Rekapitulasi Jumlah Koleksi dalam Database
No Kategori Jumlah
1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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Menampilkan 241-260 dari 814 item.
241Penelitian Sumber Air Bersih Bawah Tanah di Pulau Flores

One of the most important of human life is water. Water may provide easily in certain areas , however, some parts in the world are still being suffered from the lack of fresh water. In eastern part of Indonesia for example people found the source of water several kilometers from their home and meet their basic need for their life. This research was executed in Flores Island to identify and explore the underground water which might be trapped under the town of Ende.
fresh water, research, underground water.CB Herman Edyanto
242Kajian Adaptasi Kijing Pilsbryoconcha Exilis Sebagai Langkah Awal Pemanfaatannya Dalam BiofiltrasiPilsbryoconcha exilis is freshwater mussel that derive its feed through filtering water. The mussels could filter such as phytoplankton and suspended material to get their feed. Its ability may be used in water remediation which is polluted by organic contaminant, such as at Cirata reservoir in West JavaTo undesrtand that freshwater mussels have ability to adapt in Cirata reservoir, a group of mussels kept in certain water column at some station observation. Then mussels growth rate was measured. Research result indicated that freshwater mussel could be adapted and grown in different water column as well as in their habitat (bottom sediment with muddy substrate). The mussels planted in Cirata reservoir have relation length and weight pattern which categorize as negative allo-metric (increasing of length is more dominant than weight). Observation result of mussels grow at Jangari Station was remarked by coefficient of growth (k=0.47) and infinity of length (L?=9.41); at Pasir Empul k=0.64 and L?=9.62; at Jati Nenggang k=0.47 and L?=9.41; also at mussels stock cages k=0.65 dan L?=9.62. The result of this study concluded that mussels could be grown in Cirata reservoir of West JavaFreshwater Mussel (Pilsbryoconcha exilis),, infinity of lengthWage Komarawidjaja
243Mempelajari Karakter Flow Di Atas Sistem Orografik Jakarta, Bogor, Puncak Untuk Transport ?Simulating transport seeding agent using AgI tracer from GBG-Tower at Citeko (Bogor area) is presented during period of 17 ? 26 December 2008. Character flow over low mountain ranges from Jakarta (0-50 m) to Puncak (1000 ? 1500m) has been analyses using Froude number. Increasing elevation from Jakarta to Puncak build orographic system and caused flow lifted by topographic contour and building some orographic cloud there. Result of analyses found that flow over system orographic Jakarta,Bogor,Puncak have character low kinetic energy and flow can not reach the highest barrier. With typical flow velocity ranges from 4.6 to 11.4 m/s, flows only reached 700m elevation of barrier. Flow can be reaches the highest elevation if have velocity 25 m/s, the uncommon velocity in this region. During day time (morning to afternoon), typical flow velocity is 6.1 to 11.4 m/s and its reduce during nght day with typical velocity 4.6 ? 9.9 m/s. Cloud over Citeko have base with various heght, generally between 100 and 600 m. The Silver in rain water content is not unique disperse to high altitude after releasing from top of GBG-tower due to no different concentration in rainwater during its releasing day and background ie 0.09 mg/l. Flow character over sistem orographic Jakarta,Bogor,Puncak can not support as transport media for rising seeding agent to reach the higest barir due to low kinetic energy of flow.Froude number, system orographic,kinetic energy, barrierUntung Haryanto
244Aplikasi Sistem Feul Cell sebagai Energi Ramah Lingkungan di Sektor Transportasi dan PembangkitFuel cell is a device which is purposed to convert chemical energy into electric energy and produce water as side result. Fuel cell technology doesn?t produce emission and doesn?t make noises and also has a high efficiency until 45% in fuel conversion to electricity, and it can be higher until 60% ? 80% if it is co-generation. A fuel processing system converts hydrocarbon or other organic fuels to hydrogen of composition and purity suitable for fuel cell operation. The fuels include petroleum derived liquids, such as naphtha and gasoline, petroleum derived gases, such as methane and propane, and other fuel such as methanol and ethanol. The electrolyte in the center allows only the protons to pass through the membrane to the cathode side of the fuel cell. The electrons cannot pass through this membrane and flow through an external circuit in the form of electric current. As oxygen flows into the fuel cell cathode, another catalyst helps the oxygen, protons, and electrons combine to produce pure water and heat.Fuel cell, hydrogen, conversion, emission, generator Achmad Hasan
