Alstonia Shorea javanicaPlant diversty, Pesisir Tengah Krui, West LampungWardah
257Keanekaragaman Jenis Tumbuhan di Cagar Alam Kakenauwe dan Suaka Marga Satwa Lambusango, Pulau ButonStudy on richness diversity plants in Kakenauwe Nature Reserve and Lambusango Game Reserve had been conducted. One hundred and seventy species of Spermatophyta, 12 species of Pteridophyta and 24 species of Bryophyta are collected from this area. One hundred and four species of Spermatophyta and 6 species of Pteridophyta are reported as potential species of plants. The largest group is timber (32 species) and other is ornamental plants (24 species), medicinal plants (17 species) and edible fruits (13 species). This study also reported that Orthorrhynchium phyllogonioides is recorded as ?new record? of Bryophyta collections in Sulawesi.diversity, potensial, plants, kakenauwe nature reserve and lambusango game reserve,Tahan Uji dan F. I. Windadri
258Keanekaragaman Jenis Tumbuhan Hutan Sekunder Pada Berbagai Tingkatan Umur Di Kuala Ran?Hutan sekunder, keanekaragaman jenis, bentuk hidup, Kuala Ran, KaltimTeknologi
259Keanekaragaman Jenis-Jenis Anggrek Kepulauan KarimunjawaKarimunjawa is a group of small islands which is situated at 0 up to 506 above sea levels, and covered of total forests area of about 1,300 ha. The area is located within Jepara Regency, Central Java. Studies on forest ecology and fl oristic of the island has been conducted in 2003 to 2006. The present study is apart of the fl oristic studies with special attention to orchids. Based on fi eld study combined with specimen herbarium stored in the Herbarium Bogoriense, there are at list 13 species of orchid collected from Karimunjawa Island, and one of them is recognized as endemic species in Jawa. In addition there is one unidentifi ed species which is belonging to genus Eria.Orchids, Karimunjawa Island, Herbarium BogorienseDiah Sulistiarini dan Tutie Djarwaningsih
260Keanekaragaman Jenis-Jenis Kayu Bakar Di Desa Lampeapi, Pulau Wawonii, Sulawesi TenggaraFire wood is become one of the alternatif fuel to replace kerosene and gas. Because of the government regulation that replace kerosene into elpiji gas, many local people become prefer using fi re wood for their cooking, although it cause air pollution. Twenty six plant species have been recorded as fi re wood in Lampeapi, Wawonii Island, S.E. Sulawesi. Those species collected from the beach and also hill forest.Lampeapi, Wawonii, Sulawesi, forest, fi re woodSiti Sunarti dan Rugayah