245Analisis Pengaruh Campuran Bahan Bakar Solar
A test of a diesel motor using the fuel mixture of diesel-jatropha oil has been conducted in order to analyze the influence of fuel mixture composition to the motor performance and exhaust gas emission. The motor which had a single cylinder, 4 cycles, with maximum energy output of 4.4 kW at 2600 rpm, moved a generator as electricity power load. The percentage of jatropha oil in fuel mixture was 0%, 10%, 30%, 50% and 100%. The testing method was, to each fuel mixture composition and at constant 2000 rpm motor rotation with electricity power load of 0 and 2 kW, the data concerning to the fuel consumption, lubricating oil temperature and exhaust gas emission was measured. The test result indicated that the higher the percentage of jatropha oil in fuel mixture, the higher the fuel consumption and the CO2 and NOx emission in exhaust gas, but the lower the HC and O2 emission and opacity of exhaust gasFuel consumption, Exhaust gas emission, Diesel-jatropha oilMarkus Sumarsono
246Pengolahan Air Sungai / Gambut SederhanaDalam rangka penyediaan air bersih pedesaan, sering terdapat kendala misalnya, lokasi pemukiman yang berjauhan, sehingga jika dibangun sistem pengolahan yang terpadu dengan sistem perpipaan membutuhkan biaya yang sangat besar. Untuk mengatasai hal tersebut, dapat dilakukan dengan cara pengolahan sederhana untuk skala rumah tangga. Tulisan ini membahas tentang cara pengolahan air sederhana, khususnya untuk mengolah air gambut. Cara ini merupakan salah satu alternatif untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air bersih di pedesaan dengan cara yang murah dan sederhana.Gambut, Netralisasi, Aerasi, KoagulasiKelompok Pengkajian Sistem Pengolahan Air
247Pengolahan Air Gambut Secara KontinyuAir tanah di daerah bergambut atau daerah rawa umumnya dangkal berwarna coklat, berkadar asam humus, zat organik dan besi yang tinggi, sedangkan didaerah daratan agak dalam dengan air berwarna jernih tetapi kadar besi dan mangan masih tinggi. Untuk mengatasi masalah air bersih di daerah bergambut perlu adanya alat pengolahan air gambut yang dapat dipakai untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air bersih masyarakat setempat Alat Pengolahan air gambut secara kontinyu ini merupakan rangkaian proses yabg lengkap namun dikemas dalam bentuk yang sederhana, dirancang sesuai dengan kondisi dan tingkat pendidikan masyarakat pedesaan. Dengan demikian alat pengolah air gambut secara kontinyu ini harus murah, mudah pengerjaan dan pengoperasiannya serta hasil olahan yang memenuhi baku mutu air minum.Gambut, Sistem Kontinyu, Koagulan, Netralisasi,Wahyu Widayat dan Nusa Idaman Said
248Pemanfaatan Ladang Gas Marginal Untuk Suplai Sektor Tranportasi Di Wilayah PanturaAs the oil energy demand for the transportation sector in the northern of Java coastal area is high, that area has a high potential for oil substitution to gas. The substitution not only can reduce oil consumption but can also can reduce pollutant emissions from oil combustion. The substitution, gas besides can be supplied from the existing gas fields, but also can be supplied from marginal gas fields that are in the Java coastal areas.An analysis result showed that gas utilization from marginal gas fields needs to be reconsidered, because the gas reserve in the marginal gas field in that area in relatively small and it is not enough infrastructure to utilized that gas fields for that area.Gas fuel, Transportation, Clean energyIrawan Rahardjo
249Pengolahan Gas Limbah Proyek Gas NatunaProyek Gas Natuna yang akan mengembangkan cadangan gas sebesar 46 TCF dapat menghasilkan 2400 MSCFD hidrokarbon selama lebih dari 30 tahun. Dengan potensi tersebut akan mampu memasok kebutuhan gas dalam jumlah besar dan jangka panjang serta menghasilkan nilai ekonomi yang besar. Namun Proyek Gas Natuna juga menghadapi tantangan harus dapat mengolah gas limbah yang terdiri atas 71 % CO2 dan 0,6 % H2S. Untuk memisahkan CO2 diterapkan teknologi Cryogenic, sedangkan untuk memisahkan H2S diterapkan teknologi Flexsorb SE. Teknologi Cryogenic mampu menurunkan kandungan CO2 dari 71 % menjadi 18 %, sedangkan teknologi Flexsorb SE mampu menurunkan kandungan H2S dari 930 ppmv menjadi 20 ppmv. Pembuangan dan penyimpanan CO2 dan H2S secara permanen dilakukan dengan menginjeksikannya kedalam aquifer melalui anjungan injeksi. Kombinasi teknologi Cryogenic dan Flexsorb SE mampu menghasilkan gas Natuna yang memenuhi persyaratan lingkungan dan kompetitif.Gas Natuna, Cryogenic, Flexsorb SE, CO2, H2S, injeksi, aquiferSumartono
250Pembentukan Gas H2 Dan Co Ramah Lingkungan Melalui Gasifikasi Batubara Untuk Mereduksi Bijih Besi.Ketergantungan pabrik baja terhadap gas alam untuk menghasilkan gas pereduksi bijih besi sangat besar, sehingga dihadapkan pada masalah yang besar oleh karena harga gas alam yang cenderung naik. Oleh karena itu, sumber gas pereduksi selain dari gas alam, teknologi yang mendukung, ekonomis serta ramah terhadap lingkungan, sangat diperlukan, sehingga daya saing di pasaran bisa ditingkatkan dan ketergantungan terhadap gas alam bisa diminimalisasi. Teknologi gasifikasi adalah teknologi yang sangat ramah lingkungan, membentuk polusi yang sangat minim walaupun untuk mengolah bahan-bahan yang sangat ?kotor? misalnya batubara dengan kandungan sulfur tinggi. Gasifikasi juga mampu mengurangi sejumlah besar volume padatan, dengan membentuk produk samping yang ramah lingkungan, sebagai contoh adalah pembentukan slag dari bahan-bahan anorganik yang terdapat dalam umpan. Dengan cadangan batubara Indonesia yang sangat melimpah, sekitar 36,5 milyar ton, serta dengan dukungan teknologi gasifikasi yang ramah terhadap lingkungan, bisa dihasilkan gas-gas pereduksi untuk menggantikan peranan gas alam.Gasifikasi Batubara, Bijih Besi, Direct Reduced IonAhsonul Anam
251Identifikasi Populasi Gastropoda Air Tawar Di Waduk Saguling Dan SekitarnyaThis research has been carried out in Saguling, Jawa Barat. The aims of the research were to study the population of fresh water gastrophod and its ecological aspects. The research was done at three habitats which were the dam, paddy fields and ponds in three location : South Inlet, East Inlet and West Outlet of Saguling dam. It has been found 6 species of gastrophod which were Pomacea caniculata, Bellamya javanica, Lymnaea rubiginosa, Indoplanorbis exustus, Gyraulus convexiuscslus and Melanoides tuberculata. In all the habitats the density of species of Pomacea caniculata, Bellamya javanica and Lymnaea rubiginosa were relatively higher than others. While the highest dominantion index of gastrophod were at habitat of paddy fields in all locations and at habitat of ponds in East Inlet and West Outlet locations. Pomacea caniculata, Bellamya javanica and Lymnaea rubiginosa were dominant at habitat of pady fields and ponds. Furthermore, the highest gastrophod diversity index was at habitat of dam in South Inlet and West Outlet locations. All the gastrophod species were found in a group. On the other hand, there was a tendention that each habitat had a different gastrophod species.Gastropoda, populasi, wadukSri Wahyono
252Pengelolaan Data Sistem Aliran Drainase Kota, Studi Kasus : Jakarta Selatan Dan Jakarta TimurFast growing development at big cities such as Jakarta usually cause surface hydrology problems, which is indicated by many surface detention and local floods during rainy season. These problems were raised because of the increasing of runoff coefficient of sub catchment areas and limited capacity of existing drainages. Analysis have made on drainage capacity of sub catchment areas connected to peak flow cause by rain on certain recurrence period and result in data to evaluate drainage capacity to solve these water detention and local floods problemsGenangan, Banjir, Drainase, DAS, DatabaseR. Haryoto Indriatmoko, Heru Dwi Wahjono, Satmoko Yudho
253Pengelolaan Data Operasional Sistem Aliran Bangunan Drainase KotaKota-kota besar di pinggir pantai seperti Jakarta, Semarang atau Surabaya dan lain-lain merupakan pusat kegiatan ekonomi dan perdagangan yang sangat strategi letaknya. Namun demikian kota-kota ini juga menjadi sasaran strategis untuk terkena bencana banjir. Bencana banjir yang terjadi di Indonesia umumnya banyak disebabkan oleh pengelolaan lingkungan yang kurang baik. Reboisasi yang dulu disebut-sebut sebagai dalangnya banjir, kini sudah bukan satu-satunya lagi, karena saat ini penyebab banjir tersebut tidak lagi disebabkan oleh masalah yang ada di hulu, tetapi masalah yang ada di sekitar hilir pun menjadi penyebab utama. Masalah-masalah tersebut antara lain kurangnya lokasi-lokasi resapan air dan tidak dikelolanya sistem drainase di kota-kota besar pinggir pantai.Dengan pengelolaan data operasional sistem aliran bangunan drainase kota yang baik diharapkan sistem drainase di kota-kota besar khususnya di DKI Jakarta dapat dipantau terus kuaitasnya, sehingga dapat diketahui mana yang masih memadai dan mana yang sudah tidak memadai.Genangan, Banjir, Drainase, Resapan Air, DatabaseHeru Dwi Wahjono dan R. Haryoto Indriatmoko
254Pelestarian Tanaman Pangan Dengan Teknik Kultur In VitroSaving the world genetic germplasm has been world community?s concern. It is a must to find a way to preserve Indonesian?s food plant biodiversity. In vitro technique culture is a proper alternative conservation of food plants. The technique is suitable for short viable seeds and vegetative multiplicating plants. Based on storage length, in vitro technique can be divided into two catagories. First short or medium term storage which intends to suppress the growth of the seed temporarily and secondly long term storage proposes to halt metabolic activity, however, the
cells are still viable. There are some advantages of in vitro preservation such as saving distinctive plants, foliage, plant without seeds, free pathogens, free disruption of environments. It is preserved free pathogen, and working on relative small room enoug.
Genetic Diversity, Germplasm, Food Plant, In VitroNetty Widyastuti
255Potensi Sumberdaya Air Tanah Di urabaya Berdasarkan Survei Geolistrik Tahanan JenisSurabaya merupakan salah satau kota terbesar di Indonesia dan sebagai pusat kegiatan (baik kegiatan industri, kependudukan, ekonomi maupun pemerintahan) di Jawa Timur khususnya dan Indonesia bagian timur pada umumnya. Seiring dengan hal tersebut maka Surabaya menghadapi banyak permasalahan khususnya yang berkaitan dengan air tanah. Akibat ketidakseimbangan antara pengisian (recharge) dengan pengambilan (discharge) air tanah akan menurunkan tinggi muka air tanah yang pada gilirannya mengakibatkan intrusi air laut, amblesan tanah dan kekurangan air bersih bagi masyarakat. Geometri, distribusi dan kedalaman akifer harus diketahui untuk dapat memecahkan permasalahn sumberdaya air tanah. Salah satu cara untuk mengetahui karakteristik akifer adalah dengan surve geolistrik tahanan jenis. Metode ini pada dasarnya adalah mengukur tahanan jenis material yang ada di bawah tanah dengan melewatkan arus listrik tertentu kedalam tanah dan kemudian mengukur perbedaan potensial antara dua titik. Berdasarkan survei ini, kondisi bawah tanah Surabaya terdiri dari 4 jenis batuan yaitu lapisan tanah (soil), batulempung, batulempung pasiran, dan batupasir. Akifer di Surabaya terbagi menjadi akifer dangkal/ akifer bebas (< 20 m) yang terdiri dari endapan alluvial dan akifer dalam/ akifer tertekan (> 60 m) yang terdiri dari batupasir.Akifer ini tersebar merata di seluruh Surabaya hanya ketebalannya yang berbeda.Geolistrik, Tahanan Jenis, AkuiferMardi Wibowo
256Aplikasi Sig Untuk Penetapan Kesesuaian Wilayah Penerapan Mekanisasi Pertanian Tanaman PanganThe study is the preliminary research aiming to apply the usefulness of the GIS system for classifying suitability of region to the agricultural mechanization. Simple basic theory of GIS and classification of agricultural mechanization were presented. Nine physical and non-physical parameters as limiting factors were defined and a weight of each parameter was calculated in order to know how far its effect to the agricultural mechanization practice. Data coming from several types, ie: numeric, vector and remote sensing (raster) were prepared to support the process. Two ordoes consisting of five classes were employed to extract suitability classification of each District in Jawa Barat dan Banten Province. The results show that ten districts are classified into suitable for applying agricultural mechanization, and the rest ten districts are classified into not suitable. Depending on the dynamic character of limiting factor, suitability class would possibly change along the time. Saveral conclusions and advices for improving research are givenGIS, Kesesuaian Mekanisasi PertanianMubekti
257Kajian Konservasi Buah Merah Melalui Kultur Jaringan;Ekstrasi Fraksinasi Buah
Landslide is the main natural disaster in the study area of North Sumedang and South Sumedang sub-districts. The spatial distribution of landslide hazard and risk are not available yet that important for decision making. The aim of research is to provide geographic information system technology for developing a model for landslide hazard mitigation. The results show that a part of the area in the North Sumedang and South Sumedang subdistrict has moderate class covering 8.460,41 Ha (65,5%) and high landslide hazard is covering 2.798,44 Ha (21,67%), low landslide hazard zone 1.570,25 Ha (12,16%) and very low landslide hazard 85,69 Ha (0,66%). By combining landslide hazard and property value, a prediction of landslide risk was produced. Despite the majority of the area has low risk class (9.564,16 Ha/74,07%), but the high risk area occurred in minimal places (86,44 Ha/0,67%). This phenomena showed that area with high potential level of landslide hazard is not always having a high value of risk. Since the risk calculation is determined by properties value such as: infrastructure, road network and land use. While the landslide hazardous level is determined by natural factors such as : slope, soil type, geology and land use.GIS, landslide hazard, landslide risk, disaster mitigationMubekti, dan Fauziah Alhasanah
258Aplikasi SIG Untuk Memahami Fenomena Tutupan Lahan dengan Citra SatelitSeasonal characteristics of vegetation, such as growing season are closely related to characteristics of the lower atmosphere, and are therefore important variables in global models and vegetation monitoring. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data derived from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration?s (NOAA) Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) satellite sensor offer a means of efficiently and objectively evaluating vegetation response over large geographic areas. Those vegetation responses were computed based on time-series NDVI data collected from May 1997 to April 1998 over South East Asia. Measure of growing season was computed and analyzed for land cover type. It is difficult if not impossible to objectively define an absolute the time of the growing season from satellite observations. The purpose of this paper is to determine the threshold of the growing season by using Geographic Information System (GIS).GIS, Satellite Data, Growing Season,ThresholdTeguh Prayogo
259Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Geografiuntuk Penghitungan Koefisien Aliran Daerah Aliran Sngai (Das)?According to Cook, drainage basin characteristics factor yielding high surface stream are 1. Relief 2. Infiltration 3. Landuse, and 4. Drainage density. These physical parameter is use to determine runoff coefficient of catchment area, with application of Geographical Information System (GIS) application on Ciliwung catcment area above Depok. Steps to analyse of runoff coefficient are scoring of each classification of relief, infiltration, landuse and drainage density, and then all of the four maps which have score are overlay to become a map of unit land. Runoff coefficient hereinafter is calculated and found out that runoff coefficient of Ciliwung catchment area is 0, 58.GIS, SIG, metode Cook, metode Bridge Branch, runoff coeffisient, Cathment area, DAS, CiliwungR. Haryoto Indriatmoko dan V. Ery Wibowo
260Global Dimming Dan Masa Depan Perubahan Iklim Di IndonesiaA-14-year (1979-1993) image satellites of Solar Radiation, NOAA and Sea Surface Height Anomaly of TOPEX/POSEIDON and ERS-2 have been used to study a reducing solar radiation received by the Earth (global dimming) and to predict local weather anomaly for the future climate prediction in the Indonesian region. The result shows that a dimming of solar radiation is of 16.6% during 14-year observation. It is higher than the mean increasing of global dimming of 2 - 3% for every decade. This explicitly indicates that the air pollution in the form of aerosols from industrial sectors has large contributions to this this dimming process. At the other side, there is a trend of dominant warm water in the southern Jawa-Bali that affect on the increasing of rainfall intensity in the Indonesian region. We predict that flood and a longer dark during the day time, and more variative local weather change will be more frequently happen in the Indonesian region in the dimming, global warming, radiasi sinar matahari, anomali tinggi permukaan lautFadli Syamsudin